An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1244

Chapter 1244

Chapter 1244

Chapter 1244

When the Zhao family twins appeared, they thought the Shangguan family was doomed, and they were even prepared to be treated as scapegoats.

However, the appearance of Hu Xuehai and others was like a beam of light in the darkness, giving them hope of survival.

What about Governor Xia? What about old general Murong? Even if the twins of the Zhao family are added to the list, they cannot really threaten the status of the Shangguan family in front of a group of dignitaries headed by the Minister of War.

”Hong’er, today is your engagement day, and I don’t have anything to give you as a teacher. This jade pendant has been with me for many years, and now I give it to you. I hope you will continue your efforts and reach new heights in the future.”

Hu Xuehai smiled, took out a simple jade pendant, and handed it to Shangguan Hong.

”Thank you, teacher.”

Shangguan Hong took it with both hands, respectfully.

”Lord Earl, something seems to be wrong with you here? Why do you look so tense?” Hu Xuehai quickly noticed something was wrong.

”My lord Hu, we encountered some troubles at home today. Thank you for coming in time, otherwise my Earl’s Mansion would have been demolished.” Shangguan Pengcheng said meaningfully.

”Oh? Who is so bold and dares to act wild in the Earl’s Mansion?” Hu Xuehai raised his eyebrows slightly.

”Far away in the horizon, close in front of you.” Shangguan Pengcheng glanced forward.

Hu Xuehai took advantage of the situation and scanned everyone’s faces one by one: “The Governor of Southern Province, the veteran protector of the country, the twin stars of the Zhao family… there are so many people here.”

”Teacher, these guys are going too far. I hope you can uphold justice for us.” Shangguan Hong looked respectful.

”Don’t worry, I have a good teacher here, no one dares to make mistakes.”

Hu Xuehai held his head high and stared at Lu Chen and his group with sharp eyes: “Everyone, if you come to congratulate me today, I will welcome you, but if you want to cause trouble, I, Hu, will never agree!”

”Master Hu, it’s not us who are causing trouble, it’s the Shangguan family who has provoked people they shouldn’t have provoked.”

Zhao Wuji said calmly: “For the sake of the fact that we are officials in the same dynasty, I would like to advise you not to meddle in other people’s affairs, so as not to get burned.”

”Oh? Are you threatening me?”

Hu Xuehai sneered: “Zhao Wuji, if your father were here, I would sell some thin noodles. As for you two, they are still a little short of cooking.”

Although the Zhao family is powerful, he is not a soft persimmon. To be able to sit in his current position, his network of connections spreads throughout the court.

He doesn’t need to be too afraid of the two young juniors.

”Hu Xuehai! I’m not in the mood to talk nonsense with you. If you dare to stand up for the Shangguan family, don’t blame me for turning against you!”

Zhao Hongying pointed her sword at an angle, her eyes sharp.


At this time, Zhang Guozhong, the commander of the Imperial City Army, suddenly stood up and yelled: “Zhao Hongying! Do you still have some sense of superiority? In any case, Mr. Hu is your senior. What’s the point of your rude words here?” Decency?”

”Zhang! Who do you think you are? Do you want to tell me what to do?” Zhao Hongying was rude.

”Zhao Hongying! Don’t be too arrogant! Even though you are the God of War, I may not be afraid of you!” Zhang Guozhong said sharply.

As the commander of the Imperial City Army, although he was only a second-grade military general, he was successful because he held great power and was deeply trusted by the officials.

Even facing the female war goddess of the Dragon Kingdom, he still has the qualifications to challenge her.

”If you are not afraid, then have a fight with me. Follow the rules of a military commander and live or die according to destiny!” Zhao Hongying slowly raised her sword.


Zhang Guozhong was about to have a fit, but Hu Xuehai raised his hand to stop him: “Zhao Hongying, this is not a frontier, and you are not allowed to act recklessly. If you really dare to act recklessly, I will definitely give you a copy in front of the officials!”

”And I……”

At this time, Sun Kang, the eldest son of Marquis Deyi, also stood up and said calmly: “The Marquis Mansion will never sit idly by and ignore such arrogant, domineering and disrespectful behavior such as bullying the imperial officials and making a scene in the Earl’s Mansion. “

”That’s right! We will never allow anyone to do evil here!”

At this moment, a group of dignitaries from Yanjing spoke out in support.

For a while, the Shangguan family was full of momentum.


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