An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1349

Chapter 1349

Chapter 1349

Chapter 1349

”Oh, is it so?”

He Pengfei followed Liu Cong’s gestures, and finally fixed his gaze on Lu Chen, and immediately looked up and down, observing carefully, with an invisible aggressiveness in his eyes.

”Sure enough, she is young and promising, and a good-looking talent.”

He Pengfei grinned: “Stop standing, sit down, I have something to talk to you about.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he sat down on the sofa next to him and drank the glass of red wine handed by the waiter in one gulp.

Full of panache.

”Brother Lu, this is the famous Mr. He. You have to behave well and don’t miss the opportunity.” Liu Cong smiled half-heartedly.

”So you brought me out here just for Mr. He?” Lu Chen said calmly.

”Young man, I asked Liu Cong to call you here to negotiate a deal with you.” He Pengfei took a deep breath from his cigar and then blew out a long smoke ring.

The smoke ring flew lightly towards Lu Chen’s face, but suddenly broke into pieces and disappeared into nothingness a foot away from it.


Lu Chen said expressionlessly: “Master He is talking about the formula of Jade Dew Cream, right?”

”Smart! I like talking to smart people best.”

He Pengfei snapped his fingers, grinned and said, “Since you know what I want, then just make an offer. How much will it cost? Just report the amount, and I won’t bargain.”

”Master He, I can’t sell you the formula of Jade Dew Cream.” Lu Chen refused.

”Why, do you think I can’t afford the price?” He Pengfei narrowed his eyes slightly.

”Brother Lu, one-third of the entire Nancheng’s economic lifeline is in the hands of Mr. He, and Mr. He’s wealth is far beyond your imagination!” Liu Cong chimed in at the right time.

”Young man, there are not many things that can interest me, and there are very few people who can negotiate with me. This is your chance to jump into the dragon’s gate. Take advantage of it.” Although He Pengfei was smiling, his eyes But with some warning.

”It’s not about the price, it’s about the Jade Dew Cream formula. I’ve already sold it.” Lu Chen said.

”What? Sold it?” Liu Cong’s eyes widened, and he became excited in an instant: “Who did you sell it to? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

He did everything possible, and he did not hesitate to ask Master He, just for the formula.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen would sell the formula to others.

”I have sold the formula of Yulu ointment to the Wang family, so I’m afraid you will be disappointed today.” Lu Chen spread his hands.

”Wang family?”

Hearing this, Liu Cong frowned immediately.

The Wang family is one of the eight wealthy families in Yanjing. It is obviously not easy to steal food from the other party.

”Young man, how much did the Wang family give you? I’m willing to pay double.” He Pengfei suddenly said.

With his power and the backing behind him, he is not afraid of the Wang family at all.

”Businesses have business ethics. Once the formula has been sold, you can’t go back on your word. If Mr. He wants, you can communicate with the Wang family.” Lu Chen said.

”Young man, if you can sell it to the Wang family, you can also sell it to me. One formula, two dollars, isn’t it delicious?” He Pengfei said with a smile.

”That’s right! You and Master He have a private deal, and the Wang family will never know about it. As long as you write down the formula and get the money, you can travel around and enjoy life without any worries.” Liu Cong followed suit.

”Once the Wang family finds out that I’m selling it a second time, I’m afraid I’ll have my life to take the money.” Lu Chen shook his head.

”Don’t worry, I will protect you from now on. The Wang family won’t dare do anything to you.” He Pengfei said with confidence.

”Master He, would you really fall out with the Wang family for an unrelated person?” Lu Chen said somewhat meaningfully.

”Hehe…you are indeed a smart person.”

He Pengfei put the cigar in the ashtray, pressed it, and said with a smile: “Although I won’t break up with the Wang family because of you, I can guarantee that if the Wang family can’t find you, this will keep you safe.”

”Master He, I can’t entrust my safety on others, so I can only say sorry to you.” Lu Chen shook his head.



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