An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1339

Chapter 1339

Chapter 1339

Chapter 1339

When the door opened, everyone was stunned and looked over subconsciously.

Wang Zixuan, who was stylishly dressed and sweet-looking, walked in with an indifferent expression.

Behind him, Lu Chen was strolling leisurely.


”Miss Wang?”

After seeing the visitor, everyone’s expressions changed.

Especially Song Yingming, as if he was electrocuted, he immediately withdrew his hand from the waist of the girl in the red dress.

He immediately stood up, forced a smile and said, “Zixuan, why are you here?”

”What, you can come but I can’t come?”

Wang Zixuan first glanced at the girl in the red dress, and then fixed her eyes on Song Yingming.

Even though she had prepared her expectations before coming, she still couldn’t help but almost went crazy when she saw the intimate appearance of this couple.

”Of course you can come, but say hello to me before you come so I can make arrangements for you.” Song Yingming said with a smile.

”Don’t bother, I’m just taking a look.”

As Wang Zixuan spoke, she glanced at the nervous girl in the red dress on the sofa and said calmly: “Who is this next to you? Why do you look strange to me?”

”Oh? Are you talking about her? She is Guo Xun’s new girlfriend.”

As Song Yingming spoke, he winked at Guo Xun next to him.

The latter was slightly startled, then quickly understood and smoothed things over with a smile: “That’s right, sister-in-law, let me introduce you to her. This is my girlfriend, Su Xia, from the entertainment industry.”

”Hello, sister-in-law.”

Su Xia stood up quickly and forced out a smile.

Of course, she has heard of Miss Wang’s temper, and she is notoriously hot-tempered.

If you offend such a big shot, there will definitely be no good consequences.

”Why is Guo Xun’s girlfriend sitting next to you?” Wang Zixuan asked.

”Hey! I happen to be a fan of Miss Su, so I asked her for some advice about movies. Isn’t this just a chat, and you came in.”

After Song Yingming explained a few words with a smile, his expression became solemn: “Zixuan, you are not doubting me, are you? In the conscience of heaven and earth, I have changed my ways and will never do anything to regret you, I can swear! “

“What you do has nothing to do with me. I’m just here for fun.”

Wang Zixuan sat down on the empty seat of the sofa with a cold face.

The people next to them moved away subconsciously, and any fool could tell that Miss Wang was in a bad mood.


Song Yingming leaned forward cheekily, and sat next to Wang Zixuan: “What’s wrong today? I’m in a bad mood, why don’t I go out with you?”

”leave me alone!”

Wang Zixuan stared, and Song Yingming was too scared to sit too close.

”Hmph! If I want to go shopping, I need someone to accompany me. I dare not bother you, Young Master Song.”

As Wang Zixuan said, she looked at Lu Chen, smiled sweetly, and patted the seat beside her: “Brother Lu, come and sit here.”

Lu Chen had no choice but to sit beside him as he said.

On the left is Song Yingming, on the right is Wang Zixuan, the three of them are like a sandwich biscuit.

”Zixuan, who is this person?”

Song Yingming looked Lu Chen up and down, with a bad expression on his face.

He thought it was Wang Zixuan’s bodyguard just now, so he didn’t take it seriously.

Now it seems that the relationship between the two is not simple.

”Oh, this is Lu Chen, my boyfriend.” Wang Zixuan introduced with a smile.


Hearing this, Song Yingming’s expression immediately darkened.

What a few male girlfriends? I’m afraid it’s not friends with guns, right?

These days, it is impossible to have a pure friendship between a man and a woman.


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