An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1744

Chapter 1744

Chapter 1744

Chapter 1744

More importantly, it comes from a psychological blow.

“Lu Changge, I have to remind you that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Dragon Guard Pavilion has been destroyed, the remaining remnants are still a powerful force. You must be careful.” Li Qingcheng said in a serious tone.

“I understand.” Lu Chen nodded: “After learning this lesson, I will not tolerate similar things happening again.”

“This is best.” Li Qingcheng said.

“Did anything special happen during the three days I was in coma?” Lu Chen asked again.

“Your words reminded me.”

As if thinking of something, Li Qingcheng suddenly said: “According to the royal family’s information, the remnants of the Dragon Protection Pavilion seem to have left Yanjing recently, and some of the previously hidden industries have all closed their doors.”

“Leaved Yanjing? Where did you go?” Lu Chen asked.

“Although there is no definite information, judging from various clues, the remnants of the Dragon Protection Pavilion should have gone to Xiliang.” Li Qingcheng said.

“Xiliang?” Lu Chen raised his eyebrows: “Are they going to take action against the Xiliang Palace?”

“It’s very possible.” Li Qingcheng nodded.

“No! I have to go back right away!”

Lu Chen said that he was about to get up, but he pulled the wound and gasped in pain.

“Don’t move!”

Li Qingcheng stretched out his hand to hold it down: “Your vitality is greatly damaged, and you still suffered a penetrating injury. Although I applied jade dew ointment to you, you still need to rest for a few more days to fully recover.”

“There’s no time! Dragon Protection Pavilion has already prepared. There must be a big conspiracy going to Xiliang this time. I must stop them!” Lu Chen said solemnly.

“How can you stop it in your current state?”

Li Qingcheng frowned and said: “Ji Yuanzun’s strength is unfathomable, and there are a group of experts assisting you. You couldn’t stop them even in your heyday, let alone you are seriously injured now?”

“Even if I can’t stop it, I at least have to give the Xiliang Palace a warning so that they can be fully prepared.” Lu Chen said.

“You don’t need to tell me this. I already sent a secret message to your father while you were in coma. I believe he will be on guard.” Li Qingcheng had expected this.

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn’t help but was slightly startled and seemed a little surprised.

He didn’t expect that Li Qingcheng was so thoughtful and had made preparations in advance.

No wonder Li Weimin thinks so highly of his daughter.

“Your Highness, thank you for what you have done, but I still have to go back to Xiliang.”

Lu Chen slowly sat up straight and his mood gradually returned to calm: “No matter what, Xiliang Prince’s Mansion is my home. Now that it is going to suffer a catastrophe, I can’t stand idly by.”

“You can go back, but you have to make a plan first, otherwise your existence will be the weakness of the Xiliang Palace.” Li Qingcheng warned.

From her understanding, Lu Wanjun was a man who cherished his children as much as his life.

Once Lu Changge is in any danger, he will definitely lose his mind. At that time, it will give the remnants of Hulong Pavilion an opportunity to take advantage of.

“I see.”

Lu Chen nodded: “When I go back this time, I won’t do anything blatantly, nor will I have contact with people from the Xiliang Palace. I will investigate secretly, and wait for the critical moment to thwart the Dragon Protection Pavilion’s conspiracy.”

“So much the better.”

Li Qingcheng responded, then added: “However, you may not be able to do anything on your own, so you still need some helpers.”

“Lu Wanjun sent a team of secret agents to Beijing, and now they are at my disposal.” Lu Chen said.

“A team of secret agents is not enough.”

Li Qingcheng shook his head: “Otherwise, I will accompany you personally. There are many strange people in our Qintian Prison, and they all follow my orders now, so they should be able to help you.”


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