An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 2461-2500

Chapter 2461-2500

Chapter 2461-2500

Chapter: 2461

Yanjing is divided into five major regions, namely east, west, south, north and central.

The area of each area is very wide, equivalent to a medium-sized city.

Therefore, each region is also referred to as “city”.

The east district is called Dongcheng, the west district is called Xicheng, the south district is called Nancheng, and the north district is called Beicheng.

The core area protected by the four major urban areas is the central city, also called the inner city.

Inside the inner city, there is also the Forbidden City, which represents supreme power.

It is the holy land that countless careerists dream of.

It is also the place where Chase Lu explores the truth and seeks justice.

Of course, not now.

The inner city is very congested, and it happens to be the rush hour after get off work.

Although Chase Lu went out an hour earlier, when he actually arrived at his destination, it was already dark.

The place where Concubine Cao Xuan held her celebratory banquet was called “Tian Wai Tian”, and it was a super five-star hotel.

There is no need to pick the environment and location, and there are all kinds of entertainment facilities.

The quality is high, the service is good, and the brand is sufficient. It is the first choice for entertaining guests.

At this moment, on the top floor of Tianwaitian, in the No. 1 banquet hall.

A group of well-dressed young men and women are gathering together to exchange cups and chat.

On the stage, wonderful singing and dancing continued to entertain everyone in the audience.

The entire banquet hall was very lively.

“Senior brother, will Miss Cao really show up today?”

In a certain corner, a man and a woman were holding wine glasses and looking around, as if searching for something.

These two people were clearly Liu Xiangsi and Liu Cong.

“Of course it will show up!”

Liu Cong said with determination: “I have already inquired. Today is the celebration banquet of Chen Fei Group. As the chairman, Miss Cao will definitely not be absent. She will probably be there soon.”

“I’m a little worried. Can Miss Cao help us?” Liu Xiangsi looked worried.

Today, Jishitang was burned, so she already has a psychological shadow.

If she hadn’t returned all night last night, she might have been buried in the flames.

The most important thing is that the fire was caused by the Song family, and she didn’t even dare to file a complaint.

In order to protect herself, she could only ask Liu Cong to seek help from more powerful figures.

So Liu Cong brought her here.

“Junior sister, I’m not bragging. If you can invite Miss Cao to come forward, let alone the Song family, even if you add the Wang family, you will have to bow your head and bow down!” Liu Cong said solemnly.

Chapter: 2462

“So powerful?” Liu Xiangsi’s eyelids twitched and she said in surprise: “Brother, what is the origin of this Miss Cao?”

Liu Cong glanced around and lowered his voice: “Junior sister, do you know that on top of the eight wealthy families in Yanjing, there are four major royal families?”

“I heard something.” Liu Xiangsi nodded.

The wealthy and aristocratic families were already the limit of her exposure. As for the Yanjing royal family, she couldn’t even think about it.

It was the most powerful force below the imperial power, standing at the top of the Dragon Kingdom.

It is an existence that ordinary people need to look up to throughout their lives.

“Now that you know the four major royal families, it is easy to understand.”

Liu Cong nodded and said with a serious face: “To be honest, this Miss Cao is a member of the royal Chen family, and her grandfather is none other than Duke Chen, the powerful man in the Forbidden City!”

“What? Chen Guogong?!”

Liu Xiangsi was startled, and her voice rose several times uncontrollably.

“Keep down!”

Liu Cong’s expression changed, and he immediately covered Liu Xiangsi’s mouth. After making sure that no one heard, he slowly let it go and warned: “This is a secret, must not be leaked, otherwise be careful with your head!”

“Uh huh huh…”

Liu Xiangsi covered her mouth with both hands and nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice.

In an instant, she was so shocked that she was covered in cold sweat.

She never dreamed that the Miss Cao she was going to meet today was actually the granddaughter of Chen Guogong.

That’s the Duke of the dynasty!

An existence that can have a direct conversation with the emperor!

