An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1410

Chapter 1410

Chapter 1410

Chapter 1410

Cui Xiong raised his hand to strike, raised it into the air, and then endured it.

No woman has ever dared to talk to him like this.

If he hadn’t had any scruples, he would have taken advantage of him long ago.

”Boy! What’s your background? How dare you steal a woman from me? Are you tired of living?”

Cui Xiong turned his eyes and looked at Lu Chen fiercely.

He couldn’t touch Concubine Cao Xuan, but he could easily deal with a pretty boy.

As long as he is not a relative of the emperor or a member of the four royal families, he can do whatever he wants.

”Before asking other people’s names, you must first state your own. This is the most basic quality.” Lu Chen said calmly.

”Hmph! You want to know my name, right? OK! I’ll make it happen for you!”

Cui Xiong glared and said fiercely: “Now, prick up your ears and listen carefully. I am Cui Xiong of the royal Cui family, a fourth-grade strong general, nicknamed Black Whirlwind!”

”Oh, so what?” Lu Chen was expressionless.

”How about it?”

Cui Xiong was slightly startled, not expecting Lu Chen to answer like this.

You know, if most people hear his name, their legs will probably weaken from fear.

But the boy in front of him didn’t respond at all.

He couldn’t help wondering if he didn’t make it clear?

”Boy! Don’t you know the royal family, the Cui family?” Cui Xiong narrowed his eyes.

”I know.” Lu Chen nodded.

”Then you don’t understand the power of a fourth-grade strong general?” Cui Xiong asked again.

”Understood.” Lu Chen nodded again.

”Since you know my identity and how powerful I am, why are you not afraid at all?” Cui Xiong said solemnly.

”Why should I be afraid?”

Lu Chen said calmly: “He is just a playboy who bullies others with no knowledge or skills. What is there for me to be afraid of?”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

”Fuck! Is this guy crazy? How dare he provoke Cui Xiong in public? Don’t you want to die?”

”I don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth at such a young age, and even dare to offend the devil king of the world, it is really self-defeating!”

”Cui Xiong got angry, blood spattered five steps, this kid is definitely dead today!”


The sudden change shocked everyone.

No one expected that Chase Lu would be so bold that he uttered wild words in public, completely ignoring Cui Xiong.

Who is Choi Woong?

That was the fearsome Demon King, a man with a illustrious reputation!

Anyone who has offended Cui Xiong will die in the end, and will be crippled, without a good end.

If you see it on weekdays, it’s too late to hide.

The guy in front of him is fine, but he actually put himself on the gun.

Isn’t this suicidal?

”Hmph! You don’t know how to live or die! If you dare to challenge Cui Xiong, let’s see how you die!”

Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi sneered again and again, looking gloating.

Once Cui Xiong is furious, maybe even Ms. Cao can’t stop it.

”Boy! What did you just say? I didn’t hear you clearly. Say it again if you dare!”

Cui Xiong’s face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth, his eyes were almost spitting fire.

”I said, you are ignorant, mediocre and incompetent. You are just a dude who relies on your family name to pretend to be a tiger. Now, do you hear clearly enough? Do you understand enough?” Lu Chen spoke again.

As soon as these words came out, a thought popped up in everyone’s mind.

”It’s over! This guy is completely hopeless!”


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