An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 2361-2400

Chapter 2361-2400

Chapter 2361-2400

Chapter: 2361

Then he picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Soon, there was a sound of dull footsteps.

Lu Chen walked up the stairs without any obstruction, glanced around, and after seeing Song Zhong and the others, he sat down directly across the table.

“Butler Song, we meet again.”

Lu Chen smiled and poured himself a cup of tea.

“Mr. Lu, I heard from Zhang Long that you want to discuss business with me. What do you want to talk about?”

Song Zhong smiled softly and his attitude was quite polite.

Anyone who can become the housekeeper of the Song family is certainly not a brainless person. If some things can be solved with money, they won’t be at war with each other.

“Of course it’s about the formula of Jade Dew Cream.” Lu Chen got straight to the point.


Song Zhong raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: “It seems that Mr. Lu has figured it out. Tell me, how much do you plan to ask for? Make an offer. As long as it is not too outrageous, I will try my best to satisfy you.”

“I don’t want money, I just want you to follow the prescription and grab some medicine for me.”

Lu Chen said, took out a prescription and put it on the table, then pushed it over.

What is written on it are some precious medicinal materials, there are more than twenty kinds in total, including ice heart lotus, dragon blood ginseng, and golden marrow jade.

The reason why I write so much is to deceive others.

The Song family is a family of medicine, with a century-old background and powerful contacts all over the country. It is not comparable to the small Jishitang.

If we talk about the entire Nancheng, who can get together the three main ingredients of Xisui Pill in the shortest time, it is the Song family.

This is also the main reason why he came to negotiate.

“Let me see what medicinal materials they are?”

Song Zhong picked up the prescription and took a closer look. The smile on his face froze instantly, and his brows quickly frowned: “Mr. Lu, most of your herbs are top-grade elixir, and some are top-grade elixir. Thousands of gold are hard to come by, and you want me to collect them all, isn’t it a bit difficult?”

“Steward Song, your Song family is a century-old wealthy family, and its influence in medicine is unrivaled. This medicinal material should not be a problem for you, right?” Lu Chen picked up the teacup and took a sip.

A sweet taste flooded into the nose in an instant.

Great tea!

“not a problem?”

Song Zhong’s eyes twitched, and he suppressed his anger and said: “Mr. Lu, your appetite is really too big. The value of these medicinal materials far exceeds the Jade Dew Cream formula. I can’t satisfy you.”

With that said, he pushed the prescription back.

What the hell!

To collect these medicinal materials, the Song family would probably have to spend half of their wealth.

This guy is really a lion.

Chapter: 2362

“Song Steward, the formula of Yulu ointment is a treasure handed down in my family. It’s just a few medicinal herbs. I think it’s worth the money.” Lu Chen said.

“How many medicinal herbs are these? These are clearly twenty or thirty medicinal herbs!” Song Zhong couldn’t help but raise his voice several times.

If it is ordinary medicinal materials, forget it, no matter how much, there is no problem.

But these are elixir, and they are top-grade and top-grade elixir.

Just one plant is enough to make an ordinary person rich and prosperous for a lifetime.

“Song Steward, I think you want it sincerely. How about this? I’ll suffer a bit, and I’ll give you a small change. I only need the first twenty elixir, how about it?” Lu Chen put on a painful look.

“Not even twenty plants!” Song Zhong said with a straight face.

“Then tell me, how much can you give me?” Lu Chen retreated and asked for advice.

“One.” Song Zhong raised a finger: “I can only give you one!”

“One plant?”

Lu Chen frowned: “Song Butler, are you kidding me? That’s not what you do to bargain, right?”

“Your Yulu ointment formula is only worth one high-grade elixir. This is my bottom line.” Song Zhong was getting impatient.

If Chase Lu only needs some money, he can still call the shots.

Now the other party is talking nonsense and asking prices all over the sky, completely treating him as a fool.

“Since Butler Song is not sincere, forget it. I believe someone will be interested.”

Lu Chen said no more, put away the prescription, and prepared to leave.


Song Zhong slammed the table and shouted: “Boy! Did I let you go?”

“What? Butler Song still wants to invite me to drink tea?” Lu Chen asked back.

“Drink your uncle!”

Song Zhong was angry, picked up the teacup, and dropped it heavily to the ground with a “bang”.

In the next second, everything moved upstairs and downstairs.

Those people who pretended to be drinking tea pulled out their weapons from under the table one after another, and then rushed over in a swarm.

In just a few breaths, Lu Chen was already surrounded.

A total of fifty or sixty people blocked the entrance of the corridor.

“Boy! Come as soon as you want, leave as soon as you want. What do you think I am?”

Song Zhong suddenly stood up, finally tore off his disguise, and said fiercely: “Now you have only two choices, either you hand over the Jade Dew Cream formula honestly; or I beat you half to death and force you to hand it over again. formula!”

“Song Steward, if there is no righteousness in the business, and if the business cannot be negotiated, you will rob it. What is the difference between this and a robber?” Lu Chen looked around with a calm expression.

“Stop talking nonsense! If you don’t hand over the formula, you won’t be able to get out of Dragon Phoenix Tower!” Song Zhong shouted.

“Really? Then I’ll try it. How many catties do you Song family have?” Lu Chen sneered.

Chapter: 2363

“Song Steward, this kid is very good at fighting, so be careful later.” Zhang Long reminded him at the right time.

“So what if I can fight? I’m a good fighter here, number 50 or 60, I can drown anyone with just one pee!” Song Zhong suddenly glared: “Why are you standing still here? Come on!”


Just when the Song family’s thugs were about to rush forward, a loud shout suddenly sounded at the entrance of the corridor.

Immediately afterwards, a tall and beautiful girl rushed into the crowd aggressively with two bodyguards.

Anyone who stood in the way was kicked away by the girl.

“Who dares…”

Song Zhong slapped the table and was about to yell something. When he saw the girl, he was immediately frightened. He quickly squeezed out a smile and walked towards her: “Isn’t this Miss Wang? What kind of wind brought you here?” gone?”


The girl didn’t talk nonsense, she slapped Song Zhong directly, and cursed: “Hey! You dog slave! You dare to move my friend? Are you tired of work?”


Song Zhong was stunned, covering his hot face, a little at a loss: “Friend… friend?”

“Little miracle doctor, we meet again.”

After the beating, the girl turned to Lu Chen and smiled sweetly, with a bit of playfulness.

“It’s you?”

Lu Chen quickly recognized the other party.

The girl is none other than Wang Zixuan, the daughter of the Wang family whom he rescued yesterday.

“Little genius doctor, how is it? Isn’t it a surprise?”

Wang Zixuan smiled and said: “I saw you on the street just now, and I felt a little familiar. I didn’t expect it to be you. Last time I hurriedly said goodbye, and I didn’t have time to thank you. This time, I will treat you to dinner for everything.”

“You’re welcome, Miss Wang, it’s just a little effort.” Lu Chen nodded slightly.

“Miss Wang, do you… know this guy?” Song Zhong asked tentatively.


Wang Zixuan raised her hand and slapped her again, cursing: “Nonsense! This little miracle doctor is my savior. How dare you attack him? Believe it or not, I will castrate you!”

“A savior?”

Hearing this, Song Zhong was so frightened that his whole body trembled and his legs went limp.

He thought that Lu Chen was just an unknown junior, at most he knew a little bit of medical skills and some fists.

Unexpectedly, behind the other party, there is even a daughter of the Wang family backing him.

This was a mistake.

“What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and apologize to the little genius doctor, or I will make you look good!” Wang Zixuan stared.


Chapter: 2364

Song Zhong simply hit his knees on the ground, knelt in front of Lu Chen, and said with a smile: “Yes… I’m sorry, I was confused just now, please Mr. Lu, please ignore the villain’s fault and go around.” Let me live this time.”

“All right, all right, get out of here quickly!” Wang Zixuan was very upset.

“Yes, yes, I’ll go right away.”

Song Zhong nodded and bowed, and quickly ran away.


When she reached the entrance of the corridor, she was stopped by Wang Zixuan’s coquettish shout: “When you go back, tell that heartless man surnamed Song, sooner or later, this lady will make him regret it!”

Song Zhong smiled apologetically, said yes again and again, and then fled with a group of people.

As both wealthy families, the Wang family is even more powerful than the Song family.

Even my young master had to be courteous when he saw this unruly young lady, and he, the housekeeper of foreign affairs, was even more worthless.

“How are you, little miracle doctor? Are you injured?”

Wang Zixuan turned around and turned into a smile as bright as a flower.

“I’m fine, thanks to Miss Wang coming in time.” Lu Chen smiled.

“Why don’t we say that we are destined, let’s go, I’ll treat you to dinner!” Wang Zixuan pulled Chen Lu and was about to go downstairs.

“Miss Wang, I won’t eat anymore. I have something to ask for your help.” Lu Chen said suddenly.

“Oh? What’s the matter?” Wang Zixuan was a little curious.

“I heard that the Wang family collected a dragon’s blood ginseng. I wonder if it’s true or not?” Lu Chen asked.

“That seems to be the case.” Wang Zixuan nodded thoughtfully.

“To be honest, I need this dragon’s blood ginseng to save my life. If possible, I hope to buy it at a high price.” Chase Lu went straight to the point.

He was previously thinking about how to obtain this dragon blood ginseng from the Wang family.

I didn’t expect to have the opportunity so soon.

“Hi! Isn’t it just a plant of medicine? How can I buy it with money? I’ll just give it to you!” Wang Zixuan was very generous.

“Miss Wang, dragon blood ginseng is very precious, I can’t ask for it for nothing, it’s best to buy it with money.” Lu Chen is not greedy.

“Look at what you said. You saved my life. What’s wrong with me giving you a plant of medicine? Come on, come home with me, and I’ll give you the medicine right away!”

Wang Zixuan couldn’t help but pull Lu Chen into the car.

Seeing that the other party was so enthusiastic, Lu Chen couldn’t refuse.

About half an hour later, the vehicle stopped in front of Wang’s house.

After getting out of the car, Lu Chen followed Wang Zixuan all the way into Wang’s house.

The Wang family is very large and luxurious. In a place like the south city of Yanjing where every inch of land is precious, the entire family has been built as magnificently as a palace.

If unfamiliar people come in, they can easily get lost.

Lu Chen and the others stepped into the garden, only to see a somewhat rich middle-aged man directing a group of servants, carefully trimming the flowers and plants.

Chapter: 2365

“Steward Wang, come here.”

Wang Zixuan waved at the middle-aged man.

“Miss, what are your orders?”

Butler Wang ran forward with a smile on his face.

“Let me ask you, does our family have some kind of dragon’s blood ginseng?” Wang Zixuan said.

“Indeed, it is now stored in the treasure house.” Butler Wang said truthfully.

“As long as you have it, bring it to me immediately.” Wang Zixuan ordered.

“Miss, what do you want this for?” Butler Wang asked tentatively.

“What do you care about me? Of course I’m useful!” Wang Zixuan was a little impatient.

“Miss, to be honest, this item belongs to the old man’s collection and cannot be used without his permission.” Butler Wang lowered his head.

“You fetch it for me first, and I will tell grandpa later.” Wang Zixuan said.

“This… seems a bit against the rules.” Butler Wang was a little embarrassed.

“Hey! You don’t even listen to what I say, right?” Wang Zixuan glared: “Take it as long as you are told, where is all this nonsense? Go!”

Go ahead and kick Butler Wang in the butt.

“Please wait a moment, Miss.”

Butler Wang had no choice but to leave quickly.

“Little miracle doctor, please sit down for a while and drink a cup of tea. The things will be here in a minute.”

Wang Zixuan smiled, pulled Lu Chen to the pavilion aside, and started drinking tea and eating snacks.

About ten minutes later.

Butler Wang is back again, but this time, there is someone else next to him.

It was a young woman in her thirties.

The young woman was wearing a red cheongsam, with exquisite features, a plump and attractive figure, and long black hair coiled behind her head, looking graceful and luxurious.

As the lotus steps moved lightly, two long white legs were vaguely visible from the slits of the cheongsam.

It’s true that the charm of milfs still exists.


A cold voice slowly spit out from the beautiful young woman’s mouth.

Wang Zixuan, who was tasting the snacks, trembled all over, and turned her head stiffly, with a guilty conscience on her face: “Mom…why are you here?”

