An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1317

Chapter 1317

Chapter 1317

Chapter 1317

”Hmph! What do you know? How can we use common sense to figure out the lantern riddles from the Imperial Tower?”

Liu Xiangsi said with a cold face: “Don’t think that just because you got a lucky guess, you can tell me what to do. In terms of real ability, you are not qualified!”

In her opinion, Lu Chen was lucky. A blind cat met a dead mouse, so he answered the first question correctly.

But this kind of luck cannot always exist.

”Really? It seems that Miss Liu is very confident in her answer.” Lu Chen half-smiled.


Liu Xiangsi raised her head: “I am well-read in poetry and books, and I am talented. If I can’t even figure out this little lantern riddle, how can I have the face to meet people in the future?”

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn’t help but laugh.

This woman is really not ordinary confident.

”Brother Lu, why don’t you share your opinion? We can discuss it together.” Liu Cong said.

”Since Mr. Liu is willing to listen, I will express some humble opinions.”

Lu Chen picked up his teacup and took a sip, then said: “Clouds cover the Mid-Autumn Festival moon, and rain drench the Lantern Festival lanterns. This sentence means that if the moon is covered

by clouds on the Mid-Autumn Festival night, then there will definitely be spring rain around the Lantern Festival next year.” Continuous, soaking the Lantern Festival lanterns.”

”Hmph! Of course I know what this means, why do you need to show off here?” Liu Xiangsi snorted coldly.

The clouds cover the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it rains on the Lantern Festival night.

This situation completely coincides with the two moods she mentioned.

”Brother Lu, so your answer is?” Liu Cong asked tentatively.

”Whereabouts unknown.” Lu Chen spat out four words.

”The whereabouts are unknown?” Liu Cong was slightly taken aback: “What do you mean?”

”Yungai Mid-Autumn Moon, alluding to rain, echoes the beginning and end of the last sentence, so the word “falling” refers to the falling rain. After the rain falls, the Lantern Festival lanterns are extinguished. Naturally, it is “unknown”, so the answer is ‘Whereabouts unknown’.” Lu Chen said calmly.

”That’s bullshit!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Xiangsi immediately retorted: “What’s missing? That’s nonsense! It’s just a superficial analysis like yours, without any profound meaning. Do you think the Imperial Tower will be as superficial as you?”

”I’m just solving the puzzle according to the question. Believe it or not, it’s up to you.” Lu Chen spread his hands.

There is no point in arguing with such an arrogant woman.

Because even if you say something extravagant, the other party will still be able to find faults and find various reasons to refute.

”Elder brother! Don’t listen to this guy’s nonsense, mine is the correct answer!” Liu Xiangsi said confidently.


Liu Cong looked left and right, looking a little hesitant.

The father-in-law said that the father-in-law was right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother- in-law was right. Their explanations sounded the same.

As for who to trust, he was still a little unsure.

”Elder brother, don’t you believe my judgment?”

Liu Xiangsi frowned and looked a little unhappy: “You should be very clear about my literary talent. The previous question was just a mistake. I am 100% sure that I can win this question!”

”Really?” Liu Cong raised his eyebrows.

”More real than pearls!” Liu Xiangsi looked serious.

”Okay! Since Junior Sister is so confident, I’ll try again!” Liu Cong became energetic.

Dare to say such words, must be full of confidence.

This time, nothing will go wrong again.

”Shopkeeper Chen, I know the answer to the puzzle.”

Liu Cong stood up again and attracted everyone’s attention.

I lost my face before, now I want to get it back no matter what.

”I’d like to hear the details.” The fat man nodded slightly.

”The clouds cover the Mid-Autumn Moon, and the rain drenched the Lantern Festival lanterns refers to two artistic conceptions, the joy of reunion and the regret of separation, so my answer is – joys and sorrows!” Liu Cong held his head high.

”Sorrows and joys?”


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