An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1396

Chapter 1396

Chapter 1396

Chapter 1396

”Wang Zixuan, don’t take yourself too seriously. I don’t care about your opportunity.” Lu Chen responded coldly.

From the moment Wang Zixuan used him, from the moment Wang Ansong Qiuyunen avenged his revenge, the two sides have been on fire.

”Okay! Since you are so stubborn, don’t blame me for not remembering the past!” Wang Zixuan’s face became gloomy.

”I’ll give you the same sentence. If you, the King of Song’s family, still harbor evil intentions, you will be responsible for the consequences!” Lu Chen retorted.


Wang Zixuan snorted coldly, turned around and left.

When she was about to get in the car, she seemed to think of something, stopped suddenly, turned around and sneered, “Oh, by the way, there is something I forgot to tell you.

Starting from today, our Wang family and Song family will cooperate to jointly develop and produce Jade Dew Cream.

I believe it won’t be long before Yulu Cream will become famous in Yanjing and the world, thus bringing us a steady stream of wealth.

Of course, all this is thanks to you. If you hadn’t provided us with the formula of Yulu Cream, how could we have such a golden opportunity?

How about it? Isn’t it a surprise? Very surprised?

We, the Wang and Song families, have carried forward Yulu ointment for you, shouldn’t you thank us? “

When it came to the end, Wang Zixuan’s face was full of pride and a happy smile.

Compared with the value of Yulu ointment, Jishitang is not worth mentioning at all.

Being able to cheat the formula from Lu Chen was undoubtedly the wisest decision of the Wang family.


Liu Gongquan gritted his teeth and was very angry.

He had seen the miraculous effects of Jade Dew Cream with his own eyes, and naturally understood how valuable it was.

Originally, Lu Chen could become a rich man with Jade Dew Cream, but unexpectedly, the Wang family crossed the river and burned bridges and directly took over the formula.

This kind of behavior is so shameless.

”Wang Zixuan, do you really think you have won?” Lu Chen suddenly said.

”Isn’t it?” Wang Zixuan asked with a smile.

”Don’t be too happy too early. Although you have the Jade Dew Cream formula, mine is the orthodox one.” Lu Chen said calmly.

”So what? Even if you have the formula, what can you do? Do you think your medicine can be sold? Don’t be naive!”

Wang Zixuan had a bit of disdain on her face: “Nancheng District is our territory, and it would be the stupidest decision to challenge us. If you are sensible, bow your head and admit your mistake in time, maybe there is still a chance of survival.”

In this world, it is not uncommon for plagiarism to kill original works.

How can a mere doctor compete with two giants?

”Since you are so confident, let’s just wait and see.” Lu Chen’s expression remained unchanged.

”Humph! I must make you regret it!” Wang Zixuan glared fiercely, got in the car and left.

How dare a poor dick disobey her? What a shame!

”You are unkind, don’t blame me for being unrighteous.”

Lu Chen squinted his eyes, his face gradually became indifferent.

In fact, when trading the formula with the Wang family, he specially kept a hand just in case.

The original plan was to wait for the Wang family to replenish the other two elixirs before revealing the complete prescription.

Unexpectedly, the Wang family would eventually go back on their word and repay kindness with hatred.

This kind of treacherous behavior will definitely pay a heavy price!


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