“If I don’t come, wouldn’t you want to turn the family upside down?” Song Qiuyun said lightly.

“How is that possible? I’ve always been very obedient, okay?” Wang Zixuan laughed awkwardly.

She is not afraid of anything, except her own mother.

Chapter: 2366

The problem is, her mother never beat or scolded her, but every time she saw her, she would feel inexplicably weak.

“I just heard from Zhengping that you want dragon blood ginseng? What are you planning to do?” Song Qiuyun asked again.

“No, nothing.”

Wang Zixuan glared at Steward Wang viciously, and then smiled mischievously: “My friend needs dragon blood ginseng to save his life, so I plan to help him.”

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to lead Lu Chen aside: “Well, this little miracle doctor is my friend. Last time I drowned and almost died, he came to the rescue in time and pulled me back from the door of hell.”


Song Qiuyun glanced at Lu Chen, although he was very calm, but there was a bit of scrutiny.

Those are the eyes that the superiors used to look at the subordinates.

“Junior Lu Chen, I have met my aunt.” Lu Chen got up and saluted, with a neither humble nor overbearing attitude.

“Do you want dragon blood ginseng?” Song Qiuyun said calmly.

“It’s me.” Lu Chen nodded.

“I’m very grateful that you saved my daughter’s life.” Song Qiuyun said, glanced at Butler Wang, and said calmly: “Zhengping, bring the things.”

“Yes.” Steward Wang replied and left again.

“Thank you mom!”

Wang Zixuan looked happy, thinking that it was done.

However, when Butler Wang brought the things.

Wang Zixuan’s smile completely froze, and Lu Chen couldn’t help but frown.

What Butler Wang brought was a box of gold bars.

Under the sunlight, the golden light is shining and bright, which has more visual impact than money.

“Lu Chen, this is a little thought from my Wang family, and it can be regarded as a reward for your treatment of Zixuan.” Song Qiuyun glanced at the gold bar and spoke very calmly.

“Mom, what do you mean?” Wang Zixuan puffed her lips, a little dissatisfied.

“Our Wang family never owes favors. Lu Chen saved you, and I will repay you with a lot of money, which is only right.” Song Qiuyun said lightly.

“Auntie, I didn’t save people for money.” Lu Chen shook his head.

“Why, don’t you think it’s too little?”

Song Qiuyun didn’t say much, and directly gestured: “Zhengping, go and bring another box.”


Butler Wang responded and was about to leave again.


Wang Zixuan finally couldn’t help it anymore: “Not everything can be measured by money. What the little miracle doctor needs is dragon blood ginseng, a life-saving elixir, not a few broken gold bars!”

“Dragon blood ginseng?”

Chapter: 2367

Song Qiuyun said expressionlessly: “Do you know that this is your grandfather’s treasure? Is it a priceless treasure?”

“What a priceless treasure, isn’t it just a magical elixir?”

Wang Zixuan was a little dissatisfied and said: “Besides, the little genius doctor saved my life. In your eyes, my life is not worth a dragon’s blood ginseng?”

“Your life is naturally valuable, but the value he contributed is far from being able to exchange for dragon blood ginseng.”

Song Qiuyun said in a calm tone: “Doctors save people just to make money. He saves your life, and we pay him money as a reward. It is only natural and reasonable, but that’s it. We can’t give up all our precious things just because he saved you.” Give it all to him, business is business, it cannot be elevated to feelings, understand?”

“Mom! You…are you too inhumane?” Wang Zixuan was a little angry.

She didn’t expect that her mother regarded her life as a business.

“Auntie is right.”

At this time, Lu Chen suddenly spoke: “It’s just that now, I really need dragon blood ginseng, and I hope my aunt can bear the pain and give it up; of course, I don’t get it for free, I can buy it with money, or I can exchange it for items. I hope my aunt can help me.” ”

“He’s a smart man.”

Song Qiuyun nodded and said calmly: “It’s okay to ask for dragon blood ginseng, but you have to provide something of corresponding value.”

“I don’t know what my aunt needs?” Chase Lu asked.

“I heard someone say that you can make a medicine called Jade Dew Ointment, and its effect is very miraculous. It can heal ulcerated wounds in a very short time. Is it true or not?” Song Qiuyun asked.

Ever since her daughter was in danger, she had investigated various people and things, and even Lu Chen had paid some attention to her.

The matter of Yulu cream was purely an unexpected surprise.

As a businessman, she was very interested in it.

“I didn’t expect my aunt to be so well informed.”

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, quite surprised, but nodded quickly: “Yes, I do know how to make Yulu ointment, but this medicine has serious side effects and cannot be produced normally.”

“You are a doctor and you are proficient in pharmacology. It shouldn’t be difficult to make some improvements to reduce the side effects, right?” Song Qiuyun’s eyes were meaningful.

“If side effects are to be reduced, the efficacy of the medicine must be greatly reduced.” Chase Lu did not hide it.

If he was facing Song Zhongyi, he would naturally not say that.

But this woman in front of her is very powerful.

He has a clear goal, a vicious vision, and a deep scheming mind. It is not easy to deceive the other party.

Of course, the most important thing is that he needs others.

We can only be honest with each other.

“After reducing the side effects, how much is the efficacy of the medicine still?” Song Qiuyun asked again.

“About 30%.” Lu Chen said truthfully.

“Thirty percent? That’s enough.” Song Qiuyun nodded: “I’m very interested in your Yulu Ointment. As long as you give me the improved formula, I’ll donate dragon blood to you. How about it?”

“Auntie, this is an ancestral recipe and cannot be sold.” Lu Chen shook his head.

“No matter what, it has its own value. Besides, you are not selling, but trading. Dragon blood ginseng is the treasure you use to save your life. I believe your ancestors will not blame you.” Song Qiuyun looked indifferent .

Chapter: 2368


Lu Chen was in trouble. After hesitating for a few seconds, he seemed to have made up his mind and said, “Auntie, I can give you the formula of jade dew ointment, but one dragon’s blood ginseng is not enough, unless you give me two more. Elixir.”

“Oh? What else do you need?” Song Qiuyun narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Bingxinlian, golden marrow and jade.” Lu Chen reported the name of the medicinal material.

The power of the Wang family is slightly stronger than that of the Song family. As long as they are willing to work hard, they should be able to find these two elixir plants.

“Young man, do you have a big appetite? These two elixir plants are priceless top-quality products. Is it a bit too greedy for you to exchange one of your formulas for three of my top-quality elixir plants?” Song Qiuyun frowned slightly, Somewhat dissatisfied.

“Auntie, I dare not say anything else, but my Jade Dew Cream formula is absolutely worth the money, and the income it brings to the Wang family is much higher than the value of the three elixirs.” Lu Chen promised.


Song Qiuyun stared at Lu Chen with piercing eyes, trying to see something from his face.

There is no dodging, no guilty conscience, only calmness.

At least it proves that the person in front of me is not lying.

“Okay, I will believe you just once.”

After pondering for a few seconds, Song Qiuyun finally nodded: “Leave the formula of Yulu ointment, you take away the dragon’s blood ginseng, and the other two top-quality elixir, give me some time, and I will order someone to give it to you after I find it.” How about going?”

“It’s a deal!” Lu Chen agreed.

“Zhengping, bring the dragon’s blood ginseng, and also order someone to bring paper and pen.” Song Qiuyun ordered.


Butler Wang nodded and left quickly.

Not long after, he held a jade box and walked over cautiously.

Put the jade box on the table of the gazebo, and at the same time take out a pair of paper and pen and put it beside it.

Lu Chen stepped forward, opened the jade box and saw a blood-red ginseng plant inside.

Ginseng is about the size of a palm, with a compact reed bowl, round arms and round reeds, tight skin and fine lines, and dense roots that spread out like hair.

As soon as you inhale a little, you can smell a unique fragrance.

“It really is a good baby!” Lu Chen’s eyes lit up.

With his perception, he could clearly detect the rich spiritual energy contained in this dragon’s blood ginseng.

“Dragon blood ginseng is here, write down the recipe.” Song Qiuyun reminded aloud.

Lu Chen nodded, no nonsense, with a swipe of a pen, he directly wrote down the improved formula of Yulu ointment, word by word.

Although the effect has been greatly reduced after the improvement, it still has a miraculous effect in treating trauma, far better than Jishitang’s Golden Sore Medicine.

Once it comes out, it will definitely make the Wang family a lot of money.

“Auntie, this is the prescription, please take a look.” Lu Chen handed over the written prescription.

“Hmm… not bad.” Song Qiuyun took a closer look and nodded in satisfaction.

Chapter: 2369

With her eyesight, she couldn’t see any problem for the time being.

Of course, she is also confident that the other party dare not deceive the Wang family.

“Auntie, I urgently need two other elixir plants to save my life. Please take care of me.” Lu Chen cupped his hands.

“No problem, as soon as there is news, I will notify you immediately.” Song Qiuyun said lightly.

“Thank you, auntie.” Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

With the full support of the Wang family, I believe that within a few days, the whereabouts of Bing Xinlian and Jin Suiyu will be found.

“Okay, okay, the transaction is completed, everyone is happy, little genius doctor, let’s go!”

Wang Zixuan didn’t want to stay long, so she said hello and pulled Lu Chen away.

She was still somewhat dissatisfied with her mother’s behavior.

“Ma’am, Bing Xinlian and Jinsuiyu are not extraordinary things, do you want me to contact the Song family and let them make connections?” Steward Wang asked tentatively.

“No need to bother, I don’t plan to give it anyway.” Song Qiuyun said lightly.

“Ah?” Butler Wang was taken aback, a little unresponsive.

Is this going to go back on one’s word?

“What qualifications does an unknown person have to ask for high prices in front of me?”

Song Qiuyun’s eyes became indifferent, but his tone remained calm: “Zhengping, find some experts outside and snatch the dragon’s blood ginseng from Lu Chen’s hand. This treasure cannot be taken advantage of by outsiders.”

“Ming…understand.” Butler Wang’s expression froze.

This is no longer going back on one’s word, but taking advantage of the fire.

Sure enough, anyone who tries to take advantage of the Wang family will not end well.

“Little genius doctor, I’m sorry.”

At the gate of the Wang family, Wang Zixuan said with a look of shame on her face: “Originally, I was supposed to give you this dragon’s blood ginseng, but I didn’t expect my mother to come out and ruin my good deeds.”

“Miss Wang, don’t blame yourself. If it weren’t for your help, I wouldn’t be able to get the dragon blood ginseng, let alone reach a deal with your mother. This result is already the best for me.” Lu Chen smiled. .

You can exchange a residual prescription for three top-quality elixirs, which is definitely not a loss.

“You really think so?” Wang Zixuan cheered up.

“Of course.” Lu Chen nodded with a smile.

“Hehe, little miracle doctor, you really like me. I am determined to be your friend!”

Wang Zixuan smiled, showing two small tiger teeth: “You haven’t eaten yet, right? I know a restaurant that tastes very good. Let’s go and try it together!”

After saying that, he pulled Lu Chen and got into the car.

“Master, master, there’s a call…”

At this time, a mobile phone rang suddenly.

When Wang Zixuan connected, a deep voice came quickly.

Chapter: 2370

“Miss, the matter you asked us to investigate has come to fruition. The young master of the Song family did go to the hotel with a female star a few days ago. According to the surveillance, the two of them behaved very intimately. It should be that kind of relationship. .”


After listening to it, Wang Zixuan became furious and almost smashed her phone, her pretty face was full of resentment: “This bastard keeps saying that he wants to reform himself, but he still has no connection with that vixen, does he really think I don’t exist? I must castrate him this time!”

As she spoke, she took out a short knife from nowhere and pulled it out of its sheath, revealing a sharp edge.

“Let me ask you, where is that beast Song Yingming now?” Wang Zixuan yelled at the phone.

At this moment, she completely transformed from the sweet girl image into a tigress.

“Back to the eldest lady, the young master of the Song family is having a party with friends at the Imperial City Club.” said the other person on the phone.

“Driver! Go to the Imperial City Club immediately!” Wang Zixuan hung up the phone and raised her head and shouted again.

The driver didn’t dare to say anything, stepped on the accelerator and went straight to the destination.

Wang Zixuan held the dagger in both hands, her body trembling uncontrollably because of anger.

Gradually, his anger was quickly replaced by sadness.

A pair of beautiful eyes slowly turned red, mist rising.

