An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1921-2000

Chapter 1921-2000

Chapter 1921-2000

Where is this fuss coming from?

“What are you doing in a daze? Apologize!”

Liu Wensheng slapped his backhand again.

The big guys don’t dare to offend, but the little garden directors can still handle them easily.

“Yes, I’m sorry…”

Director Zhang wept bitterly, and finally squeezed out a few words.

Although I don’t know what happened, it’s obvious that this vixen has a lot of background.

Otherwise, Detective Liu would not have such a big reaction.

“Miss Cao, I’m so sorry. I was blind and didn’t notice you just now.”

After teaching Director Zhang, Liu Wensheng immediately said with a smile all over his face: “May I ask Miss Cao, what is your business here?”

“This is my man, this is my goddaughter.”

Concubine Cao Xuan said without hesitation: “Your wife just beat my goddaughter. My man beat your wife to protect her. I think this is called self-defense. What do you think?”


Liu Wensheng was slightly taken aback, and then nodded again and again: “Yes yes yes…it’s self- defense! I was reckless just now and almost misunderstood a good person. Everything is my wife’s fault. I apologize to everyone on her behalf. From now on After that, I will discipline him well.”


Looking at Liu Wensheng who nodded and bowed, everyone couldn’t help but look weird.

No one expected that Inspector Liu, who is usually majestic and powerful, would have such a humble side.

What is the origin of this beautiful woman in front of me?

“It’s useless for you to apologize, she has to say it herself.” Lu Chen suddenly said.

“What this gentleman is saying is, whoever makes a mistake should apologize.”

Liu Wensheng forced a smile, and then helped Mrs. Liu up with a bruised nose and swollen face: “You just hit someone, apologize quickly!”

“Apologise? Why?!”

Mrs. Liu pushed Liu Wensheng away, pointed at his nose and cursed: “You coward! Your wife and children are being bullied, and you just don’t help, but you still want me to apologize? Are you still a man?!”

“Shut up!”

Liu Wensheng glared: “This is the daughter of the Cao family! Be careful what you say!”

“What about the daughter of the Cao family? Do you think I will be afraid?”

Mrs. Liu said with a ferocious face: “Don’t say that the Cao family is in decline, even in its heyday, I am not afraid at all! Don’t forget, my younger brother is a high-ranking official in Yanjing, so what is a mere Cao family?!”

“You, you…can you say a few words less!”

Liu Wensheng was a little anxious and kept winking.

My brother-in-law is apparently working as an errand in Yanjing, but to be honest, he is just a pretty boy who feeds on soft food.

Chapter: 1922

Relying on the wealth of a wealthy family, he worked a part-time job as an official, and he showed off his power in various ways on weekdays.

Once you no longer have a backer to protect you, you will be doomed sooner or later.

In the final analysis, people still have to have real abilities. If you rely on your face to make a living, you are destined to not last long.

“I’m going to say it!”

Mrs. Liu put her hands on her hips, and she was very aggressive: “You are so shy and dare not stand up for us, so I will go to my brother and ask him to teach these short-sighted guys a lesson in person!”

“That’s enough! Don’t make the matter a big deal!” Liu Wensheng had a headache.

“If you make a big fuss, make a big fuss! Who is afraid of whom?!”

Regardless, Mrs. Liu immediately took out her mobile phone and started calling for help.

After he finished, he also said a harsh word: “If you have the guts, don’t run away. Whoever is a coward is a bastard!”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you. I want to see who you can call.” Concubine Cao Xuan said with a cold face.

Looking at the entire Yanjing, there are not many people with higher officials than her grandfather.

At this moment, inside a high-end western restaurant.

Several well-dressed young men and women were gathering together to drink and chat.

“Sister Qingyao, I really envy you. You actually got the favor of Prince Mu and became his goddaughter. What a joy and congratulation!”

A woman in red was smiling and looking very enthusiastic.

This girl is Feng Miaozhu, the legitimate daughter of the Feng family, one of the eight wealthy families in Yanjing!

“I heard that Prince Mu has been fighting for many years, and has never had any children under his knees. This time you can take Miss Qingyao as a daughter, which is enough to prove that you have both ability and political integrity, and are outstanding.” Another greasy-haired and pink-faced man said with a smile.

This man’s name is Hu Song, he relies on his reputation and is very articulate. He is Feng Miaozhu’s boyfriend.

“Sister Qingyao, you might as well tell us how you and Prince Mu met?” Feng Miaozhu couldn’t help but asked curiously.

Prince Mu has always lived in seclusion, with an indifferent personality, and never formed cliques.

This time, he came to the provincial capital suddenly and took in a goddaughter, which was really shocking.

Many dignitaries in Yanjing came to hear the news one after another, intending to find out.

“Speaking of which, it’s purely a coincidence.”

Li Qingyao took a sip of red wine and explained: “Five days ago, I found someone in front of my house had a car accident and almost died. Then I sent the person to the hospital. I didn’t expect that person was Prince Mu.”

“Huh? Is it that simple?”

Feng Miaozhu froze for a moment, a little surprised.

She thought there would be some unknown secret, but it turned out that it was to repay the kindness of saving her life.

“if not?”

Li Qingyao shrugged.

Chapter: 1923

To her, the rescue was just an accident.

As for being a daughter, there are also various reasons.

“It’s strange. Prince Mu is so brave, how could he get into an accident due to a car accident?”

Feng Miaozhu muttered in a low voice, always feeling something was wrong.

“Miss Feng, when you asked me out, didn’t you say you wanted to discuss business? Why did it get involved in personal matters?” Li Qingyao said meaningfully.

“Oh…I was just chatting.”

Feng Miaozhu hastily forced a smile, and at the same time winked at Hu Song beside her.

The latter quickly understood, immediately took out a document, and handed it over with both hands: “Miss Qingyao, this is our cooperation proposal, please read it.”

“Oh? Two billion?”

Li Qingyao took a closer look, raised her eyebrows lightly, and was quite surprised: “Miss Feng, you are too generous, right? This business is simply giving me money.”

“A mere two billion is nothing. As long as Sister Qingyao is happy, it’s good to call her a friend.” Feng Miaozhu said with a smile.

For a wealthy family, two billion is really not worth mentioning.

But if you can use this money to establish a relationship with Prince Mu, it will be a huge profit!

“Okay, since Miss Feng is so sincere, I wish us a happy cooperation.”

Li Qingyao did not refuse and took the initiative to extend his hand.

“Happy cooperation!”

Feng Miaozhu smiled happily and immediately stood up to respond.

“Jingle Bell……”

At this time, the cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

When Hu Song heard the call, his face suddenly darkened: “What? Being beaten? In kindergarten? OK, OK! I’ll be there soon! Sister, just wait, I will stand up for you today!”

“What’s wrong? Are you so excited?” Feng Miaozhu asked casually.

“Miao Zhu, a land snake beat up my sister, I have to go and have a look.” Hu Song explained.

“Go ahead, don’t take too long.”

Feng Miaozhu waved her hand and didn’t take it seriously.

It’s just a local snake in a small place, you can easily trample it to death.

Half an hour later.

While Feng Miaozhu was chatting with Li Qingyao, a phone call came suddenly.

Pressing the answer button, Hu Song’s crying voice came over immediately: “Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo… does……, Miaozhu, I’m getting beaten up, come help me quickly, this kid is so crazy!”

“What? Even you were beaten?”

Feng Miaozhu frowned: “What happened? Didn’t I ask you to bring two bodyguards?”

Chapter: 1924

Her bodyguards are all carefully selected, and logically speaking, it is impossible to deal with even a local snake.

“These two were too broken. They were beaten to the ground as soon as they fought. It didn’t work at all, so I was beaten up too.” Hu Song’s tone was very aggrieved.

“Did you tell me the name of the Feng family?” Feng Miaozhu asked.

“Of course I reported it, but this guy beat him even harder!” Hu Song cried.

“What? You don’t even give face to my Feng family?”

Feng Miaozhu was so angry that her eyebrows stood on end: “How dare a local snake dare to be so crazy? Just wait, I’ll bring someone over right away!”

“Okay, okay, come quickly, I will try my best to hold him back.” Hu Song repeatedly said yes.


“Miss Feng, it seems that you are in trouble. Do you want my help?” Li Qingyao suddenly asked.

“It’s a small matter, it’s not worth mentioning, but if you are interested, Sister Qingyao, you can go to the theater with me.” Feng Miaozhu smiled.

“Okay, it’s nothing to do anyway, just go shopping with Miss Feng.” Li Qingyao nodded slightly.

They just sent 2 billion to their door, so she had to be considerate and considerate.

After walking out of the restaurant, they called a few bodyguards and went straight to Golden Apple Kindergarten.

At this moment, inside the Golden Apple Kindergarten.

Hu Song, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, was huddled in the corner with Mrs. Liu, shivering.

When he first entered the door, Hu Song was showing off his power in all kinds of ways, bossing him around, and pulling him like a 250,000-80,000 man.

As a result, Lu Chen’s prototype appeared directly after a few slaps.

A dignified grown man was stunned to tears after being beaten.

“Boy! Don’t run away if you have the guts! My sponsor will be here soon, and I will make you look good then!”

Although Hu Song had a crying tone, his words were not forgiving.

Ever since he became acquainted with the daughter of the Feng family, he has been able to reach the sky in one step and treat everyone he sees with courtesy.

In the end, the guy in front of me was not only not giving the Feng family face, but also slapped him several times. It was simply too old to cause trouble!

“What? Haven’t you had enough? How many more slaps do you want?”

Lu Chen raised his hand, and Hu Song was so frightened that he quickly shrank behind his sister and yelled sternly: “Boy! You can be arrogant now, but I will make you cry later!”

“That’s right! I want you to cry!” Mrs. Liu followed suit.

“Everyone calm down, let’s forget it in my opinion, and don’t make things big.” Liu Wensheng tried to smooth things over.

Although he prefers his wife, but he can’t offend the Cao family, so he can only persuade him from both sides.

“Shut up! You useless thing!”

Hu Song seemed to have found an outlet and angrily shouted: “My sister and I were beaten, and you, the detective, were indifferent. You are simply a wimp! I don’t have a brother-in-law like you. You will divorce my sister tomorrow!”

Chapter: 1925

“Divorce! Divorce tomorrow!” Mrs. Liu was indignant.

Such a cowardly husband at the booth is really unlucky for eight lifetimes.

“You…you are really unreasonable!” Liu Wensheng’s face became a little confused.

It’s okay to be arrogant on weekdays, but he doesn’t have any vision at all.

Except for San Jueding and a few behind-the-scenes bigwigs, who can hold back the power of the Cao family in the area?

“Get out of the way! Get out of my way!”

While everyone was arguing, several burly bodyguards suddenly walked in.

Wherever they passed, they violently pushed away the crowd and cleared the place forcefully.

After clearing a spacious road, Feng Miaozhu, dressed up like a princess, appeared on stage.

With a beautiful face, coupled with luxurious clothes, and the aristocratic temperament cultivated since childhood, people can tell that they are of extraordinary background at a glance.

“Miaozhu! You are finally here!”

When he saw the person coming, Hu Song’s eyes lit up and he hurriedly greeted him, crying: “Look, look at my face, how it has been beaten by others? You must make the decision for me this time!” ”


Feng Miaozhu reached out and pinched Hu Song’s chin, looked around, and her face quickly darkened: “Who is it? Who hurt you like this?!”

Her man has three guarantees: first, he is handsome;

Now Hu Song’s handsome face has been beaten to disfigurement, no less than her private property has been violated.

Nature couldn’t bear it.

“It’s him!”

Hu Song suddenly pointed at Lu Chen and said viciously: “He was the one who hit me just now and threatened to take you down too!”


Feng Miaozhu glanced at him and said sternly: “Dare to hit my people? You are so brave!”

“Where did you come from again?”

Lu Chen looked up and down, looking a little impatient.

Why is it like whack-a-mole, after hitting this one, another one came.

It’s endless, right?

“Presumptuous! Why are you talking?!”

Hu Song glared, and began to act arrogantly: “Do you know who this is? To tell you the truth, this is the daughter of the Feng family, the top dignitary in Yanjing!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

“What? Yanjing Feng’s family? That’s a top rich family!”

“Isn’t it? Why would the daughter of the Feng family come to this small place like ours?”

Chapter: 1926

“It’s broken! This guy kicked the iron plate and offended Ms. Feng. It seems that today is going to be unlucky!”


Everyone whispered, and while they were shocked by Feng Miaozhu’s identity, they also felt a little more sympathy and pity for Lu Chen.

The big shots in Yanjing, in the provincial capital, are completely reduced in dimensionality.

“Boy! Do you know you’re afraid? Are your legs weak from fright?” Hu Song held his head high, very proud.

With the support of the Feng family, how can you not go sideways?

“Hmph! Aren’t you very annoying before? Why are you silent now? What a coward!” Mrs. Liu was also full of pride.

“You deserve it! This is what you get for offending Mrs. Liu! Let’s see how you die next!” Principal Zhang sneered, looking gloating.

A pariah should have the consciousness of a pariah, dare to challenge the rich and powerful, it is undoubtedly a dead end!

“The person who hit me should pay the price.”

Feng Miaozhu said with a cold and arrogant face: “I order you to cut off your hands immediately, and then kowtow to my boyfriend to apologize, so that I can spare your life.”


Lu Chen responded unceremoniously: “Who do you think you are? Dare to show off your power in front of me? Get out of here, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude!”

“You… what did you say?”

Feng Miaozhu was stunned and couldn’t believe it.

Did you hear that wrong? Otherwise, who would dare to talk to her like this?

“Didn’t you hear it clearly? Okay, let me say it again.”

Lu Chen took two steps forward, turned up the volume, and paused every word: “Get out now, or I’ll beat you up too!”

“Be bold!”


Lu Chen’s words instantly made Hu Song and others furious.

Dare to be disrespectful to the daughter of the Feng family, you are simply reckless!

“You…how dare you tell me to get out?”

After being startled for a moment, Feng Miaozhu became angry and said: “You are a pariah, you are so indifferent and so daring! Today I have to teach you a lesson! Someone! Get him!”


After that, several bodyguards grabbed Lu Chen without saying a word.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

A figure flashed in front of my eyes, and several bodyguards who had just rushed forward flew upside down one after another, fell heavily to the ground, and passed out on the spot.


The sudden scene stunned everyone.

Chapter: 1927

Everything happened so fast that they didn’t react at all.

From Feng Miaozhu’s order, to the bodyguard taking action, to the bodyguard fainting, it only took two or three seconds.

The battle was over before they could even see what was going on.

It’s an exaggeration.

“How is it? Do you want to continue fighting?”

Lu Chen stood quietly, expressionless, as if he had never moved.

“Who are you, your kid?!”

Hu Song shrank back subconsciously.

Damn it, I thought the bodyguards brought by Feng Miaozhu were more aggressive, but in the end I was beaten to the ground with three punches and two kicks.

It’s such a waste!

“Isn’t it? With so many bodyguards in the Feng family, they can’t beat this kid alone?”

Mrs. Liu and Director Zhang looked at each other with surprise and astonishment in their eyes.

At this moment, even Feng Miaozhu was a little uneasy.

Her personal bodyguards are all elites who have undergone rigorous training.

Usually one can fight ten, why can’t even a pariah be dealt with now?

“Mr. Lu, forget it, let’s go, there’s no need to make the matter a big deal.”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Juan couldn’t help persuading her in a low voice.

She didn’t want Lu Chen to offend too many people because of the two of them.

Although the Qilin gang is not small, it is obvious that the Feng family is even more powerful, and if they continue to entangle, they may burn themselves.

It is the best choice to stop in time before it causes a catastrophe.

“Leave? It’s just a dream!”

Feng Miaozhu suddenly stood in front of the door and said sternly: “Those from the Feng family who beat me want to run away. Do you think it’s possible?”

The person who hit her slapped her face, how could he give up easily?

“What? You want to be beaten too?” Lu Chen said coldly.

“Hmph! I know you have some skills, but so what? What this world depends on is not personal bravery, but power and status!”

Feng Miaozhu held her head high and said with a cold and arrogant face: “Now, I will give you another chance to cut off your hands and kowtow to apologize. Only in this way can you save your life, otherwise you will soon be in disaster!”

The Feng family grabbed a handful of people who could beat them, too many to count.

Although the guy in front of him is good at martial arts, he is not worth mentioning in front of real masters.

“Boy! Don’t think that defeating a few bodyguards means you’re cool. You can’t beat four hands with two fists. You can defeat ten people. How can you still promise a hundred or a thousand people? If you know how to do it, hurry up and capture them. Otherwise, if the Feng family Furious, it’s too late for you to regret it!” Hu Song shouted.

“It’s really unreasonable! The big rich family in Yanjing, isn’t it that you can challenge it?” Mrs. Liu and Director Zhang sneered.

Chapter: 1928

No matter how strong one’s personal strength is, compared with a wealthy family, it’s like an egg hitting a rock.

“My patience is limited. If you don’t get out of here, don’t blame me for taking action.” Lu Chen looked impatient.

“Do it?”

Feng Miaozhu sneered: “Come on, come on, try to touch me? I want to see if you have the guts!”

When the word courage fell, Lu Chen raised his hand and slapped Feng Miaozhu hard on the face.


There was a crisp sound.

Feng Miaozhu staggered from the beating, she was dizzy and couldn’t even stand still.

Fortunately, Hu Song supported him so that he would not fall down.

“It’s really noisy.”

Lu Chen looked unhappy.

He generally doesn’t care about women, but if it’s a shrew, that’s another matter.


Seeing Feng Miaozhu who was slapped in the face, everyone was dumbfounded and shocked.

Is this guy crazy?

It’s fine to hit the bodyguards of the Feng family, but how dare you hit the daughter of the Feng family?

You know, that’s the daughter of a wealthy family!

Yanjing’s top dignitaries!

Dare to openly beat such a big man, is it because he wants to rebel?

Or, is this guy really not afraid of death? !

“How dare you hit me?”

Feng Miaozhu covered her burning face, looking in disbelief.

She has never been hit by anyone since she was a child, let alone a slap in the face in public.

This is simply a great shame!

“Hey! Why do you always say this? Can you change it to something fresh?” Lu Chen couldn’t help it.

“I…I’ll fight you!”

Feng Miaozhu screamed and rushed towards Lu Chen with bared teeth and claws.

“Miaozhu! Calm down! Calm down!”

Hu Song was startled, and quickly hugged him.

If you rush forward, wouldn’t you be asking for trouble?

Chapter: 1929


At this time, a woman with willow brows and star eyes, a moon-like beauty, suddenly walked in from outside the door.

The woman is not only stunningly beautiful, but also has an extremely perfect figure.

Especially the cool temperament, as if a cool breeze blows head-on in the scorching summer, making people feel more comfortable.

“Li Qingyao?”

When he saw the woman, Lu Chen couldn’t help but shrink his pupils and seemed a little surprised.

I didn’t expect to see each other here.

“It’s really a narrow road!”

Concubine Cao Xuan who was standing behind wrinkled her nose, a little displeased.

Originally she had her arms crossed, looking like she was watching a show.

As a result, Li Qingyao’s appearance made her become serious immediately.

As her greatest rival in love in this life, she had to be treated with caution.

It would be bad if they were poached.

“Li Qingyao, why are you here to join in the fun?”

Concubine Cao Xuan stepped forward, looking directly at her rival in love, quite a bit of rivalry.

Two great beauties with beautiful national beauty but very different temperaments, standing together now is the most perfect scenery.

Even the women were stunned for a while.

“Who are you? Do I know you?”

Li Qingyao looked up and down with a very cold expression.

“Yo! Ms. Li is really a noble man who forgets things. I haven’t seen you for a while, and I don’t even remember who I am?” Concubine Cao Xuan raised her eyebrows.

“Have we met? How come I don’t remember?”

Li Qingyao frowned slightly, feeling even more puzzled.

“Pretend, continue to pretend to me, it seems that you really don’t take me seriously!”

Concubine Cao Xuan’s complexion was getting colder, and the Queen’s aura was in full swing.

“Concubine Xuan…”

Lu Chen from behind tugged at the corner of Concubine Cao Xuan’s clothes, and said in a low voice: “She has lost her memory, and she doesn’t remember many things.”


Concubine Cao Xuan’s beautiful eyes widened, a little shocked: “Is it true or false?”

“Absolutely true.”

Lu Chen nodded seriously: “Not only did she not remember you, she also forgot about me. Most of the memories within three years were lost.”

Chapter: 1930

“What? Did you even forget? Giggle…that’s great!”

Concubine Cao Xuan finally couldn’t help but laugh out loud, but when she saw Lu Chen’s expression was strange, she couldn’t help but gloat about his misfortune, so she could only restrain her smile and pretended to sigh: “Oh…how did she lose her memory when she was so good? It’s so pitiful, pitiful, pitiful…giggle…”

“What are you two mumbling about?”

Looking at Concubine Cao Xuan who was laughing and sighing in front of her, Li Qingyao’s expression became more and more strange.

Is this woman a lunatic?

“It’s nothing, I just admitted the wrong person, I’m really sorry.”

Concubine Cao Xuan pursed her lips and took the initiative to apologize and give in.

how to say?

He has a bad mind, so he can’t argue with a patient with amnesia, right?


Li Qingyao frowned.

Although I don’t know each other, why does it look a bit unpleasant?

Concubine Cao Xuan glanced at her, and her eyes quickly fixed on Lu Chen: “Wait…you look familiar, have I met you somewhere?”


A simple sentence immediately made Concubine Cao Xuan alert.

Didn’t you say you had amnesia? How do you still remember?

Are you playing tricks with me here?

“you remember me?”

Lu Chen was slightly startled, and also a little strange.

“Oh, I remembered, you are the one selling insurance.”

After thinking about it carefully, Li Qingyao suddenly understood.

Some time ago, the person in front of me went to the hospital to sell insurance, but was kicked out by her mother.

“Well, they sell insurance.”

Lu Chen nodded noncommittally.

It seems that I really don’t remember the past, but that’s fine.

We are far away from each other and we are strangers.

“Hmph! I thought it was some kind of powerful person, but it turned out that he was just an insurance salesman!”

“The untouchables at the bottom of the society dare to challenge Miss Feng? They are suicidal!”

