An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1307

Chapter 1307

Chapter 1307

Chapter 1307

”I haven’t written it for a while. It’s a bit unfamiliar. I think I’d better forget it.” Lu Chen shook his head.

His handwriting can be easily discerned by knowledgeable people.

Although he is not afraid of revealing his identity now, if some people find out, he will still be in trouble.

”Unfamiliar? Humph! I think you just can’t do it!”

Liu Xiangsi sneered: “You obviously have no ability, but you still have to say it so high-sounding, it’s really disgusting!”

”Okay, okay, stop saying a few words. There are so many people watching, so don’t let others laugh at you.” Liu Gongquan began to smooth things over.

Although Lu Chen is quite capable, it would be a bit ridiculous to evaluate Qilinzi’s handwriting.

”Hmph! If you want to be embarrassed, it’s also embarrassing for this guy! Dare you touch Porcelain Qilinzi? Do you really think that we fans are just freeloaders?” Liu Xiangsi stared.

”Okay, it’s just a piece of writing. There’s no need to make it unpleasant. I’ve already reserved a seat upstairs. There are some rare treasures stored there, which are guaranteed to be an eye-opener for you.”

”Besides, there is a special event in the Imperial Building tonight. If we are lucky, we might even get a surprise.”

Liu Cong’s words instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

”Surprise? What surprise?”

Liu Xiangsi asked curiously.

”As far as I know, every three months, the Imperial Building holds a cultural party, where the competition is about poetry, songs, etc.”

”Whoever can outsmart the crowd and come out on top in this party will win the prize carefully prepared by the Imperial Tower.”

”So at this time, the Emperor Building is always overcrowded. If I hadn’t made a reservation in advance and made some connections, I’m afraid there won’t even be a seat today.” Liu Cong said enthusiastically.

I spent a lot of money to book a reservation to go upstairs just to see this cultural party.

After all, those who can enter the Imperial Tower are either rich or noble.

Now is also the best time to make friends with powerful people.

”Cultural party? Great!”

After listening, Liu Xiangsi instantly became energetic: “I have been familiar with poetry and songs since I was a child, and now it’s finally time for me to show off my skills!”

She was forced by her grandfather to read some books since she was a child, so she memorized a lot of things by rote.

In the past in school, she was even more eloquent, and was called a talented girl.

Now, the scenery of the past can be recreated.

”Senior Brother, you just said that there is a prize for winning the first prize. I wonder what it is?” Qian Chun asked tentatively.

”The prizes in the Imperial Tower are naturally not ordinary things.”

Liu Cong smiled and said, “If I’m not wrong, I should choose one from the Treasure Terrace. The so-called Treasure Terrace is some rare treasures specially collected by the owner of the Emperor Building. Worth a thousand pieces of gold!”

”Worth a thousand pieces of gold?!”

Upon hearing this, Qian Chun’s eyes shone and his breathing became rapid.

The other Jishi Hall disciples also looked happy.

If you can get your hands on a treasure worth thousands of gold, wouldn’t it mean that you would immediately become rich?

I didn’t expect that there would be such an opportunity just for a meal.

”Xiangsi, it will all depend on you for a while. If you can surpass the others with your skills, we can also benefit from it.”

”That’s right! If you win the treasure, our Jishi Hall can also use it to become famous!”

Many Jishi Hall disciples have cast their hopes on Liu Xiangsi.

They all knew that Liu Xiangsi was smart, talented and outstanding no matter what she did.

Especially in terms of poetry and poetry, because he has been nurtured since childhood, his level is extremely high, no worse than some experts.

”Don’t worry, when I win the leader and the treasure, I will definitely treat everyone to dinner!” Liu Xiangsi said arrogantly.

”Xiangsi, don’t be too proud. You need to know that there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world.” Liu Gongquan gave a timely reminder.


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