An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1415

Chapter 1415

Chapter 1415

Chapter 1415


Cui Xiong, who had fired several shots but failed, felt his eyes flicker.

Lu Chen, who was ten meters away, suddenly appeared in front of him at an incredible speed.

”You…are looking for death!”

A cold and stern voice sounded in my ears.

Cui Xiong’s expression changed and he raised his gun to shoot again. However, before he could pull the trigger, Lu Chen grabbed his wrist and squeezed it hard.


There was just a crisp sound, and Cui Xiong’s wrist was broken on the spot, and the fingers holding the gun dropped weakly.


After being startled for a moment, Cui Xiong immediately let out a shrill scream.

As a result, during the shouting, Lu Chen punched him in the abdomen.


Blood spurted out, and Cui Xiong’s whole body was like a cannonball, which instantly bounced more than ten meters away, and then hit the wall heavily with a “dong” sound, causing several cracks.

After his body stagnated on the wall for a second, he slowly slid down like mud.

His head was hanging up, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he didn’t know how many bones were broken in his body.

With just one punch, Cui Xiong was directly beaten to a disability.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and speechless.

From Cui Xiong drawing a gun for a sneak attack, to Lu Chen’s counterattack, and finally Cui Xiong being defeated.

The whole process happened very quickly, and it was over in just two or three seconds, so that the guests present were a little unresponsive.

”You don’t have martial ethics? Do you want to carry out a sneak attack? That’s all you have.”

Lu Chen stepped forward with a cold face and stepped on Cui Xiong’s chest.


Just as Cui Xiong was about to say something, he spurted out another mouthful of blood, feeling as if his chest was about to burst.

His heart was under tremendous pressure, as if Lu Chen would explode if he exerted just a little more force.


At this time, Liu Cong jumped out suddenly and shouted: “Hey! Lu Chen! You are so brave! Hurry up and let go!”

”What? You want to mind your own business?”

Lu Chen turned his head slowly, his sharp eyes made Liu Cong shrink back in fright, feeling flustered inexplicably.

But thinking of his own glory and wealth, and thinking of the opportunity to rely on the big tree of the Cui family, he gritted his teeth, boldly, and took a few steps forward again.

”Lu Chen! You are so presumptuous!”

”Cui Shao has a noble status, if you hurt him, the consequences will be serious!”

”If you are sensible, quickly let go of the reminder, and then take the initiative to apologize, so that you may still have a way to survive!”

Liu Cong held his head high and held his chest high, pretending to be powerful.

If Cui Xiong is protected today, it must be a great achievement, and maybe even the entire Liu family will rise to heaven.

”That’s right! I order you to release him immediately, otherwise you will face disaster!” Liu Xiangsi yelled.

Although Cui Xiong is a bit embarrassed now, it does not hinder the other party’s noble status. If she can be favored by Cui Xiong, even if she is a plaything, it will be a great honor.

”What if I don’t let go?” Lu Chen sneered.

”How dare you!” Liu Xiangsi glared.

”Lu Chen! Those who know the current affairs are the best, I advise you not to set yourself on fire!” Liu Cong shouted sharply.

Although the rest of the people didn’t speak, most of them had the same idea.

Although Lu Chen has some strength, he has no background after all. Even with the protection of Concubine Cao Xuan, it is impossible to challenge the Cui family.

It is the wisest choice to accept it as soon as possible.


Lu Chen’s soles of his feet were slowly exerting force, causing Cui Xiong’s eyes to roll, his face flushed, and his chest seemed to be pressed against a mountain.

He could no longer breathe, and his heart seemed to be about to jump out.


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