“I’m worth hundreds of millions and I dare not speak loudly here. It’s unreasonable for an insurance seller to be so crazy!”

After learning Lu Chen’s identity, everyone started talking again.

Chapter: 1931

Especially Hu Song, Mrs. Liu, Director Zhang and others had contemptuous and contemptuous eyes, as if they were looking at a fool.

They had some scruples before, thinking that Lu Chen had a strong background, otherwise how dare they beat Miss Feng?

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that the other party was pretending to be powerful.

“Sister Qingyao, are you familiar with this insurance salesman?” Feng Miaozhu asked tentatively.

“I’ve only met him once, so I don’t think I’m familiar with him.” Li Qingyao shook her head.

“It’s fine if you’re not familiar with it.” Feng Miaozhu secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the look in Lu Chen’s eyes became more sinister.

If the two knew each other, she would still be a little bit afraid. Since they didn’t know each other, she didn’t have to be restrained when she took revenge.

“I’ll give you a piece of advice. Apologize to Miss Feng immediately. There may be room for redemption for what happened today.” Li Qingyao reminded.

“Apologise? She doesn’t deserve it.” Lu Chen said calmly.


Li Qingyao frowned slightly: “I’m kindly trying to persuade you that Miss Feng’s family has a great career, and it’s not something you can provoke. There’s no need to ruin your life for a little face.”

Yanjing’s wealthy family is an insurmountable mountain for ordinary people.

He offended a wealthy disciple and he didn’t even know how he died.

“Thanks for the reminder, but I don’t care.”

Lu Chen shrugged and didn’t take it seriously at all.

“Did I not speak clearly enough? If you offend Miss Feng, you will die!” Li Qingyao said with a cold face.

Why is this guy so ignorant?

She has already acted as a peacemaker, as long as she borrows the slope to get off the donkey, apologizes, and makes up for her sins, her life will be saved.

Why do you have to be stubborn?

Is face more important than life?

What do you think?

“You said it very clearly, and I heard it clearly, but you all got one thing wrong. I am not afraid of the Feng family. On the contrary, the Feng family should be afraid of me.” Lu Chen said expressionlessly.

As soon as this remark came out, many people laughed out loud.

“The Feng family is afraid of you? Hahaha… Boy, did you take the wrong medicine? Do you know what you are talking about?”

“An insurance salesman, Le Se, dares to utter wild words, he really doesn’t know what to do!”

“Ignorance! It seems that he still doesn’t know what kind of existence he has offended!”

Everyone was shaking their heads and pointing, looking like idiots.


Li Qingyao shook her head slightly: “I’ve already given you a chance, since you don’t know how to cherish it, then forget it.”

Chapter: 1932

Normally, she wouldn’t be nosy at all, and she doesn’t know what happened today.

“First of all, my man, I don’t need you to give me a chance; secondly, we are the ones who have the upper hand now, we are in a hurry, and the big deal is that we will die!”

Concubine Cao Xuan puffed up her chest slightly and spoke very forcefully.

In terms of appearance, both sides are equally good, but when it comes to grandeur, she is slightly better.

“Presumptuous! How did you talk to Sister Qingyao? Do you know who she is?” Feng Miaozhu shouted with staring eyes.

If the identity of Prince Mu’s goddaughter were revealed, the world would be shocked!

“Forget it, I won’t interfere in the matter between you.” Li Qingyao was too lazy to say much.

She is not a pushy person, nor would she argue with others over trivial matters.

“It’s best not to intervene, so as not to accidentally hurt you.”

Concubine Cao Xuan smiled slightly: “Husband, ignore these people, let’s go home and eat.”

After saying that, he held Lu Chen in one hand and Bao’er in the other, and then walked out of the kindergarten leisurely.

Although Li Qingyao has lost her memory, it’s better for the two parties to have less contact with each other.

Now that medical technology is so advanced, what if the memory is restored?


Before Li Qingyao regained his memory, he had to cook rice as soon as possible!

If you really can’t wait, then pour a few bottles of wine, and the overlord will directly bow!


Watching the few people go away, Feng Miaozhu gritted her teeth with hatred.

She is now so weak that she can’t do anything at all. She has to recruit reinforcements from her family first before she can take care of the bad couple just now!

“Hu Song, where does that bitch come from? How can she be so arrogant?” She turned around and asked.

“I heard that the surname is Cao. It seems that he is the daughter of some Cao family and has considerable influence here.” Hu Song replied immediately.

“The Cao family? Huh! He is just a local rich man. He dominates a small place. Compared with Yanjing’s rich and powerful, it is a world of difference!” Feng Miaozhu looked disdainful.

Yanjing is the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, a place where heroes gather, and stands above all things.

Even a second-rate force in Yanjing can dominate in the southern provincial capital, let alone a wealthy family like the Feng family?

So in her eyes, the Cao family is completely worth mentioning.

“Strange, why do my emotions fluctuate?”

Seeing Lu Chen and Concubine Cao Xuan leaving, Li Qingyao felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

The feeling was indescribable, as if something had been taken away.

Too strange.

“Sister Qingyao, what are you looking at? You’re not going to help that person, are you?” Feng Miaozhu asked tentatively.

Chapter: 1933

“I won’t interfere with your affairs.” Li Qingyao shook her head.

“I’m just telling you, how can such a small character come to your attention?”

Feng Miaozhu smiled easily and winked at Hu Song: “Go to Yanjing immediately to transfer people. I can’t swallow this breath today!”

On the way back, Lu Chen drove the car and Concubine Cao Xuan sat in the passenger seat.

Lin Juan and Bao’er were sitting in the back row.

“Bao’er, if anyone bullies you again in the future, you can tell the godmother, and the godmother will take care of him for you, you know?”

As Concubine Cao Xuan spoke, she took out a wet tissue and wiped the dirt on Bao’er’s face.

“Yes, I understand.” Bao’er nodded seriously.

“Bao’er, starting from tomorrow, my godfather will teach you martial arts, okay?”

Lu Chen said solemnly: “Whoever dares to bully you, you can beat him; if you want to bully, you can also beat him!”

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

Concubine Cao Xuan rolled her eyes: “It’s hard to practice martial arts, don’t exhaust my baby; besides, how can girls fight all day long? Wouldn’t it be nice to learn some piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?”

“If you have too many skills, it’s better to practice some boxing and kicking skills. You can protect yourself when in danger.” Lu Chen explained.

To practice martial arts, you have to start from the baby.

Although it is a bit hard, it will be of great help in the future.

“Bao’er, what do you think?” Concubine Cao Xuan turned around and asked.

After all is said and done, you still have to seek your goddaughter’s own opinion.

“I listen to godmother.” Bao’er behaved very well.

“Hehehe…Okay, when you are a little older, the godmother will arrange it for you.” Concubine Cao Xuan pampered and patted the little guy’s head.

Seeing several people chatting and laughing, Lin Juan pursed her lips and her eyes were a little red.

She had seen all the previous performances of Lu Chen and Concubine Cao Xuan. No matter what, with such a pair of protective godfathers and godmothers, Baoer’s life would not be bad in the future.

“Honey, since we’re all out, shall we have something to eat outside?” Concubine Cao Xuan turned around and asked, “Bao’er, what do you want to eat?”

“Hmm…I want to eat French fries and burgers, is that okay?” Bo’er tilted her head.

“Of course, no problem. Godmother will help you eat as much as you want today!” Concubine Cao Xuan smiled slightly.

“Yeah! I have French fries and burgers!” Bao’er immediately cheered.

Lu Chen and Concubine Cao Xuan looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Children’s happiness is indeed very simple.

At this moment, Concubine Cao Xuan glanced away from the corner of her eye, as if she saw something, her complexion suddenly changed: “My husband! Be careful!”


Lu Chen’s eyelids twitched and he looked sideways.

Chapter: 1934

I saw a large truck suddenly running through a red light and crashing into it as if it was out of control.

At the critical moment, Lu Chen could only turn the steering wheel fiercely, trying to avoid the impact.

As a result, the large truck not only failed to avoid the situation, but instead accelerated with the accelerator, and finally crashed into the side of the vehicle.


There was a loud bang.

The car was blown away on the spot, rolled several times, and then moved more than ten meters before finally stopping.

A long mark was scratched out on the ground, and vehicle fragments were scattered all over the ground.

Everything happened so suddenly, there was no time to react.

Out of instinct, Lu Chen only used his body to protect Concubine Cao Xuan at the last moment.

Even so, Concubine Cao Xuan was left with a bloody head and bruises after the impact and rolling down, and she had many scratches on her body.

“Concubine Xuan! How are you?”

Lu Chen’s expression changed.

“I, I’m fine… Hurry up, look at Bao’er!”

Concubine Cao Xuan yelled weakly.


Lu Chen looked back.

On the back seat, Bao’er was already unconscious, and she turned upside down, with her head down and her feet up.

His right arm was twisted and fractured, two ribs were broken, blood was flowing from his mouth and nose, and a lot of glass shards were pierced on his body, obviously seriously injured.

Not only Bao’er, but Lin Juan is not much better either.

Her face was covered in blood, her hands and feet were fractured in multiple places, her stomach was violently hit, her amniotic fluid had ruptured, and blood overflowed from her abdomen.

“Sister-in-law! Bao’er!”

Lu Chen yelled twice respectively, and both of them were unconscious without any response.

He didn’t dare to hesitate, got out of the car quickly, and then pulled open the deformed car door with a “bang”, and carried Lin Juan and Bao’er out.

Both of them were seriously injured. Lu Chen could only use his bow left and right, use silver needles to stop the bleeding, and heal the injuries with his true energy. He wanted to save their lives first.

“Master Lu!”

At this time, several Qilin Gang disciples rushed forward anxiously.

They are the bodyguards Lu Chen arranged for Concubine Cao Xuan, and they have been protecting her secretly.

After seeing the car accident, he got out of the car immediately.

“Quick! Send them to the hospital quickly!”

After stabilizing the situation, Lu Chen immediately carried Lin Juan and Bao’er into the car, then directed Qilin to help his disciples, and sent them to the hospital for treatment.

Chapter: 1935

Then he opened the car door on the other side, and carried the dizzy Concubine Cao Xuan out.

“Bao’er… How are Bao’er and the others?” Concubine Cao Xuan asked weakly.

“They are a little injured, but their lives are not in danger, don’t worry.” Lu Chen comforted them while administering acupuncture treatment.

“It’s fine, it’s fine.” Concubine Cao Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

“Master Lu, the driver caught him, it’s him!”

At this time, two Qilin gang disciples came over with a bald driver on their backs.

“Miss Cao, Mr. Lu, I was really sorry just now, the brakes failed, and I lost control for a while, and there is nothing I can do.”

The bald driver spread his hands, looking innocent.

“Brake failure?”

Hearing this, Concubine Cao Xuan’s face darkened, she raised her hand and slapped her, shouting: “The brakes failed, why did you step on the accelerator? You were clearly coming for us just now!”

“Miss Cao, you can’t say that.”

The bald driver touched his hot face, and said with a smile that was not a smile: “When people are in a critical situation, once they panic, there will always be mistakes. It was purely a traffic accident just now. I just take the responsibility. Anyway, I have insurance, whether it is Whether you’re killed or injured, you should pay whatever amount you should pay.”

“Do you think it’s over if you lose money?” Lu Chen’s face was gloomy.

“if not?”

The bald driver shrugged, and said indifferently: “I didn’t drink alcohol, and I didn’t hit and run, and I took the initiative to take responsibility. According to the laws and regulations, I will lose money at most. If it doesn’t work, you can imprison me for a few days.”

As he said that, he curled up his lips as if what can you do to me?

“I just want to ask, who told you to do this? Tell me, and I will spare you.” Lu Chen said coldly.

Today’s car accident was obviously premeditated.

“Yo Yo Yo…Scare me? Do you think I was scared?”

The bald driver curled his lips and said with disdain: “There are so many people watching at the scene, what can you do to me? Do you still dare to kill me?”

As he said that, he suddenly turned up the volume, and shouted to the surroundings: “Come, come, come and see everyone! Someone here is going to commit a crime in public, please record the video, and we will go to the bureau in a while Testify for me!”

As soon as these words came out, the melon-eaters who were watching the excitement immediately gathered around.

Many people took out their mobile phones and started recording videos.

Seeing this scene, the bald driver was even more proud: “Hehehe…why are you silent? Aren’t you crazy? If you want to kill me, I want to see if you have the courage !”


Concubine Cao Xuan was so angry that she wanted to take action.

In the end, he was grabbed by Chase Lu, and then pulled him back a step: “Don’t care about it like a dead person.”

“Hmph! You’re a coward, you’re a coward, you don’t even dare to do anything, so what’s the use of you?”

The bald driver sneered with contempt on his face: “Ms. Cao, if you follow this kind of trash, you might as well come with me. At least I can still serve you comfortably…”

The words have not yet finished.

Chapter: 1936

A car sped up suddenly, and then slammed into the bald driver with a “bang”.

His whole body was instantly bounced more than ten meters away, and then he fell heavily on the ground, dying violently on the spot.

At this time, the car door opened.

Lao Zhang grinned and got out of the car, and said to the bald driver, “I’m sorry, the brakes failed, but I have insurance, so I should pay as much as I want.”

At night, in a ward of Dongjiang Hospital.

Lu Chen and Concubine Cao Xuan stood by the bed quietly, looking at Bao’er who had fallen asleep, feeling a little distressed for no reason.

After surgical treatment, Bao’er’s broken bones have been reattached, and all the areas that should be bandaged have been bandaged.

The congestion in the body was also drawn out by Lu Chen with a silver needle.

Although the person is out of danger, the pain and shock of the car accident are still very harmful to a five-year-old child.

“Don’t worry, Bao’er will be fine.”

Lu Chen grabbed Concubine Cao Xuan’s hand and comforted her.

“What a bunch of beasts, they don’t even spare a child.”

Concubine Cao Xuan bit her teeth lightly, obviously angry.

“I will investigate this matter to the end. No matter who is behind the scenes, I will not let it go!” Lu Chen looked serious.

It is said that the disaster is worse than his wife and children. This time Concubine Cao Xuan and Bao’er were both injured, which undoubtedly touched his Ni Lin.

He will never be merciful to enemies who have no bottom line.

“Concubine Xuan!”


At this moment, Cao Guan and Cao Anan walked in in a hurry.

Looking at Concubine Cao Xuan with a bandage on her head, both of them seemed a little nervous and quickly asked about the situation.

“Dad, I’m fine, it’s just a little bit of skin.” Concubine Cao Xuan pretended to be relaxed and smiled.

“It’s fine, it’s fine.”

Cao Guan let out a long breath: “Just now I heard that you were involved in a car accident. I was really shocked. Fortunately, everything is safe. It’s a blessing among misfortunes.”

“Sister, how could a car accident happen if everything is fine? Didn’t you drink?” Cao Anan asked tentatively.

“It’s not our problem, it’s someone’s fault.”

Concubine Cao Xuan did not hide anything and simply told what happened.

After listening, both Cao Guan and Cao Guan frowned: “Who is so bold? Dare to harm people in broad daylight? Is there any law?”

“Investigating, I believe there will be results tomorrow.” Chase Lu replied.

“No matter who it is, they have to pay the price for this!” Cao Guan said with a stern face.

Ordinary intrigue is nothing more than that, and he can no longer tolerate it when it involves the lives of his wife and daughter.

Chapter: 1937

“Yo! They’re all here!”

While several people were talking, a young man wearing a suit with a cheerful face walked in with a high head.

Behind him were two adjutants in uniform.

“Cao Yiming? Why are you here?”

Concubine Cao Xuan frowned slightly, looking a little surprised.

“I heard that you were in a car accident. As my cousin, I naturally have to come and have a look.”

Cao Yiming looked up and down, smiled and said, “But you don’t seem to be injured at all, so congratulations!”

“Stop being hypocritical here, just speak up if you have something to say.” Concubine Cao Xuan was too lazy to be polite.

Ever since his father was forced to abdicate, the two sides have been at odds.

“I’m here tonight, first to see your injury, and second, to talk to third uncle.”

Cao Yiming turned to Cao Guan: “Third uncle, can you lend me a moment to speak?”

“Don’t bother. If you have anything to say, just say it here.” Cao Guan said calmly.

“In that business, everyone is an outsider. Fortunately, I showed off my cards.”

Cao Yiming sat down calmly, patted a little dust on his suit, and said with a smile: “Third uncle, didn’t our ancestors of the Cao family leave behind a treasure map? According to the rules, this treasure map has always been collected by the clan leader. , now that you have changed positions, shouldn’t it be time to hand over this treasure map?”

“I have already explained this matter to your father and uncle. The treasure map was stolen a few years ago and is now missing.” Cao Guandao.

“Third uncle, it’s meaningless if you say that.”

Cao Yiming grabbed a banana and began to peel it slowly: “The treasure map is so precious. You value it more than your life. How could it be stolen? You didn’t hide it secretly and planned to devour it for yourself, right?”

“Are you doubting me? Where’s the evidence?” Cao Guan frowned slightly.

“Third Uncle, if you want people not to know, unless you do nothing, everyone knows the truth.”

Cao Yiming took a bite of the banana and said with a smile: “As a junior, I advise you to hand it over as soon as possible, otherwise no one can guarantee whether what happened today will happen again.”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several people changed.

Concubine Cao Xuan, in particular, became furious instantly, rushed forward and grabbed Cao Yiming by the collar, and said angrily, “What did you just say? Today’s car accident was caused by you?!”

“Don’t be so excited, I’m just talking casually.”

Cao Yiming grinned and continued to eat bananas.

“Beast! Concubine Xuan is your cousin, and you actually do evil things to her? Are you still a human?!” Cao Guan was furious.

“Third Uncle, I’m just joking, look at your nervous looks, what’s the matter?”

As he spoke, Cao Yiming’s smile suddenly faded: “Of course, if the third uncle really refuses to hand over the treasure map, then that’s a different story.”

“Are you threatening me?” Cao Guan said with a serious face.

“Don’t dare, I just kindly remind you.”

Cao Yiming said with a smile but not a smile: “Uncle San has been in charge of the family for many years and has offended many people. Without the support of the Cao family, life will definitely be difficult in the future. I hope Uncle San can think about it carefully. I have something else to do, so I won’t disturb you all.” , Farewell.”

Chapter: 1938

With that said, he patted his sleeves, got up and walked out.

When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and turned around and said, “Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you about a happy event. In five days, Sister Zhiyuan will formally hold a wedding with Guan Hong. You are all welcome to have a wedding banquet.”

After saying that, he went straight out.

“Hmph! What a villain’s face, it’s disgusting to look at!” Cao An’an yelled at the door.

“I underestimated their ambition. I didn’t expect that they would even ignore their family ties for the sake of the treasure map.” Cao Guan sighed lightly.

Cao Yiming’s show of force today is quite impressive.

He smiled on the surface, but his words were full of threats.

“Five days later, the two families will officially marry. It seems that Cao Zhiyuan is going to use this treasure map as her dowry.” Concubine Cao Xuan frowned slightly.

The death threat has been issued. If the treasure map is not handed over, the Cao family will definitely have follow-up actions.

“Brother-in-law, what do you think about this matter?” Cao Anan suddenly turned around and asked.

“A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.” Lu Chen said coldly.

Hearing this, several people suddenly fell silent.

The blood relatives in the past suddenly turned against each other, and they couldn’t adapt for a while.

Do we really want to kill each other?

“Which of you is Lin Juan’s relative?”

At this time, a nurse suddenly ran in.

“I’m a relative, what’s wrong?”

Lu Chen stood up immediately.

“After rescue, Lin Juan is safe; however, the baby in her belly was not saved.” The nurse said with some regret.


As soon as these words came out, several people’s expressions changed.

Especially Lu Chen, his eyes suddenly turned cold and his whole person was filled with evil spirits.

“Cao Yiming! You—you really deserve to die!”

When Lu Chen and others heard the news, they rushed to the door of the operating room.

The unconscious Lin Juan was just pushed out, accompanied by something covered by a white cloth.

With trembling hands, Lu Chen lifted the white cloth and saw that there was a baby’s body inside!

In an instant, his eyes turned scarlet and he gritted his teeth.

An indescribable anger suddenly surged into his heart.

He promised Hong Niu to protect Lin Juan and Bao’er.

Now a car accident not only caused the mother and daughter to be seriously injured and hospitalized, but also caused the child in Lin Juan’s womb to die suddenly.

Chapter: 1939

For him, this is simply terrible news.

While feeling guilty and blaming himself, he was even more angry.

Full of anger!

“How could this be? Wasn’t it fine when you came here? Why did you suddenly…”

Concubine Cao Xuan’s pretty face turned pale, a little unbelievable.

She is nine months pregnant and is about to give birth.

Seeing a fresh little life about to fall to the ground, why did it become like this?

“Sorry, we did our best.”

A doctor regretfully explained: “During the car accident, the fetus had already lost its vital signs. It is a blessing to be able to save the adult.”

“Child…my child…”

At some point, Lin Juan opened her eyes. After hearing the doctor’s words, her tears couldn’t stop flowing.

It was just that he was too weak to even have the strength to cry.

The whole person’s face was full of pain and despair.

“Sister-in-law, I’m sorry, it was me who caused you trouble.”

Concubine Cao Xuan grabbed Lin Juan’s hand, her eyes were a little red.

This car accident was obviously aimed at her, and Lin Juan and Bao’er were innocently implicated.

She is responsible for the death of the child.

“Boa…how is Boa?”

Lin Juan suddenly reacted and grabbed Concubine Cao Xuan’s hand even harder.

“Bao’er is fine, she is safe and will be discharged from the hospital in a few days.” Concubine Cao Xuan comforted her.

After hearing this, Lin Juan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But when she thought of the child in her belly, she couldn’t help but feel sad.

Crying and crying, fatigue hit her, and she fell into a deep sleep again.

“Cao Yiming!”

Lu Chen clenched his fists tightly, full of hatred.

What this beast had done had completely violated his bottom line.

“Dad, I will never let this matter go away.”

Concubine Cao Xuan’s pretty face was frosty and cold, her eyes were indifferent: “The Cao family is too dirty, it’s time to clean it!”

She had cared about family ties before and didn’t want to get to the point of killing each other.

