An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1262

Chapter 1262

Chapter 1262

Chapter 1262

Among his peers, he stands out from the crowd.

He can achieve the results that others have worked hard for for many years, without any pressure.

He always thought that he was the chosen one, the emperor’s order, the supreme being who was above all living beings.

But now he understands what it means that there are people outside the world and there is a sky outside the world.

The talents and achievements that he was proud of were not worth mentioning in front of Lu Chen.

”It turns out that I’m just a frog in a well.”

Shangguanhong, who was deeply hit, couldn’t help but smile miserably.

At this moment, his Taoist heart completely collapsed and he no longer had any fighting spirit.

Only deep despair remains.

He had won all his life, but lost just once.

But this time, it ruined his life.

”I’m willing to admit defeat and hand over the treasure map.”

Lu Chen stepped forward and said condescendingly.

Shangguan Hong said nothing, lying on the ground, looking at the blue sky, his eyes gradually losing focus.

The whole person was like a dead tree with no life left.


Lu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, quite surprised.

The punch he just punched was not fatal enough.

With Shang Guanhong’s cultivation level, he should be able to hold on.

But now, the vitality in the other party has completely passed away.

It looked like a soulless corpse.

”I can’t bear such a small blow. It’s a waste of great talent.” Lu Chen shook his head.

Shangguan Hong is indeed a rare genius with a bright future.

But unfortunately, the other party has had a smooth life and has never encountered any obstacles.

Now I suddenly suffered a huge blow, and my heart couldn’t bear it at all, which eventually led to my death.

Lu Chen squatted down, rummaged through Shangguan Hong’s body, and finally found a roll of parchment.

After unfolding it, it turned out to be a treasure map.

There are three treasure maps in the Cao family, and he has already obtained two.

If you put together one more piece, you can put together a complete treasure map, and you can find treasures that are as rich as the enemy.

In the past, he didn’t care about money and fame, but now, he has changed his view.

Because he wanted revenge and cleared up his mother’s grievances, he had to recruit soldiers and build his own power.

To do this requires massive wealth.

”Hong’er? Hong’er!”

Shangguan Pengcheng staggered to his grandson’s body and began to cry, heartbroken.

The clan members of the Shangguan family were also saddened by the death of the rabbit and the fox.

”Brother, what should we do with these guys? How about just eradicating them?”

Lu Tianba stepped forward and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

”Shangguan’s family is not a small family. Just killing them all like this will inevitably shake the court, and it will be very troublesome then.” Lu Chen shook his head slightly.

”What should we do? We can’t let them go, right?” Lu Tianba stared at them eagerly.

”You can’t kill them, but you can invite them to Xiliang as guests. From then on, you can’t leave Xiliang again.” Lu Chen said lightly.

”Huh? Good idea, let’s do it like this!” Lu Tianba’s eyes lit up.

Xiliang is the territory of the Lu family. Bringing these guys to Xiliang and putting them under house arrest can save them from worries.

If there is a war, it can be sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder to reduce some damage, which is the best of both worlds.

”Shangguan family, it’s over…”

When they saw Shangguan Pengcheng being arrested, everyone knew that there was no room for the Shangguan family to stand up.

Once the top of the three, the Earl’s Mansion was revered by everyone.

Now the situation is over and the road is ending.

The original brilliance and brilliance will be completely submerged in the long river of time, turning into a little dust and disappearing.


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