An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1523

Chapter 1523

Chapter 1523

Chapter 1523 When the black cloth fell, there was a commotion in the whole scene. Because everyone was surprised to find that what was locked in the iron cage turned out to be a ferocious beast! The beast looks like a tiger, but its body is bigger. Its fur is as black as ink, exuding a metallic luster. Two long teeth protruded, a full foot long, looking like sharp swords. The nails protruding from the soles of the feet are like steel claws, with some fragments of flesh and blood on them. Its appearance is very fierce, and it makes people’s scalp tingle. Fortunately, the beast was still in a coma and did not show any ferocity. “Father, this is a mutated black tiger that I captured from the primitive forests of the Eastern Territory.” “This is the king of beasts. It is very ferocious. Not only is it extremely powerful, but its fur is hard and hard to be hurt by swords and guns. Very rare.” “I spent a lot of effort to catch this guy, but I finally succeeded in arresting him. I wonder if my adoptive father likes it?” Mu Guanyu said loudly, and at the same time he reached out and touched Heihu’s head. “Okay! My son is really brave, and he was able to catch such a rare and rare beast. I am very pleased as a father.” Mu Xuefeng laughed loudly. “As expected of the jade-faced God of War, he captured a black tiger alive as a pet. He is truly a god!” “Looking at the whole Yanjing, who can have such ability?” At this moment, the guests in the banquet hall began to praise him one after another. The general birthday gifts are all gold, silver and jade objects, antique calligraphy and paintings, etc. However, Mu Guanyu used a rare beast as a birthday gift, which is really surprising. Of course, this also shows the extraordinaryness of the Jade- faced God of War. “Father, it is rumored that this black tiger has a spirit and can distinguish between good and evil, loyalty and evil. If you keep it by your side, it will also protect your safety in the future.” Mu Guanyu introduced. “Oh? There is such a thing?” Mu Xuefeng was quite surprised. “If foster father doesn’t believe it, can you give it a try?” Mu Guanyu smiled. “How to try?” Mu Xuefeng was a little curious. “It’s very simple. I will open the iron cage later and release the black tiger. If there are criminals hiding here, it will be able to sniff them out immediately.” Mu Guanyu replied. “Release the black tiger?” Mu Xuefeng raised his eyebrows slightly and said with some concern: “Isn’t it too risky? If this strange beast goes crazy and hurts people, it would not be good.” “Father, please don’t worry, the black tiger has been I surrender. Unless I encounter some treacherous and evil person, I will not hurt anyone

easily. Besides, with me here to take charge, Black Tiger will never dare to mess around.” Mu Guanyu is very confident. “What do you guys think?” Mu Xuefeng didn’t answer directly, but looked at the guests present. “It’s rare to see such a strange beast, so there’s no harm in giving it a try.” “I agree, with the jade-faced God of War here, there will definitely be no danger.” “Prince Mu, strange beasts have spirits, maybe we can still find one or two Let’s have a good night.” The guests expressed their support one after another. They usually see a lot of treasures, but like this kind of strange beast , but it is unheard of. If you have the opportunity to try something new today, you naturally don’t want to miss it. What’s more, there are many guards present, and they are the strongest God of War protection in the Dragon Kingdom. No matter how fierce the black tiger is, it is believed that there will be no big waves. “Okay, since you are so interested, let’s give it a try.” Mu Xuefeng smiled and nodded: “Guanyu, open the iron cage and let the guests observe and observe up close, but be careful, safety must be ensured, and no Hurt the innocent.” “Understood.” Mu Guanyu responded, and immediately beckoned someone to open the lock. When the cage was opened, he took out a medicine bottle and shook it in front of Heihu’s nose. Soon, a faint blue smoke overflowed from the mouth of the bottle and drifted into Heihu’s nose little by little.


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