An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1487

Chapter 1487

Chapter 1487

Chapter 1487


Just when Lu Chen was about to kill someone and silence him, an angry shout suddenly exploded out of thin air.

At the same time, a hidden weapon shot out from the darkness, stabbing Lu Chen in the back like a sword of death.


Lu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, turned around suddenly, and caught the sneak attack’s hidden weapon with two fingers.

After taking a closer look, he discovered that it was a poisonous dart emitting a dark light.

There is also a small word “witch” engraved on the poison dart, which is clearly a thing of the witchcraft religion!

“Who are you? How dare you kill my disciples of the Witch Gu Sect? You are so audacious!”

At this time, an old woman wearing a black robe slowly walked out of the darkness.

The old woman has a haggard face, a short stature, and looks ordinary, but her eyes are extremely cold and sharp.

Like a poisonous snake, it is intimidating.

“Grandma Xiong? Grandma Xiong, save me!”

After seeing the person coming, Master Yan seemed to have seen a savior and immediately staggered forward and ran forward to seek shelter.

Others didn’t know it, but he knew very well that the Granny Xiong in front of him was the elder of the Witch Gu Sect, a powerful martial arts master.

And unlike ordinary martial arts masters, Granny Xiong’s witchcraft has reached its peak, killing people invisible.

Eight years ago, three martial arts masters planned to ambush Granny Xiong.

As a result, Granny Xiong defeated the three masters by herself, resulting in one death and two injuries.

From then on, he became famous in one battle and no one dared to mess with him!

“Trash! To be injured like this by a young man is really an embarrassment to our Witch Gu Sect!”

Seeing Master Yan covered in blood, Grandma Xiong couldn’t help but frown slightly, feeling very dissatisfied.

The Witch Gu Sect is known as the number one evil sect in the world, almost to the point where everyone is frightened by it. When has it ever been so cowardly?

“Grandma Xiong, you don’t know that this kid is a martial arts master. He is very powerful and his subordinates can’t beat him.” Master Yan said with a sad face.

“Oh, is it so?”

Grandma Xiong looked at Lu Chen up and down, looking quite surprised.

At this age, he has reached the realm of a master, even in the Wu Gu sect, he is considered the number one genius.

“Little guy, what’s your name? Where did you learn from it?” Grandma Xiong asked tentatively.

Such an outstanding young talent is definitely not an ordinary person, if he is killed recklessly, it may cause trouble.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, I’m just here to seek justice.”

Lu Chen said indifferently: “The person next to you wants to put me to death, so give him to me. I will treat what happened today as if it never happened.”

“Hmph! An important person in the hands of an old man, do you have that ability?” Grandma Xiong narrowed her eyes.

“I follow your witchcraft teachings and I don’t want to be your enemy, but I must avenge myself, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep well, so today, he will die!” Lu Chen pointed at Master Yan.

“What an arrogant boy!”

Grandma Xiong’s face darkened: “It seems that I won’t teach you a lesson, you don’t know how powerful my witchcraft sect is!”

After the words fell, she suddenly stepped forward and slapped Lu Chen’s chest with her palm.

Its skinny palm exudes bursts of black light, obviously highly poisonous.

Even martial arts masters don’t dare to take it hard.


Lu Chen’s face turned cold, and without dodging or evading, he pushed out with a palm, colliding with Grandma Xiong’s poisonous palm.


There was a bang.

Lu Chen stood motionless, while Grandma Xiong was shocked to retreat more than a dozen steps, and finally stopped when she bumped into the living room door.


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