An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1380

Chapter 1380

Chapter 1380

Chapter 1380

Song Yingming let out a shrill scream.

As a result, in the middle of the scream, Lu Chen’s iron hand had already pinched his throat, and forcibly blocked the howling behind him.

Song Yingming’s breathing was stagnant, his face was flushed, and the veins in his neck were bulging.

His feet lifted off the ground slowly, kicking back and forth, but to no avail.

The fear of death filled my heart instantly.

”Let…let me go…”

Song Yingming squeezed out a few words in a hoarse voice.

”If you can’t beat me, then use the knife, and you won’t even lose your face?”

Lu Chen’s fingertips slowly squeezed hard, pinching Song Yingming to roll his eyes.

”Don’t hurt him!”

A scream sounded from behind, followed by a “bang”, a wine bottle suddenly hit Lu Chen on the back of the head.

In an instant, debris flew everywhere and the drink exploded.


Lu Chen frowned slightly and looked back.

I saw Wang Zixuan holding a broken half wine bottle and looking at him in panic.

After being stunned for two seconds, Wang Zixuan suddenly reacted, threw away half of the bottle with an “ah” sound, and said guiltily: “Lu…Lu Chen, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it just now, I was afraid.” You hurt Song Yingming and brought yourself big trouble.”

”Song Yingming is the young master of the Song family. He has a rich background. You can’t afford to offend him. I…I am caring about you.”

Wang Zixuan’s eyes dodged and she tried various explanations, but the more she did this, the more guilty she seemed.

Lu Chen touched the remaining wine stains on the back of his head, and his brows furrowed even tighter.

Just now, Wang Zixuan’s wine bottle came too suddenly, without any warning, and it hit the back of the head.

If he were an ordinary person, he would probably be lying on the ground.

Although it was an act of desperation, it was enough to prove that in Wang Zixuan’s heart, Lu Chen’s status was far inferior to Song Yingming’s.

Even in order to save Song Yingming, Lu Chen can be sacrificed.

Thinking of this, Chase Lu suddenly felt a little silly.

He treated Wang Zixuan as a friend, and he did not hesitate to help him many times, and even used it as a shield in order to get rid of the scumbag.

The results of it? Not only did he not get a favor, but he was also shot in the head with a wine bottle by Wang Zixuan in return.

Now he can be said to be Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror, he is not a human being inside and out.

Forget it, just treat it as a careless friendship.

Lu Chen shook his head in disappointment, loosened his fingers, and let Song Yingming fall to the ground with his ass.

”Wise! Are you okay?”

Wang Zixuan ran forward nervously, and began to examine the injury carefully.

She didn’t really hate Song Yingming, she was just angry and jealous.

Seeing the other party hurt now, his face is full of distress.


Song Yingming coughed and rubbed his neck. After his breathing calmed down, he forced a smile: “I’m fine, this little injury is nothing. As long as you can forgive me, I won’t have any problem even if I risk my life!” “

This is a good opportunity to sell miserably, so naturally you can’t miss it.

”What a fool!”

Wang Zixuan was both delighted and moved.

It seemed that Song Yingming had really turned his back on evil and turned to righteousness. For his own sake, he did not hesitate to risk his life to fight others.

This kind of sincere emotion is really rare.

She decided to forgive the other person.

People are not sages, how can they have no faults?

”Hehe… After making a fuss for a long time, it turns out that the clown is actually me?”

Looking at the two people who were affectionate, Lu Chen couldn’t help laughing at himself.

After some twists and turns, Wang Zixuan and Song Yingming, who had conflicts, finally chose to make up.

However, he was kind enough to help, but he became the victim of being exploited and became the biggest villain.

What an irony!


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