“Miss Wang, what happened?” Lu Chen asked tentatively.

Wang Zixuan turned her back, wiped away her tears, and said with a trembling voice: “Two years ago, my parents found a match for me, and the person was Song Yingming of the Song family.

I didn’t agree with him at first, but later Song Yingming launched a fierce pursuit, with all kinds of sweet words and all kinds of surprise gifts. Gradually we became boyfriend and girlfriend.

However, not long ago, I discovered that Song Yingming was a scumbag who often fooled around with other women. I broke up with him in anger.

I originally thought that as long as he admits his mistakes and is willing to repent sincerely, I will give him a chance.

As a result, this guy did one thing to his face and another behind his back. He talked nicely, turned around and went to the hotel with the vixen.

I don’t understand, why is he doing this to me? What is wrong with me? ”

At the end, Wang Zixuan choked up.

She treated each other sincerely, but what she got in exchange was a wolfish heart.

“Miss Wang, it’s not your fault. It’s Song Yingming’s blind eyes and ignorance of gold and jade. For a man like this, it’s the wisest choice to let go in time.” Lu Chen comforted.

A playboy like Song Yingming is a typical dog who can’t get over his shit.

Thanks to Wang Zixuan who found out early, the two are not married yet, otherwise it would be too late to regret.

“Of course I know I have to let go, but I’m not willing to let it go!”

Wang Zixuan bit her two little tiger teeth and said angrily: “He dares to do this to me. I will never let him go easily. I want him to regret it. I want him to understand that losing me is the biggest pain in his life.” loss!”

“What are you going to do?” Lu Chen asked.

“Isn’t he looking for a woman? Then I will look for a man. I will make him angry to death, and I will make him shine!”

Wang Zixuan sniffed and suddenly fixed her eyes on Lu Chen: “Little miracle doctor, you will be my boyfriend from now on, and I will declare my sovereignty in front of him!”


Chapter: 2371

Lu Chen’s face froze: “Miss Wang, are you kidding me? The two of us just met.”

“What happened when we just met? Do you think I’m not good enough for you?” Wang Zixuan raised her eyebrows.

“Ms. Wang, I already have a fiancée.” Lu Chen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

He naturally knew that the girl in front of him said such angry words in order to take revenge on Song Yingming.

“What’s wrong with having a fiancée? Aren’t you not married yet?”

Wang Zixuan grabbed Lu Chen’s hand and said a little savagely: “I don’t care, you must promise me anyway! At least, you will play a play with me today, please take a good breath of Song Yingming!”

“You can also help me, but let me explain in advance, it’s just acting, don’t take it seriously.” Lu Chen had a headache.

“no problem!”

Wang Zixuan immediately smiled.

She couldn’t wait to see Song Yingming’s furious look.

At this moment, in the VIP room of the Imperial City Club.

A group of young men and women are gathering together to drink and chat.

The leader among them is the young master of the Song family, Song Yingming.

Song Yingming was tall and handsome, dressed very carefully, and his hair was even more meticulous.

Judging from the appearance, it can indeed be called a jade tree facing the wind, chic and suave.

Beside him, sat a woman with a hot body and excellent looks.

The woman was wearing a red tight skirt, with two long black stocking legs intertwined with each other. Her figure was graceful and charming, and she looked very seductive.

“Brother Yingming, aren’t you already engaged? Why are you bringing a woman out so openly, without fear of your sister-in-law being angry?” A fat man teased with a smile.

The man’s name is Guo Xun, the eldest son of the Guo family in Nancheng, and his status in this circle is second only to Song Yingming.

“Hey! I’ve lost interest in that yellow-faced woman for a long time. She has no femininity at all. If it weren’t for a family marriage, I wouldn’t bother to care about her.” Song Yingming looked disgusted.

“Brother Yingming, Wang Zixuan is a famous beauty in Nancheng. I don’t know how many men have been attracted to her for a long time. You are so blessed that you don’t know how lucky you are!” Guo Xun said with a smile.

“You like it? Then I’ll give it to you. I’m tired of playing anyway.” Song Yingming raised his chin.

“Brother Yingming is really generous. If I have the chance, I really want to try what it’s like to be a daughter of the Wang family?” Guo Xun smiled wretchedly.

While the two were talking, they heard a “bang” and the door of the VIP room was kicked open.

When the door opened, everyone was stunned and looked over subconsciously.

Wang Zixuan, who was stylishly dressed and sweet-looking, walked in with an indifferent expression.

Behind him, Lu Chen was strolling leisurely.


“Miss Wang?”

Chapter: 2372

After seeing the person coming, the expressions of the whole audience changed.

Especially Song Yingming, as if getting an electric shock, immediately withdrew his hand from the waist of the girl in the red dress.

Immediately stood up, squeezed out a smile and said, “Zixuan, why are you here?”

“Why, you can come, but I can’t?”

Wang Zixuan first glanced at the girl in the red skirt, and then fixed her eyes on Song Yingming.

Even though she had made good psychological expectations before coming here, she still couldn’t help but almost lost her temper when she saw the intimate appearance of the dog and man.

“Of course you can come, but say hello to me before you come so I can make arrangements for you.” Song Yingming said with a smile.

“Don’t bother, I’m just taking a look.”

As Wang Zixuan said, she swept towards the nervous girl in red dress on the sofa, and said calmly, “Who is this next to you? Why do I look so strange?”

“Oh? Are you talking about her? She is Guo Xun’s new girlfriend.”

As Song Yingming spoke, he winked at Guo Xun next to him.

The latter was slightly taken aback, and soon understood, and smoothed things over with a smile: “That’s right, sister-in-law, let me introduce you. This is my girlfriend, Su Xia, from the entertainment industry.”

“Hi sister-in-law.”

Su Xia stood up quickly and forced out a smile.

Of course, she has heard of Miss Wang’s temper, and she is notoriously hot-tempered.

If you offend such a big shot, there will definitely be no good consequences.

“Guo Xun’s girlfriend, why are you sitting next to you?” Wang Zixuan questioned.

“Hey! I happen to be a fan of Miss Su, so I asked her for some advice about movies. Isn’t this just a chat, and you came in.”

After Song Yingming explained a few words with a smile, his expression became solemn: “Zixuan, you are not doubting me, are you? In the conscience of heaven and earth, I have changed my ways and will never do anything to regret you, I can swear! ”

“What you do has nothing to do with me. I’m just here for fun.”

Wang Zixuan sat down on the empty seat on the sofa with a cold face.

The people nearby subconsciously moved further away. Even a fool could see that Miss Wang was in a bad mood.

“Zi Xuan…”

Song Yingming leaned forward cheekily, and sat next to Wang Zixuan: “What’s wrong today? I’m in a bad mood, why don’t I go out with you?”

“leave me alone!”

Wang Zixuan stared, and Song Yingming was too scared to sit too close.

“Hmph! I want to go shopping, and I need someone to accompany me. I don’t dare bother you, Young Master Song.”

Wang Zixuan said, looking at Lu Chen, smiling sweetly, patting the seat next to her: “Brother Lu, come and sit here.”

Lu Chen had no choice but to sit beside him as he said.

On the left is Song Yingming, on the right is Wang Zixuan, the three of them are like a sandwich biscuit.

Chapter: 2373

“Zixuan, who is this person?”

Song Yingming looked Lu Chen up and down, with a bad expression on his face.

He thought he was Wang Zixuan’s bodyguard just now, so he didn’t take it to heart.

Now it seems that the relationship between the two is not simple.

“Oh, this is Lu Chen, my best friend.” Wang Zixuan introduced with a smile.


Hearing this, Song Yingming’s expression immediately darkened.

What a few male girlfriends? I’m afraid it’s not friends with guns, right?

These days, pure friendship between men and women is impossible.

The most irritating thing is that this bitch actually brought his sex partner in front of him. It was a naked provocation!

“Zixuan, why haven’t I seen your best friend before?”

Song Yingming took a deep breath and held back his anger.

“Do I need your permission to make friends?”

Wang Zixuan said indifferently: “Besides, I haven’t met some of your female friends either?”


In one sentence, Song Yingming was speechless.

He finally understood that this woman was deliberately annoying him.

“Sister-in-law, it’s rare that we all have time to get together. Come, come, let me toast you.”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Guo Xun quickly apologized and smiled to smooth things over.

“I don’t drink.” Wang Zixuan refused coldly.

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. You can drink juice, as long as my sister-in-law is happy.”

Guo Xun smiled, and quickly ordered the waiter to bring up a dozen fruit juice drinks with various flavors.

“Brother Lu, come here, you drink juice.”

Wang Zixuan picked up a glass of red juice, took the initiative to bring it to Lu Chen’s mouth, and fed it with her own hands, which seemed very considerate.

Then Song Yingming gritted his teeth clenching the look of you and me.

He can flirt with women outside, but that doesn’t mean he can tolerate being cuckolded.

No matter what, Wang Zixuan was his fiancée, and to show affection with other men in front of him was to slap him in the face.

“Fuck! Dare to touch my woman? You are so tired of working!”

Song Yingming stared at Lu Chen fiercely, roaring in his heart, and his eyes seemed to be cannibalistic.

It’s just that because of Wang Zixuan, he is not easy to get angry, so he can only bear it.

Chapter: 2374

“Just drinking is a bit boring.”

At this time, Song Yingming seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said, “Guo Xun, didn’t you learn some mystical arts from Master Jiang? I heard it’s amazing, why don’t you take this opportunity to perform for everyone? Add to the fun?”

In order to pick up girls, Guo Xun specially spent a lot of money to worship a master of mystical arts as his teacher, and learned some weird tricks.

Such as hypnosis, controlling people’s actions, lowering their heads, etc.

I once met a chaste and fierce woman in a bar, but she refused to give in. However, after some manipulation by Guo Xun, the chaste woman turned into a lustful woman.

Now, he plans to use Guo Xun’s ability to make Lu Chen make a fool of himself.

“Brother Yingming, all my methods are just childish and cannot be put on the stage.” Guo Xun smiled modestly.

“It doesn’t matter, just treat it like a magic show to open everyone’s eyes.” Song Yingming winked.

“Yes, Young Master Guo, we all want to see and see.” Several young men and women followed suit.

“Well, since you are interested, I will show my shame.”

Guo Xun quickly came back to his senses and said with a smile: “But my performance needs someone to cooperate a little bit, so that it can be effective. I wonder who wants to come up and try it?”

“In my opinion, Brother Lu is just right.”

Song Yingming looked at Lu Chen and smiled maliciously: “We are new friends. How about giving us a chance to get to know each other?”

“Do you want to cooperate? Just let me do it.” Wang Zixuan volunteered.

“Sister-in-law, the mystical arts I learned cannot be used on women.” Guo Xun shook his head.

“Brother Lu, you’re a great man, don’t you have the courage to do this?” Song Yingming began to provoke.

“Brother Lu, don’t worry, I promise, there will be no danger.” Guo Xun smiled.

“Yes, everyone is in high spirits, so let’s have fun together. You won’t even give me this face, right?” Many people started cheering.

A pair of eyes, both with a bit of banter.

They naturally understood that Song Yingming and Guo Xun were going to punish each other.

“Okay, since you are so interested, I will play with you.”

Lu Chen smiled lightly, and then finished drinking the juice in the glass in one breath.

Ten years have passed, and it seems that these dudes in Yanjing have forgotten the shadow of being dominated by Lu Changge.

“Lu Chen, these guys have bad intentions, you don’t need to pay attention to them.” Wang Zixuan quickly advised.

She volunteered because she was sure that Guo Xun would not dare to mess around.

But if Lu Chen played instead, he might make a fool of himself.

“Don’t worry, I have my own sense of discretion.”

Lu Chen smiled and looked at Guo Xun: “I wonder how Mr. Guo wants me to cooperate?”

“It’s very simple, give me a drop of your blood, and then ask for a few hairs. If you follow up, just follow my instructions.” Guo Xun grinned.

Chapter: 2375

Lu Chen nodded, took out a silver needle, pierced his index finger, and squeezed a drop of blood into the empty cup.

Immediately, he pulled out another strand of hair, threw it into the cup, and asked, “Is this okay?”


Guo Xun smiled maliciously and glanced at Song Yingming.

Song Yingming nodded with a smile, lying on the sofa in a comfortable posture, as if watching a play.

He knows Guo Xun’s abilities clearly.

