An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1293

Chapter 1293

Chapter 1293

Chapter 1293

There are eight wealthy families in Yanjing, and the Song family is one of them.

As a century-old clan, the power of the Song family is deeply rooted in Yanjing and has a very strong foundation.

Especially in Nancheng, this area is known as covering the sky with one hand!

He is the well-deserved No. 1 tyrant in Nancheng!

Looking at the entire Nancheng, the only people who can rival the Song family are the Wang family, which is also a wealthy family.

As for the Liu family, although they are a famous family, they are a whole class behind compared to wealthy families like the Song family.

So after hearing the name of the Song family, Liu Cong couldn’t help but change his face.

The arrogance just now completely disappeared, replaced by fear and solemnity.

”Young Master Liu, I know you have a noble status, but you’d better not get involved in some things, otherwise, once the Song family gets angry, the consequences will be serious. You have to figure it out yourself.” Zhang Long grinned.

He had already investigated the background of Jishitang. Without the support of a strong backer, how could he dare to be so unscrupulous?

”Zhang Long! Stop pretending in front of me. How can someone like you have anything to do with the Song family?” Liu Cong shouted in a deep voice.

”The Song family is upright and cherishes feathers. There are some things that are inconvenient to deal with, so it’s the turn of us low-level people.”

Zhang Long said with a smile but not a smile: “Master Liu, I would like to advise you not to meddle in other people’s business, so as not to get burned.”

”Presumptuous! Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of talking to me like this?” Liu Cong was a little embarrassed.

”I don’t deserve it, but the Song family does. If you insist on pushing forward, you will be responsible for the consequences.” Zhang Long said angrily.

”Hmph! Do you think I’ll be afraid if you move out of the Song family? Let me tell you, Yanjing is a place where the king’s law is taught, and the Song family can’t cover the sky with just one hand!” Liu Cong shouted sternly.

Everyone in Jishi Hall was watching. As a prominent family, they naturally couldn’t be intimidated by a group of gangsters.

”Really? My Song family can’t cover the sky with just one hand, how can your Liu family?”

At this time, a high-pitched voice suddenly sounded at the door.

Immediately afterwards, a well-dressed, ugly-looking middle-aged man walked in with his head held high.

The man’s face was pockmarked, he had rosacea, and there was a black mole the size of a soybean on the wing of his nose.

There are a few hairs growing on the mole, which looks a little funny.

”Hey! Isn’t this Butler Song? Why are you here?”

As soon as he saw the visitor, Zhang Long immediately ran up to him with a flattering and humble look.

The ugly man in front of him is Song Zhong, the housekeeper of the Song family.

”Hmph! The job has been lingering for so long, and it hasn’t been done for so long. If I don’t come, can you hold back the situation?” Song Zhong glanced sideways, very upset.

”Yes, yes, what Steward Song taught me is that you are wise and powerful, and your ability as a villain is naturally not comparable to yours.”

Zhang Long smiled apologetically, and slapped him with smooth flattery.

Giving Song Zhong a smile on his face, the whole person was a little smug.

”Because you are so good at talking, I will forgive you the guilt of not doing things well.” Song Zhong raised his head.

”Song Steward is benevolent and righteous, and rewards and punishments are clearly defined. No wonder he can manage the Song family in an orderly manner.” Zhang Long continued to flatter.

”Okay, okay, stop chatting and get down to business first.”

Song Zhong waved his hand, then turned his eyes to Liu Cong, and the old man said calmly: “Young Master Liu, I just heard what you said, and it seemed that I was very dissatisfied with my Song family. Is this happening?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s eyes were on Liu Cong.

A group of people on Zhang Long’s side were gloating and looking like they were watching a play.

The people on Jishitang’s side were full of nervousness and fear.

Even though Liu Cong is powerful and powerful, facing a behemoth like the Song family, he still can’t get the slightest advantage.


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