An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1259

Chapter 1259

Chapter 1259

Chapter 1259

Shangguan Hong’s sword was fast and fierce. When the sword was released, it was like a rainbow piercing the sun.

Wherever it passed, strong winds roared, sand and rocks flew, and even the air was torn open.

It looks extremely scary!

”What a fast sword! What a terrifying sword energy! You are worthy of being a martial arts master!”

”As soon as this sword comes out, the gods and demons will give way. Let me see how Lu Chen can block it now!”

”I have a hunch that Hong’er is going to decide the fate with one sword!”

Seeing Shangguan Hong’s stunning sword strike, the clan members of the Shangguan family were in high spirits and excited, as if they were sure of victory.

Even Shangguan Pengcheng, who was quite worried before, breathed a long sigh of relief at this moment.

He has been worried about whether his grandson has really broken through to the master realm, and now it seems that it is not false at all.

In fact, it is much stronger than ordinary martial arts masters.

It should be stable now.

”Defeat me!”

Shangguan Hong roared angrily, and the sword became even sharper, piercing Lu Chen’s chest.


Lu Chen did not dodge or evade. Facing the terrifying sword power, he just stretched out two fingers and gently clamped the sword’s edge.


Shangguan Hong only felt that as soon as the power of the sword stopped, all the edges collapsed, like an egg suddenly hitting a stone.

There is no ability to resist.


Shangguan Hong took a closer look and couldn’t help but change his expression.

He never expected that his powerful blow would be easily blocked by Chase Lu, and he only used two fingers.

Looking at the other party’s calm and calm appearance, it seemed as if he was using all his strength.

”Blocked… blocked? How is that possible?!”

”Not only did he block it, but he also used it with his bare hands. It’s really scary!”

“The martial arts master’s full blow can actually be caught with his fingers. What kind of monster is this guy?!”

Looking at the scene in front of them, the audience was shocked.

They thought that there would be a peak showdown between geniuses between Lu Chen and Guan Hong, but they didn’t expect that they had just fought, and they were already high and low.

Just the move of holding the sword between the fingers is enough to prove that Lu Chen is far more powerful than Shangguan Hong.

”How did this happen? Is Hong’er going to lose?”

At this moment, Shangguan Pengcheng and a group of clan members were in inexplicable shock and panic.

They pinned all their hopes on Shangguan Hong, if they could not win, they would all be in disaster!

”Shangguanhong, is this your strength?”

Lu Chen’s face was calm and his eyes were contemptuous.

While speaking, he flicked his fingers.


Accompanied by the sound of gold and iron clashing.

The sword in Shangguanhong’s hand was directly bounced more than ten meters away, and plunged into the ground upside down.

On the other hand, Shangguanhong himself was shaken back again and again under the huge impact force, taking one step at a time.

With just one finger, it’s up to you to decide.

”Shangguanhong, you are defeated.”

Lu Chen spoke lightly, completely losing interest.

”No! Impossible! How could I lose to you? I don’t accept it!”

Shangguan Hong, who was hit hard, became crazy.

He took out a pill and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

As soon as the pill fell into his stomach, his body began to tremble violently.

The meridians in the body crackled even more, like fried beans.

”Bang, bang, bang…”

Just heard a burst of beeping.

Shangguanhong’s eyes were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes, and the veins on his face were even more bulging, making him look extraordinarily ferocious.

At the same time, the Gang Qi in his body spurted out like a mountain.


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