An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1290

Chapter 1290

Chapter 1290

Chapter 1290

She really didn’t understand why her grandfather would tell this secret to a young man she just met?


Liu Gongquan’s expression froze and he was quite embarrassed.

He couldn’t say that the other party had forced his way in, right?

”Xie Sinian is my uncle. I came to visit him this time just to see him.” Lu Chen explained.

”That’s right, that’s right, this little brother Lu is the nephew of Mr. Xie Engong. He should be regarded as his uncle.” Liu Gongquan said seriously.

”Nephew? Uncle?”

Liu Xiangsi looked up and down, looking suspicious: “Grandpa, you won’t be deceived, right? Uncle Xie has been sleeping here for ten years, and a nephew suddenly appears. Do you think it is possible?”

”Girl, you are too worried. I believe in Brother Lu’s character.” Liu Gongquan looked serious.


Liu Xiangsi was about to say something, but Liu Gongquan raised his hand and interrupted: “Okay, okay, I’ll talk about it later. You just said something happened down there, what happened?”

”Oh, that ruffian Zhang Long is here again. He said that the medicine you prescribed last time not only failed to cure his injury, but also worsened his condition. If you don’t give him an explanation today,

he will demolish our Jishi Hall. !” Liu Xiangsi was a little indignant.

Hearing this, Liu Gongquan immediately frowned: “I thought I could delay it for a little longer, but I didn’t expect the trouble would come so quickly.”

”Doctor Liu, what’s wrong?” Lu Chen asked tentatively.

”It’s like this. Our Jishi Hall is in a good location, has a big appearance, and is well-known. There was a pharmaceutical company that wanted to buy my Jishi Hall, but I rejected it many times. Later, it often found people to make trouble and corrupted my Jishi Hall. The reputation of the church.” Liu Gongquan explained.

”Oh? Are you trying to buy and sell by force?” Lu Chen raised his eyebrows: “How dare you be so arrogant under the emperor’s feet? Isn’t there anyone who cares about it?”

”Sigh… It’s useless to report this kind of thing to the police. Those gangsters are very clever. They just make all kinds of trouble anyway. They will run away immediately when the patrol comes. Even if one group is caught, there will be a second group. Moreover, they have a tough background and were released after only a few days.” Liu Gongquan looked helpless.

When a scholar meets a soldier, he can’t explain why.

Although he is a miracle doctor, there is really nothing he can do about this kind of thing.

After a few months, I was exhausted both physically and mentally.

”Doctor Liu, let’s go down and have a look together. I have experience in dealing with people like this. Maybe I can help.” Lu Chen took the initiative to say.

Liu Gongquan has taken care of Xie Sinian for ten years, and he must repay this kindness.

”You? What can you do?”

Liu Xiangsi curled her lips and said with disdain: “Zhang Long is a well-known local snake in Nancheng, and he has the backing of a big shot. How can you, a foreigner, fight with me?”

”Yeah little brother Lu, you can’t afford to mess with people like Zhang Long, don’t ask for trouble, let me handle it, anyway, in this area of Nancheng, I’m still a bit famous, they don’t dare to mess up Come.” Liu Gongquan said with a complex expression.

”Grandpa, you don’t have to worry too much. I have already notified the senior brother. As long as he arrives, he will definitely be able to calm Zhang Long. Let’s go down for a while.” Liu Xiangsi said confidently.

”It seems we can only rely on Cong’er.” Liu Gongquan nodded: “Let’s go, go down and meet them.”

After saying that, he led the two of them straight downstairs.

At this moment, in the medical center on the first floor.

A man with scars on his face and flesh all over his body was sitting on the counter of the medical clinic with a golden knife.

The man held a knife in his hand and was peeling an apple to eat leisurely.

Afterwards, a group of younger brothers, screaming, drove all the patients out of the room.

Several doctors and a group of apprentices from Jishi Hall were all so frightened that they huddled in the corner, trembling.

I dare not say anything at all.

”Hey, hey, hey! Where is Liu Gongquan? Get him out of here!”

Zhang Long, the man with the scar, was a little impatient, and cursed: “I’ll count to three, if he doesn’t come out again, I’ll smash the signboard of your Jishitang!”


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