An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1536

Chapter 1536

Chapter 1536

Chapter 1536

“Xiao Wang, did you smell anything?”

At this time, Liu Gongquan seemed to notice something and suddenly sniffed.

“You mean, the smell of medicine?”

Wang Xuan tilted his head and said doubtfully: “It’s always been there, what’s wrong?”

“This time is different, a little special.”

Liu Gongquan came to the door, squatted down, and began to smell the smell coming from the crack in the door.

He has been working with medicinal materials all year round, and he can distinguish any slight abnormalities.


Suddenly, the closed door opened.

Just as Lu Chen was about to go out, he saw Liu Gongquan squatting on the ground with a strange posture. He asked curiously: “Doctor Liu, what’s wrong with you? Stomach pain?”

“Ah this…”

Liu Gongquan smiled awkwardly, then reacted immediately and asked: “Xiao Lu, how are you? Have you successfully refined the Marrow Cleansing Pill?”


Lu Chen sighed softly, showing a look of regret.

Seeing this scene, Liu Gongquan froze, his face turned pale, and he said in a trembling voice: “Failed…failed?”

It’s over, it’s over, the refining of the marrow-cleansing pill failed, and all the elixirs were destroyed.

Xie Sinian, gods are hard to save!

“It’s not a failure. I just planned to refine a top-quality marrow-cleansing pill, but unexpectedly, I only produced a top-grade one, which is slightly inferior in quality.” Lu Chen shook his head.


The corner of Liu Gongquan’s mouth twitched, but his heart was roaring.

Is this the time to pursue quality?

As long as it can be done, why bother so much?

Also, could you please stop acting so depressed?

I’m old and can’t stand your threats!

“So…you have successfully refined it?” Liu Gongquan asked tentatively.

“Of course, I won’t do anything I’m not sure about.”

Lu Chen smiled and nodded, and at the same time took out the blue marrow cleaning pill.

Liu Gongquan took it and took a look, and couldn’t help but be ecstatic: “It’s great, great! Mr. Xie En is finally saved!”

Lu Chen refined alchemy all day and night, and he also waited outside all day and night.

The heart that was hanging now finally fell down.

“Doctor Liu, without further ado, let’s give Uncle Xie some medicine first.” Lu Chen reminded.

“Oh, yes, yes, it’s important to save lives!”

Liu Gongquan did not dare to hesitate. He held the marrow-cleansing pill in both hands and ran all the way into Xie Sinian’s bedroom.

At this moment, Xie Sinian was still the same as before, skinny as wood, face as white as paper, breathing weakly, looking like a dead person.

“Xiao Lu, are there any taboos in taking Xisui Pill?” Liu Gongquan asked suddenly.

“No, just put it in your mouth.” Lu Chen said.

“Okay, okay.”

Liu Gongquan carefully opened Xie Sinian’s mouth, and then gently put the marrow-cleansing pill in.

The Xisui Dan melted in his mouth, and wisps of blue medicinal liquid flowed down Xie Sinian’s throat and into his body little by little.

The mild medicinal properties began to slowly repair Xie Sinian’s damaged meridians.

Starting from the heart, to the internal organs, and then to the bones, skin and flesh.

After being baptized by Xisui Pill, Xie Sinian’s body was slowly blooming with vitality.

It’s like spring on a dead tree.

Several people could clearly see that Xie Sinian’s pale face was gradually returning to rosy, and his breathing became stronger.

A trace of turbidity and dirt is emitted through every pore of the body.

Half a day later.

Xie Sinian, who had been sleeping for ten years, finally slowly opened his eyes!


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