But the situation in front of her made her suddenly understand that Cao Yiming had lost his humanity.

Chapter: 1940

From the moment they caused the car accident, the other party was trying to kill her.

We must not be merciful in the face of this kind of beast!


Cao Guan sighed and finally chose to remain silent.

He knew in his heart that after this incident, the two sides had completely broken up and there was no room for redemption.

The Cao family is about to change.

The next morning.

The Cao Family Manor was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and it was a joyous occasion.

The red carpet stretched for several hundred meters, extending directly from the entrance of the manor to the living room.

Today is Cao Jun’s position as the head of the Cao family. It used to be internally recognized, but now it is officially made public and announced to the outside world.

Therefore, the Cao family specially invited guests and held a celebration banquet.

Anyone who has made good friends with the Cao family, or wants to curry favor with the Cao family, came to congratulate them one after another.

The Cao family has a new patriarch, and most of the surrounding forces have to worship the dock again.

At this moment, in the meeting hall.

The backbone of the Cao family, headed by Cao Jun, has all gathered together.

It’s just that the number of people is much smaller than before.

After these days of reform, nearly half of the core members have been suppressed, and those who can sit here are basically Cao Jun’s confidantes and vassals.

“Brother, after today, you will be known as the head of the Cao family. Congratulations.”

Cao Biao cupped his fists and was the first to express his congratulations.

“The patriarch is wise and powerful, with great talent and strategy, he is the hero of our Cao family!”

“That’s right! I believe that under the leadership of the patriarch, our Cao family will surely flourish even more!”

“The patriarch is mighty!”

Everyone in the Cao family praised him one after another.

Some flattery and flattery made Cao Jun smile and feel ecstatic.

I never thought before that being the head of the patriarch has such an air and prestige.

This feeling of being above ten thousand people is really wonderful.

“I was able to successfully succeed to the throne. Everyone present here has contributed a lot. Afterwards, I will reward everyone according to their merits, and I promise not to treat everyone badly!” Cao Jun said with a heroic smile.

“Thank you Patriarch!”

Everyone looked overjoyed and stood up to salute.

Chapter: 1941

“Uncle, you ascended to the position of patriarch today, and sister Zhi Yuan will marry into Shangguan’s family in a few days. It can be called double happiness!” Cao Yiming said with a smile.

“That’s right.”

Cao Biao smiled and nodded: “The Shangguan family is the top of the three, and Shangguan Hong is a genius with an unlimited future. With such an outstanding son-in-law, brother, you will soon be able to cover the sky with one hand!”

“Yes! Our marriage with the Shangguan family is undoubtedly a strong alliance to dominate the provincial capital, just around the corner!” Many people echoed their words.

On the bright side, the marriage between the two families complements each other and can create glory together and become a prince.

“Speaking of which, I don’t understand why the third uncle is so stupid as to refuse to marry the Shangguan family? Is it just because Concubine Cao Xuan doesn’t like it?”

Cao Yiming said with a slight sneer: “If this is the case, it is really stupid!”

“So, it is most suitable for the eldest brother to be the clan leader. The third brother is too indecisive.” Cao Biao praised him again.

“When it comes to the third child, I actually remember it.”

Cao Jun knocked on the table and looked at Cao Yiming: “Yiming, how did you do what I asked you to do?”

“Third uncle has a hard bone, it is very difficult to attack him.”

Speaking of this, Cao Yiming suddenly changed the subject and said with a smile: “However, I have found his weak spot. I believe that within two days, he will offer his treasure with both hands.”

“This item is very important. You must get it before the wedding!” Cao Jun reminded seriously.

The treasure map is the daughter’s dowry, if there is no such thing, it will be difficult for the Shangguan family to explain.

“Just don’t worry, uncle, I promise nothing will go wrong!” Cao Yiming was full of confidence.

“This is the best.” Cao Jun nodded.

“Okay, brother, it’s almost time. Let’s go to the living room to meet the guests. There is a big shot coming today. I believe he will give you a surprise.” Cao Biao said with a meaningful smile.

“Oh? Really? Then I’ll wait and see.”

Cao Jun grinned, and then led a group of people out of the conference hall in a mighty manner.

However, as soon as he walked out of the door, a Cao family steward suddenly came up to him, holding a gift box in his hand.

“Patriarch, there is a guest outside and asked me to hand over the gift to you.” The steward handed the gift box with both hands.

“Oh? Are you so impatient to be courteous?”

Cao Jun smiled, opened the gift box, and was so frightened that he threw the thing out.


The gift box fell to the ground, and a bloody human head slowly rolled out of it.

“Fuck! What the hell?!”

When the head rolled out, everyone was startled, subconsciously scattered.

After seeing the situation clearly, everyone was even more astonished and inexplicable.

Today is a good day for Cao Jun to ascend to power. Isn’t it a deliberate attempt to cause trouble by offering such a thing as a gift?


Chapter: 1942

This is no longer a teardown, but Chi Guoguo’s provocation!

“Who? Who is so bold that he dares to send a dead man!” Cao Jun was furious.

The originally good mood was destroyed in an instant.

“Dog thing! How do you do things?!”

Cao Biao was furious and slapped the steward on the face.

As the manager of the Cao family, he just sent the things over casually without even checking them.

What if there is a bomb inside?

“I…I thought it was just an ordinary guest, but I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

The steward knelt on the ground, shivering.

Seeing the smile on the man’s face, he thought he was a guest coming to curry favor with the clan leader. Who would have thought that there was a human head inside?

“What the hell are you still doing? Go check it out!”

Cao Biao kicked the steward to the ground. The latter repeatedly said yes and seemed to run away.

“Dad, I know the person who died. He is my confidant.”

At this time, Cao Yiming spoke with a gloomy face.

When he first saw the head, he was frightened, but then it looked familiar. After taking a closer look, he realized that it turned out to be his adjutant!

“Your cronies? What’s going on?” Cao Biao frowned.

“He helped me with some things yesterday. It seems that he was found out and retaliated against.” Cao Yiming narrowed his eyes slightly.

The car accident was arranged by the adjutant. Unexpectedly, after one night, the person died directly.

If there is no accident, it should be Concubine Cao Xuan’s hands and feet.

“So today’s incident is directed at you?” Cao Biao quickly reacted.

“Probably, but don’t bother.”

Cao Yiming shrugged and said calmly: “I will take care of this little matter. If anyone dares to come and make trouble, they will be asking for death!”

“As long as you know what’s going on.”

Cao Biao nodded and said immediately: “Brother, leave this matter to Yiming, we don’t have to worry about it.”

“What bad luck!”

Cao Jun kicked the head away and left.

Everyone did not dare to hesitate and followed him one after another.

At this moment, in the Cao family’s living room.

Lu Chen found a corner, sat quietly, drinking tea alone.

The chill emanating from his body made the surrounding guests subconsciously stay away.

Chapter: 1943

I still remember that the last time he came to Cao’s house, he was a guest, but now it was for revenge.

Blood debts must be paid with blood.

Cao Yiming must pay the price for his crimes today!

“Handsome, can we sit here?”

At this time, a crisp female voice sounded.

Lu Chen looked back and saw two women and a man standing behind him.

The one who spoke was a delicate-looking, petite woman in blue.

To his left, stood a woman in red.

Not only does she look dazzling, but she also dresses fashionably and looks like a lady.

It’s just that his expression and demeanor are a little arrogant.

The man on the right, although wearing a brand-name suit, has a bit of a wicked look on his face.


Chase Lu simply responded.


The woman in blue smiled politely, and then asked her two companions to sit down.

There is no way, there are the most vacancies here, and Lu Chen is dressed plainly, making him look more approachable.

It shouldn’t be too much pressure to get along.

“Handsome guy, my name is Zi Lan, this is Ye Lei, this is Chen Quan, what do you call me?”

The woman in blue made introductions and then took the initiative to ask. She seemed to have a lively personality.

“We don’t need to exchange names if we meet by chance.” Lu Chen said coldly.

He’s here to kill people, not make friends.


Zilan’s smile froze, looking rather embarrassed.

“Hey! What are you pulling?”

Ye Lei, who was standing next to her, couldn’t stand it any longer and said with an unhappy look on her face: “Isn’t it just asking you your name? What’s so big about it? Looking at your dress, you don’t look like a rich person. How can you get the confidence to do this? Show off?”

“That’s right! You look so poor. It’s an honor for you to get to know us!” Chen Quan also showed a look of contempt.

“Forget it, forget it, don’t say a few words.”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zilan quickly started to smooth things over.

“Lanlan, for a loser like this, you just give him too much face!”

Ye Lei crossed her arms and said very arrogantly: “Do you know why no one is sitting next to him? It’s because he dislikes him and doesn’t bother to be with him!”

Chapter: 1944

The beautiful woman took the initiative to strike up a conversation, but she still likes to ignore her, she is really shameless!

“Lanlan, why do you want to deal with this kind of person? We have a net worth of tens of millions, is that something he can reach? We are not in the same circle at all.”

Chen Quan adjusted his designer tie and revealed his name: “Boy! Have you seen this watch? It’s worth 800,000 yuan, and you can’t even afford it with ten years of salary!”

In this place where rich people gather, it is not easy to see a poor guy, so naturally he has to pretend.

Faced with the provocation, Chase Lu did not react and drank tea alone.

Just out of the corner of his eye, he kept paying attention to the movement at the door.

However, his silence was regarded by Chen Quan as a guilty conscience, and he became even more arrogant for a while.

“Do you know the gap now? It’s an honor to be able to sit at our table. It’s your ancestral grave that smokes. You should cherish it!” Chen Quan said in an educational tone.

“Hmph! The sour smell is really disgusting!”

Ye Lei pretended to cover her nose with a disgusted expression.

Lu Chen ignored it as if he didn’t hear it.

This move made Ye Lei even more upset.

On another occasion, she would have sprayed the opponent until his head was bloody.

“Look! The Lord has arrived!”

At this moment, someone yelled.

Everyone looked sideways and saw Cao Jun striding in with a few core members.

For a moment, everyone stood up to greet him, congratulating Cao Jun on becoming the new clan leader.

The atmosphere at the scene reached its peak in an instant.

Ye Lei and Chen Quan were eager to give it a try, but because their status was too low, they couldn’t squeeze in, so they could only watch from a distance.

“Is that Cao Yiming, the second youngest of the Cao family? Sure enough, it is Yushu Linfeng, with an extraordinary bearing!”

Ye Lei looked at the tall figure, her eyes were shining, and she was very excited.

Cao Yiming was born in a wealthy family, and he is extremely outstanding personally. Among the many young talents in the provincial capital, he can be ranked in the top ten.

He is the dream man of many young girls, and she is no exception.

“I heard that Cao Yiming is now a senior officer of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and he is also a subordinate of the Red-tasseled God of War. His future is limitless!” Zi Lan also expressed admiration.

For her, such a big man is beyond reach.

“If I’m half as good as Cao Yiming, I’ll be happy.” Chen Quan sighed softly, his face full of envy.

Although his family has a little money, compared with Cao Yiming, he is still far behind.

“No matter how good Cao Yiming is, it doesn’t matter how promising he is.”

Lu Chen stood up slowly, with murderous intent in his eyes: “Because he is already a dying person now!”


Chapter: 1945

Lu Chen’s sudden sound made the three people around him look sideways.

All of them had weird faces and stunned eyes.

“Hey! What are you talking about? What kind of dying person?”

Ye Lei glanced up and down, her expression becoming more and more contemptuous.

Why does this guy act like a fool?

“Boy! Are you jealous of Cao Yiming? Knowing that he is better than you, why are you swearing here?” Chen Quan asked suspiciously.

“Hmph! Even if I don’t have the ability, I still like to be jealous of others. It’s really disgusting!” Ye Lei crossed her arms with disdain on her face.

She hated this kind of guy with a small belly and chicken intestines the most.

“Boy, if you have the guts, speak louder, and speak ill of others behind your back, what kind of hero are you?” Chen Quan sneered.

“That’s right! Challenge Cao Yiming head-on if you have the guts, and hide behind him in fear. What’s the difference between being a coward?” Ye Lei curled her lips.

Although Zi Lan didn’t say anything, she shook her head secretly. She was already a little disgusted with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen did not pay attention to the three of them, but picked up a wine bottle on the table and weighed it a little.

“Cao Yiming!”

Lu Chen suddenly shouted loudly, shocking the audience.

“Who? Who dares to call me by my first name?!”

Cao Yiming turned his head sharply, his sharp eyes darting around.

However, at this moment, a wine bottle suddenly flew over and hit him on the head accurately.


There was a bang.

The bottle shattered, and red wine spilled all over her body.

Cao Yiming was hit so hard that he staggered and became dizzy.

When I touched my head, I saw blood!


The sudden scene shocked everyone.

No one expected that at this moment of public attention, someone would dare to cause trouble in the Cao family.


At this moment, Ye Lei, Chen Quan, and Zi Lan were all stunned with fear.

Everyone’s eyes widened, their faces full of shock.

They saw clearly just now that it was Lu Chen who picked up the wine bottle and hit Cao Yiming on the head.

The question is, how dare the other party? !

Chapter: 1946

Who is Cao Yiming?

A young man from a wealthy family, a senior officer of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, a future young general, a real leader among men.

Looking at the entire Jiangnan, they are all outstanding existences!

If you dare to provoke such a big shot, wouldn’t you be asking for your own death?

This guy, don’t you want to die? !

“You…you dare to hit Cao Yiming? Are you crazy?!” Ye Lei was shocked and angry.

She was deliberately provocative just now, because she expected that Lu Chen would not dare to speak out.

The results of it?

Not only did the other party open his mouth, but he was even more vicious, hitting his head with a wine bottle.

“Boy! You are so bold! Now you are dead!”

Chen Quan swallowed, looking at a fool.

In order not to get into trouble, he immediately distanced himself to avoid being misunderstood by the Cao family.

“If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have come to this table.”

Looking at the eyes gathered around, Zilan couldn’t help but backed away.

I hate Lu Chen even more.

This guy is simply a troublemaker, whoever gets involved will be unlucky.

“Lu Chen! It turned out to be your kid!”

Cao Yiming’s eyes froze, and his face became extremely gloomy.

Cao Jun, Cao Biao and his party also had angry expressions on their faces.

On this day, Lu Chen came uninvited and openly made trouble. It was a slap in the face of the Cao family!

“Cao Yiming! Today, I’m here to take your life!”

Lu Chen spoke loudly and forcefully.



“Dare to make trouble in Cao’s house, I think you are tired of work!”

After being stunned for a moment, all the guests started to rebuke angrily. They were all filled with righteous indignation and gearing up, trying to show off.

The guards of the Cao family who heard the commotion also immediately gathered around.

“Are you worthy of my life?”

Cao Yiming had a gloomy face: “If your bodyguard was here, there might be a chance. For a loser like you, you still dare to scream in front of me. You are simply asking for death!”

Although he had been taught a lesson by Lao Zhang before, he had absolute confidence when facing Lu Chen.

Chapter: 1947

Among the peers, apart from that monster Shangguanhong, who else can overwhelm him?

“Boy! Today is the day when I become the leader of the clan. I don’t want to kill anyone. If I know the truth, I will capture him immediately!” Cao Jun shouted in a deep voice.

He knew that Lu Chen was quite capable and had formed some sort of gang.

But compared to the Cao family, it is not worth mentioning at all.

What’s more, he now has the support of the Shangguan family.

“Cao Yiming will die today, no mercy will be given to anyone who dares to stand in my way!” Lu Chen said coldly.

“Hmph! How shameless!”

Cao Jun became angry instantly and shouted: “Come here! Capture him!”


Cao Yiming raised his hand to stop him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: “Uncle, to deal with this kid, you don’t need to mobilize the crowd, I can do it alone!”

“Brother, let the juniors resolve their grievances by themselves.” Old God Cao Biao said calmly.

If he openly surrounded and killed Lu Chen, he would inevitably be blamed for bullying the minority.

If it was a one-on-one fight, no one would say anything even if they were beaten to death.

“Okay, then this kid will be handed over to you.”

Cao Jun patted Cao Yiming on the shoulder.

“Uncle, don’t worry, let’s see how I torture him.”

Cao Yiming was full of confidence, followed his gaze to Lu Chen, and said provocatively: “Your surname, Lu, do you dare to fight with me to the death? Win or lose, life and death depend on fate!”

“Why don’t you dare? You’re going to die anyway.” Lu Chen’s eyes were cold.

“Hey! Everyone heard it. He has agreed to a life-and-death battle. If he is killed in a while, no wonder I am!” Cao Yiming curled his lips.

Then he made a gesture and asked people to start clearing the field.

“Dare to challenge Cao Yiming? You really don’t know how to live or die!”

“Cao Yiming is an innate master and an officer of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. He has learned killing techniques. I’m afraid this kid won’t be able to withstand three moves.”

“If you dare to make trouble in Cao’s house, you deserve to die!”

Everyone was pointing and talking.

Everyone looked at Chase Lu as if they were looking at a dead person.

“Hmph! How dare a poor dick challenge a genius like Cao Yiming? It’s like trying to block traffic!” Ye Lei sneered.

“In order to show off, this kid even risked his life. He is so stupid!” Chen Quan’s face was full of contempt.

“I really don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!” Zilan sighed softly.

In their opinion, Lu Chen’s behavior was undoubtedly a wish for death.

“Your surname is Lu! Come over here and let me see how much you weigh!”

Chapter: 1948

Cao Yiming waved his hand with a contemptuous expression, completely ignoring Lu Chen.


Lu Chen was not polite, he stepped forward, suddenly leaned forward, and then punched out.

There is no shocking power, no palpitating coercion, some are just mediocre.

“That’s it?”

Seeing the light punch, Cao Yiming sneered and shook his head, then stretched out a finger, and tapped it lightly in a very pretending way.

He wants to win beautifully and win applause.




At the moment when the two sides came into contact, only three strange sounds were heard in succession.

At the first sound, Cao Yiming broke his finger.

The second time, Cao Yiming’s arm was broken.

On the third sound, Cao Yiming hit the wall like a cannonball, blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and he fainted on the spot.

For a moment, the whole place was silent.


Seeing Cao Yiming lying on the ground like a dead dog, everyone was shocked.

A senior officer of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, an outstanding genius, was defeated like this?

what’s the situation?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, shocked.

They thought there was no suspense in this battle, and it should be Cao Yiming who crushed it unilaterally.

Unexpectedly, Cao Yiming fell down after just one face-to-face meeting.

This gap is really a bit big.

“I…I read it right, right? Cao Yiming actually lost?”

Chen Quan’s eyes widened in disbelief.

He thought Lu Chen was seeking death, but he didn’t expect that he was hiding it deeply.

“How is it possible? He, he, he…how could he be so powerful?!”

Ye Lei’s face was full of astonishment, and her lips trembled.

She couldn’t accept it. How could a poor man in ordinary clothes defeat a genius like Cao Yiming?

“My God! Is it so fierce?”

Chapter: 1949

Zilan covered her mouth in surprise, her eyes filled with disbelief.

At first she thought Lu Chen was too pretentious, even a little reckless, but now she realized that the other party had real skills.

“I really didn’t realize that this kid is actually a master!”

Cao Jun’s face was sullen and his brows were deeply furrowed.

He had seen Lu Chen’s medical skills, and they were indeed powerful, but he didn’t know much about martial arts.

“My son, was defeated with just one punch?”

Cao Biao was stunned for a moment, unable to accept it for a while.

Even if he lost to Shangguan Hong before, why couldn’t he even beat Lu Chen?

Is it so stretched?

Lu Chen ignored everyone’s surprise, walked forward quickly, grabbed one of Cao Yiming’s legs, and dragged him out.

That posture was like dragging a dog.

Cao Yiming used his own face to forcefully draw a long bloodstain on the ground.

“Bastard! Let go of my son!”

Cao Biao finally reacted and immediately shouted angrily.

Lu Chen seemed not to hear it and continued to drag Cao Yiming away.

The reason why he didn’t kill him was because he wanted Cao Yiming to kneel in front of Lin Juan and kowtow to apologize.

“Come on! Kill this kid!”

Cao Biao roared again and again, and immediately gave the order to besiege.

Soon, a large number of Cao family guards swarmed in.

The surrounding guests scattered in fright, fearing that the fish in the pond would be harmed.


After confirming the target, the Cao family guards immediately swarmed forward.

Lu Chen had no expression on his face, raised his hand and shot out a large number of silver needles.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

With a burst of sound in the air, the guards of the Cao family who rushed forward fell to the ground one after another, and no one was spared.


Seeing this scene, all the guests looked horrified again.

Everything happened so fast, they didn’t even see what happened.

With Lu Chen’s wave of his hand, all the Cao family guards fell down.

It’s really weird.

Chapter: 1950

After dealing with a group of guards, Lu Chen did not stop, but still dragged Cao Yiming violently, and walked straight out of the living room.

“Someone! Come quickly!”

Cao Biao roared crazily and chased him all the way out.

“Call out all the guards!”

Cao Jun shouted with a stern face: “No matter what the price is, we must capture this kid today, otherwise the Cao family’s face will be lost!”

In front of so many people, they made trouble openly and kidnapped Cao Yiming.

Lu Chen’s behavior is undoubtedly trampling on the dignity of the Cao family.

If you don’t kill chickens and monkeys, what face will the Cao family have in the future?

Following Cao Jun’s order, all the guards of the Cao family and all their hidden strength came out.

For a time, the whole family was in a state of shock.

“Quick! Surround us, don’t let this kid escape!”

“Damn it! You dare to act wild in the Cao family, I’m really tired of living!”


More and more people are gathering from all directions, and all of them are holding weapons and looking menacing.

As soon as Lu Chen walked out of the living room, he was surrounded by groups.

A full one or two hundred people stared at him covetously.

Most of them are Cao family guards, and a few are elite secret guards, as well as some soldiers of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

These soldiers are all Cao Yiming’s cronies.

As a senior military officer, he still manages hundreds of people under his command.

“The surname Lu! Let my son go quickly! Otherwise, you will die today!” Cao Biao yelled angrily.

“Boy! You have been surrounded, there is no way to escape, let me go immediately, I can still consider to spare your life!” Cao Jun threatened.

