An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1284

Chapter 1284

Chapter 1284

Chapter 1284

Liu Gongquan stared at Lu Chen with piercing eyes, as if he wanted to see some clues from the other person’s face, but unfortunately he didn’t see any flaws, and immediately said with some vigilance: “Why should I believe you?”

”Doctor Liu, if I seek revenge, I can easily kill both of you.”

While Lu Chen was speaking, he flicked his finger and a blast of energy shot out.

The next second, the vase on the window sill suddenly exploded with a bang, and the fragments scattered all over the floor.


Liu Gongquan’s eyelids twitched, his face serious.

He is obviously a martial arts master who can use his strength to break the air and break bottles.

If he really has the intention to kill, he really can’t stop it.

So now, he has no choice.

”Doctor Liu, I have offended you so much, please forgive me.” Lu Chen handed over again.

”Okay! I believe for the moment that you are here to repay your kindness, but unfortunately, you are already too late.”

Liu Gongquan stepped aside, looked at Xie Sinian on the bed, and said, “Xie Engong became a vegetative state ten years ago and has not woken up yet. All the methods I have tried have never worked.”

”Doctor Liu, let me try it. I’m proficient in some strange medical skills and I might be able to help.” Lu Chen walked to the hospital bed.


Liu Gongquan shook his head: “Young man, it’s not that I look down on you. Regarding Xie Engong’s illness, it is by no means as simple as you think. There is a strong energy in his body that I still can’t resolve. I can only rely on elixirs to cure it.” Live on.”

Ten years ago, Xie Sinian was injured so seriously that his vitality was severely damaged and his body functions were almost wiped out.

Although he was forced to stay alive, the symptoms were treated but not the root cause and he could not be revived.

The most important thing is that there is still a terrifying energy left in Xie Sinian’s body, which is constantly destroying the eight extraordinary meridians.

He tried many methods, but could not extradite this energy, which was also the cause of the disease.

”Okay, just try it and you’ll know.”

Lu Chen didn’t say much, but sat by the bed and began to feel Xie Sinian’s pulse.

But soon, he suddenly frowned.

Liu Gongquan was right, Xie Sinian was indeed seriously ill, even worse than he expected.

If it weren’t for his good foundation and the magical elixir to extend his life, he would have died long ago.

Lu Chen took a deep breath, tried to inject a burst of Qi into Xie Sinian’s body, and began to check the situation.

However, the next second, something seemed to be triggered in his body, and an extremely domineering zhenqi suddenly surged forward.

The two qi collided with each other, fought with each other, and finally died together.

”It’s really weird!”

Lu Chen’s face became serious.

After the test just now, he was surprised to find that Xie Sinian was not just injured, but had been sealed.

This seal was hidden deep and was always damaging Xie Sinian’s body.

And once an external force enters, the seal will be activated and there will be a fierce backlash.

No wonder Liu Gongquan has been helpless, no wonder Xie Sinian has never woken up.

It turns out that there is another world inside.

”Little brother, if it doesn’t work, forget it. Don’t force yourself. I’m afraid it will be difficult for Mr. Xie to wake up in this life.” Liu Gongquan couldn’t help but sigh.

”Doctor Liu, you are wrong. Uncle Xie will definitely wake up, because I can cure this disease!” Lu Chen said in surprise.

”What did you say? Can it be cured?”

Liu Gongquan was a little suspicious that he heard it wrong: “Little brother, are you kidding me? I have been studying this disease for ten years and I still have no way to solve it. You actually say you can cure it?”

How could a young man in his early twenties be able to cure a strange disease that even he couldn’t do anything about?


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