An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1515

Chapter 1515

Chapter 1515

Chapter 1515

“Master Long is so cautious, it’s no wonder he can be like a fish in water in the officialdom.” Lu Chen joked with a smile.

“My lord, don’t make fun of me. My head is hanging on my belt, and my life will be in danger at any moment.” Long Xiuxian didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

If outsiders know, he will help the Xiliang Palace to do things.

In the worst case, he was dismissed from his post, and in the worst case, his home was ransacked.

But no matter what the result is, it is a dead end for him.

He has been in the court for many years and offended many people. If he loses his power, many people will be thrown into trouble.

“Master Long, if this happens, I owe your Long family a favor. If there is any trouble in the future, I will do my best to help.” Lu Chen gave a guarantee.

“Then thank you, little prince!” Long Xiuxian’s expression brightened.

I thought to myself that I finally got back to my roots.

If he could get the support of Xiliang Palace, even if something happened, he would have a way out.

“Lord Long, the map of Prince Mu’s Mansion needs to be done as soon as possible. I don’t have much time,” Lu Chen reminded.

“Don’t worry, little prince, I will definitely deliver it to the mansion before dark today.” Long Xiuxian promised.

“Oh, by the way, is Mu Guanyu in Yanjing?” Lu Chen asked again.

“Prince Mu’s birthday will come in a few days, he should come back.” Long Xiuxian said.

“Very good, I want a detailed profile of Mu Guanyu, about his hobbies, personal habits, and special abilities, all must be clear.” Lu Chen said.

“No problem.” Long Xiuxian nodded.

“Okay, that’s it for now, I’ll contact you again if I need anything.”

Lu Chen raised his hand to signal the driver to stop, then hailed a taxi on the side of the road and drove in the direction of Yin’s Medicine.

On the way back, Lu Chen dialed an unfamiliar number.

After a while, the call was finally connected, and a woman’s voice quickly came: “Who are you?”

“Lu Changge.” Lu Chen replied.

“It turned out to be you.” The woman’s voice rose slightly: “I heard Wei Anshun say that you are still alive, and I still couldn’t believe it. I didn’t expect it to be true. You survived such a serious injury. big.”

“I’m calling you, not to catch up with you, but to ask for your help.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Help? I’ve said something ugly before. If it happened ten years ago, forgive me for not being able to help. Although your mother helped me, it doesn’t mean that I have to sacrifice my life for you.” The woman was very straightforward.

“Don’t worry, it has nothing to do with what happened ten years ago. I just need you to go to the treasury and get a medicine back for me.” Lu Chen said.

“Oh? What medicine?” The woman was curious.

“Bing Xinlian.” Lu Chen said.

“This is not a problem.” The woman changed the subject: “But, are you sure you want to do this? I only owe your family a favor. If I help you this time, there will be no next time. Use my favor for a medicine. Do you think it’s worth it?”

“Of course it’s worth it. I need medicine to save my life.” Lu Chen said.

“Okay, since you have made a decision, then I won’t say much. Tomorrow, I will send someone to deliver the elixir to you, just provide an address,” the woman said.

“The address is in the Emperor Building. When your people arrive, just give me a call.” Lu Chen said.

“Okay, then it’s settled, I wish you good luck.” After saying that, the woman hung up the phone.

Chase Lu put back his phone and meditated secretly.

Bing Xinlian’s matter, with that woman’s help, shouldn’t be a problem.

Now, the most important thing is the golden pith jade.

The Mu Palace is heavily guarded, and the success rate of sneaking into it to steal things is very low, and it is easy to scare the snake.

The best choice is to sneak in openly and aboveboard in the name of celebrating Lord Mu’s birthday.

Then he approached Mu Guanyu quietly, waiting for an opportunity to steal the golden marrow jade.

There must be a lot of people on the day of the birthday banquet, even if something is lost, it will not be suspected of him.


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