An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1574

Chapter 1574

Chapter 1574

Chapter 1574

“How could this happen? Why would the Yin family provoke people from Prince Mu’s Mansion?”

Everyone in the Yin family was talking and panicking.

The Yin family is just a second-rate family, how can it compete with such a behemoth as Prince Mu’s palace?

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Prince Mu’s Mansion is willing, the Yin family can be wiped out overnight!

“What do you want?!” Yin Quan’s face looked a little ugly.

Although I don’t want to admit it, the Yin family is indeed not out of danger yet.

Because the conditions they promised to Mu Anxiang were not fulfilled, even if their daughter was sacrificed, it would still be of no avail.

“Clan Chief Yin, don’t be nervous, we are here to help you get through this difficult time.” Wang Zixuan said with a smile.

“That’s right, we have a deep friendship with Prince Mu’s Mansion. As long as we intercede, your Yin family will definitely have peace of mind.” Old God Feng Miaozhu said calmly.

With her relationship with Li Qingyao, it only takes one sentence to solve the Yin family’s difficulties.

“You and I are neither relatives nor friends, why do you want to help us?” Yin Quan asked in a deep voice.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, so he naturally doesn’t believe that these two people have such bodhisattva-like hearts.

“This brings us back to the deal I just mentioned to you.”

Wang Zixuan smiled and said: “Yulu ointment is produced by your Yin family. I believe that you have the formula and relevant pharmaceutical personnel in your hands. My request is very simple. As long as you give these things to me, I will ensure that your Yin family has no worries.” ,How about it?”

“You’re dreaming!”

Hearing this, Yin Quan refused: “Yulu Cream is my daughter’s hard work, and it is the key to the development and growth of our Yin family. You want to take it away with just a few words. You are simply greedy!”

“Clan Chief Yin, Jade Dew Cream is indeed extremely valuable, but compared to the lives of your entire Yin family, it is not worth mentioning.”

Wang Zixuan continued to hammer and said: “If you think about it carefully, is the Jade Dew Cream more important, or the lives of dozens of members of your Yin family?”

As soon as these words came out, Yin Quan was instantly speechless.

Yes, even though Jade Dew Cream is very precious, it is nothing compared to the safety of the family.

If even the Yin family is wiped out, then what’s the use of this Yulu ointment formula?

The truth is so true, but he is not willing to accept it!

It’s really frustrating to have the relics left behind by my daughter and the hope for the family’s rise to be handed over to others like this.

“Chief Yin, you should be grateful for the lives of all of you Yin family members for using a mere formula of jade dew ointment. You know, others haven’t had this opportunity yet!” Feng Miaozhu said condescendingly.

“Brother Quan, why don’t you agree to them? Life is the most important thing.”

“Yes, Brother Quan, if the money is gone, you can make it again. If the people are gone, there is nothing.”

At this moment, many members of the Yin family began to persuade.

They were really afraid of offending Prince Mu’s Mansion and suffering disaster.

“Clan Chief Yin, I will give you three minutes to think about it. If you don’t agree after three minutes, you will be responsible for the consequences!”

Wang Zixuan became impatient and gave the final notice.

In her eyes, the Yin family has no way out, and she can do whatever she wants.

“No need to think about it. Don’t even think about the formula of Jade Dew Cream. Now, get out of here as far as you can!”

At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded at the door.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen walked in quickly, carrying his head wrapped in cloth.


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