An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1474

Chapter 1474

Chapter 1474

Chapter 1474

They really didn’t expect that so many wealthy people would come to support them in just half an hour.

For a moment, I felt a little nervous.

Because according to this situation, they really don’t have full confidence in winning.

“Thank you all for coming to support us. Please come inside, please come inside…”

Yin Tao and Yin Quan were so happy that they couldn’t help but greet the distinguished guests to come in and take their seats.

The market in Nancheng has been occupied by the Wang and Song families. With the strength of the Yin family, they can’t attract anyone at all.

Fortunately, the Tang family is now helping, attracting all the wealthy businessmen in Dongcheng. Otherwise, Yin’s Medicine would end in a disastrous defeat today.

“Mr. Tang, I didn’t expect you to be prepared. Now we can finally have a showdown with the Wang and Song families.” Yin Tao smiled happily.

“These are Xiao Lu’s arrangements, I just follow the plan.” Tang Xiaobao shook the folding fan lightly.


Yin Tao raised her eyebrows and looked at Lu Chen in surprise: “Little handsome boy, how did you know that the Wang and Song families were going to do this?”

“They are all outdated means, not clever.”

Lu Chen smiled lightly: “Besides, even if they don’t play tricks, if we invite so many people to support us, it can be regarded as promoting Yulu Ointment, and it will not be a loss.”

“That’s true.”

Yin Tao nodded, followed her eyes to Wang Zixuan and the two, and said with a meaningful smile: “Miss Wang, Mr. Song, it seems that who will win and who will lose today is still unknown.”

Although the Wang and Song families were fully prepared, fortunately, they blocked every move they made.

“Hmph! Don’t be too happy too soon, we still have the advantage now!” Wang Zixuan said coldly.

“That’s right! We have many soldiers and generals, and the final victory must belong to us!” Song Yingming held his head high.

Although the Tang family invited many wealthy people to help out, they were ultimately unable to support themselves.

Because they are two giants joining forces, both in terms of connections and influence, they are higher than the Tang family.

Even if they compete for financial resources, their probability of winning is at least 80%!

“It’s just a bunch of soldiers and generals. They can’t get on the stage at all. Next, is the real highlight.” Lu Chen smiled lightly.

“Hmph! Pretending to be a ghost! Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you will definitely lose today!” Wang Zixuan shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, a Rolls-Royce Phantom suddenly stopped by the side of the road.

Soon, a burly middle-aged man with a beard came out Shi Shiran.

The man has a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, his face is not angry and prestige, and there is an invisible sense of oppression in every gesture.


Seeing the middle-aged man, Wang An frowned, and his face instantly became solemn.

On the other hand, Yin Quan’s expression brightened, as if seeing the God of Wealth.

“Long Xiuxian from the Long Family, congratulations to Yin’s pharmaceutical business is booming!” the middle-aged man said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

“What? Long Xiuxian? Isn’t that the patriarch of the Long family?”

“The Long family is the head of the eight wealthy families, and Long Xiuxian is a first-class official in the dynasty. Even such a big shot comes to support us. Yin’s Medicine is going to soar to the sky!”

“My god! What happened today? Are the gods fighting?”


After learning Long Xiuxian’s identity, the whole scene exploded.

Among the eight giants, the Long family is recognized as the strongest.

Not only is her family rich and powerful, but she is also powerful, ranking first among the eight giants, unmatched by anyone.

No one expected that Long Xiuxian, who usually lives in seclusion and never sees his end, would openly support Yin’s medicine.

Such behavior undoubtedly dropped a blockbuster on the calm lake!


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