An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1364

Chapter 1364

Chapter 1364

Chapter 1364

”Two hundred plants are not enough, just two plants.” Lu Chen smiled.

”I wonder which two medicinal herbs the young prince wants? I will order people to find them right away.” Long Xiuxian took a sip from the tea cup.

”Oh, it’s very simple. I want a Bingxin lotus and a golden marrow jade.” Lu Chenfeng said lightly.


Hearing this, Long Xiuxian spit out the sip of tea he had just taken, showing an exaggerated expression: “Young prince, did I hear you right? You just said you wanted Bing Xin Lian and Golden Marrow Jade?”

”That’s right.” Lu Chen nodded.

The reason why he proposed this condition in front of Long Xiuxian was mainly because he was worried about the slow efficiency of the Wang family.

Xie Sinian is in critical condition, so he can’t wait too long.

With the help of the Long family, it should be much faster.

”My young prince, do you know that these two medicines are extremely rare and top-quality elixirs?” Long Xiuxian’s voice was trembling.

”Elixirs are elixirs, but I believe that to the Long family, this is nothing, right?” Lu Chen said with a smile.

A piece of cake? You are so easy to say!

Long Xiuxian almost couldn’t help yelling.

First, the lion opened his mouth and asked for the Thousand Gold Table, and then asked for two priceless elixirs, which were also rare and rare.

Is this going to empty out the Long family?

”My young prince, it would be nice if I could buy it with money, but the best elixir is hard to come by. I don’t know where to look for it for a while?” Long Xiuxian looked embarrassed.

”Others can’t, but I believe you can do it, Mr. Long.” Lu Chen took another sip of tea.

”This…” Long Xiuxian frowned and did not dare to answer any more words.

”Lord Long, I wonder if you have heard about the massacre of the Chen family twelve years ago?” Lu Chen suddenly said.

Long Xiuxian’s eyelids twitched, and his body tensed unconsciously, but he remained calm on the surface: “I have heard about this a little bit, I wonder why the young prince mentioned this?”

”Nothing, I’m just curious.”

Lu Chen said meaningfully: “Dozens of members of the Chen family were killed overnight. Dali Temple has been investigating for many years, but they haven’t been found yet. Who do you think the murderer will be?”

In the end, his gaze was fixed on Long Xiuxian.

The fiery eyes made Long Xiuxian’s back feel like a light, and his scalp tingled.

Does this kid know something?

No! impossible!

What happened back then was kept extremely secretive by the Long family, leaving no witnesses or survivors, so it was impossible to leak it out.

But the question is, if Lu Changge didn’t know about it, why would he suddenly mention it?

Thinking of this, Long Xiuxian couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva and broke out in cold sweat.

The case of extermination of the Chen family has a lot to do with it.

Once exposed, it will be a fatal blow to the Long family!

”Master Long, let’s get back to the topic. Regarding the medicinal materials, there should be no problem, right?” Lu Chen smiled half-heartedly.

The Prince of Xiliang not only collected rare books from all over the world, but also had a lot of dirty information about high-ranking officials.

The black material about the Long family is the massacre of the Chen family.

”No problem at all.”

Long Xiuxian forced a smile: “It is an honor for our Long family to serve the young prince.”

”Thank you, Lord Long, for your generous help.”

Lu Chen nodded slightly and followed: “Now, let’s talk about the last thing… To be honest, I went to Beijing this time to fulfill a long-cherished wish, but my ability is limited now, so I still need a dragon. Adults help.”

”Young prince, you’re welcome. If you need anything, just ask.” Long Xiuxian was still frightened.

”It’s very simple. I want your Long family to secretly investigate the truth behind my mother’s death. I want to find out the real mastermind!” Lu Chen’s eyes suddenly became sharp and sharp.


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