“I only want Cao Yiming’s life, and all irrelevant people should get out of here!” Lu Chen said with a cold face.

“Boy! You don’t know it when you’re about to die. Keep your eyes open and look around. Who’s in charge now!” Cao Jun sternly said.

Now that the Cao family needs guns and people, isn’t it easy to deal with a brat?

After all, no matter how powerful Chen Lu is, can he still block bullets?

“Although Cao Yiming was defeated, he still couldn’t get out of the Cao family.”

“I have to admit, this kid does have something, but unfortunately, he is outnumbered.”

“If you dare to break into Cao’s house alone, even if you die, you deserve it!”

Seeing Lu Chen being surrounded, all the guests couldn’t help but talk about it.

It is undoubtedly impossible for one person to challenge the entire wealthy family.

Chapter: 1951

“Hmph! What’s the use of being able to fight? Isn’t it surrounded? Personal bravery, in the face of absolute power, is not worth mentioning at all!”

Ye Lei crossed her arms and showed a proud look again.

In her opinion, Lu Chen was just a martial artist. Although he was powerful with his fists and kicks, he couldn’t make any big waves at all.

“That’s right! This kid is so naive, he really thinks that with a little kung fu, he can run amok? It’s just a dream!”

Chen Quan curled his lips, quite disdainful.

Although Zilan said nothing, she was not optimistic about Lu Chen’s situation.

The Cao family has so many swords and guns, who can withstand it?

“For the sake of your surname Cao, I don’t want to go on a killing spree today, so get out of here before I take action!”

Lu Chen’s fierce eyes shot around, like a demon gradually awakening.

If he hadn’t considered Concubine Cao Xuan’s feelings, he would have bloodbathed Cao’s family long ago.

“Beast! I don’t think you will shed tears until you see the coffin!”

Cao Jun was furious, and winked at several gunmen: “Kill him!”

“Bang, bang, bang…”

As soon as he finished speaking, gunfire rang out.

Five bullets were fired at Lu Chen from everywhere.

Lu Chen was very straightforward, grabbed Cao Yiming’s hair, and then lifted it up to act as a meat shield.

Two of the five bullets missed, and the last three were all shot on Cao Yiming.


The unconscious Cao Yiming was awakened by the severe pain.

“Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!”

Cao Biao realized later and quickly stopped him.

Otherwise, before Lu Chen could be shot to death, his son would be killed first.

“A bunch of rubbish! Can you hit the spot?”

Cao Jun was a little angry.

It was not easy to have a chance to kill, but it turned out to be missed in vain.

“Who? Who the hell shot me?!”

Looking at the bloody holes in his abdomen and legs, Cao Yiming’s eyes widened and he roared again and again.

Who the hell could stand being shot three times for no reason?

“Yiming, it was just an accident, it’s okay.”

Cao Jun said with a serious face: “If you do it again, I promise, the shot will not miss this time. Just be patient and it will be over soon.”

Chapter: 1952

“Ah? Still coming?”

Hearing this, Cao Yiming was so frightened that he almost jumped up: “Uncle! Bullets don’t have eyes, so don’t act recklessly!”

What the hell!

If he continued like this, he would have been killed by his own people before he died in Lu Chen’s hands.

Besides, powerful innate masters already have the ability to dodge bullets.

How can it be so easy to be shot?

“Brother! Calm down! Yiming’s life is at stake!”

Cao Biao was also terrified, and quickly comforted him.

He was really afraid that Cao Jun’s head would get hot and he would open fire directly. By then, his son would definitely be beaten into a hornet’s nest.

“Of course I care about Yiming’s safety, but if we don’t kill this kid, how can our Cao family have the face to see others?” Cao Jun frowned.

“This kid’s strength is not bad, we have to invite experts to suppress him.” Cao Biao said in a low voice.

“Expert? Where can I find an expert in a minute and a half? If you ask me, just swarm him and hack him to death. This way you won’t kill him by mistake.” Cao Jun made a slashing motion.

“Brother, let me talk to this guy first. It would be best if we can defeat others without fighting.” Cao Biao whispered.

“I’ll give you three minutes to deal with him.” Cao Jun temporarily suppressed the murderous intention in his heart.

“no problem.”

Cao Biao nodded, looked at Lu Chen, and said loudly: “Lu Chen, stop, you can’t escape the Cao family today, but as long as you let my son go, I can guarantee that you will not die.”

“Surnamed Lu! Did you hear that? Let me go quickly, or you will die without a place to bury you!” Cao Yiming threatened viciously.

Although he was defeated by Chase Lu, it didn’t mean that he would give in.

In this world, is it useless to fight with light?

If you have no power, you will be trampled on in the end?

“Everyone has to take responsibility for their own actions. If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. Today, no one can save you.” Lu Chen said coldly.

“Mr. Lu! Stop pretending to be powerful. Now you are a turtle in the urn. If you dare to touch me, you will die!” Cao Yiming sneered.

What scene has he not experienced?

How could a little thing scare him?

Besides, there are Cao family soldiers and horses around, so why should he be afraid?

“A dead end?”

Lu Chen snorted coldly, and shot out suddenly, with two “clicks”, directly twisted Cao Yiming’s arm.


Cao Yiming screamed out in pain, his whole face was distorted in pain, and he was sweating profusely.

One arm was broken before, and now another was twisted, and both hands were disabled.

Chapter: 1953

“Are you satisfied with my move of splitting tendons and smashing bones?”

Lu Chen looked down condescendingly, with indifference in his eyes.

“Bitch! How dare you touch me? You are dead! I will cut you into pieces!” Cao Yiming roared angrily.

Lu Chen had a cold face, no nonsense, and kicked him out again.


Cao Yiming’s knee broke and he fell directly to the ground.

For a while, the screams became louder.

“Beast! You beast! Dare to touch my son? I will cut you into pieces!”

Seeing this scene, Cao Biao’s eyes were splitting and he was furious.

How can you bear it when your son has his hands and feet amputated?

“Kill him!”

Without further ado, Cao Jun issued the order to kill.

He had been impatient for a long time, and now was the opportunity.


Just when everyone was about to rush forward.

At the gate of Cao’s house, a group of thugs suddenly rushed in.

It was completely dark, with hundreds of people in it.

These thugs were all dressed in black, with red cloth strips tied on their heads, and a unicorn symbol was displayed on the clothes on their chests.

Surprisingly, he is a disciple of the Qilin Gang!

“All surrounded!”

Lao Zhang took the lead, kicked down a few people who were blocking the way, and then commanded the disciples of the Qilin Gang to surround the entire Cao family.

In terms of armed forces, the Qilin Gang, which combines the elites of the four major gangs, far surpasses the Cao family in terms of numbers.

When the Wu Yangyang rushed in, the formation was very scary, and it instantly calmed the scene.

The onlookers retreated like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

“Who are you? How dare you break into Cao’s house!”

Looking at the crowd surrounding them, Cao Jun couldn’t help but yell angrily.

“It’s the Qilin Gang! They’re from the Qilin Gang!”

Someone from the Cao family exclaimed.

“What? The Qilin Gang?!”

As soon as these words came out, many people’s expressions changed.

Chapter: 1954

Although the Qilin Gang was established only a short time ago, its reputation has already spread throughout the provincial capital.

The Qilin Gang formed by the four major gangs is naturally extraordinary, and with some mysterious masters in charge, it is like a tiger with wings added.

In terms of power, it even surpassed the five giants!

“Who dares to act presumptuously in front of my clan leader?!”

Lao Zhang and several hall masters stood behind Lu Chen aggressively to help him.

Many Qilin Gang disciples also moved closer.

Although he didn’t speak, his attitude has already proved everything.

“You…you are the leader of the Qilin Gang?!”

Looking at Lu Chen, the leader, everyone in the Cao family looked horrified and surprised.

Of course, they had heard some rumors about the Qilin Gang, and they also understood the strength of this gang.

It’s just that no one expected that the behind-the-scenes boss in charge of the Qilin Gang turned out to be the unknown Lu Chen!

“Oh my god! Is this guy so powerful?!”

Chen Quan’s eyes widened with shock.

He thought Chase Lu was just a poor guy, but he didn’t expect him to be so arrogant.

At the age of more than 20 years old, he actually became the existence of the dominant party, which is really shocking.

Thinking of what he had done before, he felt his scalp numb and frightened.

“How… how is it possible? He is dressed so shabbily, how can he be the leader of the Qilin Gang?!”

Ye Lei was stunned, looking in disbelief.

You know, the Qilin Gang now controls the underground power of the entire provincial capital, and has also formulated its own rules.

It is the true gray and white that takes everything and controls the wind and rain.

And the rumored leader of the Kirin Gang is a tycoon with powerful hands and eyes!

Known as the underground emperor of the entire provincial capital!

She never dreamed that such a top boss would be a shabby and ordinary young man.

“We all missed it!”

Zilan swallowed, her face full of remorse.

If he had just tried harder, he might have been able to change his fate.

“No wonder… No wonder you dare to come and make trouble, so you are well prepared!”

Cao Jun frowned and looked a little ugly.

Judging from the number of people on both sides, if there is a real fight, the Cao family has a very low chance of winning.

“I must take Cao Yiming away today. If anyone dares to stop him, don’t blame me for killing without blinking an eye!”

Chapter: 1955

Lu Chen’s cold eyes glanced around, and everyone who came into contact with his gaze lowered their heads and remained silent.

“Lu Chen! Be a human being and save yourself a line so that we can meet each other in the future. Don’t make things too extreme!” Cao Biao shouted in a deep voice.


Lu Chen snorted coldly: “For Concubine Xuan’s sake, I have restrained enough, otherwise, all of you will die!”

“Lu! Don’t be too arrogant!”

Cao Biao glared and shouted: “So what if you are the leader of the Qilin Gang? Do you still think you can cover the sky with just one hand? Don’t forget, my son is not a senior officer of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry!”

“That’s right!”

Cao Yiming said with a ferocious face: “I am a tiger and leopard rider with my back, and I am a subordinate of the Hongying God of War. If you dare to kill me, you will kill yourself!”

“Boy! Enough is enough!”

Cao Jun said with a gloomy face: “If you let Yiming go, I don’t care about today’s matter, but if you insist on going to war, my Cao family is definitely worth it!”

Although the Qilin Gang is powerful, the Cao family is not a soft persimmon.

After decades of operation, there are many allies and a huge network of interests intertwined with each other.

It is no exaggeration to say that when the Cao family was in trouble, support came from all directions.

“I don’t care who your background is, and I don’t care about your background, anyway, I only have one sentence, Cao Yiming must die!”

Lu Chen suddenly took action, grabbed Cao Yiming’s neck, and lifted him up forcefully.

If you really can’t take it out, you can only kill it now.


Cao Yiming felt his breathing was stagnant and his face turned red.

A fear of death began to spread in my heart.


At this time, a loud shout suddenly exploded.

Immediately afterwards, Cao Zhiyuan, dressed in gorgeous clothes, rushed in with a hundred or ten people.

These people are all the elites of the Shangguan family, and there are two groups of wolf guards in charge, their strength should not be underestimated!

“Paper kite? You are finally here!”

Seeing this scene, Cao Biao was overjoyed, as if seeing a savior.

Since following Shangguanhong, Cao Zhiyuan’s status in the family has risen, and even Cao Jun, the patriarch, has to act according to his face.

“Daughter, you came at the right time. With your strength, I will feel at ease as a father.” Cao Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

In a head-to-head confrontation with the Qilin Gang, the Cao family alone is indeed a bit behind, but if you add the elite of the Shangguan family, the situation will be completely different.

“Sister Zhiyuan! Save me!”

Cao Yiming struggled and roared hoarsely.

Chapter: 1956

“The surname is Lu! You are so courageous, let go of Yiming!”

Cao Zhiyuan is majestic, with sharp eyes, and looks like a big sister.

From the moment she heard about the accident in the Cao family, she immediately led the team to rush over, but fortunately, she arrived in time.

“Is the car accident related to you?” Lu Chen asked abruptly.

“What car accident?” Cao Zhiyuan frowned.

“Since it has nothing to do with you, then get away.” Lu Chen said unceremoniously.



“Arrogant boy! How dare you be rude to the young lady, today this old man will teach you a lesson!”

Lu Chen’s words immediately angered everyone in the Shangguan family.

Especially a skinny old man behind Cao Zhiyuan was even more excited. Without saying a word, he flew up and grabbed Lu Chen: “Shuzi! Die!”

“Get out!”

Lao Zhang jumped up and slapped the skinny old man on the chest. The latter let out a scream of “ah”, flew upside down more than ten meters on the spot, and fell headlong into the nearby lotus pond.

Life and death unknown.


The sudden change made everyone in Shangguanhong look solemn.

The skinny old man just now was an innate master invited by the Shangguan family.

As a result, one person who met the face disappeared, isn’t it too exaggerated?


Lao Zhang patted his sleeves and stood behind Lu Chen again.

“Mr. Lu! Today is a great day for my father to ascend to power. I warn you not to act wild here!” Cao Zhiyuan shouted sternly.

She is no longer what she used to be. As the young lady of the Shangguan family, she is qualified to mobilize more than half of the Shangguan family’s resources and strength.

This is the privilege given to her by Shangguan Hong, and it is also a sign of her rapid rise to success.

“So what if you act wild? Can you people stop me?” Lu Chen looked indifferent.

“If the Cao family can’t do it, what if we are added to it?”

A loud voice sounded at the door.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a group of energetic and elite fighters walking in mightily.

These warriors wore uniform uniforms, all of them were strong and strong, and they were as fierce as cattle.

The powerful aura forced everyone to subconsciously start to retreat, feeling inexplicably afraid.

“It’s the Huangfu family! It’s the elite warriors of the Huangfu family!”

Chapter: 1957

“What’s going on? Why are the Huangfu family here?”

“Looking at this battle, it should be the most elite force of the Huangfu family!”

After seeing the situation clearly, the crowd began to commotion.

No one expected that the Huangfu family would interfere at this critical point.

The Huangfu family is an ancient martial arts family, and most of the people they cultivate are martial arts masters.

In terms of force value alone, this force is far stronger than the elites of the Shangguan family!

“Lu Chen, what do you think about the Qilin Gang beating you if we are joined together?”

A middle-aged man in Chinese clothes walked out slowly from the crowd.

Behind him, Huangfu Xiong and his party were also following.

“and who are you?”

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

“I am Huangfu Xia, the second oldest in my family.”

Huangfu Xia said calmly: “You made our Huangfu family so miserable that we died and were injured. Do you need to give me an explanation?”

He had been staying in Yanjing to develop his career. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, major changes occurred in his family.

In desperation, he could only give up his property in Yanjing and return home to take charge of the overall situation.

“I have already explained the death of the old alliance leader. The murderer is one of your own. As for the specific matters, you should ask your elder brother.” Lu Chen said.

“Hmph! If you hadn’t interfered and added fuel to the fire, how could our Huangfu family have suffered heavy losses? You just want to shirk responsibility with just one sentence. Do you think it’s possible?!” Huangfu Xia’s face gradually darkened.

“This culprit! Kill my father and harm my family. We are at odds with you!” Huangfu Xiong roared.

He has always remembered his father’s death vividly and held a grudge in his heart.

But because Lu Chen was too strong, he never had a chance to retaliate.

Now that the second uncle is back to take charge of the overall situation, and with the help of the Cao family and the official family, avenging his father’s murder is just around the corner!

“So, you want to side with the Cao family and go against me?” Lu Chen frowned slightly.

“That’s right! Everyone can kill you if you are such a scourge!” Huangfu Xia Lang said.


Cao Jun couldn’t help laughing: “Thank you, Brother Xia, for your help. My Cao family will definitely repay today’s kindness in the future!”

With the power of the Shangguan family and the Huangfu family, even if Lu Chen has the ability to reach the sky, it will be difficult to fly today!

“Even Huangfu’s house has arrived, it seems that this guy is going to be unlucky!”

“The Cao family, the Shangguan family, and the Huangfu family are two extremely powerful families, and the three major families work together. Looking at the entire provincial capital, who can compete with them?”

“The Qilin Gang – they are in danger today!”

“Hmph! So what if you are the leader of the Qilin Gang? You have offended so many powerful forces, and you are destined to be trampled into scum!”

Chapter: 1958

The successive changes caused all the guests to discuss.

Especially the addition of the Huangfu family completely changed the entire situation.

At this moment, everyone believed that Lu Chen was at his wits end.

“In the face of the siege of the three major forces, even the newly promoted underground emperor can only sit and wait for death. This guy is doomed today!”

In the crowd, Chen Quan showed a sneer, with an inexplicable kind of secret joy.

“They say you should keep a low profile. He is so arrogant and deserves to die!”

Ye Lei crossed her arms, gloating a little.

Because of her preconceptions, she hated Lu Chen unspeakably, so she wished that he would be unlucky.

“It seems there is no hope now.” Zilan shook her head.

She can only watch such a big scene from a distance, and she doesn’t even have the qualification to approach it.

“Boy! Now you are a turtle in the urn, I warn you, you will be captured immediately!”

Cao Jun stood with his hands behind his back, and regained his previous calmness and composure.

“The surname is Lu! I’ll give you another chance and let him go immediately, otherwise, he will die!”

Cao Zhiyuan had a haughty look on her face, as if she had already won.

“Lu Chen! Stop struggling to death. You have no chance of winning. Just admit defeat!”

Cao Biao had a sullen face, murderous intent looming in his eyes.

No matter what happened today, they would not let Chase Lu go easily.

A scourge like this must be killed quickly, otherwise the consequences will be endless.

But before that, they still need to rescue Cao Yiming first.


Cao Yiming, who was captured, suddenly laughed ferociously: “Lu Chen, Lu Chen, so what if you are the leader of the Qilin Gang? So what if you can fight? Look around, they are all my people, how can you fight with me? If you are sensible, immediately kneel on the ground, kowtow to me and admit your mistake, so that I can consider letting you go.”

“Let me go? Hmph…”

Lu Chen said with an indifferent expression: “Do you really think these people can save you? I want to kill you, and no one can stop me!”

“Pretend, keep pretending, it seems you still don’t understand what it means to have strength in numbers!” Cao Yiming shouted.

The emergence of the Huangfu family’s elite made up for the lack of martial arts masters. Now, they are crushing the Qilin Gang in all directions.

“So what if there are too many people? It’s just a mob, completely vulnerable.” Lu Chen was not polite.



Hearing this, many warriors rebuked angrily.

One by one, they were gearing up, trying to teach Chase Lu a lesson.

Chapter: 1959

They are all carefully selected elites, and they are naturally very uncomfortable being called a mob now.

“Is this guy too crazy? He doesn’t even pay attention to the mainstay of the three major forces.”

“Hmph! This kind of person is so stubborn that he will be beaten back to his original form soon.”

“At such a young age, I really don’t know the heights of the world!”

Regarding Lu Chen’s arrogance, the guests whispered again.

Some even sneered and showed disdain.

“Boy! Where do you get the courage to be so crazy?”

Cao Jun looked at an idiot in his eyes: “Who do you think you are? The martial arts master of Wanfu Mokai? Don’t be ridiculous!”

“You guessed it right, I’m really a martial arts master.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Hahaha…it really made me laugh!”

Cao Jun burst into laughter: “You are said to be fat, but you are still out of breath? Is it just you? A master of martial arts? Can you please show yourself some virtue by taking a piss?”

“Hmph! If you were a martial arts master, I would cut off your head and use it as a stool for you to sit on!” Cao Yiming sneered.

“Forget it about being a crazy person, you still dare to pretend to be a martial arts master. You are really shameless!” Many people showed contempt.

Looking at the entire Jiangnan, there are only a handful of martial arts masters, and each of them is a powerful presence in all directions.

For a brat who dares to call himself a martial arts master, it’s simply grandstanding!

Faced with doubts, Lu Chen didn’t speak, but just raised his hand and waved lightly towards the front.


A half-moon-shaped Grandmaster Qi burst out of the body, like a broadsword, passing over the heads of the crowd, and then struck a rockery next to the pond.


With a loud noise, the entire ten-meter-high rockery fell apart on the spot and turned into ashes.

The entire pond was split into two, and the water inside even briefly diverted, like a piece of tofu cut open by a knife.


Seeing this scene, the audience was dead silent.

All of them stared wide-eyed, their faces full of disbelief.

A few dozen meters away, with just one blow of his hand, a rockery made of rocks was destroyed, and the entire pond was divided at the same time.

Is this still human? !

“I…am I right? Is this guy really a marti

al arts master?”

“Wait! I remembered! There is a young grandmaster who has become famous in the world recently. Could it be him?!”

“My god! What kind of monster is this guy? It’s scary to be a martial arts master in his twenties!”

Chapter: 1960

After a brief silence, there was an uproar all around.

Shock, astonishment, fear, awe, all kinds of expressions, everything that one expects to have.

Especially Ye Lei, Chen Quan, and Zi Lan were even more stunned.

They never dreamed that Lu Chen would have such an identity.

A martial arts master is already an existence that is out of reach for them.

Not even qualified to look up.

“How, how is it possible?!”

Cao Jun’s face was full of horror, and he couldn’t laugh at all.

Who would have expected that this usually inconspicuous fellow would be a powerful martial arts master?

This is trouble!

In fact, it’s not just Cao Jun.

At this moment, everyone in the Cao family was shocked and in disbelief.

This blow was really too big for them.

If it’s just the leader of the Qilin Gang, it’s not a big deal, but if you add the identity of the martial arts master, the meaning is completely different.

To ordinary people, martial arts masters are on another level entirely, and it would be hard to describe them as anything but ten thousand people.

These so-called elites, so-called masters, are indeed a vulnerable mob in front of the martial arts master.

“How? Do you still think someone can save you?”

Lu Chen looked down at Cao Yiming with indifference in his eyes.

He wants to let the other party have a good taste, what is fear and despair.

“You…how could you…”

Cao Yiming was terrified and trembling all over, he was too scared to speak.

He never dreamed that the little person Zeng Jin looked down upon turned out to be someone he needed to look up to.

The most important thing is, if a martial arts master wants to kill him.

Let me ask, who can stop it?

“Cao Jun, what else do you have to say?”

Lu Chen slowly raised his head and glanced over sharply.

Cao Jun’s face froze, but he was speechless.

