An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1302

Chapter 1302

Chapter 1302

Chapter 1302

”Benefiting the common people?”

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn’t help being a little funny.

This Liu Cong really has a set of words.

He is obviously extremely greedy, but he speaks in a grand and grand manner and portrays himself as a glorious and majestic image.

It’s really disgusting.

Although Song Zhong is greedy, he is at least willing to spend money to buy it.

The guy in front of me was good, he didn’t spend any money and wasted nothing.

It’s really shameless.

”Hey! My senior brother is talking to you, do you hear it?”

Seeing that Lu Chen remained silent, Liu Xiangsi became a little impatient: “When you enter Jishi Hall, you have to listen to us. The prescription for Jade Dew Cream will be regarded as your contribution to Jishi Hall. You will be indispensable for future benefits!”

”I’ll say it for the last time, the prescription will not be passed on to anyone else.” Lu Chen said coldly.

”Hey! I asked you, why are you as stupid as a stick and so ignorant?”

Liu Xiangsi said angrily: “My senior brother wants your prescription not because of personal gain, but to benefit the public and save patients. What a lofty ambition this is. Shouldn’t you support it?”

”Do you think it’s appropriate to use my things to fulfill his ambition?” Chase Lu asked.

”What’s inappropriate? As the saying goes, doctors are benevolent, but you are too selfish, right? You have no human touch at all!” Liu Xiangsi sneered.

”You are not selfish, you are benevolent, you are generous, and you have a bodhisattva heart. How about you donate all your property?”

”Oh, by the way, there are two beggars squatting on the street outside. Can you give them all your house, car, clothes, bags, and various luxuries?”

”It benefits the common people!”

Lu Chen began to sneer back at each other, every word was sarcasm.

The Virgin or something, I hate it the most.

”You…you are clearly abusive!”

Liu Xiangsi’s pretty face turned red, and she became a little angry with embarrassment.

”What? Don’t want to? Didn’t you just say it beautifully? Why can’t you sacrifice yourself for others? Since you can’t do it, why are you asking me here? Are you having too much double standards?” Lu Chen continued to be aggressive.

I didn’t want to care too much about it at first, but in the end, this woman kicked her nose and slapped her face to no end.

Do you really think that you are a soft persimmon who can be manipulated as you please?

”You, you, you…you are presumptuous!”

Liu Xiangsi’s face turned red and she was extremely emotional: “I am your senior sister, how dare you disrespect me? You are simply disrespectful. I will offend you below!”

”Senior sister? You are just self-righteous.” Lu Chen sneered.

”I don’t care! You must hand over the prescription today, otherwise you will never be able to stay in Jishi Hall, I will expel you from the school!” Liu Xiangsi threatened sternly.

”Miss Liu, you misunderstood something. I never thought about joining Jishi Hall, so your threat is just a joke to me.” Lu Chen shrugged nonchalantly.

”you you……”

Liu Xiangsi was so angry that she stamped her feet and almost went crazy.

For a moment, my eyes were red and tears were falling down.

He actually cried out of anger.


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