Especially when it comes to controlling people, as long as they fall into the trap, they are completely at their mercy.

He couldn’t wait to see Lu Chen in such a miserable state.

“Everyone, please wait a moment. This is a secret technique in my sect and is not allowed to be passed on to anyone else.”

Guo Xun said, picked up the cup containing hair and blood, and quickly walked into the bathroom of the VIP room.

“Hmph! Pretending to be a ghost!”

Wang Zixuan curled her lips, quite disdainful.

She never believed in ghosts and ghosts, and always felt that it was a trick of a group of charlatans.

five minutes later.

Guo Xun walked out of the bathroom with a yellow talisman in his hand.

The talisman paper was full of strange symbols, and it really looked like that.

“Brother Lu, please close your eyes and relax.” Guo Xun stepped forward and said.

“Yes.” Lu Chen responded.

Then slowly close your eyes and relax your whole body.

Wang Zixuan frowned and wanted to say something, but in the end she chose to wait and see what happened.

She wanted to see what tricks these people were playing?


Guo Xun held the talisman paper with one hand, and after silently reciting a few spells, he slapped Lu Chen on the chest with his palm.

The next second, Lu Chen’s head slowly hung down as if he had lost his strength.

The whole person seemed to be in a coma.

Seeing this scene, Guo Xun smiled evilly and said, “From now on, you will obey my order and stand up to take a look.”

Lu Chen closed his eyes and stood up slowly.

“Turn around twice.” Guo Xun ordered again.

Lu Chen did as he said, and turned around twice honestly.

“very good.”

Chapter: 2376

Guo Xun smiled and nodded, picked up a glass of wine on the table, handed it to Lu Chen, and said, “Drink it.”

Lu Chen took the wine glass and drank it in one gulp without any hesitation.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn’t help but marvel.

“Fuck! What’s going on? This guy is obedient to Guo Shaobai?”

“Could this be Guo Shao’s profound art? It’s really amazing!”

“A talisman can control people’s actions. It really opened my eyes!”

A group of rich kids whispered, looking surprised.

Although he knew that Guo Xun wanted to punish people, he did not expect that it would be in such a bizarre way.

“Guo Xun! What did you do? Wake Lu Chen up!” Wang Zixuan shouted coquettishly.

At first, she was just dubious.

However, after seeing Lu Chen being controlled, she immediately realized something was wrong.

“Sister-in-law, please be patient. He will wake up naturally after I finish the spell.” Guo Xun smiled slightly.

“No! Wake him up now!”

Wang Zixuan said, reaching out to touch Lu Chen.


Guo Xun suddenly yelled, and warned seriously: “Sister-in-law, once the spell is cast, it must be completed. If you forcefully wake someone up, it is very likely that he will become an idiot!”


Wang Zixuan was startled and quickly retracted her hand.

“Zixuan, don’t worry, we are just playing and we won’t do anything to him.” Song Yingming comforted him.

“Hmph! It’s better to be like this!”

Wang Zixuan frowned, but finally endured it.

The main reason was that she was worried that her impulsiveness would harm Lu Chen.

“Young Master Guo, has this person been controlled by you?” a girl asked.

“of course!”

Guo Xun said with a proud smile: “He is a walking corpse now, with no pain, no memory, whatever I tell him to do, he will do whatever he wants.

“Really? Then you let him slap yourself?” The girl looked expectant.

“no problem.”

Guo Xun smiled evilly, turned to Lu Chen, and ordered: “Now, use your hand to slap yourself hard.”

“Guo Xun! You——”

Just as Wang Zixuan was about to stop him, Lu Chen raised his hand, and then slapped Guo Xun on the face under the astonished eyes of everyone.

Chapter: 2377


This slap was so powerful that Guo Xun staggered, became dizzy, and even had nosebleeds.


The sudden change shocked everyone.

Didn’t you say hit yourself?

Why did it still hit Guo Xun’s face?


Guo Xun was completely stunned. He covered his burning face and couldn’t believe it.

He suspected that he had given the wrong order? Or Chase Lu didn’t hear clearly at all.

“Hey! Listen to me, I’ll let you slap yourself!”

Guo Xun couldn’t hold back his face, and ordered to increase the volume.


Lu Chen raised his hand and slapped Guo Xun on the face again, making his head dizzy and his teeth flying.

The originally fat face was swollen into a bun.

The five finger prints are clearly visible.

Wang Zixuan was stunned.

Song Yingming was also stunned.

The children of the rich families around were even more astonished, not knowing why.

What about the promise of obedience?

Why don’t you play your cards according to the routine?

“Grass! You’re so deaf, aren’t you?”

Guo Xun wiped away the nosebleed and shouted angrily: “I told you to hit yourself, not me!”


Without any unnecessary movement, Lu Chen slapped Guo Xun hard on the face again.

This slap was so powerful that it directly hit Guo Xun twice in the same place, and then fell to the ground, falling like a dog and eating shit.

“Damn it! Are you going to rebel? Look how I will teach you a lesson today!”

After getting up, Guo Xun was furious. He picked up the wine bottle on the coffee table and was about to smash it on Lu Chen’s head.

As a result, as soon as he lifted the wine bottle, Lu Chen slapped him in the face, making stars shine in his eyes.

“What the hell are you…”


Chapter: 2378

“damn thing……”




Every time Guo Xun said a word, he would be slapped on the face.

At the end of the beating, the nose was crooked and the mouth was slanted, and his face was completely changed, which was horrible.

Forced to have no choice but to huddle on the ground, holding his head in his hands, he kept wailing: “Don’t hit, don’t hit… I’m wrong, I’m wrong… Stop it!”

Lu Chen turned a deaf ear and continued to be violent with his eyes closed, punching and kicking him in various ways, as if he was possessed.

“Quick! Stop him!”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Song Yingming quickly ordered several younger brothers to step forward to stop it.

As a result, just as the younger brothers approached, they were slapped away by Lu Chen one by one, and they fell on their backs.

The scene was completely out of control.

“Damn! What’s going on? Is this guy crazy?”

Looking at Lu Chen who seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, Song Yingming frowned deeply and looked ugly.

But he didn’t dare to go forward, otherwise he would just slap him.

At this time, Song Yingming seemed to have thought of something, and shouted anxiously: “Guo Xun! This guy is out of control, quickly break the curse!”

“Unlock the curse!”

Guo Xun endured the pain and quickly tore off the talisman on Lu Chen’s chest.

In the next second, Lu Chen trembled all over, and immediately stopped moving.

Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief as they were granted amnesty, it was finally done.

Damn it, after this kid lost control, he was really as powerful as a cow, and ordinary people couldn’t stop him at all.

“What’s wrong?”

After a few breaths, Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes, and asked with a blank face: “What happened just now?”

Look left and right, showing a strange expression: “Hey… what’s wrong with your faces?”

Several youths who were beaten gritted their teeth, feeling angry, but they didn’t want to explode.

Just act like you don’t know anything.

“Ah! Mr. Guo! Why are you injured like this?”

Lu Chen looked down and couldn’t help being startled. He quickly helped up Guo Xun, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and asked with concern: “Who hit you just now? Was it too hard? Look at this handsome face. How did you get beaten up? It’s really disgusting!”

Guo Xun’s face twitched wildly, tears fell uncontrollably, he was beaten and cried.

Oh shit! It’s so frustrating!

Chapter: 2379

If a normal person dared to hit him like this, he would have been furious.

It happened that he used witchcraft first, and accidentally lost control, which caused the current situation.

To put it bluntly, it is self-inflicted.

In this kind of thing, you can only eat Coptis chinensis.

“Mr. Guo, why are you still crying? Come on, let me wipe it for you.”

Lu Chen took out two tissues and wiped Guo Xun’s tears very thoughtfully.

“Go away! Stay away from me!”

Guo Xun covered his face and took two steps back in fright, like a frightened bird.

Just as he was slapped, he was struck by a shadow.

“what happened?”

Lu Chen pretended to be confused and said: “Why are you all looking at me like this? What happened?”


Wang Zixuan coughed twice and said with a strange expression: “Lu Chen, you were just controlled by Guo Xun using mystical skills, but then you accidentally lost control. Then you went crazy and beat Guo Xun crazily.”

“What? Losing control? Going crazy?”

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, then pretended to be surprised and said, “No way? Could it be that the injuries on Mr. Guo’s face were all caused by me?”

“That’s right.” Wang Zixuan nodded.

“No wonder… no wonder my hands hurt so much.”

Lu Chen rubbed his palms, looked at Guo Xun, and said earnestly: “Young Master Guo, it’s true that if you’re not good at learning, just take it easy. Look, you’ve made me lose control. Alas… That’s all, let’s take what happened today as a lesson.”

“What the hell-”

Guo Xun was angry and was about to yell something, but when he opened his mouth, his teeth fell down. He was so frightened that he immediately covered it with his hands.

Otherwise, you will be looking for teeth all over the place in a while.

“Okay, that’s it for today.”

Wang Zixuan stood up slowly, glanced at Song Yingming, and said deliberately: “I still have to have lunch with Brother Lu, so I won’t be here to accompany you. I wish you all a good time.”

After all, holding Lu Chen’s arm, he swaggered out of the VIP room.

A group of people were left looking at each other with ugly expressions.

The good mood just now was completely destroyed.

“Brother Guo Xun, how are you? Are you okay?”

Song Yingming checked Guo Xun’s injuries and found that the other party was really miserable, and his whole face was beaten and deformed.

Let the originally unhandsome facial features become even uglier.

“Damn it! That kid was so cruel. I have never suffered such humiliation before!” Guo Xun gritted his few remaining teeth with a look of resentment on his face.

Chapter: 2380

“Originally, I asked you to punish that kid, but it turned out that you were lucky and got yourself involved instead.” Song Yingming shook his head.

Don’t show off your skills if you’re not good at them. It’s really embarrassing.

“It’s strange. My witchcraft of controlling people has always been tried and tested, but somehow something went wrong today.” Guo Xun frowned, thoughtfully.

“Is there a possibility… that the man named Lu Chen is deliberately acting?”

At this time, Su Xia, the girl in the red dress, suddenly said something.

“Deliberately acting?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s eyes glanced over.

“I feel strange. Even if he loses control, he won’t catch Mr. Guo and beat him alone, right?” Su Xia analyzed.

“Makes sense.”

Song Yingming touched his chin and said thoughtfully: “That boy seems to be polite, but in fact the city is very rich. I can’t rule out that he did it on purpose.”

“No way?”

Guo Xun frowned: “My ability to control people has always been tried and tested. Master Jiang said that as long as the opponent is not a member of the same group, it is impossible to resist him.”

“There are no absolutes in the world, maybe that kid really has some weird tricks.”

Song Yingming squinted his eyes and said, “Brother Guo Xun, think about it carefully. A normal person, who would be willing to be a guinea pig? Not only did he not resist just now, but he readily agreed to it. Don’t you find it strange?”

“When you say that, something is really wrong.” Guo Xun began to think deeply.

Yanjing has gathered elites and talented people.

There are many strange people in the city.

It is not impossible to meet a colleague unexpectedly.

“Brother Guo Xun, today we all must have been slapped together by someone. If we don’t recover, how will we see people in the future?” Song Yingming’s face became gloomy.

“Fuck! If you don’t avenge this revenge, I swear you won’t be a human being!” Guo Xun slapped the table angrily.

Because the movement was too large, the wound was pulled, and he grinned in pain.

“Miss Wang seems to value Lu Chen very much. I’m afraid it won’t be easy for us to touch him.” Su Xia said.

“Wang Zixuan is indeed a trouble, but if we can’t make it clear, we can hide it.”

Song Yingming sneered and said, “It’s just a little boy with no power or influence. As long as we solve it quietly, there won’t be any trouble.”

“That’s right! Wang Zixuan can only protect him for a while, but not forever. I will kill him sooner or later!” Guo Xun said viciously.

“Brother Guo Xun, in order to deceive others, it’s best to invite Master Jiang to this matter. With his ability, I believe it can be easily resolved.” Song Yingming suggested.

“No problem! I will contact Master Jiang right away. Within three days, I will make sure that boy dies without a burial place!” Guo Xun’s eyes flashed fiercely.

The dignified young master of the Guo family was beaten like this. If he didn’t kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, how would he have the dignity to hang out in the circle in the future?

