An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1419

Chapter 1419

Chapter 1419

Chapter 1419


The sudden slap stunned Cui Xiong, and he didn’t react for a while.

The rest of the people were also stunned and confused about the situation.

Didn’t Master Cui Wu stand up for Cui Xiong? Why did you slap your nephew when you just met?

”Uncle Five, why did you hit me?”

Cui Xiong covered his hot face, looking aggrieved.

On the outside, he is the devil incarnation, but in front of Cui Cheng, he is undoubtedly a mouse who met a cat.

Because he can have what he is today, all thanks to his fifth uncle’s promotion.

”Hmph! Why did I hit you? Don’t you have any clues?”

”How many times have I told you? Outside you can hit people, cause trouble, and be unscrupulous. No matter what you do, the Cui family will wipe your ass for you, but the only thing is that you can’t lose in a fight!”

”Our Cui family doesn’t raise cowards or the weak. You are a fourth-rank strong military general, and you can’t even beat a bad boy. You really embarrass our Cui family!”

”Tell me – should you hit me?”

At the end, Cui Cheng almost shouted.


Cui Xiong was speechless for a moment and lowered his head in shame.

The Cui family is a family of military and martial arts, with generations of famous generals, and the martial arts prevails in the family.

The children of the Cui family have had an unwritten rule since they were young. They can lag behind others in any aspect, but not in fighting.

Once you lose the fight outside, you will get beaten when you get home.

”Useless stuff! When I go back, I will get the 80 army sticks, and then go to the family ancestral hall to kneel for three days and three nights!” Cui Cheng shouted.

”Yes.” Cui Xiong lowered his head and did not dare to refute.

Seeing Cui Cheng who was furious, everyone in the banquet hall looked at each other with strange eyes.

I have to say that the Cui family’s education method is really special.

Most families will restrain their young people from causing trouble outside.

The Cui family is doing the opposite.

Not only does he not restrain himself, but he even encourages getting into trouble, but there is only one requirement: he cannot lose in fights outside and cannot weaken the reputation of the Cui family.

No wonder Cui Xiong is called the Demon King. Who can a normal person stand this kind of educational philosophy?

”Who just bullied my nephew? Come forward and let me see!”

After teaching Cui Xiong a lesson, Cui Cheng strode to the center and glanced around with sharp eyes.

”Fifth Lord! It’s him! He’s the one who beat Young Master!”

Liu Xiangsi reacted quickly and immediately pointed at Lu Chen, trying to show off.


Cui Cheng narrowed his eyes and took advantage of the situation to look over.

However, when his eyes rested on Lu Chen’s face, he couldn’t help but be slightly startled.

Why does this kid look familiar?

”Master Cui Wu, this happened because of me. If you have any dissatisfaction, just come to me.”

Concubine Cao Xuan took a few steps forward and stood in front of Lu Chen.

Cui Chengnai is a real battlefield general, with a second-rank official position and an astonishing force value.

He is more than a hundred times stronger than a playboy like Cui Xiong.

”Women don’t meddle in men’s affairs.”

Cui Cheng looked Lu Chen up and down, feeling more and more familiar, and asked tentatively: “Boy, what’s your name? Which family do you come from?”

”His name is Lu Chen, he’s just a nobody.” Liu Xiangsi explained quickly.

Naturally, she would not miss this opportunity to add insult to injury.

”Last name is Lu?”

Cui Cheng’s eyelids twitched, suddenly feeling uneasy.

Yanjing doesn’t have a big family with the surname Lu, but that doesn’t mean that the surname “Lu” doesn’t matter much.

On the contrary, the surname “Lu” stands above the four major royal families, and even ranks alongside the royal surname Li.

Because the King of Wei in Xiliang, who had great power over the government and the public and was invincible to the country, was named Lu!

If it had been in the past, it wouldn’t be a big deal. The key point is that this kid looks too familiar, and his surname is Lu. Don’t blame him for his random thoughts.

”Boy, have we met somewhere?” Cui Cheng rubbed his chin.


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