An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281

”Divine Doctor Liu? Divine Doctor Liu is here?”

When everyone saw Liu Gongquan, they immediately surrounded him and freed Lu Chen.

Although Lu Chen’s performance just now was amazing, compared to Liu Gongquan, he was definitely far behind.

After all, Liu Gongquan has a good reputation and has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for many years.

No one can shake his position.

”Divine Doctor Liu! You are finally here, Jishi Hall almost suffered a disaster just now!”

”Yes, yes! People were killed just now, but luckily a little miracle doctor came to the rescue and saved the Jishi Hall sign!”

”Divine Doctor Liu, that little genius doctor, isn’t he your new disciple?”


The elders and aunties were noisy and full of gossip.

The noise of chirping immediately confused Liu Gongquan who had just entered.

He froze in place for a while, not knowing why.

”Everyone, please be patient and don’t be impatient… be patient and be patient…”

Liu Gongquan raised his hand and pressed it down. After everyone gradually became quiet, he asked: “What happened? Let’s talk slowly, don’t be in a hurry.”

”Let me tell you, I used to be the storyteller under the overpass!”

The old man volunteered and told the story of what had just happened.

It focuses on the heroic deeds of how Lu Chen saved people, how he brought the dead back to life, and how he saved Ji Shi Tang.

It was told so vividly and wonderfully.

The aunts around him applauded and looked at the uncle with a bit of admiration.

This clever eloquence directly gave him priority in choosing a mate.

”So that’s it.”

After hearing this, Liu Gongquan nodded suddenly, walked up to Lu Chen and smiled: “Little brother, thank you for your help. I didn’t expect that you have such medical skills at such a young age. You are truly a hero from a young age!”

”Mr. Liu received the award, but it was just a trivial trick, not worth mentioning.” Lu Chen said modestly.

”Okay, don’t be arrogant or rash, it’s really good.”

Liu Gongquan smiled and nodded, his eyes full of appreciation.

There are really too few young people studying Chinese medicine now, and those who are talented are even rarer.

He has been looking for a suitable successor, but has never been successful.

Now that Lu Chen appeared, he saw hope.

Although he didn’t see it with his own eyes, he can be sure that the young man in front of him is not simple.

”Master Liu, I’m visiting this time to ask for advice. I wonder if I can take a step to speak?” Lu Chen cupped his hands slightly.

”Of course, please come upstairs.”

Liu Gongquan did not refuse, and took Lu Chen directly to the second floor.

Jishitang has three floors.

The first floor is where the medical clinic conducts consultations.

The second floor is Liu Gongquan’s residence, and occasionally welcomes distinguished guests.

The third floor is closed all year round and not open to the public.

Lu Chen followed Liu Gongquan up to the second floor. As soon as he entered the living room, he saw a beautiful girl lying on the sofa playing with her mobile phone.

The girl was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, lying lazily on her stomach, her two white, tender and slender legs swayed up and down alternately, hitting her buttocks, full of elasticity.

Especially those jade feet, delicate as pearls, flawless white jade, like a perfect work of art, very attractive to look at.

”Little brother, let me introduce you. This is my granddaughter, Liu Xiangsi, who is quite accomplished in both Chinese and Western medicine.” Liu Gongquan said with a smile.

”Hello, Miss Liu.” Lu Chen greeted politely.


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