“Hmph! You dare to steal a woman from me? You are really asking for death!” A sneer appeared on Song Yingming’s lips.

“Hahaha…Little genius doctor, those few slaps you just gave were really beautiful. Guo Xun’s fat face was directly slapped into a pig’s head by you. I laughed so hard.”

Chapter: 2381

When she walked out of the Imperial City Club, Wang Zixuan was so happy that all the branches were trembling, sweeping away the previous haze.

Originally, he brought Lu Chen over to swear his sovereignty, and Song Yingming was deliberately annoyed.

Unexpectedly, the effect is surprisingly good.

Not only disgusted the scumbag, but also beat up a bunch of cronies, which was a complete vent.

“In the end, it’s all their own fault. If they didn’t have the intention of harming others, they wouldn’t be beaten like this.” Lu Chen smiled lightly.

“What’s this called? Stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice!” Wang Zixuan couldn’t help laughing.

She naturally knew that Guo Xun was deliberately trying to mess with Lu Chen just now, but he was not good at studying and accidentally lost control.

In the end, not only did he fail to deal with others, but he made a mess of himself. What a retribution!

“These people are not good people. Don’t associate with them in the future.” Lu Chen reminded.

If a playboy like Guo Xun can learn witchcraft, he must have the guidance of an expert behind him.

A wealthy lady like Wang Zixuan who is not familiar with the world can easily suffer losses.

“Don’t worry, I can handle them easily.”

Wang Zixuan cocked her chin proudly and said with a smile: “Little miracle doctor, I find that you seem to be my lucky star. You saved me before, and now you help me again. Walking with you makes me feel lucky.” !”

“Thanks to you, I was able to get this dragon blood ginseng.” Lu Chen smiled.

“Hee hee… So, we have achieved each other? Very good, from today on, you will be my boyfriend!” Wang Zixuan said with her hands on her hips, in a declarative tone.

Lu Chen couldn’t laugh or cry.

This girl really has no sense of defensiveness at all.

“Master, master, there’s a call…”

At this time, Wang Zixuan’s cell phone rang suddenly.

As soon as she heard the call, her expression changed immediately: “What? Something happened to grandpa? OK, OK…I’ll be right back!”

After hanging up the phone, Wang Zixuan ran into the car in a hurry, then seemed to think of something, poked her head out of the car window, and said quickly: “Little genius doctor, something happened at home, I have to go back quickly, and I will treat you to dinner another day.”

“Okay, you get busy first.”

Lu Chen nodded, waved goodbye, and watched Wang Zixuan go away.

At this time, Lu Chen’s eyelids twitched, as if he had noticed something, he suddenly turned his head and swept towards a car in the distance.

The car was parked on the side of the road, and the windows were extremely dark, making it difficult to see what was going on inside.

But he felt like he was being watched.


After staring for a few seconds, the vehicle suddenly started and then quickly drove away.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, already thinking about it.

It seemed that he was being followed.

Chapter: 2382

Is it the Song family? Or the Liu family?

Lu Chen didn’t think about it. After stopping the car on the side of the road, he went straight to the hotel.

“Ding ding ding…”

At this moment, a bell rang suddenly.

Lu Chen took out his cell phone and saw that it was from Nan Province. The caller ID read: Wang Xuan.

“Hey! Brother Chen, I have good news for you, I have come to Yanjing!”

As soon as the call was connected, Wang Xuan’s excited voice could be heard.

“You are not staying in the provincial capital, what are you doing in Yanjing?” Lu Chen was a little strange.

Before leaving, he had already appointed Wang Xuan as the head of the Yanlong Hall, and in the capital of the southern province, he could be considered a respectable figure.

“Master Zhang said that it would be inconvenient for you to go out alone, so let us come over to help you with some trivial matters.” Wang Xuan said with a smile.

“We?” Chase Lu quickly caught the key word: “Who else is there besides you?”

“And Wan’er.” Wang Xuandao: “Since Senior Jiu left, Wan’er felt lonely at home, so she came out with me to explore. We haven’t been to Yanjing yet. I heard that there are outstanding people here. We want to meet them. Once you see the world.”

“Although Yanjing has outstanding people, the water is too deep, and you two won’t even know you’ve been sold out.” Lu Chen said angrily.

“Brother Youchen, you are here, we have nothing to fear.” Wang Xuan said with a smile.

“Okay, okay, stop flattering, where are you now?” Lu Chen asked.

“Oh, we just got off the train, here at the South Station.” Wang Xuan said.

“Wait where you are, I’ll come pick you up right away.”

Lu Chen hung up the phone, asked the driver to turn around, and headed straight to South Station.

After one hour.

The vehicle stopped at the gate of South Railway Station.

“Brother Chen! Here, here…”

As soon as Lu Chen got out of the car, he saw Wang Xuan and Lin Wan’er cheering and waving their hands.

The two of them packed large and small bags and brought countless gifts to pay homage.

Looking at this posture, it doesn’t look like playing, it’s more like moving.

“Why do you bring so many things?” Lu Chen stepped forward, somewhat dumbfounded.

“It’s better to be prepared, it will come in handy anyway.” Wang Xuan grinned.

The first time I came to the capital Yanjing, I was a little excited and nervous, so I made sufficient preparations.

“Okay, let’s find a place to stay first, and then go have something to eat together.”

Lu Chen reached out to pick up the salute on Lin Wan’er’s body, but the other party shook his head and refused: “Mr. Lu, you have a noble status, so leave these rough jobs to me.”

With that said, he carried the salute into the car with a staggering step.

Chapter: 2383

Even though I was out of breath from exhaustion, I refused to ask for help.

Lu Chen was a little helpless. This girl really hasn’t changed at all. She has been used to hard work since she was a child.

After getting in the car, Lu Chen led the two of them back to the hotel where he lived.

The hotel is a five-star hotel, not too luxurious in Yanjing Nancheng, but the price is extremely expensive.

Walking into the hotel, Lin Wan’er looked around all the way, her beautiful eyes shining brightly.

When she saw someone looking over, she immediately lowered her head and covered her face with her bag, showing a little inferiority.

“Mr. Lu, how much does it cost to stay here for one night?”

When Lu Chen checked in, Lin Wan’er asked timidly.

“This is a prime location. For an ordinary single room, it’s about two thousand and one night.” Lu Chen replied casually.

“Huh? So expensive?”

Lin Wan’er was startled and froze in place.

In the past, when she was working for others, she could only earn less than 2,000 yuan after working hard for a month.

Now it costs so much money just to stay for one night, which is really hard for her who has always been frugal to accept.

“Wan’er, don’t feel burdened, brother Chen is not short of money, just feel free to move in.” Wang Xuan said with a smile.

“No… no, it’s too expensive!”

Lin Wan’er shook her head again and again: “Mr. Lu, this place is not suitable for me. I can’t live anymore. I’ll go outside to find a cheaper house.”

After finishing speaking, he quickly ran out of the hotel with his big bag and small bag in hand.

That panicked look, as if this is some kind of dragon’s pond and tiger’s lair.


Lu Chen and Wang Xuan looked at each other, dumbfounded.

While helpless, I also feel a little distressed.

This girl suffered so much and experienced so much darkness that she didn’t dare to accept the light when it came.

Lu Chen did not force Lin Wan’er to stay in a star-rated hotel, but bought a villa with the two of them in a relatively remote location.

The second floor is finely decorated and has a small garden.

After paying the money, just pack your bags and check in.

Lu Chen thought that he still had to stay in Yanjing for a while, and it was inconvenient to rent a house and live in a hotel, so he might as well buy a villa to save his worries.

Anyway, there is no shortage of money now.

Living in the villa bought by Chase Lu, Lin Wan’er really felt at ease.

I heard that house prices in Yanjing have been increasing in value, and buying a house can be considered an investment.

And you can cook and eat at home in the future, which saves money.

Chapter: 2384


After completing the procedures for the house, Lu Chen took the two of them to buy some daily necessities and briefly became familiar with the surrounding environment.

When everything was done, it was already dark.

It can be said that Lu Chen and Wang Xuan were very hungry.

Fortunately, Lin Wan’er was very considerate and bought the food in advance and cooked a sumptuous dinner for the two of them.

Five dishes and one soup, including meat and vegetables, are full of color, flavor and flavor.

I have to admit that Lin Wan’er’s cooking skills are very good, simple ingredients can make rare delicious food.

At least in this regard, Lu Chen felt ashamed.

After eating, Lin Wan’er consciously cleaned up the dishes.

Lu Chen and Wang Xuan walked to the balcony and chatted while looking at the scenery.

“Ding ding ding…”

At this time, the cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

When Chase Lu answered the call, a familiar and indifferent voice came over immediately. It was Liu Xiangsi.

“Lu Chen, come to Qianjin Terrace quickly. I have something to tell you.”

“If you have anything to say, just say it on the phone. I’m very busy and don’t have time to run around.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“This matter is very important. If you don’t come, you will definitely regret it!” Liu Xiangsi said seriously.

“I’ll die if you don’t want to say anything.” Lu Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense.

He has never had a good impression of this woman.

“Wait! Don’t you want to know why Xie Sinian is in Jishi Hall?” Liu Xiangsi said quickly.

“Huh?” Lu Chen’s eyes were fixed: “What do you mean? Tell me clearly.”

“I know some secrets about Xie Sinian, come to Qianjin Terrace to find me at nine o’clock in the evening, no waiting!” Liu Xiangsi said.

“Okay, I’ll be there in a minute.” Lu Chen responded quickly.

Liu Xiangsi’s meeting in the middle of the night must have other plans.

Of course, he doesn’t care about this.

What he was curious about was, what was the secret in the other party’s mouth?

Could it be that Liu Gongquan was hiding something from him?

“Wang Xuan, come out with me.”

Lu Chen said hello and took Wang Xuan out of the door.

There were too many mysteries about what happened back then, and Xie Sinian was the only breakthrough.

Before the other party is awake, he cannot miss any relevant news.

Chapter: 2385

half an hour later.

Lu Chen and the two got off the car at the entrance of Qianjintai.

Qianjin Terrace, on the surface, is a private club, but in fact it is an underground casino.

Membership, ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

Gambling has always been banned in Yanjing, and being able to open such a luxurious casino in the center of Nancheng City in disregard of the law is enough to prove the great energy of the boss behind the scenes.

Liu Xiangsi must have said hello in advance, and Lu Chen and the others were taken in after registering their numbers.

Following the waiter all the way in, after passing the spacious, luxurious and lively gambling hall, the two were finally led into a VIP room.

Compared with the noise in the lobby outside, the VIP room is a different world.

Elegant and refined, quiet and harmonious.

There are more than a dozen gambling tables of various kinds inside, and some distinguished guests are scattered here and there.

Next to each distinguished guest, there is a beautiful waiter who is dedicated to serving them, and undertakes all the work except gambling.

The service is meticulous and considerate.

People who can enter the VIP room are either rich or noble, and they can easily gamble hundreds of thousands or millions.

When encountering arrogance, tens of millions will be smashed.

This is a world that ordinary people cannot enter in their lifetime.

After entering the VIP room, Lu Chen immediately saw two acquaintances sitting on the middle table, namely Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi.

As Liu Xiangsi, he obviously couldn’t enter the VIP room, and the person who really asked him to meet him should be Liu Cong.

“Yo! Brother Lu is here? Come, come, let’s play two games together.”

Liu Cong stood up on his own initiative and warmly greeted Lu Chen to take a seat.

Although the smile on his face was bright, there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

“Master Liu, why did you ask me to meet you?” Lu Chen asked straight to the point.

“Don’t worry, let’s play for a while and then talk about business.”

Liu Cong smiled slightly, and snapped his fingers at the waiter beside him: “Get five million chips for this gentleman, and charge it to my account.”


The beautiful waiter responded and soon brought dozens of crystal chips.

“Brother Lu, play whatever you want today. If you win, it’s all yours. If you lose, it’s all on me!” Liu Conghao said with an angry smile.

“I don’t like gambling, and I don’t like beating around the bush. If Liu Shao has any advice, you can just say it.” Lu Chen was unmoved.

This kind of place is a paradise for gambling dogs.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t interested.

“Brother Lu is indeed a cheerful person.”

Chapter: 2386

Liu Cong laughed awkwardly and said, “Actually, I asked you out this time mainly to introduce a big boss to you. If you have him as your backer in the future, you can walk sideways in this area of Nancheng!”

