An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1377

Chapter 1377

Chapter 1377

Chapter 1377

Mr. Wang’s condition is stable for the time being.

Because he was worried about Lu Chen, Wang An retained him and sent people to monitor him at all times.

Lu Chen followed Wang Zixuan and had a good time in a few streets near Wang’s house.

The Wang family has many properties, such as bars, KTVs, hotels, casinos and so on.

It is no exaggeration to say that the entertainment facilities within a ten-mile radius are basically controlled by the Wang family, which can be said to be making money every day.

After getting tired of playing, Wang Zixuan took Lu Chen to a nearby star-rated restaurant for dinner.

As a result, the two of them had just sat down when they heard a “ding-dong” sound and the restaurant door opened.

The lingering Song Yingming walked in affectionately, holding a large bouquet of flowers.

”Hmph! What are you doing here?”

As soon as she saw the visitor, Wang Zixuan’s pretty face immediately became serious.


Without any unnecessary movements, Song Yingming knelt down on the ground, and said with a guilty face: “Zixuan, I’m sorry, I know I was wrong, please forgive me once.”


The sudden change shocked Wang Zixuan.

She really didn’t expect that Song Yingming, who is usually very face-saving and machismo, would kneel down and apologize in public.

This move made her a little overwhelmed.

”Are you…are you crazy? What are you doing?”

Wang Zixuan moved back, feeling ashamed and angry.

Because when Song Yingming knelt down, all the eyes of the surrounding guests were directed towards her, making her very embarrassed.

”Zixuan, I’m serious.”

Song Yingming knelt down on his knees, held flowers in both hands, and said with a serious face: “I know I made a mistake, and I also know it’s hard for you to believe me, but I swear, I’m absolutely in love with you!

In the past two days, I have deeply reflected on what I did. I deeply regret what I did.

I hope you can give me another chance, even once, at least let me prove my heart.

Zixuan, I love you, I really, really love you, I can’t live without you, please forgive me, please? “

The last few words were so sincere and touching that even the guests in the restaurant were touched.

”Hmph! Now you know you were wrong? Why did you go there earlier? I tell you, I will never forgive you, this scumbag!”

Wang Zixuan crossed her chest with her hands and deliberately looked indifferent.

But Lu Chen, who was sitting across the table, could tell that Wang Zixuan’s tone had obviously softened.

Song Yingming’s act of kneeling down in public without caring about his face can be said to be full of sincerity. For a woman, it is indeed a killer move.

”Zixuan! If you don’t forgive me today, I won’t be able to kneel until I die!” Song Yingming looked like he was ready to die.

”Kneel down if you want, it’s none of my business!”

Wang Zixuan stood up and prepared to leave.

Song Yingming, with quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed Wang Zixuan’s leg and begged: “Zixuan… Zixuan! I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, please don’t leave me!”

”What are you doing? Let go!”

Wang Zixuan looked shocked and dragged her repeatedly, only to find that she couldn’t get rid of him at all.

”Sister-in-law Liang, it is said that a prodigal son never comes back with gold. This young man has realized his mistake. Please forgive him.”

”Yeah, how can a couple not quarrel? No matter what happens, it’s a good thing if you can correct your mistakes.”


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