Even with the help of Shangguan’s family and Huangfu’s family, they still have no chance of winning against a martial arts master.

If you have to stop it, you will only suffer heavy casualties.

“I want to take Cao Yiming away. If anyone has any objections, just stand up.”

Chapter: 1961

Chase Lu shot around, and everyone who came into contact with his eyes bowed their heads and remained silent.

Who dares to challenge the martial arts master head-on? Isn’t this suicidal?

“I have objections!”

Suddenly, a thunderous sound exploded in the air.

“I have objections!”

“So what if you are a martial arts master? How can you cover the sky with just one hand?”

Accompanied by a majestic voice.

A burly middle-aged man in military uniform walked out first.

The man carries a general star on his shoulder, has a solemn face, and is majestic and domineering.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, there was a strong sense of oppression, which made people dare not look at him.

Not only that, behind the middle-aged man, there was also a group of heavily armed elite soldiers.

These soldiers wore masks, black armor, and long knives on their waists, exuding a murderous aura from all over their bodies.

He looked heroic and mighty.

Anyone with a discerning eye will know at a glance that this is a tiger and wolf army that has been on the battlefield and fought bloody battles!

“General Zhao!”

After seeing the middle-aged man, Cao Yiming couldn’t help but look overjoyed, as if he had seen a savior.

The originally despairing eyes were filled with hope again.

“It’s coming, it’s coming! The big shot is finally here!”

Cao Biao was surprised and delighted, his expression excited.

He thought his son was hopeless just now, but fortunately reinforcements arrived in time.

“My god! Isn’t this General Zhao Weiwu? Why is he here?!”

“A weak question, is General Zhao very powerful?”

“Nonsense! General Zhao is one of the four generals of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. His status is second only to the God of War Hongying. He has a hundred thousand troops under his command. He can be said to be the one who controls the wind and rain and dominates an area!”

“Damn it! Are you so stupid?”

“General Zhao has arrived in person with his troops. Now we have a good show!”

When Zhao Weiwu walked in the door, the whole audience was shocked.

There are five elite divisions in the Dragon Kingdom, each guarding one side, and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is one of them.

The commander-in-chief is the strongest female war goddess in the Dragon Kingdom, Zhao Hongying.

Below them are the four generals, each of whom is invincible and powerful in all directions.

Especially Zhao Weiwu, not only is he powerful and wields soldiers like a god, he is also a member of the Hongying God of War and is highly regarded!

Chapter: 1962

In the entire Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, it can be said that it is under one person and above ten thousand people!

As long as he gives an order, thousands of elites will roar to them.

God blocks and kills God! Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!

“So this is the big shot coming from the Cao family today. He is really extraordinary!” Cao Jun was refreshed.

“With General Zhao here, even if he is a martial arts master, we are not afraid at all!” Cao Zhiyuan couldn’t hide his joy.

“Even General Zhao came over to support him. It seems that Cao Yiming is highly regarded in the army!” Huangfu Xia said with a surprised look on his face.

“Hmph! Let’s see how this kid ends up today!” Huangfu Xiong sneered.

The appearance of Zhao Weiwu instantly changed the whole situation.

Before, because of fear of Lu Chen’s strength, no one dared to act rashly.

Now it is different, Zhao Weiwu and the elite tiger and leopard cavalry can completely suppress Lu Chen.

After all, no matter how powerful the people in the world are, they cannot compete with the army.

“General Zhao! Save me quickly! This guy wants to kill me!”

Seeing Zhao Weiwu approaching, Cao Yiming immediately started calling for help.

“Don’t worry, I am here today and no one can hurt you.”

Zhao Weiwu strode forward, his sharp eyes piercing Lu Chen, and said coldly: “Why are you still standing there? Why don’t you let him go immediately when you see this general appear?”

“Zhao Weiwu, right? I advise you not to meddle in other people’s business, so as not to get burned.” Lu Chen said lightly.

“How outrageous! How dare you call General Zhao by his name? I think you are impatient!” a tiger and leopard cavalry deputy general shouted.

“Young man, if you dare to talk to me like this, do you know what the consequences will be?” Zhao Weiwu squinted his eyes, looking a little unkind.

“General Zhao, this son is a martial arts master and his strength should not be underestimated.” Cao Biao reminded from the side.

“So what? It’s just a reckless world, it’s not worth mentioning at all!” Zhao Weiwu snorted coldly.

Martial arts masters are powerful, but they can also beat thousands of people.

And he holds an army of 100,000 men!

No matter who the master was, they were all reduced to rubbish.

This is the power of the army!

“Lu! Do you hear that? The strength you are proud of is insignificant in front of General Zhao. If you don’t want to be shot to death, you should be captured immediately!” Cao Yiming smiled ferociously.

With General Zhao in charge and Tiger and Leopard Cavalry backing him, what should he fear?

Even if you are a martial arts master, do you still dare to challenge the army head-on?

“Zhao Weiwu, I will warn you again, take your people and leave quickly, otherwise don’t blame me for not giving the Zhao family face.” Lu Chen said coldly.


Zhao Weiwu frowned: “A reckless man dares to threaten me? Are you looking for death?”

Chapter: 1963

“I’m giving you a chance, otherwise once you make a move, it will be too late for you to regret it.” Lu Chen warned.

“Do it?”

Zhao Weiwu was stunned at first, then laughed out loud: “Boy! Haven’t you figured out the situation yet? You are already surrounded. As long as I give the order, all of you will be shot into a hornet’s nest!”

“You’d better not force me.” Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

“So what if I force you?”

Zhao Weiwu sneered: “Do you really think that a martial arts master is invincible? As soon as my army of 100,000 comes out, I can kill you to pieces in an instant!”

“That’s right! One hundred thousand tiger and leopard riders, no one in the world can stop them!”

“Martial arts masters are indeed powerful, but in front of the army, they can only bow and surrender!”

Everyone agreed and agreed.

In their view, personal bravery cannot be compared with real power.

No matter how good your kung fu is, you are still afraid of guns.

“Boy! I count to three!”

Zhao Weiwu held out three fingers: “After three calls, if you still don’t surrender, don’t blame me for going on a killing spree!”




As soon as the three characters were pronounced, Lu Chen’s figure flashed and suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Weiwu.

The two sides faced each other, only half a meter away.


Zhao Weiwu’s pupils shrank and he was about to retreat when Lu Chen grabbed his neck and stopped him on the spot: “If you dare to mess around, I will kill you first.”

Zhao Weiwu only felt that his breathing was stagnant, his face turned red instantly, and his whole body seemed to be shocked by electricity. He was unable to move and could only be slaughtered.

“Be bold!”

“Let go of General Zhao!”

The sudden scene startled everyone.

Especially the soldiers of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry raised their guns and pointed them at Lu Chen.

But because of the hostages, he dared not shoot easily.

“Boy! How dare you hold me hostage? You are so audacious! Do you think you can resist an army of 100,000 people?” Zhao Weiwu shouted sharply.

“Of course I can’t fight against a 100,000 army, but to kill you, I just need to move my fingers.” Lu Chen said coldly.

“How dare you!” Zhao Weiwu glared: “If you dare to touch a hair of my head, you will be cut into pieces!”

“Why don’t I dare? Anyway, I’m alone. If I kill you, I can get away calmly. Even if you have an army of 100,000, so what? Where can I find me?” Lu Chen asked rhetorically.

Chapter: 1964


Zhao Weiwu was at a loss for words for a moment, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

He was just too inflated, causing him to miss a point.

An army of 100,000 can indeed kill a martial arts master.

But the problem is, if the martial arts master wants to escape, what can an army of 100,000 do?

Thinking of this, Zhao Weiwu suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Damn, this time I made a mistake!

“Zhao Weiwu, do you still want to meddle in other people’s business now?”

Lu Chen slowly pressed his fingers hard, deep into the flesh.

For a moment, Zhao Weiwu’s breathing became more difficult, and his heart beat like a drum.

“Boy! I’m warning you not to mess around!”

Zhao Weiwu gritted his teeth, pretending to be calm and said: “Holding a third-rank general is a serious crime, even if the military cannot catch you, but don’t forget, there is Zhenwusi, once you move this general, Zhenwusi will never I will let you go!”

Confucianism uses literature to disrupt law, and chivalry uses martial arts to violate prohibitions.

In order to control martial arts masters, the government specially set up a mysterious organization- Zhen Wusi!

There are many talented people in Zhenwu Division, there are many powerful people, and their power is extremely huge.

It is a mountain that all warriors in the world cannot climb.

Although the Zhenwu Division usually doesn’t care about Jianghu affairs, as long as there are warriors who dare to kill innocent people and mutilate important officials of the country.

Then the Zhenwu Division will come forward immediately to completely eliminate the threat!

By then, not to mention martial arts masters, even the great masters who stand on top of the world will be hunted to death by Zhenwu Si!

For martial arts masters, Zhen Wusi has an absolute deterrent power!

Even, to the point where people talk about it and become angry.

“Threat me? Do you think I dare not kill you?” Lu Chen’s eyes gradually turned cold.

“I just remind you, don’t dig your own grave!”

Zhao Weiwu said righteously: “It is not easy for you to achieve such an achievement at such a young age. Given time, I believe you will go even higher. But if you violate the taboo, not only will your future

be ruined, but you will also be killed.” You should weigh it carefully yourself.”

“So, you still want to block me?” Lu Chen looked cold.

“Understand, I am giving you a chance. If you leave now, I can promise not to argue with you, but if you persist, you will only die!” Zhao Weiwu said sternly.

In front of so many people, as a Tiger and Leopard Cavalry General, he naturally had to show off enough authority.

Even if you are held hostage, you can’t have the slightest timidity.

“Zhao Weiwu, I don’t want to talk nonsense with you, now you only have two choices, either die or get out!” Lu Chen was already a little impatient.

He has all the good things to say, but if there are still people who obstruct him in every possible way, then he can only kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Chapter: 1965

“Boy! Don’t challenge my bottom line!” Zhao Weiwu gritted his teeth.

“I will count down to three times. After three times, if you don’t agree to get out, don’t blame me for being cruel!” Lu Chen said solemnly.

“How dare you!” Zhao Weiwu stared.

“Three…” Lu Chen spoke slowly.

As he spoke, his fingers gradually tightened, causing Zhao Weiwu’s veins to bulge.

Extremely uncomfortable.

“General Zhao! This guy is trying to scare you, don’t fall for it!” Cao Jun spoke out in support.

“That’s right! You have a noble status, he will never dare to mess around!” Cao Biao quickly agreed.

“The man named Lu! General Zhao has an army of 100,000 men. If you dare to touch him, you will be destroying yourself!” Cao Yiming roared.


Lu Chen ignored it and continued to exert force.

Zhao Weiwu began to struggle crazily and rolled his eyes.

The fear of death began to spread in my heart.

I wanted to beg for mercy several times, but out of dignity, I gritted my teeth and held back.

“General Zhao! Hold on! This guy can’t pretend anymore!” Cao Jun began to cheer him up.

The haze in his eyes was getting thicker and thicker.

To some extent, if Zhao Weiwu died, it would be a good thing for them.

Because as the murderer, Lu Chen will definitely be fully wanted by the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and will even alert the legendary Zhenwu Division.

At that point, they can sit back and relax.

“General Zhao! Don’t worry, even if you are really dead, we will definitely avenge you!” Cao Yiming said righteously.


The corners of Zhao Weiwu’s eyes twitched a few times, and he almost couldn’t help yelling.

People are so damn dead, is there any point in taking revenge?


The last sound fell, and Lu Chen became murderous in an instant.

A terrifying chill suddenly broke out.

Zhao Weiwu trembled all over, feeling that death was coming, like falling into an abyss.

At this moment, he was very sure that the person in front of him really dared to kill him!


Just as Zhao Weiwu was about to speak, he was interrupted by Cao Jun’s furious roar: “Quick! Shoot! This kid wants to kill General Zhao, so shoot randomly!”

Chapter: 1966

With that impatient look, he was afraid that Zhao Weiwu would beg for mercy and save his life.

“Crack! Crack!”

As soon as the tiger and leopard knight soldiers heard this, they immediately opened the safety and loaded the bullets.

“Kenni X’s gun! Stop it! Stop it for me!”

Zhao Weiwu was startled, and quickly shouted with all his might.

Otherwise, Lu Chen would have been shot into a hornet’s nest before he was dead.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

Under the signal from Cao Jun’s eyes, several Cao family gunmen hiding in the crowd finally fired several rounds of bullets.

It would be best if he could hit Lu Chen. If he missed and accidentally killed Zhao Weiwu, it could also be regarded as a momentary misfire out of his desire to save people.

At that time, all the responsibilities will be pushed on Lu Chen, which will be the best of both worlds.


At the same time as the gunshots sounded, Lu Chen had already made an evasive movement, along with Zhao Weiwu.

Unfortunately, Zhao Weiwu was so big that he got shot in the butt.

Blood surged.

“Fuck! Who asked you to shoot? You hit me!”

Zhao Weiwu roared again and again.

The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry soldiers looked at each other and did not find anyone firing.

“It was the Cao family who stabbed someone in the back.”

Lu Chen said abruptly: “They are going to kill you and put the blame on me. Now, do you still want to help them?”

“Cao family?”

Zhao Weiwu’s face darkened, and his eyes suddenly turned to the Cao family.

“General Zhao! Don’t listen to this kid’s nonsense! He’s trying to sow discord!”

Cao Jun’s eyelids twitched and he quickly defended himself.

“That’s right! We are saving you, this kid is going to kill you!”

Everyone in the Cao family agreed, fearing retaliation.

Zhao Weiwu gave a few people a vicious look, then turned around and said, “Boy! I’m in trouble today. I won’t interfere in your affairs anymore!”

“General Zhao! No way!”

“You are the four great generals riding tigers and leopards, how can you succumb to the wildness of the rivers and lakes?”

“That’s right! A man should fight bloody battles without fear of death!”

The expressions of everyone in the Cao family changed greatly, and they began to persuade each other.

Chapter: 1967

Without Zhao Weiwu in charge, how could they compete with the martial arts master?

“Shut up!”

Zhao Weiwu roared angrily: “Don’t think that I don’t know, what are you people planning to do, are you using me as a weapon? How can it be so easy?”

If he died in an upright battle, he would naturally not be afraid.

But it would be unjust if someone took advantage of him and died in an unknown manner.

“General Zhao! I am your subordinate! Are you going to die without saving me?!” Cao Yiming was a little anxious.

“Yiming, I can’t save you today, but I can guarantee that as long as this kid dares to kill you, I will definitely avenge you!” Zhao Weiwu said solemnly.

There are few people to lead today, and it is obviously not rational to insist on the martial arts master.


Cao Yiming was dumbfounded.

Why do these words sound so familiar?

“It seems that no one can save you today, just go to hell with me.”

Lu Chen suddenly grabbed Cao Yiming’s legs and forcibly dragged his body all the way to the gate.

Wherever it passes, no one dares to stop it.

Even if General Zhao can’t suppress him, who dares to step forward and die?

“Save me! Someone save me!”

Cao Yiming was startled, panicked, and scared.

Yelling frantically, begging for help, his face was full of fear.

He knew in his heart that once he was dragged away by Lu Chen, he would definitely die!

Just when Cao Yiming was almost desperate, a clear and ethereal female voice suddenly sounded at the door.

“The Red Tasseled God of War has arrived!”

“The Red Tasseled God of War has arrived!”

When the crisp female voice sounded, the whole scene suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at the door in unison, all staring intently.

Soon, under the spotlight.

A woman wearing a red outfit and holding a green sword walked in leisurely.

The woman has short silver hair and has an appearance that is all over the country.

The beauty is breathtaking!

There was a sense of heroism in every gesture of his hands and feet, and the whole person looked heroic and majestic.

Especially those eyes, aloof, cold and arrogant.

Chapter: 1968

Like a goddess looking down on all living beings.

The person who came was the strongest female God of War in the Dragon Kingdom——Zhao Hongying!


After a brief silence, the whole place exploded.

“The God of War with Red Tassels! It’s really the God of War with Red Tassels!”

“Oh my god! I didn’t expect that even the God of War with Hongying came here. Today is really an eye- opener!”

“It is rumored that the red-tasseled war god’s kingdom is beautiful and fragrant, and his elegance is unparalleled. Now that I see it, it is indeed well-deserved!”

“It’s so beautiful! It’s so sassy! It’s worthy of being the strongest female God of War in my Dragon Kingdom!”


Seeing Zhao Hongying approaching, everyone was shocked and excited.

They never dreamed that they would see the famous Hongying God of War here.

This is a big man who stands on the top of the Dragon Kingdom!

The goddess in the hearts of millions of people!

An existence that can truly cover the sky with one hand!

It is also the idol and pride of almost all women!

In the past, they could only see the demeanor of the Hongying God of War on TV.

But now that I can see it with my own eyes, it is a great honor!

At this moment, no one dared to make any mistakes, and they all stood in place honestly.

While in awe and nervousness, everyone was more confused.

You know, a big shot like Hongying God of War never shows up easily, and spends most of his time at the border.

Why did you suddenly appear here?

Who has such a big reputation to invite Hongying God of War?

“Great! Even the God of War has arrived! Now my son is finally saved!”

After the shock, Cao Biao was inexplicably excited, as if seeing a savior.

“I didn’t expect Yiming to be so important that the God of War with Hongying can come in person. Our Cao family is blessed!”

“Yi Ming is indeed the best person in the clan. Even Hongying God of War thinks highly of him. He will definitely rise to the top in the future!”

“Our Cao family has a dragon!”

Everyone in the Cao family, led by Cao Jun, was cheering and excited at this moment.

It seems to have seen the ladder to the sky, as long as you climb up, you can directly climb the sky!

“Boy! The Red-tasseled God of War has arrived, and now you are doomed!”

Chapter: 1969

Cao Jun turned his gaze to Lu Chen, sneered again and again, as if he was looking at a dead person.

“Hmph! In front of the Hongying God of War, even if you are a martial arts master, you still have only one life waiting to be killed!”

Cao Zhiyuan crossed his arms, looking cold and proud.

“The one surnamed Lu! I gave you a chance before, but you didn’t know how to cherish it. Now it’s too late to regret it!”

Cao Biao was refreshed and radiant.

“There is a mountain higher than a mountain. This kid is finally helpless!”

Chen Quan let out a long breath, his heart was unspeakably smooth.

“Hmph! I want to see how you can survive in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds?”

Ye Lei hooked the corner of her mouth, feeling a bit like adding insult to injury.

“Hahaha… Lu Chen, Lu Chen, so what if you are the leader of the Qilin Gang? What if you are a martial arts master? Now that the Lord God of War is here, even if you have the ability to reach heaven, you will still die. ! Want to kill me? Go to the next life!”

Cao Yiming laughed crazily and arrogantly.

He was already in despair just now, but because of Zhao Hongying’s appearance, he was instantly filled with hope and regained his glory!

Lu Chen is indeed very strong, and his reputation as a young master is also very bluffing.

However, these were not worth mentioning in front of Zhao Hongying.

As the strongest female God of War in the Dragon Kingdom, Zhao Hongying is not only good at leading troops to fight, but her personal strength is also extremely terrifying.

Looking at the entire Dragon Kingdom, among his peers, he is almost the best!

According to rumors, Zhao Hongying had already become a martial arts master when she was eighteen years old.

After many years of fighting on the battlefield, he has been tempered, and he has killed no fewer than five fingers of the master’s head. Now he is even more powerful than he can imagine!

Such a unparalleled existence, who can stop it?

“This guy is finished! He alarmed the Hongying God of War, a hundred lives are not enough to die!”

“I can only say that this person is so unlucky that he just met his nemesis and has no place to escape.”

“Being able to die in the hands of the Hongying God of War, this guy is proud enough.”


Many people’s eyes were on Lu Chen.

Among them are pity, sympathy, lamentation, and schadenfreude.

Zhao Hongying is the head coach of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and Cao Yiming is the senior officer of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

They subconsciously believed that Zhao Hongying came to rescue Cao Yiming.

As for Lu Chen, although he is very powerful, he is still far from being able to compete with Zhao Hongying.

This is an undoubted fact, and there is no reason or reason to explain it.

Because she is Zhao Hongying, an undefeated myth!

Chapter: 1970

“Sir! Why are you here?”

After a brief surprise, Zhao Weiwu took the lead to greet him. While he was happy, he was also a little more confused.

Didn’t it mean that something happened in Yanjing and it needed to be dealt with promptly?

What are you doing here?

“General Zhao, swords are on the verge of breaking out here, what’s going on?” Zhao Hongying asked coldly.

“My lord, I will be invited to a banquet at the end of today. I didn’t expect that someone would make trouble midway, and even use force to hold the last general hostage. Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!” Zhao Weiwu said respectfully.

“Oh? Who is holding you hostage?” Zhao Hongying’s expression did not change at all.

“That’s the boy!”

Zhao Weiwu stretched out his hand and pointed at Lu Chen, quite indignantly.


Zhao Hongying took advantage of the situation to look over, and couldn’t help being slightly taken aback.

There was a hint of surprise in his aloof eyes.

She had just arrived in the provincial capital, and originally planned to go directly to Lu Chen. After hearing reports from her subordinates about what happened here, she came over temporarily.

Unexpectedly, by accident, I saw the real owner in advance.

Could this be fate?

“My lord! This is the one who held me hostage, and is planning to commit murder in public!” Zhao Weiwu continued to complain.

“Sir! Save me! Save me!”

Cao Yiming struggled to break free from the shackles, and threw himself at Zhao Hongying’s feet. With snot and tears, he began to cry: “I am a senior officer of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and I am also your subordinate.”

“This guy relies on his strength to do all sorts of things and is arrogant and domineering. Not only does he bully good people, but he also keeps saying he wants to kill me. It’s simply lawless!”

“My lord! You must make the decision for me this time!”

After saying that, he banged his head on the ground a few times, and looked like he was crying bitterly.

“Why did he want to kill you?” Zhao Hongying said coldly.


Cao Yiming was stunned for a moment, a little unresponsive.

At this time, shouldn’t you stand up for yourself?

What does it mean when you say this suddenly?

“Didn’t you hear what I said? Why did he want to kill you?”

With a cold face, Zhao Hongying spoke again.


