An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1329

Chapter 1329

Chapter 1329

Chapter 1329

Imperial Building, in the window seat on the second floor.

Yin Tao shook the red wine glass and looked at the watery night outside. The moon and stars were reflected in her beautiful eyes, carrying a strange charm.


At this time, a bodyguard in a suit suddenly stepped forward and reported in a low voice: “There was an accident just now. The target you wanted us to keep an eye on has disappeared.”


Yin Tao raised an eyebrow: “What do you mean?”

”The target is quite powerful. He just defeated dozens of people with his bare hands and then disappeared mysteriously.” The bodyguard lowered his head.

”Oh? So you’re still a master?”

Yin Tao smiled, her beautiful eyes glowed brightly, and she became more interested: “I thought it was just handsome, but I didn’t expect to have some skills. You can send someone to check and see what is the background of the other party? If the background is right, Win over as many as possible.”


The bodyguard responded and left quickly.

”Interesting, really interesting. I haven’t seen such interesting people in a long time.”

Yin Tao smiled slightly, then picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

She had a hunch that she had found a treasure.

The next day, early morning.

Lu Chen walked out of the hotel and went straight to Jishi Hall.

After getting rid of the people who were following him last night, he found a hotel near Jishi Hall to stay.

The primary mission of coming to Yanjing this time is to treat Xie Sinian and at the same time investigate the past events of that year.

With his current strength and the help of Tian Lingzhu, he is already qualified to pursue the truth.

Five minutes later, Lu Chen walked into Jishi Hall.

Today, Jishi Hall is as lively as ever. The people who come here for medical consultation are all uncles and aunts.

It was chattering like a vegetable market, noisy all the time.

Lu Chen had already greeted Liu Gongquan in advance, so he went directly to the second floor.

The door to the second floor has been opened, and Liu Gongquan has been waiting in the living room for a long time.

”Xiao Lu, are you here? Sit down.”

Liu Gongquan made the invitation with one hand, poured a cup of tea, and said apologetically: “I’m really sorry about what happened last night. Although that girl Xiangsi is willful, she doesn’t have any bad intentions. I hope you don’t have the same experience as her.”

”It’s nothing. What’s in the past is in the past. I just hope she can restrain her temper in the future.” Lu Chen smiled lightly.

Liu Xiangsi is unruly, willful and unreasonable.

If it weren’t for Liu Gongquan’s sake, he wouldn’t be so polite.

Of course, as long as it doesn’t violate his bottom line, there are some things that he doesn’t bother to worry about.

”I will discipline her well in the future, otherwise, if this continues, that girl will get into trouble sooner or later.” Liu Gongquan felt a little ashamed.

”By the way, Doctor Liu, how is Uncle Xie doing?” Lu Chen changed the subject.

”I have just checked. Mr. Xie’s condition is relatively stable for the time being, but it can only last for ten days and a half. We must refine the marrow-cleansing pill as soon as possible.” Liu Gongquan’s expression became solemn.

”Is there any news about the three main ingredients of the Marrow Cleansing Pill?” Lu Chen asked.

”I’ve already asked people to inquire. The Bingxinlian and Golden Marrow Jade are still unknown, but I do know where the Dragon Blood Ginseng is, but it’s a bit difficult to get.” Liu Gongquan sighed.

”Oh? Where is it?” Lu Chen became interested instantly.

”As far as I know, Dragon Blood Ginseng is kept as a treasure by the Wang family and is never easily shown to others.” Liu Gongquan said.

”The Wang family, one of the eight wealthy families?” Lu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

”That’s right.” Liu Gongquan nodded: “I have heard from you that Mr. Wang has been in poor health. This dragon blood ginseng is a good medicine to extend your life. It is difficult to buy dragon blood ginseng from the Wang family. sky.”

”It’s indeed a bit troublesome, but I still have to try.”

Chase Lu said thoughtfully: “Leave this matter to me. Doctor Liu, please hurry up and find out about the other two elixirs.”

”No problem. I have already mobilized my friends in the medical field. It will probably take a few days to find out the relevant whereabouts.” Liu Gongquan looked serious.


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