An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1462

Chapter 1462

Chapter 1462

Chapter 1462

If I hadn’t noticed it in time, I might have been a dead man by now.

I have helped you many times, but you, the Wang family, have repaid kindness with hatred and betrayed your trust.

I really want to ask, who is despicable and shameless? Who is the heart of a wolf? ! “

The last few sentences were spoken with force and justice.

It caused many people around to whisper, and even Wang An’s face became gloomy.

It’s really embarrassing for something like this to be exposed in public.

If I had known that things would turn out like this, I shouldn’t have let Lu Chen leave the Wang family in the first place.

“You…you’re talking nonsense!”

Wang Zixuan was a little angry: “Lu Chen! Don’t think that I don’t know. It’s you who has a bad idea for me. After I sternly rejected you, you held a grudge and waited for an opportunity to retaliate. You are such a dirty person!”

“Unreasonable? Are you worthy?”

Lu Chen curled his lips disdainfully: “Look at your face, look at your figure, how is it comparable to Miss Yin? Even a blind man would not fall in love with a savage, willful, ruthless femme fatale like you!”

Hearing this, Yin Tao couldn’t help laughing.

Too cruel!

For a proud woman, Lu Chen’s words were undoubtedly murderous words.

“You, you, you… you are presumptuous!”

Wang Zixuan immediately became angry: “You bastard, a humble untouchable, how dare you insult me? I will tear your mouth apart!”

“Come on! Give me a slap!”

Song Yingming was furious and gave the order directly.

His fiancée was humiliated, and he also lost his face.

“You want to fight, right? I will accompany you to the end!”

Yin Tao had been prepared for a long time and blew the whistle directly.

The next second, a large number of bodyguards holding electric batons swarmed out of the company, dozens of them.

These bodyguards were tall and powerful, obviously carefully selected elites, and they surrounded the Wang family as soon as they appeared.

Everyone stared at each other.

“What are you doing? Don’t you all want your life? How dare you attack us?!” Song Yingming angrily yelled.

“If you come to congratulate me, I will naturally welcome you. If you make trouble here, don’t blame me for turning against you!” Yin Tao said coldly.

In order to prevent accidents, she specially invited many warriors to control the scene.

If we really want to fight, it will hurt both sides at worst.


Wang Zixuan was about to say something, but Wang An raised his hand to stop her, and said indifferently, “Patriarch Yin, your daughter is really daring to act against our Wang and Song families. Have you considered the consequences?”

“Chief Royal, our people are just maintaining order. As long as you don’t make trouble, they will naturally not mess around.” Yin Quan said calmly.

“Yin Quan, I’ll give you another chance. Do you really want to go against our two wealthy families for a nobody?” Wang An said with narrowed eyes.

“Lu Chen is an ally of our Yin family, and his matter is naturally our Yin family’s matter.” Yin Quan’s expression did not change.

The arrow was on the string and had to be fired. From the moment the decision was made, the Yin family had no way out.

“Okay! There are seeds!”

Wang An snorted coldly: “I want to see today how capable your Yin family is!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a hearse carrying a coffin suddenly roared over and stopped directly at the gate of the Yin family company.


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