An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1619

Chapter 1619

Chapter 1619

Chapter 1619

Looking at the two corpses lying on the ground, Lu Chen couldn’t help but frown slightly.

Martial arts masters will have keen five senses. When they are about to be attacked, they will usually have warning signs in their hearts, so that their bodies will instinctively make dodge or block movements.

However, the two shots just now were very concealed and had no killing intent on him, so he did not sense them in advance.

Although he didn’t care about the life or death of Wang Zixuan and Feng Miaozhu, killing someone in front of him was a naked provocation.

Lu Chen raised his head and looked towards the location where the bullet came from.

It was a commanding height with a wide view, but now, it was already deserted.

“Quick! Call someone to cordon off the scene immediately, and be sure to catch the murderer!”

After reacting, Zhao Wuji gave the order decisively.

“No need, the murderer has escaped.” Lu Chen raised his hand to stop him.

Wang Zixuan and Feng Miaozhu deserved to die, and there was no need to mobilize troops and mobilize people.

Unfortunately, the two of them died too quickly, without asking anything, and without expressing their anger properly.

A little unhappy.

“Lao Lu, do you know who the murderer is?”

Zhao Wuji asked tentatively.

“I’m not sure, but I can make a guess.”

Lu Chen said calmly: “If nothing else happens, the killer should be Mu Guanyu’s man.”

“Mu Guanyu?”

Zhao Wuji raised his eyebrows slightly: “Strange, why did he kill them? Are two small characters worth sending someone to assassinate?”

“It’s most likely related to me.”

Lu Chen said thoughtfully: “If I guessed correctly, Mu Guanyu should have known my true identity, so he used these two women to set up a trap for me, and then with the help of Han Feiyang, he tried to Kill and silence.”

The reason why I am so suspicious is because as Mu Guanyu, there is no need to deal with such twists and turns when dealing with an ordinary person.

A direct order can eliminate the root of the problem.

This method of killing people with a borrowed knife can only be due to scruples and to avoid trouble.

An ordinary person naturally doesn’t have this ability.

Only Lu Changge’s identity would make Mu Guanyu fearful.

“This Mu Guanyu is so brave. He knows who you are and yet he dares to do something secretly. He really doesn’t take Xiliang Prince’s Palace seriously!”

Zhao Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

He really deserves a beating for scheming against his brother!

“Now that my identity has not been made public, as long as I find two scapegoats to take the blame, even if there is any trouble, Mu Guanyu will not be traced to it.” Lu Chen said calmly.

If he dies here tonight, then the only people who will take the blame in the end are Han Feiyang, Wang Zixuan and Feng Miaozhu who arranged the plan.

And he can be sure that regardless of success or failure, Wang Zixuan and Feng Miaozhu will be killed to avoid future troubles.

“Bullshit! What a good plan!”

Zhao Wuji’s face became solemn: “Old Lu, if Mu Guanyu knows your identity, then in a few days, there will be uproar in the city, and you will be in constant trouble, why don’t you go out first to avoid the limelight? “

Although Lu Changge’s status is noble, it is also accompanied by endless dangers.

Looking at the entire court, most of the officials regarded the highly accomplished King of Xiliang as a national thief.

Overtly and secretly, countless people were looking forward to the early death of the King of Xiliang.

As the prince of Xiliang, Lu Changge’s treatment was naturally not much better.

The assassination incident ten years ago is the best proof.

“No need, what is supposed to come will eventually come, and I don’t want to hide anymore.”

Lu Chen shook his head: “What happened back then will eventually come to light. Perhaps only by using one’s body as bait can we catch the ghosts hiding in the dark one by one.”

“Have you really thought about it?” Zhao Wuji frowned slightly.


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