Cao Yiming was speechless for a moment.

Chapter: 1971

“I’ll speak for him…”

Lu Chen said very directly: “He paid for murder, killed innocent people, and acted as a swindler. He has violated my bottom line, so I want him to pay for it with his life.”


Cao Yiming’s expression changed slightly and he said sternly: “I didn’t do anything, why don’t you slander me here!”

“So, you made a mistake?”

Zhao Hongying’s eyes became colder and colder.

“My lord! Don’t listen to his nonsense!”

Cao Yiming began to quibble: “I am a member of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. I have always abided by discipline. How could I do something that is harmful to nature?”

“Besides, I am your subordinate, and I will follow your teachings. I dare to guarantee with my life that I will never violate the king’s law!”

“If I speak half a lie, I will die immediately!”

“Sir! Would you rather trust a stranger than me?”

“If you really don’t believe me, then I can only prove my will with death!”

The words were said sincerely, impassionedly and seemed very tragic.

His superb acting skills almost moved me to tears.

Haha, I’m so good at acting, why can’t I control you?

“Is it true that you can show your ambition through death? Okay, then I will fulfill you.”

Without further ado, Zhao Hongying pulled out the Qingfeng sword and chopped off Cao Yiming’s head with one blow.


Cao Yiming’s head suddenly fell down, like a ball, and rolled twice on the ground.

His eyes were as wide as bells, and his face was full of disbelief.

Even to the point of death, he didn’t expect that Zhao Hongying would suddenly kill him.

The original savior has now become a disaster.


The sudden scene shocked everyone and stunned them.

Their expressions were as if they had seen a ghost.

what’s the situation?

As the coach of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, shouldn’t Hongying God of War be the leader for Cao Yiming?

Why are you killing people now?

That’s right?


Chapter: 1972

Cao Jun’s eyes widened and he was stunned.

“How did this happen? Why did the Red-tasseled God of War kill Yiming?”

Cao Zhiyuan looked shocked, and couldn’t believe it.


Cao Biao was struck by lightning and stood stunned on the spot, unable to accept it for a while.

He even suspected that he was wrong. Otherwise, how could such an outrageous thing happen?

At this moment, everyone was not calm.

Because the scene in front of him was really unexpected.

When they saw Zhao Hongying, they thought that Lu Chen would soon face disaster.

Who would have thought that the first victim would be Cao Yiming?

And during the whole process, Zhao Hongying had no reason, no excuse, not even a pause.

Just killing with one sword is as simple and straightforward as slaughtering chickens and dogs.

But it is also inexplicable.

Could it be that people were killed just because of a sentence of death?

That would be too outrageous, right?

“My lord, you… what are you doing?”

At this moment, Zhao Weiwu next to him was also stunned, trembling for a while.

Cao Yiming’s head rolled down right at his feet.

His unrepentant appearance made his hair stand on end.

“Of course it’s to clean up the house, otherwise what do you think?”

Zhao Hongying flicked the sword away with blood, and with a “clang” sound, it was sheathed again.

“Clean the portal?”

The corner of Zhao Weiwu’s mouth twitched, and he asked tentatively, “My lord, did you misunderstand something? Cao Yiming is an officer of our tiger and leopard cavalry. He is upright and capable. He doesn’t seem to have made any mistakes. He just killed him like this. Isn’t it a bit strange?” Inappropriate?”

There must be a reason for killing people, right?

Even if you don’t even ask, raising your hand is a sword, who can bear it?

“What? Are you teaching me how to do something?”

Zhao Hongying glanced coldly, and Zhao Weiwu was so frightened that he trembled all over, and explained repeatedly: “I don’t dare, I just think that Cao Yiming’s crime will not lead to death.”

“Didn’t you hear that just now? This person bought murder and killed innocent people, shouldn’t he deserve to die?” Zhao Hongying said lightly.

“These are all the one-sided words of that guy, and they are not reliable.” Zhao Weiwu bit the bullet and said.

“I trust him, that’s enough.” Zhao Hongying was straightforward.

Chapter: 1973


Zhao Weiwu was stunned for a moment, a little unresponsive.

Is this an explanation?

Isn’t that too hasty?

“Zhao Weiwu, as a general, you failed to discipline your subordinates well and allowed them to commit crimes. You are guilty of dereliction of duty. After you returned, you were demoted one level and had to sit in silence for three months.” Zhao Hongying spoke again.

“My lord, I…”

Zhao Weiwu was startled and tried to explain, but was interrupted by Zhao Hongying raising her hand: “If you keep talking nonsense, you can become a stove soldier for me.”

Zhao Weiwu fell silent for a moment, not daring to speak any more.

With a mournful face, it looks like a dead parent.

If I had known this, I shouldn’t have spoken for Cao Yiming.

Up to now, not only did he not get any bargain, but he was even downgraded by one level.

Who the hell are you talking to to reason with?

“Arrest all those who made trouble today, and strictly interrogate them.”

Zhao Hongying made a gesture and directly asked the tiger and leopard cavalry to tie up everyone in the Cao family one by one.

Such behavior is once again shocking.

what’s the situation?

Aren’t Lu Chen and the Qilin Gang the troublemakers? Why were members of the Cao family arrested?

The beater did not arrest, but the victim was arrested.

what is this?

A sudden disaster?

“My lord! You are wronged! We are wronged!”

After a brief moment of stupefaction, Cao Jun immediately began to cry for grievances, his voice shrill.

“My lord! We didn’t do anything, why should we be arrested?”

Cao Zhiyuan was shocked and frightened, and quickly asked.

“Yes, my lord! We are all innocent, if you want to catch that guy, Chase Lu!”

The members of the Cao family cried out one after another, all panicking.

It is true that people sit at home, and disaster comes from heaven.

If you don’t do anything, you will be arrested for no reason.

“Whether you are guilty or not, I will investigate one by one. I will make a conclusion afterwards and take them all away.”

Zhao Hongying was too lazy to talk nonsense, so she took her away forcibly.

Chapter: 1974

If she dares to offend her brother Changge, she will naturally have to pay a price.

“Wrong! Wrong!”

In the midst of wailing, everyone in the Cao family was taken away.

Shangguan’s family, Huangfu’s family, including all the guests present, could only watch helplessly, and no one dared to intercede.

With the strength shown by Zhao Hongying, anyone who dares to talk too much will probably be sent away and sent to jail together.

As for the final outcome of the Cao family, we can only leave it to fate.

“All irrelevant people should leave.”

Zhao Hongying glanced around and spoke again.

“Let’s go… let’s go!”

The crowd didn’t dare to hesitate, and immediately dispersed.

If the shoes ran away, no one would dare to look back and pick them up.

“Fuck! This guy is really lucky, and let him escape!”

Among the crowd, Huangfu Xiong stared at Lu Chen viciously, his face full of unwillingness.

“There will be a chance. One day, I will avenge your father.”

Huangfu Xia patted his nephew on the shoulder and left with the warriors.

He also has a back-up move that he plans to use against Lu Chen.

But the appearance of Zhao Hongying disrupted his plan. Now he can only retreat temporarily and make plans later.

“Go back quickly and inform the young master!”

Several Shangguan family wolf guard team leaders looked at each other and led the people away quickly.

In just a few minutes, the Cao family, which was bustling just now, quickly became deserted.

In the whole scene, there were only two groups of Lu Chen and Zhao Hongying left.

“Brother Changge!”

As soon as the people left, Zhao Hongying immediately put away her indifferent face.

Like a little girl, she happily leaned in front of Lu Chen.

In the past, the cold and lonely, decisive female war god of the Dragon Kingdom, at this moment, was like the sister next door, youthful, lively, docile and well-behaved.

Of course, her tenderness will always be reserved for Lu Chen.

“Girl, you’re back so soon, everything about Yanjing has been settled?” Lu Chen smiled slightly.

Habitually touched Zhao Hongying’s head, acting very affectionately.

However, it was this action that made Zhao Weiwu dumbfounded.

He looked as if he had seen a ghost.

Chapter: 1975

what’s the situation?

I am not wrong, right?

In this world, there are still people who dare to touch the head of Hongying God of War?

The most important thing is that Hongying God of War is not only not angry, but also looks very happy.

You know, even Zhao Wuji, the god of war, doesn’t have this kind of treatment.

What is the origin of this guy in front of him? ! !

At this time, Zhao Weiwu was not calm at all.

It was obvious that Zhao Hongying and Lu Chen had known each other for a long time, and they had a very good relationship.

Even, it has exceeded his cognition.

You know, Zhao Hongying fought on the battlefield at the age of eighteen and has always been known for her decisiveness and ruthlessness in killing.

No matter who he saw, they all looked like they were distant.

Relatives, friends, subordinates, almost no one has seen Zhao Hongying’s smiling face.

But now, Zhao Hongying not only smiled, but also smiled brightly, as if she was a different person.

It is completely two extremes from the previous indifference and aloofness.

At this moment, Zhao Weiwu couldn’t help wondering, did his lord go against evil?

Otherwise, how can you laugh?

Or, what kind of magic did the boy in front of him use to charm the other person?

“The affairs of Yanjing have been dealt with. After killing a few scapegoats and shaking the mountain, it should be quiet for a while.” Zhao Hongying replied truthfully.

“That’s good.” Lu Chen nodded with a smile, and then said: “You just arrived in the provincial capital, have you eaten yet?”

“No.” Zhao Hongying shook her head.

“Come on, I’ll take you to eat something first, if you have anything to say, let’s chat while eating.”



Watching the two of them leave, Zhao Weiwu’s heart was turbulent.

When did my master become so gentle?

“Empty Valley!”

Zhao Weiwu couldn’t help but be curious and grabbed Zhao Hongying’s female lieutenant.

“What’s up?”

Kong Gu frowned slightly.

“Who was that kid just now? Why is he so close to an adult?”

Chapter: 1976

Zhao Weiwu tentatively opened his mouth.

“Why do you care so much? Don’t ask questions that shouldn’t be asked.”

Kong Gu rolled his eyes and left.


Zhao Weiwu was deflated, and looked at another female lieutenant general.

Youlan was more straightforward, snorted and left directly.

Playing is a high cold.

Zhao Weiwu swallowed, feeling even more anxious for a moment.


Wouldn’t it be to offend some big shot?

At this moment, inside the Shangguan family’s residence.

“What? The entire Cao family was arrested?”

Listening to the reports from his cronies, Shangguan Hong couldn’t help but be a little surprised: “What’s going on? Isn’t today the day when Cao Jun came to power? Why was a good man arrested?”

“The specific situation is still unknown, but I heard that it was the order given by Hongying God of War himself.” The confidant lowered his head and reported.

“Zhao Hongying? Why is she here?” Shangguan Hong frowned slightly.

Looking at the entire Dragon Kingdom, there were not many people he could fear, and Zhao Hongying happened to be one of them.

He had to admit that that woman would overwhelm him in every way.

“Zhao Hongying dresses lightly this time, it doesn’t look like she is doing business, it is very likely that the Cao family accidentally offended her.”

“A bunch of trash!”

Shangguan Hong snorted coldly: “It’s not good to offend anyone, but to offend that woman, it’s really stupid!”

“Master, do you want to make some connections and rescue the Cao family?” the confidant asked tentatively.

“There’s no need to offend that woman for the sake of this group of trash, let them fend for themselves.” Shangguan Hong said coldly.

Cao Jun and his party were just his pawns.

Since the chess piece doesn’t suit your hand, just throw it away.

“Master, if there is no puppet, how will the treasure map be resolved?” the confidant asked again.

“There is no hope for Cao Jun. Now we can only find another way.”

Shangguan Hong said thoughtfully: “You go find a few scapegoats and let them act instead of Cao Jun. Remember, don’t reveal your identity.”


The confidant responded and left quickly.

Chapter: 1977

“I hope there won’t be any mistakes this time.”

Shangguan Hong squinted his eyes and muttered to himself.

If it weren’t for Concubine Cao Xuan’s grandfather, he wouldn’t be so cautious.

The old man of the Chen family is really troublesome.

Otherwise, he would have done it himself.

At noon, inside the Rose Restaurant.

Lu Chen and Zhao Hongying found a seat by the window and chatted while eating.

“Brother Changge, do you want me to kill all those who have offended you?”

While eating, Zhao Hongying suddenly said something.

The tone was very serious.

Hearing this, Lu Chen was a little bit dumbfounded: “They are not guilty enough to die, just lock them up for a few days and let them suffer a little bit.”

Cao Yiming deserved to die because he violated the bottom line and had to die with his life.

Although the rest of the Cao family are guilty, they will not be killed.

Of course, the main reason was that he had to worry about Concubine Cao Xuan’s feelings.

No matter what, these people are all relatives of Concubine Cao Xuan.

If they are all killed, how will the two get along in the future?

“Okay, then spare their lives.” Zhao Hongying nodded.

To her, as long as Lu Chen is happy, killing a few people doesn’t matter.

“By the way, brother Changge, I remember, it will be your birthday in a few days, right?” Zhao Hongying suddenly said again.

“It seems to be true. If you don’t tell me, I almost forgot.” Lu Chen suddenly realized.

He never cared about birthdays or anything.

In previous years, it was just a meal, a drink, and occasionally a birthday cake when the mood struck. It was simple.

“Brother Changge, how do you plan to celebrate your birthday?” Zhao Hongying was a little curious.

“Most likely, just have a meal and buy a birthday cake.” Lu Chen said indifferently.

“So simple? That’s not okay!”

Zhao Hongying said seriously: “Your birthday must be grand. This time, I will hold a grand birthday party for you!”

“Don’t bother me, just go on as usual.” Lu Chen declined politely.

“No trouble, every time you celebrate your birthday in the past, it was very lively, and this time is no exception.” Zhao Hongying said.

“The past was the past, the present is the present, and the present is not what it used to be.”

Chapter: 1978

Lu Chen shook his head and said: “Girl, I appreciate your kindness. Let’s forget about the birthday party. I don’t like to be too high-profile.”

“Well, since Brother Changge doesn’t like it, then there won’t be a birthday party.”

Seeing Lu Chen’s insistence, Zhao Hongying didn’t force her, and she backed off and said, “However, I’ll invite a few friends over to celebrate your birthday, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

“Of course.” Lu Chen nodded with a smile.

“Okay, then it’s settled.” Zhao Hongying immediately smiled.

The two chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After drinking and eating, Lu Chen suddenly received a call from Huang Santong.

“Mr. Lu, I have good news and bad news here. Which one do you want to hear first?”

“bad news.”

“The bad news is that someone posted a reward for you on the black list yesterday, and the amount of the reward was as high as tens of billions.” Huang San said.

“Oh, who is it?” Lu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

The last time the person put a reward on him was Ma Tianhao.

The bounty will not be automatically lifted until the opponent is killed.

“Mr. Lu, you know our rules. I can’t say the identity of my employer. I can only guarantee that my people will not take action.” Huang Santong took the initiative to distance himself from the relationship.

“Okay, let’s talk about the good news.” Lu Chen changed the subject.

“The good news is that the Seven Gathering Ganoderma you’re looking for has been found!”

“Qicai Ganoderma?”

Upon hearing these words, Lu Chen instantly became energetic and his tone raised a few degrees: “Where is it?!”

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally found my whereabouts.

Only this elixir is needed to refine the nine-turn life-sustaining pill.

“To be honest, this thing is in Murong’s house.”

Huang Santong explained: “The day after tomorrow is Murong Zhenguo’s birthday. Someone gave it to Murong Zhenguo as a birthday gift with Ganoderma lucidum. As for whether you can get it, it depends on your ability, Mr. Lu.”

“Okay, if the news is true, I will pay you accordingly.” Chase Lu was a little excited.

As long as there is the whereabouts of the Qicai Ganoderma lucidum, he will get it no matter what the price is.

“The reward is unnecessary. According to the previous agreement, you owe me a favor. When I am in trouble, please ask Mr. Lu to help me.” Huang Santong laughed.

“As long as it doesn’t violate my principles, of course there’s no problem.” Lu Chen agreed.

“Haha, Mr. Lu is really happy, then I wish you good luck.”


After a few brief chats, the phone was quickly hung up.

“Girl, I still have some things to deal with. You go back to Panlong Villa first. I’ll find you another day.” Lu Chen stood up and prepared to leave.

Chapter: 1979

“Brother Changge, are you in trouble? Do you want me to help?” Zhao Hongying was a little curious.

“No, I can handle it myself, go back, be obedient.”

Lu Chen gently rubbed Zhao Hongying’s head and waved goodbye.

After leaving Rose Restaurant, he first prepared an expensive gift, and then went straight to Murong’s house.

Murong Zhenguo was a veteran on the battlefield. Although he had retired, his status in the military was no less than Huangfu Longteng’s status in the world.

They are all the kind of big men who have disciples all over the world and are highly respected.

As early as ten years ago, the two parties had an intersection and the relationship was not bad.

As a junior, he had always wanted to visit him, and now was the opportunity.

One is to celebrate birthday, and the other is to gather Ganoderma lucidum.

Although it was a bit abrupt, I couldn’t care less.

Qicai Ganoderma was so important to him that even if he asked shamelessly, he would get it.

Half an hour later, Lu Chen drove to General Murong’s Mansion.

The general’s mansion is surrounded by high walls, majestic, solemn and solemn.

Straight ahead, there are two vermilion lacquered gates.

On both sides of the gate, there are two majestic stone lions.

Two teams of heavily armed soldiers stood on the left and right, each with a tall figure and sharp eyes.

“Please let me know, I want to meet old General Murong.”

Lu Chen stepped forward and said to the leading soldier.

“Is there a greeting card?” The soldier asked back.

“He came in a hurry and was not prepared.” Chase Lu shook his head.

“I don’t have any invitations, so I can’t help you.” The soldier flatly refused.

“Can you be accommodating?” Lu Chen was a little unwilling to give up.

“This is a rule. Anyone who comes to visit must first submit a greeting card and identify himself. After verification, he will have the opportunity to meet the old general.” The soldier was expressionless.

The old general has a distinguished status, and countless people come to his door every day like crucian carp crossing the river.

If everyone saw it, wouldn’t it be very busy?

“Brother Lu Chen?”

At this time, several black cars suddenly stopped at the door.

The car door opened, and Murong Xue walked down first, followed by several young men and women, it was Chu Jie, Liu Yannan and the others that they had seen before.

“Brother Lu Chen, why are you here?”

Murong Xue ran forward happily, her face full of surprise.

Chapter: 1980

“Oh, I’m here to visit the old general.”

Lu Chen smiled slightly.

“Hmph! Flatterer!”

Liu Yannan in the back curled her lips with a look of disdain.

Since the last Band-Aid incident, she has been brooding over Chen Lu.

But I have to admit that the other party does have something.

Because when she was shot and hospitalized that day, she happened to be diagnosed with lung cancer. Fortunately, she was discovered in time, and her condition has stabilized due to the money offensive.

“My grandpa has something to go out, and he won’t be back in a while, you go in and have a cup of tea first, I just have a few questions to ask you.”

Murong Xue couldn’t help but dragged Lu Chen to the general’s mansion.

It’s hard to catch someone, so naturally you can’t let go easily.

“Xue’er, didn’t we agree to go to the racecourse to practice equestrian skills?” Liu Yannan reminded her.

“Yes, I was so excited just now that I almost forgot about it.”

Murong Xue looked at Lu Chen and asked tentatively: “Brother Lu Chen, there is a horse farm in the back of my house. How about we go there to play? When grandpa comes back, I will take you to see him. How about that?”

“no problem.”

Lu Chen nodded with a smile, not disappointed.

“Great, let’s go to the racecourse!”

Murong Xue smiled sweetly, and then led a group of people straight to the mountain behind the General’s Mansion.

“Mr. Chu, Xue’er looks like she’s very interested in this guy. You’d better be more vigilant.”

Liu Yannan squinted her eyes and reminded in a low voice.

“Hmph! How can a powerless warrior be worthy of Xue’er?”

Chu Jie said with a look of disdain: “Even if Xue’er has a crush on her, the Murong family will never agree because we are not from the same world. Even if he squeezes his head, he can’t squeeze into our circle.”

“That’s true.”

Liu Yannan nodded noncommittally.

Lu Chen’s boxing and kicking skills are really good, and he also has some medical skills.

But these are not enough.

As the most favored granddaughter of General Murong, Murong Xue’s future husband must meet three points.

First, a rich family background; second, full potential; third, outstanding ability.

Lu Chen, an unknown person, obviously did not meet the standard.

The General’s Mansion has a very wide territory, and all the mountains and rivers within a ten-mile radius are within its jurisdiction.

After walking for more than ten minutes, everyone finally arrived at the private horse farm at the foot of the back mountain.

Chapter: 1981

There are hundreds of horses at the horse farm of the General’s Mansion, most of which are of high quality. Members of the Murong family can train or race horses here.

Some outstanding children will also be specially matched with valuable horses.

Murong Xue knew the way, called the horse farm steward, and led everyone into the stable, ready to pick a horse for a test ride.

The stable is very large, with many compartments inside, and each compartment houses a separate horse.

Because people clean it frequently, the stables are very clean, and you can still smell a faint smoky aroma.

“Brother Lu Chen, what do you think of this horse?”

Murong Xue led Lu Chen to a snow-white horse.

The white horse is about 1.5 meters tall, with a plump and graceful body, a thin head and a tall neck, slender limbs, thin skin and fine hair, and a light and elegant pace. It looks very beautiful.

“Yes, it really is a good horse.” Lu Chen nodded appreciatively.

“Hehe, this horse’s name is Zhui Feng. It’s my exclusive ride. I’ll come over to see it every day when I’m free.”

While Murong Xue reached out and stroked the horse’s face, she introduced proudly: “Brother Lu Chen, don’t underestimate Zhui Feng. He is a bloody horse. He always wins the championship in every horse racing competition held by the family. Never lost.”

As soon as his voice fell, a discordant voice suddenly sounded at the door of the stable.

“Never lost? Hmph! Then I will let you lose once today!”


Everyone followed the sound and saw a group of young men and women walking in leisurely.

Walking in the front was a woman wearing a black vest and black riding boots.

The woman has a pretty appearance and a slender figure, but her expression is quite arrogant, giving people a feeling of being superior.

When she came in, she was holding a black horse with shiny hair, looking majestic.