“Oh? Who is this person?” Lu Chen asked back.

“This boss is the boss of Qianjintai, He Pengfei, Lord He!” Liu Cong said proudly.

“Sorry, I haven’t heard of it.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Hmph! Even Mr. He doesn’t know, how ignorant and ignorant!” Liu Xiangsi, who was next to her, curled her lips in disdain.

In this area of Nancheng, Master He can be said to cover the sky with one hand, and is known as the tyrant of Nancheng.

He is the only one who dares to challenge the two powerful families of the Song family and the Wang family.

Anyone with a little knowledge, who doesn’t know He Ye’s name?

“Is Mr. He awesome? I wonder if his head can block my sword?” Wang Xuan said coldly.

“Brother Lu, is this your friend?”

Liu Cong looked him up and down, with a bad expression on his face: “Boy, you’d better pay attention to what you say, this is Master He’s territory, if you’re not careful, your life will be gone!”

Wang Xuan was about to say something else, but Lu Chen raised his hand to stop him: “I’m not interested in getting to know Master He. I just want to know about Xie Sinian.”

As soon as his words fell, the door of the VIP room suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, an unusually burly middle-aged man in a suit walked in with his head held high.

The man was holding a cigar and was as strong as a bear. Just standing there gave people a huge sense of oppression.

The person coming is none other than the boss of Qianjintai, the underground overlord of Nancheng, He Pengfei!

“Master He is here, you are in luck!”

Liu Cong smiled evilly, looking like he was ready to watch a show.

“Hello, Mr. He!”

“Hello, Mr. He!”

When He Pengfei walked in, all the gamblers in the VIP room stood up and said hello with a very respectful attitude.

“Everyone, keep playing.”

He Pengfei reached out and pressed down, then walked towards Liu Cong and said condescendingly: “Liu Cong, have you brought the person I want?”

“How dare you not listen to Master He’s orders?”

Liu Cong smiled flatteringly, then stretched out his hand to lead Lu Chen: “Here, this is the person you are looking for!”

“Oh, is it so?”

He Pengfei followed Liu Cong’s gestures, and finally fixed his gaze on Lu Chen, and immediately looked up and down, observing carefully, with an invisible aggressiveness in his eyes.

“Sure enough, she is young and promising, and a good-looking talent.”

He Pengfei grinned: “Stop standing, sit down, I have something to talk to you about.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he sat down on the sofa next to him and drank the glass of red wine handed by the waiter in one gulp.

Chapter: 2387

Full of panache.

“Brother Lu, this is the famous Mr. He. You have to behave well and don’t miss the opportunity.” Liu Cong smiled half-heartedly.

“So you lured me out for this Master He?” Lu Chen said lightly.

“Young man, I asked Liu Cong to call you here to negotiate a deal with you.” He Pengfei took a deep breath on his cigar, and then exhaled a long smoke ring.

The smoke ring flew lightly towards Lu Chen’s face, but suddenly broke into pieces and disappeared into nothingness a foot away from it.


Lu Chen said expressionlessly: “Master He is talking about the formula of Yulu Ointment, right?”

“Smart! I like talking to smart people best.”

He Pengfei snapped his fingers, grinned and said, “Since you know what I want, then just make an offer. How much will it cost? Just report the amount, and I won’t bargain.”

“Master He, I can’t sell you the formula of Yulu Ointment.” Lu Chen flatly refused.

“Why, do you think I can’t afford the price?” He Pengfei narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Brother Lu, one-third of the entire Nancheng’s economic lifeline is in the hands of Lord He. His wealth is far beyond your imagination!” Liu Cong chimed in at the right time.

“Young man, there aren’t many things that interest me, and there are even fewer people who can negotiate terms with me. This is your opportunity, seize it.” Although He Pengfei was smiling, his eyes But with some warning.

“It’s not about the price, it’s about the Jade Dew Cream formula. I’ve already sold it.” Lu Chen said.

“What? Sold it?” Liu Cong’s eyes widened, and he became excited in an instant: “Who did you sell it to? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

He did everything possible, and he did not hesitate to ask Master He, just for the formula.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen would sell the formula to others.

“I have sold the formula of Jade Dew Cream to the Wang family, so you may be disappointed today.” Lu Chen spread his hands.

“Wang family?”

Hearing this, Liu Cong frowned immediately.

The Wang family is one of the eight wealthy families in Yanjing, and it is obviously not easy to snatch food from the other party.

“Young man, how much did the Wang family give you? I’m willing to pay double.” He Pengfei said suddenly.

With his power and the backing behind him, he is not afraid of the Wang family at all.

“Businesses have business ethics. Once the formula has been sold, you can’t go back on your word. If Mr. He wants, you can communicate with the Wang family.” Lu Chen said.

“Young man, if you can sell it to the Wang family, you can also sell it to me. One formula, two dollars, isn’t it delicious?” He Pengfei said with a smile.

“That’s right! You and Mr. He have a private deal. The Wang family will never know. As long as you write down the formula and take the money, you can travel around and have a carefree life.” Liu Cong followed the inducements.

“Once the Wang family finds out about my second sale, I’m afraid I will have my life to take the money, but not my life to spend it.” Lu Chen shook his head.

“Don’t worry, I will protect you from now on. The Wang family won’t dare do anything to you.” He Pengfei said with confidence.

“Master He, are you really going to turn against the Wang family for an irrelevant person?” Lu Chen had a lot of meaning.

“Haha…you are indeed a smart person.”

Chapter: 2388

He Pengfei put the cigar in the ashtray, pressed it, and said with a smile: “Although I won’t break up with the Wang family because of you, I can assure you that if the Wang family can’t find you, this will keep you safe.”

“Master He, I can’t entrust my safety on others, so I can only say sorry to you.” Lu Chen shook his head.


Hearing this, He Pengfei’s smile slowly faded, and his eyes gradually became sharp: “Young man, I hate it when others reject me, and it happens again and again. I’m already patient enough. You’d better

not let me down.”

These words were obviously threatening.

“Brother Lu, those who understand current affairs are heroes. You should feel honored to be favored by Master He. If you remain stubborn, you may get burned!” Liu Cong warned.

“Okay, stop talking nonsense.”

He Pengfei was already getting a little impatient: “I’m going to order the formula of Yulu ointment today. If you hand it over honestly, not only will nothing happen, but you will also get a huge sum of money.”

“What if I don’t hand it over?” Chase Lu asked.

“No? Hmph!”

He Pengfei sneered, didn’t say much, just slapped his hands.


As soon as there was a slap, the door of the VIP room suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, a group of strong thugs in suits rushed in menacingly.

There were a total of forty or fifty people, all of them fierce, like wolves and tigers.

“Boy, this is my place. With a word from me, I can control your life and death.”

He Pengfei stood up slowly, and said condescendingly: “If you don’t hand over the formula today, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get out of this door!”

“Master He, I don’t want to cause trouble, but if you keep being aggressive, don’t blame me for smashing your daughter’s palace!” Lu Chen said coldly.

Hearing this, He Pengfei was stunned for a moment, then laughed, as if he had heard some big joke.

“Damn it! Is this kid crazy? How dare he challenge Mr. He?”

“It’s true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!”

Some distinguished guests in the hall gave up gambling one after another and watched the play with great interest.

“Hmph! I don’t know how to live or die!”

Liu Cong sneered, looking like an idiot.

Liu Xiangsi crossed her arms and felt a bit gloating about her misfortune.

“Boy, do you know what you’re talking about?”

After laughing, He Pengfei’s face suddenly turned cold: “As for what you just said, believe it or not, I will kill you with one shot!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly pulled out the gun from his waist and pointed it at Lu Chen’s eyebrows.

Lu Chen stood motionless, as if nothing had happened, and said calmly: “Master He, the safety of your gun is not on.”

“What the hell -”

Chapter: 2389

The corners of He Pengfei’s eyes twitched, just when he was about to explode.

A charming female voice came over lightly.

“Master He, why are you so angry? Did you make a fool of yourself?”

Following the sound, a woman wearing a silver hip-hugging skirt and crystal high heels walked in.

The woman has flaming red lips, stunning appearance, and hot figure.

A brown wave curls down the shoulders, and two long black stocking legs stagger forward, with graceful steps, and every step seems to be stepping on the hearts of the men.

She held an exquisite designer bag in her left hand, and a women’s cigarette in her right hand, with a charming smile on her lips.

It looks very charming and alluring.

“Yin Tao?”

When Liu Xiangsi saw it, she immediately frowned.

It’s really a narrow road to Encounter, I didn’t expect to meet this annoying woman here.

“Master He, everyone comes to Qianjin Terrace to have fun. Why are you so angry?”

Yin Tao twisted her waist and walked closer, smiling brightly.

As soon as she appeared on the stage, she attracted everyone’s attention.

Her figure and appearance are already very outstanding, coupled with her unique enchanting charm, she is simply a vixen in disguise.

“Miss Yin, I have something to attend to. If you want to play a few games, I’ll open another hall for you.” He Pengfei restrained his arrogance.

But he still didn’t put down the gun in his hand.

“Master He, to be honest, this handsome young man is my friend. Please give him some face and let him go.”

Yin Tao walked forward with a smile, and took advantage of the opportunity to hold Lu Chen’s arm, with a rather intimate manner.

Although Lu Chen was surprised, he did not deny it. He could not slap people in the face if they were kind enough to help.


He Pengfei looked around and said coldly: “Miss Yin, this friend of yours is so crazy. Not only did he reject me again and again, but he also threatened to smash my daughter’s daughter. You really don’t give me any face!”

“Oh, is it so?”

Yin Tao raised her head and looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

This guy is so courageous, he actually dares to confront He Pengfei.

“Master He, this friend of mine is young and energetic and doesn’t understand the rules. I’ll ask him to apologize to you. I hope Mr. He has a lot of people and is open-minded.” Yin Tao said with a smile.

“It’s okay if I let him go, but he has to hand over the formula. Otherwise, don’t blame me for not giving him face!” He Pengfei said coldly.

“Recipe?” Yin Tao was a little strange.

It seems that the conflict between the two is not just a conflict of words, but a conflict of interests.

“I still say the same thing, the formula can’t be sold to you.” Chase Lu refused straight away.

Chapter: 2390

From the moment He Pengfei drew his gun, the two sides had no room for discussion.

“Miss Yin, did you hear that? This friend of yours really doesn’t know how to praise!”

With a gloomy face, He Pengfei pushed the gun forward.

“Don’t be impatient, Lord He. Isn’t it just a formula? Let me talk to him.”

Yin Tao smiled, raised her hand and pressed down the muzzle of the gun. She then leaned towards Lu Chen’s ear and whispered softly: “Little handsome boy, He Pengfei is famous for being ruthless. No matter what formula you give him, That’s it, otherwise I won’t be able to keep you today.”

“Miss Yin, I appreciate your kindness, but I will not compromise on the formula.” Lu Chen shook his head.

“Little handsome boy, you can save the green hills without worrying about having firewood. If you die here, the formula in your hand will be useless no matter how precious it is.” Yin Tao continued to persuade.

Why is this guy like a log? People are dying and still refuse to let go.

“I can’t die, he’s not capable of killing me yet.” Lu Chen said lightly.

“You…” Yin Tao was a little angry.

He Pengfei was surrounded by dozens of people, with guns in their hands.

Where does this guy in front of him have the courage to say such a thing?

“Miss Yin, my patience is limited, you’d better not meddle in your own business!” He Pengfei’s eyes were cold.

Lu Chen’s arrogance has already made him murderous.

“Master He, if you have anything to talk about, let’s talk slowly. How about we sit down and have a couple of drinks?”

Yin Tao smiled and picked up two glasses of wine, and handed one to He Pengfei.

“Drink a fart!”

He Pengfei got a little angry and knocked the wine glass out of Yin Tao’s hand.

Just a “pound” sound was heard, the cup shattered, and the wine splashed everywhere.

Yin Tao was startled at first, but then she quickly forced out a smile and took the initiative to move forward. She pressed her slender jade fingers on He Pengfei’s chest and said faintly: “Master He, calm down first. Don’t hurt your body. As long as you Let my friend go, and I will give you a surprise tonight.”

After saying that, he smiled charmingly, which was somewhat meaningful.

“Yin Tao, if you want to play, I can play with you slowly!”

