An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1267

Chapter 1267

Chapter 1267

Chapter 1267


After seeing off all the people, Lu Chen called all the hall leaders of the Qilin Gang into the conference hall and held a high-level meeting.

”It’s been a busy day today, everyone has worked hard.”

Lu Chen sat on the main seat, raised his hand and pressed down, indicating that everyone should sit down, and then said: “I have summoned everyone here temporarily, mainly because I have two things to announce. First, I plan to appoint Lao Zhang As the deputy leader of the Qilin Gang, he manages all matters within the gang.”

As soon as these words came out, all the hall leaders stood up one after another and saluted Lao Zhang: “Congratulations to Deputy Gang Leader Zhang! Congratulations to Deputy Gang Leader Zhang!”

Lao Zhang is strong, senior, and loyal to the Qilin Gang. He is even more resolute in doing things, and he is Lu Chen’s confidant.

It was natural for him to be qualified for the position of deputy gang leader, and no one in the room was dissatisfied.

”Thank you, Mr. Lu, for trusting me! I will do my best from now on!” Lao Zhang clasped his hands in his fists and looked serious.

Lu Chen not only saved his life, but also gave him a new life. He has always been grateful.

Now that it has been reused, there is nothing to repay.

”Very well, now let’s talk about the second thing.”

Lu Chen smiled slightly and continued: “In a few days, I plan to leave the provincial capital to do some errands. During my absence, Lao Zhang will be in charge of all matters within the gang.”

”What? Leave the provincial capital?”

Lao Zhang was slightly startled and said doubtfully: “Master Lu, if you have anything to do, just ask us to do it. Why do you need to go there yourself?”

”You can’t help me with this matter, I have to come forward in person.” Lu Chen shook his head.

Ever since he heard the news about Xie Sinian, he couldn’t hold it back anymore.

He planned to go to Yanjing immediately after helping Concubine Cao Xuan organize Cao Guan’s funeral.

On the one hand, it is to save people, and on the other hand, it is to investigate the truth of the year.

”Master Lu, you are our backbone. What will we do if you leave?” the leader of Mangtang said suddenly.

”The Qilin Gang is on the right track. It doesn’t matter if I’m here or not. Besides, if anything happens, Lao Zhang is fully capable of solving it.”

As Lu Chen said, he suddenly took out a pill and handed it to Lao Zhang: “This is the spirit- gathering pill I refined. It can help you quickly improve your cultivation. With it, you will have a great chance. Break through to the master level.”

”Spirit Gathering Pill?!”

Looking at the blue pill in front of him, Lao Zhang looked happy and his breathing became rapid.

The Spirit Gathering Pill is a top-quality elixir, a treasure that countless warriors dream of.

Rumor has it that as long as you take the Gathering Pill, you will have a high probability of directly breaking through!

In this world, there are many half-step masters, but martial arts masters are very rare.

The biggest reason is that the threshold of a master is too difficult to break through.

For example, he has been stuck for more than ten years and has not yet broken the shackles.

This threshold has almost become his obsession.

And now, with this Spirit Gathering Pill, he has at least a 50% chance of breaking through to the realm of martial arts master and reaching the sky in one step!

To him, this treasure is simply a timely gift!

”What are you doing in a daze? Take it.”

Lu Chen pushed the Spirit Gathering Pill forward and signaled to Lao Zhang to accept it.

”This, this, this… this treasure is too valuable. Mr. Lu, you should take it back. I really can’t afford it.”

After reacting, Lao Zhang declined again and again, looking a little panicked.

The Spirit Gathering Pill is simply a priceless treasure to a warrior, and even money cannot buy it.

Although he dreamed of it, he deserved it.

”What can’t you afford? We are all my brothers. If you are told to take it, you can take it. I don’t have any use for this thing anyway.”

While talking, Lu Chen forcibly stuffed the Juling Pill into Lao Zhang’s hands: “In the future, the Qilin Gang will rely on you to take care. The stronger you are, the more you will help me. I will not only help you, but also help you.” Myself.”

”Deputy Gang Leader, Mr. Lu is kind-hearted, just accept it.”

”Yes, if you can become a martial arts master, our brothers in the Qilin Gang can also benefit from it.”

Several hall masters persuaded them one after another.

”Thank you, Lord Lu, for your kindness!”

With a “dong” sound, Lao Zhang suddenly knelt on the ground, clasped his hands into fists, and said solemnly: “This subordinate is willing to go through fire and water for Mr. Lu, even to the death!”

”Okay, okay, get up quickly. If you say these words, you will be out of sight.” Lu Chen helped the person up with both hands.

Although the Spirit Gathering Pill is precious, it is worth every penny when used on one of your own people.

”It’s not just Lao Zhang, all of you are the same.”

Lu Chen glanced at him and said with a smile: “When your strength reaches the bottleneck, I will give each of you a Spirit Gathering Pill!”

”What? One for each?!”


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