An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1265

Chapter 1265

Chapter 1265

Chapter 1265

”help me?”

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn’t help being slightly startled and a little suspicious: “Your Highness, the eldest princess, with your status, I’m afraid it’s not easy for you to interfere in this matter.”

The Bauhinia City Rebellion ten years ago would obviously not have been possible without the involvement of imperial power.

And Li Yishuang is a relative of the emperor, so just such an identity is not enough to gain trust.

”What? Do you think I can’t help you, or do you don’t trust me?” Li Yishuang said something meaningful.

”I’m just worried that I’ll cause trouble to you.” Lu Chen answered vaguely.

”Chang Ge, I know you have concerns, but I sincerely help you.”

Li Yishuang said sincerely: “Today, I am not the eldest princess, but Princess Wei, your little mother. Now we are both prosperous and devastated. I believe you should understand this truth.”

”I understand, but I’m curious, how do you plan to help me?” Lu Chen asked.

”As for what happened ten years ago, the palace has been secretly investigating and has collected a lot of information. Although the real mastermind has not yet been found, we have some clues.”

As Li Yishuang spoke, he suddenly took out an envelope and put it on the table: “We have been investigating for a long time and found that besides you and the drunkard, there was another survivor of the Purple City Rebellion. He should be able to help uncover the truth. fierce.”

”Survivor? Who is it?” Lu Chen immediately became energetic.

”Thank you Sinian!” Li Yishuang spit out three words.

”What? Uncle Xie is not dead? Are you sure?!” Lu Chen jumped up instantly.

Xie Sinian is his personal guard captain and is very powerful.

After they were ambushed, Xie Sinian led his team to the front and fought bloody battles without fear of death.

He remembered clearly that it was Xie Sinian who led him out of the encirclement regardless of life and death, and then stayed behind alone to buy time for him to escape when the pursuers arrived.

In the end, he could only watch helplessly as Xie Sinian charged into the midst of thousands of troops and was drowned by the sea of people.

He thought that Xie Sinian would definitely die, but now he was extremely excited when he heard the news that Xie Sinian survived.

”Absolutely true.”

Li Yishuang looked serious: “Although Xie Sinian was seriously injured back then, fortunately, he had a deep foundation and did not completely die. He was later rescued and was lucky enough to save his life.”

”Uncle Xie is still alive, it’s great!” Lu Chen was surprised: “Where is he now? Can you meet me?”

”Xie Sinian is in Yanjing. This letter contains his specific address, but it may not be easy for you to see him.” Li Yishuang shook his head.

”What do you mean? Did Uncle Xie get arrested?” Lu Chen frowned.

”It’s not that he was caught. It’s just that after the battle, Xie Sinian was seriously injured. Although he saved his life, he became a vegetative state and remained unconscious.” Li Yishuang explained.

”Are you unconscious?” Lu Chen’s face looked a little ugly.

I have been bedridden for ten years, conscious but unable to move.

This kind of torture is unbearable.

”Mom, you’ve been talking for a long time, doesn’t that mean you didn’t say anything?”

Lu Tianba couldn’t help complaining: “Xie Sinian has become a vegetative state, how can he help me find the truth? It’s not a problem if it doesn’t drag him down.”

”It depends on your brother’s ability. If he can revive Xie Sinian, then what happened back then may soon come to light.” Li Yishuang said meaningfully.

”What if I can’t be saved?” Lu Tianba asked back.

”If we can’t save him, we can only resign ourselves to fate.” Li Yishuang sighed softly.

”No! I will definitely cure Uncle Xie. No matter what the cost, I will make him wake up!” Lu Chen clenched his fists and his eyes were firmer than ever before.

As long as you are not dead, there is still hope.

No matter how difficult it is, he will cure Xie Sinian.

”Changge, Yanjing is not our territory. It is difficult for us to develop our power there and the information we get is limited, so we can’t help you much. From now on, you will have to rely on yourself.” Li Yishuang said seriously.


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