An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1240

Chapter 1240

Chapter 1240

Chapter 1240

At this time, Tuoba Yuanqing said with a half-smile: “It is said that military and martial arts are indistinguishable. I am very curious. Which one is more powerful, your killing skills, or my martial arts attainments?”

As soon as these words came out, there was another commotion all around.

This is already a naked provocation.

As the saying goes, there are specialties in the art industry. If it is a formation of troops, Murong Zhenguo will naturally win.

But when it comes to martial arts cultivation, looking at the entire Jiangnan, there are not many people who can match Tuoba Yuanqing.

The problem is, others are already riding on his face. If Murong Zhenguo refuses, it will cause great damage to his reputation and dignity.

”Tuoba Yuanqing, you are not qualified to challenge the old general of the Murong family, let me meet you!”

At this time, a cold female voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a stunning woman wearing a red outfit with short silver hair walking in with a high profile.

The woman carried a three-foot green-edged sword. She had a cold temperament, indifferent eyes, and a somewhat heroic air between her brows.

The whole person looked majestic and heroic.

”Oh my god! It’s Hongying God of War! Hongying God of War is here too!”

”Holy shit! Did I read that right? Even the strongest female war goddess in the Dragon Kingdom is here? What happened today?”

”Gods fight! It’s really a fight between gods!”

Seeing Zhao Hongying entering the door with her sword in hand, everyone at the scene made another noise.

You know, these are the big guys who stand at the top of the Dragon Kingdom.

Normally, it would be a great honor for them to see one person, but now that so many shocking existences suddenly appear, it is really unbelievable.

”It’s her again? She’s here again!”

Cao Zhiyuan shrank his neck in fright and quickly hid behind Shangguan Hong.

The last time she was at Cao’s house, the scene where Zhao Hongying killed Cao Yiming with one sword was still vivid in her mind, and she already had a shadow in her heart.

Now that I saw this female murderer again, I couldn’t hide the fear in my heart.

”No way? Could it be that Hongying God of War was also invited by Lu Chen?”

Cao Jun and others looked pale as if they were struck by lightning.

The last time Zhao Hongying appeared at Cao’s house, they could regard it as a coincidence. Now that the other party appeared again, it was obvious that her relationship with Lu Chen was not simple.

”Zhao Hongying?”

Shangguan Hong frowned, his face became serious.

Looking at the entire Dragon Kingdom, among the younger generation, there are only a handful of people who can be better than him.

And Zhao Hongying is one of them.

He has struggled for many years, and now he is only a third-rank General Huwei, while Zhao Hongying has become a first-rank God of War, and already has the right to talk to the officials.

The gap between the two sides cannot be overstated by using the difference between clouds and mud.

”Oh? It turns out that the daughter of the Zhao family has arrived?”

Murong Zhenguo smiled slightly, not too surprised.

With Lu Chen’s identity here, it is not surprising that people from the Zhao family appeared.

”Hey! Why are you walking so fast? Can you wait for me?”

Just as Zhao Hongying entered the door, another group of people followed in behind.

The leader is a well-dressed man with a face like a crown jade.

The man was somewhat similar to Zhao Hongying, and his temperament was also extraordinary. Standing in the crowd, he seemed to stand out from the crowd, very brilliant.

It looks harmless to humans and animals, but the sharpness leaked from the eyes makes people shudder.

”Zhao Wuji! It’s the God of War, Zhao Wuji!”

After seeing the man’s appearance clearly, the audience exploded in an instant.


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