“Murong Yue?”

After seeing the person coming, Murong Xue couldn’t help but frown slightly.

Murong Yue is her uncle’s daughter, and she always likes to fight against her.

Especially after his father stepped down as the head of the family, the other party became even more unscrupulous.

He is constantly looking for trouble, which makes me very annoyed.

“Murong Xue, I just heard you brag that Zhuifeng has never lost, I really want to die laughing.”

Murong Yue sarcastically said mercilessly: “You won the championship in the past because everyone let you in. Do you really think you are very good? Don’t be ridiculous!”

“You’re talking nonsense!”

Murong Xue’s face sank slightly, and she was obviously a little angry.

“Nonsense? Huh! If you don’t accept it, then let’s have a competition to see whether your chasing the wind is better or my black dragon is better.” Murong Yue provoked.

In the past, Murong Xue was favored, and her father was the head of the Murong family, so everyone was courteous.

Things are different now. It’s her father’s turn to be the head of the family, so she doesn’t have to worry about anything

Chapter: 1982

“It’s a match, do you think I’m afraid of you?!” Murong Xue raised her head.

She has practiced equestrian since she was a child, and with the help of Chai Feng, she is naturally not afraid of challenges.


Murong Yue’s eyes lit up: “But it’s just a horse race, it’s not interesting to win, do you dare to raise a bet with me?”

“How do you want to bet?” Murong Xue asked back.

“It’s very simple. Just use our two BMWs as bets. If whoever loses, he will sacrifice the horse.” Murong Yue curled her lips.

“Betting on horse racing?”

Hearing this, Murong Xue couldn’t help but hesitate.

If it was about gambling money and goods, she would agree without hesitation, but if it was about hooking up with her beloved horse, she would have to weigh it carefully.

Zhuifeng has been with her for six years, and she has already regarded him as a friend, so naturally she is very reluctant.

“What? Don’t you dare?”

Murong Yue continued provocatively: “If you don’t dare, don’t brag outside in the future, so as not to embarrass yourself!”


Murong Xue was so angry that she gritted her teeth and said, “Okay! Just bet! I don’t believe I will lose to you!”

“It’s a deal! I hope you won’t regret it!” Murong Yue sneered.

“What’s so exciting?”

At this time, three more people walked into the stable.

One man and two women.

The man has a handsome appearance and a tall stature, somewhat similar to Murong Yue in appearance.

The other two women are more beautiful than the other.

Regardless of appearance, figure, or temperament, they are all excellent.


Seeing the person coming, Lu Chen couldn’t help raising his eyebrows, quite surprised.

Because he found out that the two women who came in were Li Qingyao and Feng Miaozhu!

When Lu Chen glanced over, Li Qingyao’s eyes happened to look at each other.

Their eyes met, but neither of them spoke.

Li Qingyao frowned slightly, with a strange expression. She did not expect to encounter an insurance seller several times.

Feng Miaozhu, who was on the side, obviously hadn’t noticed the existence of Lu Chen, and kept staring at the white horse chasing the wind, looking very eager.

As an equestrian enthusiast, she is very coveted for this kind of top-notch BMW.

“Brother, are you here?”

Chapter: 1983

After seeing the man, Murong Yue smiled slightly: “I just made a bet on horse racing with Murong Xue. The bet was our respective horses. What do you think?”

“Oh? Horse racing?”

Murong Gaochao’s eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: “Since you are so interested, then I will be the referee for you.”

“Yes!” Murong Yue agreed without hesitation.

“Xue’er, what do you think?” Murong Gaochao asked again.

“Brother Gao Chao is always fair, of course there is no problem.” Murong Xue nodded.

“Okay, prepare yourself.”

Murong Gaochao smiled: “Friendship first, competition second, don’t hurt the harmony.”

The two women looked at each other with hostility, obviously not taking these words seriously.

After putting on the saddle and harness, the two BMWs were finally led to the arena.

One black and one white, the contrast is very sharp.

Murong Xue and Murong Yue’s friends were also divided into two camps, opposing each other.

“Xue’er! Come on! I believe you can win!” Liu Yannan cheered from the side.

“Zhui Feng is a victorious general. No matter what kind of horse he is, he is nothing compared to him!” Chu Jie was also very confident.

“That’s right! As long as you play steadily, you can definitely win this game easily!” Several other people agreed.

Although Lu Chen didn’t say anything, he could tell that judging from the sophistication of the horses, Zhui Feng was indeed better than Black Dragon.

Of course, the rider’s skills must also be considered. Murong Xue has rich experience, so as long as he doesn’t make mistakes, the probability of winning is still very high.

“Sister Qingyao, which one of these two horses do you think is faster?”

In the other camp, Feng Miaozhu asked enthusiastically.

“I don’t know much about horses, so I can’t tell.” Li Qingyao shook his head slightly.

I came to the racecourse today, on the one hand, for fun; on the other hand, it was also to discuss business with Murong Gaochao.

Horse racing and stuff like that are just for fun.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. Just take a guess.” Feng Miaozhu said with a smile.

“Then I guess the dark horse wins.” Li Qingyao said casually.

“Okay, I guess the white horse will win!” Feng Miaozhu immediately wanted to win.

Both were good horses, but she preferred the white Chaser.

Because it is more beautiful.

At this moment, Murong Xue and Murong Yue rode their horses and came to the starting point to stand still, ready to start at any time.

“Yue’er, the black dragon has a fierce temperament, so be careful when you ride it.”

Murong Gaochao stepped forward and stroked the black dragon’s mane.

Chapter: 1984


Murong Yue responded.

“Same goes for Cher, stay safe and remember, friendship comes first, competition comes second.”

Murong Gaochao turned to look at Murong Xue, and patted Zhuifeng’s horse’s head.

Such a simple action made Chase Lu frown slightly.

“Thank you for your concern, brother Gao Chao.”

Murong Xue nodded slightly.

“Okay, enough nonsense, are you two ready?”

Murong Gaochao stepped back a certain distance, and after seeing the two nodding, he suddenly turned up his volume and shouted: “Start!”

As soon as the words fell, Murong Xue and Murong Yue clamped their horses at the same time.

Two BMWs, one black and one white, ejected instantly, almost in no particular order.

This race is a thousand-meter race, and the pace is at full speed at the beginning. The two BMWs run as fast as the wind, competing with each other, and no one is far behind.

The two people on the horse were also concentrating and did not dare to be distracted in the slightest.

As the horses ran, their bodies rose and fell rhythmically, demonstrating their skillful skills.

“Come on! Xueer, come on!”

Liu Yannan and his group shouted wildly, emotionally.

“Come on Yue’er! Yue’er will win!”

The young men and women of the other camp were also enthusiastic and cheering constantly.

Under the waves of shouts, the two BMWs ran even harder.

“Haha… I’m ahead, I’m ahead, Chasing is ahead!”

After running about half of the distance, Zhui Feng had gradually taken the lead, leaving Hei Long one step behind.

This scene made Liu Yannan and the others extremely excited.

As long as you keep going, winning this game is not a problem at all.

“Chasing the wind is no longer possible, I guess I will lose.”

Lu Chen suddenly said something.

With his eyesight, he could clearly see that Zhuifeng’s eyes were bloodshot.

“Hey! What are you talking about? Chasing the wind is obviously a big advantage, how could you lose?” Liu Yannan said angrily.

“Hmph! If you don’t understand, don’t speak, so as not to embarrass yourself here!” Chu Jie looked contemptuous.

“That’s right! It’s okay if you don’t cheer for Xue’er, but you are still making sarcastic remarks here, who are you!” Everyone became dissatisfied.

Just as he was talking, there was a sudden change in the field.

Chapter: 1985

When he was still a hundred meters away from the finish line, Zhui Feng suddenly let out a painful scream, then his hooves gave way and he collapsed directly to the ground.

Because of too much inertia, Murong Xue who was on the horse was instantly thrown flying.


Murong Xue’s body was thrown high and then fell heavily to the grass.

I felt dizzy for a while and looked in pain.


The sudden scene startled everyone.

He quickly ran forward to check on Murong Xue’s condition.

Fortunately, wearing protective gear and the soft grass, he didn’t suffer any serious injuries when he fell, only his shoulder was dislocated.

“Xue’er! How are you? Are you injured?” Liu Yannan looked nervous.

“Doctor! Call the doctor quickly!” Chu Jie was impatient.

It would be very bad if he fell on his head.

“let me see.”

Murong Gaochao walked forward quickly, checked the situation carefully and said, “Fortunately, it’s nothing serious, it’s just a dislocated shoulder.”

As he spoke, he slowly stretched out his hand, pressed on Murong Xue’s shoulder, and twisted suddenly.


With a crisp sound, the bones reset.

Murong Xue let out a muffled snort, and her pained expression gradually eased down.

“Hahaha… I won!”

After riding to the finish line, Murong Yue turned the horse’s head again, walked over triumphantly, and said condescendingly: “Murong Xue, are you too inferior? You have been riding horses since you were a child, and now you can actually fall? How ridiculous!”


Murong Xue was so choked that she couldn’t speak.

I didn’t know what happened just now. I was running when Zhui Feng suddenly collapsed.

During this period, she didn’t feel any abnormality.

“Murong Xue, I am willing to admit defeat. I will take your Zhui Feng away!”

Murong Yue’s face was full of spring breeze, very airy.

On the other hand, Murong Xue’s expression was very ugly.

However, the outcome was already decided, and she could not regret it in public.

“Xue’er, you were so impulsive just now!”

Murong Gaochao said earnestly: “Winning or losing is small, but safety is big. I have told you a long time ago, don’t be greedy for credit and rush forward. Look at you, you fell down on the spot. Fortunately, nothing happened. Otherwise, how could I follow?” Your dad explained?”

Chapter: 1986

“I’m sorry.” Murong Xue felt aggrieved.

“You girl, you really don’t know what’s important. You have already said that friendship comes first and competition comes second. Why put yourself at risk?” Murong Gaochao sighed.

It looks like a caring and loving brother and sister.

“Friendship first, competition second, these words are really harsh coming from your mouth!” Lu Chen suddenly said.


As soon as these words came out, everyone’s eyes were focused on the past.

All of them showed doubts, not knowing why.

“It’s you!”

After Feng Miaozhu was slightly taken aback, her expression changed instantly.

She had just been paying attention to the horse racing and didn’t even notice Chase Lu was here.

Now that the enemies meet each other, they are extremely jealous.

“Miss Feng, do you know this person?”

Murong Gaochao looked around, feeling a little strange.

“Hmph! How can a Lexe who sells insurance have the right to know me?”

Feng Miaozhu gritted her teeth, feeling a little indignant.

Naturally, I can’t tell you about the slap I received yesterday. It’s too disgraceful.

“An insurance seller?”

Murong Gaochao raised his eyebrows. Although he didn’t know what was going on, it was obvious that Feng Miaozhu hated the guy in front of him: “When did the threshold of our Murong family become so low? Can such a thing even get in?”

“Brother Gao Chao, brother Lu Chen is my friend.” Murong Xue quickly explained.


Murong Gaochao looked him up and down, and said calmly: “Xue’er, you have to know that with your status, not everyone is qualified to be your friend.”

A low-level figure who sells insurance is not even worthy of carrying their shoes.

“It’s hard to say whether I’m qualified or not, but your cousin is obviously not a good person.” Lu Chen spoke again.

“Be bold!”

Murong Yue glared and cursed: “Who do you think you are? How dare you slander my brother? Believe it or not, I will slap you!”

With that said, he raised his riding whip and was about to take action.

Murong Gaochao raised his hand to stop it, and then asked coldly: “Lu Chen, right? I don’t seem to have offended you, who asked you to slander me here?”


Lu Chen snorted softly: “Don’t you know what you did just now? While you were pretending to be cold and warm, you secretly played tricks and made Xue’er fall off the horse. Do you really think that no one can see?”

“You…what are you talking nonsense about?!”

Chapter: 1987

Murong Gaochao’s expression changed and his heart beat wildly.

But soon, he realized that he had lost his composure, and forcibly recovered his composure, so that others didn’t notice it at all.

The depth of the city can be seen.

“Are you talking nonsense? You know it well. For a horse, you even harmed your own cousin. Is your conscience eaten by a dog?” Lu Chen said coldly.


Murong Gaochao became angry from embarrassment: “If you dare to talk nonsense again, don’t blame me for teaching you!”

“You bastard! I order you to apologize to my brother quickly, or I will make you look good!” Murong Yue shouted with fierce eyes.

“Master Murong, if I were you, I would just cut off his tongue and feed it to the dogs, so as to relieve the hatred.” Feng Miaozhu added fuel to the flames.

Li Qingyao looked on coldly and said nothing.

“Brother Lu Chen, have you misunderstood something? Brother Gao Chao has always been very kind to me, how could he harm me?” Murong Xue was also a little incredulous.

From childhood to adulthood, Murong Gaochao always had a gentle and elegant appearance.

Every time she made a mistake, the other party would be very protective and even take the blame for her.

In her eyes, although Murong Gaochao is a cousin, he is no different from his own brother.

It is precisely because of this that Murong Yue often gets jealous.

“Xue’er, I can see clearly that the reason why you fell just now was all because of this guy, otherwise, you wouldn’t lose.” Lu Chen said with a serious face.

“Fart! She obviously made a mistake in her own operation, so what’s the matter with my brother?!” Murong Yue was a little annoyed.

“Seller of insurance, I think you are just messing around. We were all standing next to Master Murong just now. If he did something, couldn’t we all see it with all our eyes?” Feng Miaozhu looked at him with contempt.

“That’s right! Young Master Murong is upright and open-minded. It is absolutely impossible for him to do such a despicable thing. I warn you not to spit blood!” Everyone yelled angrily.

Even the friends around Murong Xue cast disgusted looks at Lu Chen.

In order to be in the limelight, I really don’t care about my face and bite people when I catch them.

What a mad dog!

“Brother Lu Chen, you must have seen it wrong, right? I believe brother Gao Chao is not such a person.” Murong Xue shook her head.

“Knowing people but not their hearts, some people can’t just look at their appearance.” Lu Chen reminded.

“Lu Chen, you said I was playing tricks secretly, what evidence do you have?” Murong Gaochao questioned.

“That’s right! Empty words are nothing to prove, but if you have the ability, you can show evidence!”

Murong Yue pointed her riding crop at Lu Chen and shouted, “If you don’t have any evidence and just talk nonsense here, I will cut your tongue out!”

“You want evidence, right? OK.”

Lu Chen walked up to Zhui Feng and began to examine it carefully. At the same time, he said, “Murong Gaochao touched Zhui Feng’s horse’s head before the horse race. You should still remember it, right?”

“So what if you remember?” Murong Yue put her hands on her hips.

Lu Chen didn’t respond. He stroked the horse’s head with his fingers, and when he touched a slight bump, he sucked it hard.

Chapter: 1988

A blood-stained black steel needle suddenly popped out from the horse’s head, clearly displayed in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Here, this is the evidence you want!”


Seeing the black steel needle pinched in Lu Chen’s hand, everyone couldn’t help but look at each other in dismay.

They had just seen clearly that the steel needle was indeed pulled out of the horse’s head, and it was still stained with blood.

It can be seen that someone has indeed tampered with it.

“No way? Is everything this guy said true?”

After a short period of astonishment, many people looked at Murong Gaochao, ready to listen to an explanation.

“Now that the evidence is solid, what else do you have to say?”

With a flick of his fingers, Lu Chen flicked the steel needle at Murong Gaochao’s feet.

“What do you mean? Are you doubting me?”

Murong Gaochao frowned slightly and said righteously: “Although I don’t know who did it, I can swear that I will never do anything to harm Xue’er!”

“Pretend, continue to pretend.”

Lu Chen said indifferently: “Your sister admitted it just now, only you touched the wind, not you, who else?”

“I have touched Zhuifeng, but it doesn’t mean this needle is mine.”

Murong Gaochao said righteously: “Maybe, before we came, someone had already done something in advance.”

“That’s right! Murong Xue has so many enemies, and she is often kidnapped and assassinated. It’s not surprising that someone is messing with her immediately!” Murong Yue echoed.

“Black is also you, white is also you, let you say everything.” Lu Chen sneered.

“Xue’er, you know me best, do you think I am the kind of person who would harm you?” Murong Gaochao looked serious and turned his eyes to the other side.

“Of course not. Brother Gao Chao has always loved me, how could he harm me? This matter must be a misunderstanding.” Murong Xue shook her head repeatedly.

Her cousin has always been gentle and kind, and has never done anything harmful to nature, so he is naturally not a bad person.

“Did you hear that? Xue’er and I are brothers and sisters, how can you tell me what to do here?” Murong Gaochao said coldly.

“Xue’er, you must be on guard against others. You have to be careful in the future.” Lu Chen reminded.

He didn’t expect to use a needle to convict Murong Gaochao, but as long as Murong Xue could be vigilant, that would be enough.

“Xue’er! This person has malicious intentions and deliberately sows dissension. It’s fine if you don’t make friends with this kind of so-called friends!” Murong Gaochao confronted each other.

“Okay, okay, you all don’t say a few words, it was just an accident, don’t hurt your friendship because of this.” Murong Xue tried to smooth things over.

One is her cousin and the other is her savior.

It was really difficult for her to be sandwiched between the two of them.

“For Xue’er’s sake, I won’t argue with you, but if you dare to talk nonsense again in the future, don’t blame me for being rude to you!” Murong Gaochao threatened.

Almost being exposed the disguise, can not help but feel a little resentful.

Chapter: 1989

“Wait… Zhui Feng was tampered with just now, so this game should be canceled and Xue’er cannot be considered a loser.” Liu Yannan said suddenly.

“That’s right! According to the normal situation, Chasing the Wind has a greater chance of winning.” Chu Jie and the others echoed.

“Hmph! There will always be all kinds of accidents during horse racing. If you lose, you lose. How come there is so much nonsense?” Murong Yue curled her lips disdainfully.

“Yue’er, forget it, we are all a family. We should value peace and return Zhui Feng to Xue’er.” Murong Gaochao spoke at the right time.


Murong Yue tilted her head and said confidently: “I am willing to admit defeat. I won Zhuifeng with my own ability. Why should I give it back to her?”

She had been jealous of Zhui Feng, a good horse, for a long time. She finally got it, so naturally she couldn’t bear to send it back.

“Yue’er, be obedient, return Zhui Feng to Xue’er, and I will give you a good horse in two days.” Murong Gaochao comforted her.

“I don’t want anything, I want to chase the wind!”

Murong Yue had a very stubborn temper and would not let go at all: “Murong Xue, you are such a big man, do you still regret it?!”


Murong Xue was speechless for a moment.

“You girl, why don’t you listen to my advice?”

Murong Gaochao sighed and looked helpless.

“Since everyone is still arguing, I think it’s better to have a rematch and raise some chips. Whoever wins has the final say, how about it?” Feng Miaozhu suggested.

“I’m fine, it depends on whether Murong Xue dares or not.”

Murong Yue did not refuse and looked at Murong Xue provocatively.

“Xue’er was injured just now. How can she still ride a horse? Isn’t this embarrassing?” Murong Gaochao deliberately kept a straight face.

“Murong Xue can’t do it, she can be replaced. There are so many friends around her, it’s fine to just come along.”

Murong Yue raised her head and glanced at each one: “Hey! Which of you dares to fight with me? Ten million per game. If you lose, you will be given money. If you win, you will take Zhui Feng away.”

As soon as these words came out, Chu Jie, Liu Yannan and others looked at each other in shock.

Ten million per game is a bit too high a bet.

Their riding skills are somewhat worse than Murong Xue’s.

The most important thing is that Zhui Feng has been injured and will not be able to run again in a short time.

And looking at the entire racecourse, there is no second top-quality horse that can compete with Heilong.

In this case, no matter who plays, it is self-inflicted humiliation, and there is no chance of winning.

“What? There are so many of you, but not one of you dares to challenge? Are you too useless?” Murong Yue looked contemptuous.

Everyone lowered their heads, a little embarrassed, but did not dare to speak.

“Murong Xue, I’ve already given you a chance, but if you don’t succeed, then you can’t blame me.” Murong Yue curled up her lips, feeling proud.

“I’ll race with you!”

Chapter: 1990

Murong Xue finally couldn’t bear it anymore, she gritted her teeth and stood up, her little face was full of stubbornness.

It’s just that because of the heavy fall just now, she staggered when she walked, and she was obviously not in a good condition.

“You are injured, let me come.”

Lu Chen stretched out his hand and patted Murong Xue’s shoulder lightly.

“Brother Lu Chen, can you ride a horse?”

Murong Xue was slightly taken aback, a little surprised.

“Know a thing or two.” Lu Chen nodded.

“Hmph! If you only know a little bit, don’t come out and make a fool of yourself, so as not to embarrass yourself!” Chu Jie said angrily.

“You’re right, even Xue’er can’t do it. What’s the use of going up there? Aren’t you humiliating yourself?” Liu Yannan was very disdainful.

“If you lose, you will pay 10 million yuan. Do you have that much money as an insurance seller?” Feng Miaozhu sneered.

“Some people really like to show off, they don’t have any self-knowledge.” Everyone sneered.

A small person who sells insurance dares to participate in a horse race among rich kids, he is really overconfident!

“Brother Lu Chen, are you sure?” Murong Xue asked tentatively.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely win your Zhui Feng back.” Lu Chen smiled.

“Huh! The tone is not small, and I will make you lose your heart in a while!”

Murong Yue raised her chin and said to the steward: “Take this guy to the stables to pick horses. Let him pick any good horses there!”

“This gentleman, please follow me.”

The steward of the racecourse made a sign of invitation and then led Lu Chen into the stables.

Not long after, Lu Chen walked out again.

However, when everyone saw the horse he had chosen, they were instantly stunned.

Because they were shocked to find that Lu Chen chose a pony just for children!

“Am I right? This guy actually picked a pony?”

“He doesn’t want to use this short-legged horse to race against a bloody horse like the Black Dragon?”

“My God! What’s going on in this guy’s head? Is he crazy?!”

Seeing the pony that Lu Chen brought out, everyone was shocked.

The pony, as its name suggests, is a small, delicate horse with a docile personality.

