An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1466

Chapter 1466

Chapter 1466

Chapter 1466

Lu Chen said calmly: “The people from the medical bureau don’t even have an arrest warrant. Why do you arrest people?”

“That’s right! You can seize medicines, but you are not qualified to arrest people!” Yin Quan reacted immediately.

Each department has its own responsibilities, and medical matters are indeed under the jurisdiction of the Medical Bureau.

But the medical bureau does not have the right to arrest people and hold them accountable.

“You have broken the law. As an official department, we have the responsibility to take care of it!” the bald man said sternly.

“Don’t be official. Not to mention that we didn’t break the law. Even if we did break the law, it wouldn’t be your turn to arrest people.” Lu Chen’s face did not change.

“You are presumptuous!”

The bald man stared, feeling that his authority had been challenged, and said angrily: “Boy! I warn you not to interfere with the law, otherwise you will be arrested too!”

“Arrest me? Do you have the ability?” Lu Chen sneered.

“Those who don’t know whether to live or die! Catch them all!” the bald man roared.


At this time, a soft drink sounded from behind.

Everyone looked back, only to see a young man dressed in fine clothes, with delicate features, walking over like stars.

The man has long hair, holds a folding fan, and looks elegant and gentle.

The visitor is Tang Xiaobao!

As always, Tang Xiaobao was surrounded by a group of bodyguards, full of style.

Anyone who tries to get close will be blocked.

“Tang Xiaobao?”

Seeing the person coming, Wang Zixuan and Song Yingming immediately frowned, feeling uneasy for no reason.

Previously, because of the rejuvenation ointment, the two sides had a very unpleasant quarrel, but now that the other party suddenly came to the scene, I am afraid that they are uneasy and well-intentioned.

“Master Tang? Why are you here?”

The bald man’s eyelids twitched, and he hurriedly greeted him enthusiastically.

The Tang family is the leader of medicine in Yanjing, and their connections and status are unshakable.

Even the top leaders of the medical bureau are supported by the Tang family, which shows how powerful they are.

He is just the director of a small business. When he meets the future head of the Tang family, he will naturally be worshiped as a Bodhisattva.

“Director Zhang, you are such a powerful official!”

Tang Xiaobao snorted coldly: “You dare to overstep your authority and arrest people indiscriminately. Who gave you the courage?!”


The bald man’s face froze and he was a little at a loss.

He asked himself that he had not offended the man in front of him, so why did he sound like he was asking for guilt when he opened his mouth?

“Ah what? When you are an official the size of a sesame seed and a mung bean, you do all sorts of random things. If you were promoted to another level, wouldn’t you be even more arrogant and domineering?” Tang Xiaobao looked unkind.


The bald man panicked and broke out in a cold sweat: “Young Master Tang… I am just acting in accordance with the law. If I have offended you in any way, please forgive me.”

With Tang Xiaobao’s power, with just one word, he would have to pack up and get out.

If it’s serious, you might have to spend a few years in jail.

“According to the law? You follow the law!”

Tang Xiaobao scolded mercilessly: “Yulu ointment was developed jointly by the Tang family and the Yin family. It has been tested by various departments and there is no problem. But it has become contraband when it comes to you. What do you mean, we Did the Tang family know the law was breaking the law?”

“What? The Tang family?!”

Hearing this, the bald man was so frightened that his legs became weak.

Oh shit! Didn’t you say that we would only deal with the Yin family? Why is the Tang family involved?

Big trouble now!

Song Yingming, Song Yingming! You are pushing me into the fire pit!


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