He Pengfei grabbed Yin Tao’s wrist and said with an evil smile: “But before that, I have to take care of this kid’s situation in advance. Just stand by and don’t make me angry, otherwise, the consequences will be serious.”

“Master He, you hurt me!”

Yin Tao frowned, and struggled a few times, but found it was useless.

“You little slut, aren’t you trying to seduce me? I’ll make it happen for you tonight. When I finish this kid, I promise to make you happy!”

He Pengfei smiled evilly, suddenly pulled Yin Tao into his arms, and looked at Lu Chen provocatively: “Boy! Your relationship with this slut must not be simple, right? Looking at your little arms and legs, I guess you are satisfied. You can’t love her, but it doesn’t matter, I will love her well for you and make her fly to the clouds, so happy that she will die!”

“Master He! Don’t mess around, I’m from the Yin family!” Yin Tao’s expression changed.

“What about the Yin family? I raped you today, what can the Yin family do to me?” He Pengfei was arrogant.

“You—!” Yin Tao was shocked and angry.

Chapter: 2391

He Pengfei has huge power and a big backer behind him.

If she is really strong, it will at most ruin her reputation, and the Yin family may not dare to tear her face.

“Boy! Let me ask you one last question, should I hand in the formula?”

He Pengfei held Yin Tao in one hand and held a gun in the other.

His eyes were sharp and his face was fierce.

“First, I won’t give you the recipe; second, let Miss Yin go, or I’ll break your hand!” Lu Chen said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

No one expected that Lu Chen would dare to be so crazy.

You are clearly being robbed and yet you are still talking so shamelessly. Is it possible that you are risking your life?

“You bastard! I think you’re tired of living!”

He Pengfei was so angry that he directly pulled the trigger and shot Lu Chen in the thigh.


Gunshots exploded, but the expected blood and screams did not appear.

Because when He Pengfei shot, Lu Chen suddenly moved.

He grabbed the muzzle of the gun with one hand and grabbed He Pengfei’s throat with the other, and then pressed him hard against the wall with a “boom”.

The huge force directly caused several cracks in the wall.

He Pengfei snorted, his bones seemed to be falling apart, and his internal organs were even displaced by the shock.

I was dizzy for a while, my stomach was overwhelmed, and I felt unspeakably uncomfortable.


The entire VIP room suddenly fell silent.

What happened just now was so big that the people around didn’t react at all.

They just felt a flash in front of their eyes, and then Lu Chen pressed He Pengfei against the wall.

The most frightening thing was that He Pengfei was nearly two meters tall, with explosive muscles all over his body, as strong as a bear.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, was as thin as a sick cat.

From a physical point of view, the two sides are not at the same level at all.

However, Lu Chen, the sick cat, subdued He Pengfei, the giant bear, with only one hand.

That kind of visual contrast shocked everyone.

“Is having a gun a big deal?”

Lu Chen grabbed He Pengfei’s neck with one hand, slowly raised it above his head, and said coldly: “Now, who is tired of living?”


Chapter: 2392

He Pengfei felt his breathing hitched, his face instantly turned red, and veins popped out on his forehead.

He wanted to struggle, but found that his hands and feet had no strength at all.

In the depths of my heart, there was an uncontrollable fear rising up.

He always thought Lu Chen was a sheep, but he didn’t expect that the other party would suddenly turn into a vicious tiger.

Its power was so great that he had no ability to resist at all.

He had no doubt that the other party could break his neck with just a little force.


“Be bold!”

“Let go of Master He!”

After a brief silence, the entire VIP room immediately exploded.

A group of thugs in suits roared again and again, ready to move.

“Lu Chen! Are you crazy? Master He dares to move, don’t you want to die? Let go!” Liu Cong shouted.

“The surname is Lu! This is Qianjin Terrace. If you hurt Mr. He’s hair, you will die without a burial place!” Liu Xiangsi became a little anxious.

She was the one who attracted Lu Chen. If something happened to Mr. He, she would definitely be involved.

“I didn’t want to be violent, but you have to be aggressive. Do you really think I have no temper?”

Lu Chen snatched the gun from He Pengfei’s hand, pressed it between his eyebrows, and said coldly, “Let me ask you, how does it feel to be pointed at?”

“Little…boy! I’m warning you not to mess around. If you dare to touch me, the whole family will suffer!” He Pengfei’s voice was squeezed out of his throat.


Lu Chen’s pistol slowly moved down and stabbed directly into He Pengfei’s mouth: “Do you think I will be afraid of your threat?”


He Pengfei’s pupils shrank and cold sweat broke out instantly.

He could clearly feel the murderous intent emerging from the opponent.

“Little handsome boy, don’t be impulsive. If you hurt Mr. He, you won’t survive!” Yin Tao quickly stopped him.

“Miss Yin, this guy has no intention of letting me go, why not take this opportunity and strike first.” Lu Chen put his finger on the trigger.


Liu Cong’s expression changed and he said hurriedly: “Brother Lu, if you have something to say, it’s just a deal, so why should we get into a sword fight? I don’t think it’s better than this. Put down the gun first, and let’s sit down and talk.”

“There’s nothing to talk about. I told you that the formula is not for sale.” Lu Chen responded coldly.

“Okay, okay…if you don’t sell it, you won’t sell it.”

Liu Cong agreed repeatedly and said with an apologetic smile: “Business cannot be done with righteousness. If we don’t sell the formula, we can buy and sell ointments and have long-term cooperation. In this way, you are good and I am good, everyone is good. How about it?”

“It sounds good, but I don’t know if you are sincere?” Lu Chen’s expression softened.

Chapter: 2393

Killing He Pengfei is easy, but after killing him, there will be some unnecessary trouble.

Once someone notices it, it will inevitably affect his plan.

“Sincere, right? Of course!”

Liu Cong said with a serious face: “I guarantee with my personality that as long as you let Mr. He go, we will cooperate for a long time in the future, and we will share the blessings and share the hardships!”

“What do you say?” Lu Chen looked at He Pengfei.

The latter had a gun stuffed in his mouth and was mumbling, unable to speak. He could only nod his head in agreement.

“Did you see that? Master He has already agreed.” Liu Cong looked happy: “We don’t know each other if we don’t fight today, and we will be brothers who share life and death from now on!”

He Pengfei didn’t speak, but continued to nod.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads.

The barrel of the gun is pushed into the mouth, who can not be scared?

“Okay, I’ll just trust you once.”

Lu Chen slowly let go of He Pengfei, and at the same time threw the gun in his hand into the trash can.

“Cough cough cough…”

He Pengfei relaxed his body and began to cough violently, his back was already wet.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. The misunderstanding has been resolved. Let’s forget our grudges with a smile.” Liu Cong laughed and winked secretly.

He Pengfei quickly understood, quickly distanced himself, retreated into the crowd, and shouted: “You bastard! How dare you threaten me? I’m so tired of living! Come on! Catch him!”

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of thugs in suits immediately surrounded him.


Yin Tao suddenly stood in front of Lu Chen and asked, “Master He! You have clearly agreed to cooperate, why do you want to do it?”

“Hmph! I agreed just now, but now, I’ve backed down!” He Pengfei said confidently.

“You are a respectable person after all. If you go back on your word in public, aren’t you afraid of being laughed at?” Yin Tao frowned.


He Pengfei grinned grimly: “This is my territory. When I finish this kid, force you, and then block the news, who will know?”

“You…you are shameless!” Yin Tao was furious.

“Hehe… To be honest, I have even more shameless methods. You will understand when you get into bed.” He Pengfei smiled wickedly.

“He Pengfei, I have already given you a chance. If you dare to take action again, I guarantee that it will be too late for you to regret it.” Lu Chen looked indifferent.

Naturally, he didn’t believe what Liu Cong and He Pengfei said. It was just a test.

If the two really wanted to reconcile, he could pretend that nothing had happened.

But unfortunately, dogs can’t change their eating habits.


Chapter: 2394

He Pengfei said with a fierce look: “You bastard! I accidentally got into your trap just now. Now, do you think you still have the capital to make a comeback?”

“Is there any? You can try?”

Lu Chen stood with his hands behind his back, without any fear.

“Fuck! I see you won’t shed tears until you see the coffin! Brothers, get on it!” He Pengfei gave the order directly.

“Destroy him!”

All the thugs rushed forward.

“Brother Chen! Leave it to me!”

Wang Xuan who was standing behind sneered, his whole body turned into an afterimage, crashing into the crowd.

In the next second, there were exclamations and screams one after another.

Wang Xuan was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and began to kill everyone.

After being nurtured by Drunkard, Wang Xuan is now as powerful as a late-stage Xiantian master.

Although these thugs from Qianjintai have practiced some boxing and kicking, they still have no ability to resist in front of the innate warriors.

In just five minutes, dozens of people had been beaten to the ground.

“Hmph! There is no one who can fight!”

Wang Xuan clapped his hands with a rather disdainful expression.

I haven’t warmed up yet.

“How…how is it possible?!”

Seeing his little brother wailing on the ground, He Pengfei couldn’t help but widen his eyes, and his whole body was filled with fear.

He thought he had a chance to win, so he dared to go back on his word in public. However, he never dreamed that Lu Chen would have such a master hiding next to him.

“Fuck! What’s the origin of this kid? How could he be so fierce?”

Liu Cong was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat and his legs became weak.

I originally thought that Wang Xuan was just Lu Chen’s follower, and never took it to heart. Who would have thought that the other party was actually a martial arts master.

This was a mistake!

“One hits dozens, is this still human?”

Liu Xiangsi was stunned and looked in disbelief.

Wouldn’t you dare to make a movie like this?

“No wonder…no wonder he is so confident. It turns out he is protected by an expert.”

Yin Tao’s eyes shone, surprised and happy.

Just now I thought it was going to be over, but in the end, it turned around and survived.

“Brother Chen, what should I do with this big guy?”

Chapter: 2395

After taking care of all the younger brothers, Wang Xuan’s eyes suddenly fixed on He Pengfei with evil intentions in his eyes.

“Cut off one of his hands first.”

Lu Chen spat out a few words lightly.

“no problem!”

Wang Xuan sneered, suddenly stepped forward and held He Pengfei down.

“Wait… wait! We have something to talk about. I think we can talk more… ah!”

He Pengfei panicked, and just when he was about to quibble, his arm was wrenched off by Wang Xuan, and he let out a scream like a pig being killed.

His whole face was distorted and he was sweating profusely.

Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi looked at each other with fear, their backs felt cold.

Who would have thought that Mr. He, who was showing off his power just now, would be pinned to the ground and rubbed again in the blink of an eye?

“He Pengfei, you made a wrong decision.”

Lu Chen slowly approached, looked down at the giant bear-like man in front of him, and said calmly: “I have just given you two opportunities, but you don’t know how to cherish them, and you have to commit suicide. Tell me, I should What should I do with you?”

“Boy! I admit defeat today!”

He Pengfei gritted his teeth and said, “You have fought and made troubles. This matter ends here. From now on, let’s not offend each other. How about that?”

“The water in the well does not offend the river? Haha… Do you think I am an idiot?”

Lu Chen sneered coldly: “Who turned back on what he said just now? And who turned his back on others? If you beat the old one, you show off your might, but if you can’t beat the old one, you just compromise. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?”

“Boy! Don’t push yourself too far!”

He Pengfei threatened with a serious expression: “My people are all outside. As long as I give the order, they will rush in immediately and cut you into pieces!”

“How dare you speak hard!”

Wang Xuan snorted coldly, grabbed He Pengfei’s hair, and slammed his face on the gambling table.


There was a muffled sound.

He Pengfei’s front teeth were broken, the bridge of his nose collapsed, and his face was covered in blood.

“You… you two guys are dead! I’m going to cut you into pieces!” He Pengfei was furious and roared again and again.

“Break one of his legs.” Lu Chen spoke again.


Without saying a word, Wang Xuan stepped on He Pengfei’s knee.

He Pengfei bent his knee directly inward at 90 degrees after hearing a “click”, the broken bone pierced through the flesh, and he saw blood dripping.


He Pengfei let out a shrill scream, his face became extremely ferocious, and his body began to twitch due to the severe pain.

Chapter: 2396

“Stop! Stop!”

At this time, Liu Cong woke up like a dream, and immediately stopped him: “Lu Chen! Do you know what you are doing? Master He is the underground overlord of Nancheng. He has great power and many younger brothers. If you touch him, you will definitely be punished.” Endless pursuit!”