It is a horse specially designed for children or the elderly to ride. It is less than one meter tall and has short and thick limbs. It is mainly used for entertainment.

On the other hand, the black dragon is one and a half meters tall, with long and muscular limbs and well-proportioned muscles. He can run like wind and lightning, crushing the pony in every aspect.

The two horses standing together are like the difference between an adult strong man and a three- year-old child.

There is no need to compare at all. Just looking at the hardware facilities, the winner has been determined.

Chapter: 1991

“Who am I talking about? Are you here to make fun of me? Do you want to compete with me on this pony?” Murong Yue laughed mercilessly.

I have seen stupid people, but I have never seen such stupid people.

Even those high-grade horses can’t be compared with the black dragon, let alone this low-grade horse?

“Hahaha… You don’t even know how to choose a horse, but you dare to race horses with others? What an idiot!” Feng Miaozhu burst into laughter.

Who in their right mind would choose this kind of horse? Isn’t this asking for trouble?

“Hey! Are you crazy? This is a horse for children to ride on. Why did you choose it? For a walk?” Liu Yannan said angrily.

“I thought it was so powerful, but I didn’t understand anything after doing it for a long time. It’s just grandstanding!” Chu Jie looked like a clown.

“Please admit defeat, okay? You don’t think it’s embarrassing, we all think it’s embarrassing!” Many people showed disdain.

Using a pony to run against a bloody BMW is not a competition, but a search for abuse.

Anyone with a little brain would not do this.

“Manager Liu, are you causing trouble on purpose?”

Murong Xue frowned and asked: “There are so many good purebred horses in the stable, but you don’t want to use them for brother Lu Chen, but you chose this one. What do you mean?”

“Miss Xue, it’s none of my business.”

The steward of the racecourse said innocently: “I have introduced many good horses to this gentleman, but he doesn’t like them all. If he insists on getting this one, there is nothing I can do.”

In fact, when he saw Lu Chen choose the pony, he was very surprised and even tried to persuade him.

It’s a pity that the other party didn’t listen at all.

“Brother Lu Chen, did you choose the wrong one?”

Murong Xue said with a strange expression: “This short horse has short legs and is weak. It can’t run fast at all. It can only be regarded as a low-class horse. How about you go to the stable and pick one?”

“You don’t need to choose, this horse is enough.”

Chase Lu patted the pony’s head and seemed very satisfied.

“But it alone can’t defeat the Black Dragon.”

Murong Xue was a little embarrassed.

Put on a better thoroughbred horse, and still have the power to fight.

If it is this pony horse, it will definitely lose.

“Don’t worry, it will definitely win.”

Lu Chen smiled slightly and looked confident.

“Haha… With such an inferior horse, you still want to beat my black dragon? Have you lost your mind?” Murong Yue sneered.

“Lu Chen, you’d better think carefully. If you lose, you have to pay 10 million. You can’t let Xue’er pay for you in the end because of your willfulness.” Murong Gaochao said coldly.

I thought the other party was an expert before, but I didn’t expect him to be so stupid.

“If I lose, I will pay for it myself, and Xue’er doesn’t need to spend it.” Lu Chen was very straightforward.

Chapter: 1992

“Hmph! As an insurance seller, do you have that much money?” Feng Miaozhu questioned.

“That’s right! If you don’t have money, don’t think about being in the spotlight, so as not to be embarrassed!” Liu Yannan echoed.

“Ten million is not a small amount of money. People like you probably won’t be able to earn it in a lifetime.” Chu Jie didn’t hide his contempt at all.

“Hey! You don’t want to be an empty-handed white wolf, do you?” Many people questioned.

Everyone knows that Murong Xue is kind-hearted, if Lu Chen loses and cannot pay, Murong Xue must pay in advance.

If you win, you get a good horse for nothing, and if you lose, you don’t need to spend money.

This guy is really calculating.

“If he has no money, I will pay for him.”

At this time, Li Qingyao, who had been watching coldly, suddenly spoke.

Her voice instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

You know, this iceberg beauty rarely speaks since she entered the racecourse.

He always looked like he was repelling people thousands of miles away, and no one dared to approach easily.

Now, for the first time, he is supporting Lu Chen, which is really surprising.

“Sister Qingyao, why are you helping this guy?” Feng Miaozhu looked astonished.

For a person with a cold personality, this behavior is obviously a bit abnormal.

“I’m just curious, and I want to see where he has the confidence to win this horse race.” Li Qingyao said in a neutral tone.

That’s what she said, but there was something strange in her heart. She almost blurted out just now, subconsciously defending this stranger.

It’s kind of weird.

“Since Boss Li is so interested, let’s take advantage of this guy.” Murong smiled politely.

“For President Li’s sake, I’ll give you a chance to lose, get on the horse!”

Murong Yue turned over and rode on the black dragon, looking down at Lu Chen with contempt in her eyes.

10 million delivered to your door, not for nothing, but also for fun.

Lu Chen glanced at Li Qingyao meaningfully, without saying anything, he crossed one leg and got on the pony.

When the two horses stood side by side, Lu Chen’s head was almost two heads shorter than Murong Yue’s shoulder.

“Hmph! How dare this guy go up? He’s really overwhelmed!”

“Isn’t it shameful to gamble with a woman’s money?”

Everyone whispered and looked at Lu Chen with contempt.

It’s obviously a losing battle, but you still have to bite the bullet, it’s simply humiliating yourself!


After the two were ready, Murong Gaochao, who was the referee, immediately shouted: “Start!”

Chapter: 1993

The voice just fell.

Murong Yue clamped the horse’s belly, and the black dragon immediately ejected, galloping like the wind, extremely fast.

On the other hand, Lu Chen looked calm, took the rein, sat on the pony, and walked forward slowly.

That posture is not like a horse race at all, but a walk.

“What the hell is this guy doing? Why is he walking? He’s running instead!”

“No matter how hard you run, it’s useless. How can a short horse beat a sweaty horse?”

“I guess he knew he was going to lose, so he just gave up.”

Looking at Lu Chen who was riding slowly, everyone couldn’t help but point their fingers, some with contempt, some with contempt, some with ridicule, but mostly disgust.

Running is one thing, running or not is another.

It’s all a matter of attitude.

“Sister Qingyao, look at this guy, how hateful he is!”

Feng Miaozhu said with a displeased face: “You kindly help him, but he has such an attitude, he deserves to sell insurance for the rest of his life!”

“Some people, after all, mud can’t support the wall.” Murong Gaochao joked.

Li Qingyao frowned and said nothing. His eyes gradually turned cold, and he felt like he hated iron for not becoming steel.

“Xue’er, did you see that? This guy is just trying to please everyone!” Liu Yannan was a little indignant.

“Hmph! He doesn’t feel ashamed, we all feel ashamed!” Chu Jie said with a cold face.

Murong Xue bit her lip, her complexion was complicated.

She also didn’t understand why Lu Chen chose to show off.

“Hahaha…who is that, can you hurry up? I can’t wait any longer!”

Halfway through the run, Murong Yue looked back and found that Lu Chen was far behind. Fortunately, she stopped and deliberately insulted her with words.

Lu Chen didn’t change his expression, he just rode on his pony and trotted after him.

“Hurry up! Run faster!”

Murong Yue kept urging, acting like a cat playing with a mouse.

After Chase Lu caught up, she snapped the horse’s belly and began to sprint again.

After running about 100 meters, she stopped again, waiting for Chase Lu to approach.

This has been repeated several times, full of teasing intentions.

It made the onlookers laugh, as if they were watching a clown.

“Come on, come on…come after me!”

“Hurry up, hurry up… go faster!”

Murong Yue rode the black dragon running and stopping, looking back and laughing from time to time.

Chapter: 1994

He didn’t take Lu Chen seriously at all, and started playing directly.

After having fun to the fullest, she even rode the black dragon and circled the pony.

Under the suppression of blood, the pony was trembling with fear and ran even slower for a while.

“Hahaha…how does this look like a horse race? This is clearly walking the dog!”

“Who says it’s not? Being played around by Yue’er, she doesn’t have any temper at all, it’s really embarrassing!”

A group of Murong Yue’s friends laughed without hesitation.

“You don’t have a good horse, and you don’t have any skills. How dare you challenge Murong Yue? You don’t know how high the sky is!” Liu Yannan looked contemptuous.

“It’s just a clown. If this kind of trash can win, I will eat shit!” Chu Jie sneered.

“A grown man is humiliated by a woman riding on his head. If I were him, I would probably have to find a hole in the ground to crawl into. It’s so embarrassing!” Feng Miaozhu laughed jokingly.

She had always held a grudge about being slapped before, but now Murong Yue’s behavior can be regarded as an expression of anger for her.

“Ms. Li, you shouldn’t sympathize with a guy like this who can’t stand up to the wall.” Murong Gaochao said angrily.

“It’s only 10 million, and it’s a good time to buy it.” Li Qingyao said with a blank expression.

“That’s true.”

Murong Gaochao nodded noncommittally, then shouted at Murong Yue at the top of his voice: “Yue’er, don’t play anymore, it’s boring, let’s end it sooner.”


Murong Yue responded, and turned her head to look at Lu Chen: “So who, I won’t play with you anymore, you can slowly eat ashes behind!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he clamped his legs around the horse’s belly, and the black dragon immediately accelerated and headed straight for the finish line.

From beginning to end, Lu Chen was at ease, as if he was staying out of the situation.

Just when everyone thought the outcome had been decided.

The black dragon was running, but for some reason, it suddenly neighed and raised its front hooves suddenly.

Murong Yue, who was so carried away, was knocked to the ground and fell into disgrace.

“What happened? A mistake?”

The sudden scene startled everyone.

No one expected that Murong Yue suddenly had an accident when there was only a hundred meters left from the finish line.

“Black Dragon! What did you do? Why did you stop suddenly?”

Murong Yue endured the pain and stood up, looking a little annoyed.

She hadn’t even moved the reins just now, but the black dragon suddenly stood up, catching her off guard.

Fortunately, the fall was not heavy, and I was able to run again when I got up.

“Yo! Did you fall? So careless?”

Lu Chen rode a pony and approached slowly.

Chapter: 1995

“Hmph! So what if you fall? Miss Ben can still beat you.”

Murong Yue glared and got on her horse.

“Really? Good luck then.”

Lu Chen smiled slightly and continued to ride leisurely.

“Black Dragon! Sprint!”

Murong Yue yelled coquettishly, and clamped her legs into the horse’s belly, trying to shake off Lu Chen and win the game in one fell swoop.

However, her order had no effect.

The black dragon stood still, restless, but refused to move forward, as if there was some beast ahead.

“Black Dragon! Sprint! Sprint!”

Seeing Lu Chen slowly surpassing, Murong Yue immediately became anxious and kicked wildly, but the black dragon didn’t dare to move at all.

“Hey! You should move!”

Murong Yue was so furious that she took out her riding crop and started to beat the black dragon.

One whip after another, very hard.

The black dragon neighed again and again, but didn’t dare to move forward.

Then, under the surprised, stunned and unbelievable eyes of everyone.

Lu Chen rode a pony and walked leisurely all the way to the finish line.

From the beginning to the end, I basically didn’t run through it, and it was extremely easy to win.

But also very bizarre.

“How is it possible? The pony actually outperformed the bloody BMW?”

“What’s the situation? How the hell can you win?!”

“What the hell is Yue’er doing? Can’t we just sprint and be done with it? Why are we waiting so long?”

When Lu Chen won, the whole place was in turmoil.

Everyone looked shocked and found it difficult to accept.

Before the game started, they firmly believed that Murong Yue would win.

In fact, the process of horse racing is indeed like this, the black dragon crushes the whole process.

It’s just that no one expected that at the last moment, the black dragon dropped the chain and refused to run away.

what is this?


Playing tantrums?

“Win, win! Brother Lu Chen won!”

Chapter: 1996

After being stunned for a short time, Murong Xue immediately cheered and beamed with joy.

She never dreamed that Chase Lu, who chose a pony, would still win.

It’s so surreal!

“This guy is really lucky. He won out of nowhere.” Liu Yannan was a little unhappy.

“Fuck! Why? Why can a pony win?!” Chu Jie was dissatisfied and jealous at the same time.

If he had known that winning would be so easy, he should have played just now, so that he would not only be in the limelight, but also please Murong Xue.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

“Isn’t it? Anyone who just walks can win the whole process. Isn’t it too exaggerated?”

The corners of Feng Miaozhu’s eyes twitched, and she was no longer calm.

She also expected Lu Chen to be severely humiliated after his defeat.

It’s better now, they won directly.


There was something strange in Li Qingyao’s beautiful eyes.

She didn’t understand why Lu Chen had been calm and composed, as if he had expected it.

“Yue’er is really too big. If you finish the run early, you win. If you have to play cat and mouse, you are really shooting yourself in the foot!”

Murong Gaochao frowned and looked a little ugly.

If you don’t run and stop, winning this game will be easy.

If you lose now, you will be ruined directly.

A sweaty BMW can’t outrun a pony. If word of this gets out, how will they have any face in the future?

“Murong Yue, it seems that your hard-earned horse is not very good.”

After arriving at the finish line, Lu Chen rode a pony and walked back slowly.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, like sarcasm, like playfulness.


Murong Yue gritted her teeth and was so angry.

With nowhere to vent her anger, she turned over and got off the horse, took out the whip, and whipped the black dragon.

The beating made a snapping sound and was very hard.

“Damn beast! It was you who caused me to lose the game!”

“I told you not to move! I told you to hold you back! Let’s see if I don’t beat you to death!”

“You bastard, this young lady has been completely embarrassed by you!”

Murong Yue was beating and scolding, furious and venting her anger crazily.

Chapter: 1997

The black dragon neighed unceasingly after being beaten, restless.

Finally, he couldn’t bear it anymore and kicked Murong Yue directly in the face.


Murong Yue instantly flew five or six meters away, fell heavily to the ground, and passed out on the spot.

His jaw was shattered, his teeth fell out, his mouth and nose sprayed blood, his entire face was distorted, and he looked horrible.

The kick of the black dragon fully explained what retribution is.


Seeing Murong Yue being kicked away, everyone’s expressions changed greatly.

No one expected that the black dragon would suddenly kick him like this.

The sound of cracking bones could be heard from a distance.


Murong Gaochao exclaimed and ran to Murong Yue nervously.

Turning over to look at his body, he was instantly startled.

I saw that Murong Yue’s entire face was completely changed beyond recognition, and she was almost beaten to pieces.

It made people’s scalp numb and their hearts jumping with fear.

Although he has some medical skills, he is limited to dislocated bones and other injuries. There is no cure for this kind of injury.

“Quick! Call the doctor!”

After reacting, Murong Gaochao roared again and again.

Everyone woke up like a dream, and immediately got busy.

Within a short time, the seriously injured Murong Yue was carried away, and Murong Gaochao and his party also left in a hurry.

But before leaving, Murong Gaochao gave Lu Chen a vicious look, looking like he was holding a grudge.

“What a tragedy! He was kicked four to five meters away. Can that face be saved?”

“If she has to blame, she only has herself to blame. If she loses, she loses. What’s the point of beating the black dragon? It’s really her own fault.”

“Now it seems that the pony is not bad, at least he can’t kick him in the face.”

Several friends around Murong Xue were whispering variously.

They had already noticed that Murong Yue was unhappy, but due to the other person’s identity, they had not dared to have an attack.

Now that he sees his opponent being kicked by a horse, he feels somewhat gloating about his misfortune.

“Xue’er, I gave you back your Chasing Wind.”

Lu Chen brought the white horse Zhui Feng he had won to Murong Xue again.

“Thank you, brother Lu Chen! You are so awesome!”

Chapter: 1998

Murong Xue smiled sweetly, filled with excitement.

She already had feelings for Zhui Feng, and now that she had recovered them, she was naturally very happy.

“Hmph! What’s the big deal? It’s just good luck.” Chu Jie was a little bit weird.

“That’s right! In this round, it’s okay for me to play!” Liu Yannan agreed.

“Then why didn’t you come up just now?” Lu Chen asked back.

“I…” Liu Yannan was choked, unable to speak.

Why not? Of course I’m afraid of losing.

Who would have thought that a bantam could win against a hard-earned horse?

How outrageous!

“how did you do it?”

At this moment, Li Qingyao leaned over suddenly, with a hint of curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

“Do what?”

Lu Chen pretended not to know.

“The black dragon suddenly stopped moving forward. Isn’t it you who is causing trouble?”

Li Qingyao asked tentatively.

The reason why she was so suspicious was because Lu Chen’s performance throughout the whole process was too calm, as if he had a chance to win.

“Ms. Li, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can’t talk indiscriminately. It’s Murong Yue who got carried away and didn’t control the black dragon well. What does it matter to me?” Lu Chen shrugged.

Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be admitted.


Li Qingyao looked at Lu Chen deeply and did not continue to ask. Instead, he took out a business card and handed it over: “I think you are a talent. Selling insurance is too embarrassing. If you are interested, you can come to work in my company.” .”

As soon as these words came out, many people showed surprised expressions.

Especially Chu Jie and the men were even more jealous.

Damn it, how could this kid be so virtuous? How could this iceberg beauty be so valued?

You know, this is a big shot who even Miss Feng has to please.

“Thank you, Ms. Li, for your kindness, but no need.”

Lu Chen shook his head, but did not pick up the business card.


Li Qingyao raised her eyebrows lightly, quite surprised: “Are you sure you don’t think about it?”

Few people would reject her, and they were so straightforward without any hesitation.

“I won’t consider it anymore. I think it’s good to sell insurance, but big companies are not used to it.” Lu Chen declined again.

Chapter: 1999

“Hey! Do you know how many people want to join Sister Qingyao’s company every day? Now is your chance, don’t be ungrateful!” Feng Miaozhu said arrogantly.

Even the nobles of Yanjing must respect Prince Mu’s goddaughter when they see her.

How dare a pariah who sells insurance refuse?

How shameless!

“The opportunity is given to you, I don’t need it.” Lu Chen glanced coldly.


Feng Miaozhu wanted to have a fit, but Li Qingyao raised her hand to stop her: “Forget it, since I don’t want to, I won’t force it and leave.”

After the words fell, he turned and left directly.

With her personality, it was already very difficult to speak up on her own initiative, and it was naturally impossible to make compromises.

In fact, she said this purely out of curiosity.

“Humph! It’s true that mud can’t hold up the wall! You’ll regret it sooner or later!”

Feng Miaozhu glared fiercely, and followed Li Qingyao.

“A nobleman offered to support you, but you refused. I really don’t know whether to say you are self- aware, or stupid.” Liu Yannan said in a strange way.

“Don’t miss the opportunity, it will never come back. This time, you missed an opportunity to rise to the top.”

Chu Jie sneered, looking like an idiot.

The goddess took the initiative to invite her, and no one else could ask for her, but this guy actually refused repeatedly.

All I can say is, it’s so stupid.

“Okay, okay, let’s not talk about this. I’m hungry. Let’s go back and eat something first.” Murong Xue smoothed things over.

Lu Chen was not fascinated by the beauty, she was still very happy.

Although she is very beautiful, she has no advantage in front of a top beauty like Li Qingyao, and she even has to be overpowered.

She was very satisfied with the result in front of her.

After leaving the racecourse, the group returned to the general’s mansion.

But as soon as he entered the gate, a middle-aged man stood in front of him.

The man is tall and majestic, just standing there gives people a strong sense of oppression.

This person is the current head of the Murong family, Murong Shan!


Seeing the visitor, Murong Xue couldn’t help but smile.

Ever since she was little, she had been a little afraid of this unsmiling uncle.

“What did you just do?” Murong Shan put his hands behind his back and spoke sternly.

“We went to the racecourse for a while, what’s the matter?” Murong Xue replied.

Chapter: 2000

“So, Yue’er was kicked by a horse, and it has something to do with you?” Murong Shan asked.

“That was just an accident and has nothing to do with us.” Murong Xue shook her head repeatedly.


Murong Shan snorted coldly: “The black dragon is well-trained, how could it suddenly devour the master? I think you are playing tricks in the dark!”

“Uncle, we really don’t have it, it’s Murong Yue’s own problem.” Murong Xue tried to explain.

“Shut up!”

Murong Shan glared and shouted: “I am the head of the family. If I say you have it, you have it!”

“Dare to harm my daughter? You are really committing a heinous crime!”

“Come on! Catch them all!”

“Whoever dares to resist will be shot on the spot!”

Following his order, a large number of armed soldiers swarmed out from both sides and quickly surrounded everyone.

The atmosphere was instantly tense.

“Uncle! Don’t mess around! They are all my friends!”

Murong Xue was startled, she opened her hands to block in front of her.

“Hmph! They’re all a bunch of cronies, they don’t look good, get out of the way!” Murong Shan shouted sharply.

“I won’t let it! They are all innocent! You can’t hurt them!” Murong Xue argued.

“Patriarch Murong, we didn’t do anything, this matter was a misunderstanding!” Liu Yannan quickly explained.

“Yes, yes! Miss Yue’s injury was purely an accident and has nothing to do with us!” Everyone panicked.

Murong Shan holds great power and is decisive in killing. If he falls into the hands of the other party, there will definitely be no good results.

Even if it doesn’t die, it probably has to peel off its skin.

“You still dare to argue? If it wasn’t for your actions, why would the black dragon suddenly go crazy? Do you think I’m an idiot?!” Murong Shan said with a sullen face.

Judging from the news just received, there are two doubts about this matter.

First, the black dragon is a bloody horse, how could it not be able to outrun a pony?

Second, the black dragon is well-trained and has never crossed the line. Now that it suddenly devours the master, how can it not be suspected?

“Wait a minute! Head Murong, if someone is really up to something, it must be him!”

At this time, Chu Jie suddenly pointed at Lu Chen and began to complain: “Just now he raced horses with Miss Yue, and he even won against Miss Yue. He is the most suspicious!”

“That’s right! I thought it was strange at the time, but now that I think about it carefully, there is indeed something wrong with this guy. He must have harmed Miss Yue!” Liu Yannan agreed repeatedly.

“Master Murong! If you want to arrest him, arrest him. It has nothing to do with us!” Everyone panicked.

At this time, the truth is not important, let’s get rid of the relationship first.

Otherwise, it will be unavoidable to suffer a meal of flesh and blood.


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