An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1389

Chapter 1389

Chapter 1389

Chapter 1389


Under the gaze of everyone, Lu Chen, who was covered in fire, jumped up high and then landed with a crash.

Both feet were on the ground, stepping on several cracks.


A gust of wind blew by, the flames on Lu Chen’s body disappeared instantly, and white mist rose from the surface of the skin.

With a bit of haziness and mystery.


Seeing this scene, the whole audience was stunned.

Even the well-informed firefighters were too scared to speak.

No one expected that in the face of the sky full of fire, there were still people who could come out alive.

Moreover, he fell through the broken window on the third floor without any injuries.

This heroic, fearless, and even crazy move is really shocking.

”Am I not mistaken? The person who just went in actually came out alive?”

”Not only did I survive, but I also saved someone else.”

”My god! Who the hell is this guy? He can’t even burn to death, it’s outrageous!”


After a brief silence, the entire scene was in an uproar.

Everyone looked at Chase Lu as if they were looking at a monster.

”Xiao Lu? You, you… are you okay?” Liu Gongquan was stunned and couldn’t believe it.

”Lucky, I escaped in time before the fire burned me.”

Lu Chen said, and slowly put a roll of quilt in his arms on the ground.

The quilt had been soaked with water, and although white smoke was coming out, it did not ignite.

He opened the quilt and saw that the skinny Xie Sinian was lying quietly.

Although breathing was a little weak, but luckily all was well.

“Great, great! Thank you, Mr. Grace, everything is fine!”

Liu Gongquan was so happy that he burst into tears.

He had just thought that Xie Sinian would definitely die, but he didn’t expect Lu Chen to be so brave, braving the fire and rushing in to rescue him from the gate of hell.

Lu Chen checked Xie Sinian’s condition, put him down in the car, and then looked back at Liu Gongquan and asked: “Doctor Liu, how come Jishi Hall suddenly caught fire when it was in good condition?”

”I don’t know either. The moment I went out, the fire started.” Liu Gongquan shook his head.

Every morning at dawn, he would take a walk in a nearby park to stretch his muscles, but it usually wouldn’t last more than half an hour.

Over the years, nothing has gone wrong. Unexpectedly, when I came back this morning, Jishi Hall was on fire.

”When does Jishi Hall usually open?” Lu Chen asked again.

”Eight o’clock every day.” Liu Gongquan said.

”It’s not even eight o’clock yet, so Jishi Hall caught fire before it even opened for business.”

Chase Lu frowned slightly and asked, “Doctor Liu, while you were out, was there anyone else in Jishi Hall?”

”No.” Liu Gongquan shook his head: “Xiangsi went out with friends last night and never came home. Moreover, it was getting too early, so my disciples and apprentices have not arrived yet.”

”Miraculous Doctor Liu, I don’t think this fire was an accident.”

After Lu Chen pondered for a while, he quickly gave the result: “Jishitang has not yet reached its opening hours, and the decoction room has not started yet. The possibility of an accidental fire is very small. In addition, Jishitang caught fire just after you left the house. Time It’s such a coincidence, it’s more like arson.”

”What? Arson?!”

Hearing this, Liu Gongquan immediately frowned, his face full of anger: “I have done good deeds and accumulated virtues all my life, and I have never done anything harmful to nature. Who is so heartless that he wants to burn down my Jishi Hall?!”

He has been practicing medicine for decades and has always adhered to the principle of saving lives and healing the wounded.


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