“That’s right! Let Mr. He go! Otherwise your whole family will suffer!” Liu Xiangsi shouted.

“What? You two also want to amputate your hands and feet?” Lu Chen slowly raised his head.

The sharp and indifferent eyes stabbed the two of them fiercely like a knife.

Liu Cong’s eyelids twitched, he subconsciously took two steps back, and said bravely: “Lu Chen, I know you two are somewhat capable, but in Yanjing, you can’t solve the problem with fists and kicks alone.

Even if you can fight, can you still beat a gun? Can you beat a cannonball? Beat the army?

Lu Chen, stop, there are all He Ye’s people outside.

If you repent in time now, I can also plead with Mr. He on your behalf and ask Mr. He to let you go.

But if you remain stubborn, you are destroying yourself! ”

These words were both soft and hard, and also contained a bit of sincere persuasion.

For ordinary people, it is really possible to be shaken.

After hearing this, Wang Xuan rushed forward, raised his hand and slapped him, scolding: “You talk so much every day!”


Liu Cong was beaten so hard that he spun around in circles, his mouth twisted.

I felt dizzy for a while and had nosebleeds.

“You, you…how dare you hit me?”

Liu Cong covered his burning face and couldn’t believe it.

As the dignified young master of the Liu family, when was he ever slapped in the face in public?

“What’s wrong with hitting you? If you keep nagging, your tongue will be cut off!” Wang Xuan said sternly.

Liu Cong was so frightened that he didn’t dare to speak again.

Damn, these two guys are completely crazy, even Mr. He doesn’t take them seriously.

“You two bastards are so bold!”

He Pengfei lay on the ground, yelling again and again: “This is Qianjin Terrace! It is Lao Tzu’s territory! It is also the property of the Long family! If you dare to cut off my hands and feet, you are provoking the majesty of the Long family. There is no place for you!”

At this point, he no longer held back and moved directly out of the backer.

“What? The backer behind Master He turned out to be the Long family?”

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the VIP room.

No wonder Master He was able to become the underground overlord of Nancheng in just ten years. It turned out to be backed by the Long family.

The eight giants of Yanjing are divided into the upper four and the lower four.

The forces of the upper four sects have penetrated deeply into the Forbidden City, and each family has a Dinghai needle.

Chapter: 2397

Either an extremely human minister, or an all-powerful person.

The lower four sects are relatively weaker than the upper four sects. Although they are also rich and powerful, they cannot be compared with the upper four sects in terms of power.

The gap between the two is like a cat and a tiger.

For example, the Song family and Wang family in Nancheng belong to the lower four sects.

As for the Long family, it belongs to the upper four sects, and it is also the top three!

Therefore, the Long family is also called “Dragon Gate”.

Anyone who can climb up to the Long family is like a carp jumping over the Dragon Gate!

“Long family? It sounds like they are very powerful.” Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

I still remember that when I was in Jiangling before, there seemed to be a little friction with the Long family.

“What? Are you afraid now?”

He Pengfei laughed ferociously: “You bastard! What do you think I can rely on to be able to stand here for many years? Of course I have an extremely powerful backing! If you don’t want to die, let me go immediately, then kowtow to apologize, and I might be able to spare you. A dog’s life!”


Lu Chen snorted coldly, and stepped on He Pengfei’s face: “What if I don’t let you go?”

“You bastard! Do you still dare to challenge the Long family? Do you know that the Long family has the final say on everything outside the Forbidden City!” He Pengfei gritted his teeth.

“Let alone the Long family, even if the Yanjing royal family comes, they can’t save you today!”

While Lu Chen was speaking, he stepped down heavily, directly breaking He Pengfei’s other arm.


He Pengfei screamed like a pig being killed.

At this moment, the door of the VIP room was violently kicked open with a sudden “bang”.

Immediately afterwards, a well-dressed young man came in with a group of people aggressively.

“Bold! Who dares to be so bold in Qianjin Terrace!”

“Bold! Who dares to be presumptuous on Qianjin Terrace!”

The young man was murderous, shooting everywhere as soon as he entered the door, his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

Anyone who came into contact with his line of sight lowered their heads unconsciously.

“Isn’t this the Fourth Young Master of the Long Family, Long Haoran? Why is he here?”

“The behind-the-scenes funder of Qianjin Terrace is the Long Family. Now that someone is causing trouble in Qianjin Terrace, the Long Family will naturally not sit idly by.”

“Beat Master He and demolish the Long family’s platform, these two boys are probably doomed today!”

“Hmph! Young people don’t know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and they really think that they can run wild in Yanjing with a little punch. It’s ridiculous!”

The sudden change caused a lot of discussion among the gamblers in the VIP room.

Even the Long family was alarmed. What happened today is definitely going to be bad.

Chapter: 2398

“Fourth Young Master…Fourth Young Master, save me!”

The appearance of Long Haoran made He Pengfei weep with joy, as if seeing a savior, he struggled to stand up and ran forward staggeringly.

Halfway through the run, due to his unstable center of gravity, he fell directly to the ground, and then rolled a few times with the help of inertia, and just rolled to Long Haoran’s feet.

“He Pengfei? How did you get hurt like this?”

Long Haoran was slightly startled, with a look of astonishment on his face.

He happened to be having fun at the venue next door, and when he heard someone making trouble at Qianjin Terrace, he rushed over immediately.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that He Pengfei would be treated so badly.

His hands were broken, his left leg was broken, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his face was covered with blood, and he looked very embarrassed.

You know, He Pengfei is a pawn supported by the Long family in Nancheng.

Although he can’t get on the big stage, in this area of Nancheng, he can be said to be the master of all things.

Ordinary forces would not dare to provoke him, let alone beat him into such a virtuous state.

“Fourth Young Master! You are finally here. If you come a little later, I’m afraid I’ll die!”

He Pengfei lay at Long Haoran’s feet with a mournful face, looking particularly aggrieved.

“Who did it? Who hurt you like this?!” Long Haoran shouted in a deep voice.

“It’s those two boys!”

He Pengfei pointed at Lu Chen and the two, and said bitterly: “They did it!”


Long Haoran followed the sound and quickly fixed his eyes on Lu Chen, looking up and down: “Boy! What is your background? How dare you make trouble in Qianjin Terrace? Do you know that Qianjin Terrace is the property of my Long family?”

“I didn’t know before, but now I know.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“It’s good that you know. Let’s talk about it. How to solve this matter?” Long Haoran had a sullen face.

“It’s very simple. Let He Pengfei kowtow on the ground to make amends, and then compensate me with the Qianjintai. I will treat what happened today as if it never happened.” Lu Chen said lightly.

“What did you say?”

Long Haoran was stunned for a moment, somewhat doubting that he heard wrongly.

The rest of the people in the hall also looked at each other in shock.

Is this guy crazy?

When the Long family came forward, not only did they not bow their heads, they also demanded an apology from Mr. He, and even shamelessly asked for a daughter’s gift.

Isn’t this crazy?

“Seeing Fourth Young Master Long dare to speak wild words, I really don’t know what to do!” Liu Cong sneered again and again.

“A country bumpkin is just a country bumpkin. I don’t know who I offended.” Liu Xiangsi shook her head.

Anyone with a little knowledge and a little IQ can’t say such a thing.

Chapter: 2399

Dare to shout in front of Long Haoran, you are either stupid or stupid.

“Boy, did I hear you right? You just said that you want He Pengfei to make amends? At the same time, you also want the Qianjintai?” Long Haoran dug his ears.

After living in Nancheng District for so many years, no one has ever dared to talk to him like this.

What is it called?

Pulling out teeth from a tiger’s mouth?

“You heard that right, I did say that.” Lu Chen nodded seriously.


Long Haoran suddenly laughed, but his eyes became extremely cold: “Boy, I have never seen anyone as crazy as you, who dares to ask for the Long family’s property, awesome! I can give you the Qianjintai, but the problem is, Do you dare to ask for it?”

“If you give it, I’ll take it; if you don’t give it, I’ll grab it.” Lu Chen answered very straightforwardly.

“Ha ha ha ha……”

Hearing this, Long Haoran laughed angrily: “Boy! You are so brave! Do you know what you are doing? You are playing with fire. Burn yourself!”

The last few words were almost squeezed out from between the teeth.

“It’s not certain who is playing with fire.” Lu Chen’s expression remained unchanged.

“Very good. I hope you won’t beg for mercy for a while. I just like seeing you so arrogant.”

Long Haoran said and raised his hand suddenly: “Turn off the camera! Prepare to clear the place! All irrelevant people get out!”

As soon as these words came out, the gamblers in the VIP room immediately rushed out of the door, not daring to stay at all.

They knew very well that Fourth Young Master Long was serious about it. After tonight, two corpses would sink into the river.

“Hmph! Let’s see if you’re still alive now!”

He Pengfei grinned grimly, his eyes full of resentment.

“It’s hopeless. Let’s prepare to collect the body tomorrow morning.”

Liu Cong shrugged and turned around to go out to avoid harming Chi Yu.

“Hmph! It’s your own fault. You’re going to die. You’ve offended the powerful people in Yanjing. I’m afraid your body won’t even be found in the capital tomorrow.”

Liu Xiangsi glanced at Lu Chen coldly, and then left with Liu Cong.

If he had begged for mercy earlier, he might still have a chance to survive, but now, it is already too late.

“Little handsome boy, there’s nothing I can do for you. Just ask for your blessings.”

Yin Tao sighed, and walked out of the VIP room regretfully.

If it was He Pengfei, she could still play around a little bit and try to help Lu Chen get out of trouble.

But if it were Long Hao, there would be no chance at all.

Because in front of the Long family, the Yin family is not worth mentioning at all.

If you push yourself too hard, you will get burned.

Chapter: 2400

Under Long Haoran’s strong order, in just three minutes, the entire Qianjin Terrace was completely empty.

Only a group of members of the Long family were left, blocking the door of the VIP hall, staring at them.

“Now, it’s just you two.”

Long Haoran lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, then exhaled a long puff of smoke, squinted his eyes and said, “Do you have any last words?”

“Before taking action, I advise you to call Long Xiuxian, otherwise you will regret it.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Hehe… Regret?”

Long Haoran sneered: “Boy, I know most of the powerful people in the Forbidden City, but I have never met you. If you think you can get away with just saying a few bluffing words, then you are too naive!”

In his opinion, Lu Chen was obviously cowarded, so he started to pretend to be powerful and tried to fight to the death.

“I’m not from Yanjing, but…”

Before Lu Chen finished speaking, he was interrupted by Long Haoran: “If you are not from Yanjing, then it is not worth mentioning. Come and kill them all.”


The warriors behind him responded and pounced directly on Lu Chen and the two…

Outside the door of Qianjintai.

Yin Tao was sitting in the luxury car, her beautiful eyebrows slightly twisted, looking through the car window at the splendid door, with a bit of melancholy on her face.

It’s not easy to meet an interesting and handsome man, but I didn’t expect such a short life.

First he offended He Pengfei, and then he called Banlong Haoran. Now he is trapped in Qianjin Terrace, basically dead or alive.

Although she was a little reluctant to let go, she had reached this point and there was nothing she could do about it.

The only thing that can be done now is to collect the corpse for the other party.

What a pity, what a pity…

“Hey! Miss Yin, you haven’t left yet?”

At this time, Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi suddenly walked over.

“Aren’t you leaving too?”

Yin Tao said neither salty nor bland.


Liu Cong smiled slightly: “Lu Chen has a close relationship with our Jishi Hall. I was thinking, should I stay and collect his body?”

“Hmph! Don’t be so hypocritical in front of me. Don’t think that I don’t know. It was you who led Lu Chen to Qianjin Terrace!” Yin Tao said with a cold face.

“We asked him out just to discuss business. I didn’t expect him to be so ignorant. It’s his own fault for falling into this situation.” Liu Cong shrugged, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

“That’s right! A country bumpkin like him doesn’t understand any rules, is arrogant and self-righteous, and deserves to be unlucky!” Liu Xiangsi added insult to injury.

“Liu Xiangsi, can you even say this?”

Yin Tao glanced sideways, with disgust on her face: “If I remember correctly, Lu Chen should have helped you Jishitang more than once, and this is how you repay him? Even beasts know how to repay kindness, but you people are not even as good as beasts !”


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