He is one of the top giants who can make Yanjing tremble by stomping his feet!

In front of such a big man, the Wang family and the Song family are all native chickens and dogs, not worth mentioning!

Thinking of this, she suddenly became excited.

If you can please Miss Cao, go to the towering tree of Chen Guogong.

In the future in Yanjing, wouldn’t she be able to walk sideways?

“Junior sister, do you know how powerful you are now?”

Liu Cong’s face showed a bit of showing off: “As long as Miss Cao is willing to show up, what is the mere Song family?”

“That’s that’s…”

Liu Xiangsi nodded repeatedly, overjoyed.

She has decided to please Miss Cao no matter what the cost.

In this way, not only can he turn the corner into safety, but he can also become a successful person and completely squeeze into the upper class circles of Yanjing.

“By the way, senior brother, how do you know these things?” Liu Xiangsi suddenly became curious.

Chapter: 2463

“To be honest, my uncle’s position in the imperial court is as a staff officer to the generals under Chen Guogong. He has a wide range of contacts, so it is easy for me to find out these secrets.”

Liu Cong raised his chin, looking quite proud.

In fact, the identity of Concubine Cao Xuan has been made public in the elite circle, it’s not a secret, but it’s just out of reach of ordinary people.

“As expected of senior brother, he is indeed amazing!”

Liu Xiangsi gave a thumbs up, her beautiful eyes shining brightly.

The look of admiration on his face made Liu Cong very happy.

It’s really good to have a little fan girl by my side, she can satisfy my vanity all the time.

“Brother, what does Miss Cao look like? What if we don’t recognize her when she comes?” Liu Xiangsi glanced around.

I am afraid that I will miss the opportunity because of misjudgment.

“I don’t know exactly what she looks like, but I can be sure that Miss Cao is very beautiful, and not just ordinary beautiful!” Liu Cong was very sure.

“You have never met Miss Cao, so how do you know she is beautiful?” Liu Xiangsi was a little surprised.

“Although I haven’t seen it, I have heard of its good name.”

Liu Cong took a sip of wine, and the old god said: “Rouge Bang, I believe you must have heard about it, right?”

“I know this.” Liu Xiangsi nodded: “The Rouge List is also known as the Beauty List. There are a hundred people on the list. Each one is a great beauty selected from all over the country. They are mainly rated based on appearance, followed by family background. and individual talent.”

“All women in the world are proud to be on the rouge list.”

“However, the selection of the rouge list is too strict. Only the truly stunning beauties are eligible to be on the list.”

At the end, Liu Xiangsi’s eyes flashed with sadness.

She thought she was beautiful and talented, but she couldn’t even touch the lowest threshold of the rouge list.

There are too many beauties in Long Kingdom.

“That’s right. Those who can enter the rouge list are all beautiful women, and Miss Cao happens to be one of them!” Liu Cong looked forward to it.

“What? Miss Cao is actually a beauty on the rouge list?” Liu Xiangsi was both surprised and envious.

No wonder Liu Cong was so sure, there was a reason for the incident.

“In fact, Ms. Cao is not only on the list, but also at the top of the list, and now ranks third!” Liu Cong said surprisingly.


Liu Xiangsi’s eyes widened and her voice began to tremble.

Being on the rouge list is already a great honor, and being at the top of the rouge list is even more honorable.

She really didn’t expect that Miss Cao not only had an amazing background, but also had an appearance that would captivate the country.

In front of such a woman, the pressure is too great.

“Third on the rouge list is Miss Cao; second on the rouge list is Zhao Hongying, the female war goddess of the Dragon Kingdom; and top on the rouge list is the mysterious Li Qingcheng.”

Liu Cong reported the names of the top three in the rouge list like a few treasures, with a look of fascination on his face.

Chapter: 2464

If he can marry the top ten women on the rouge list, he will have enough in this lifetime.

“Brother, you are handsome and talented, why don’t you try to chase after Miss Cao?” Liu Xiangsi said suddenly.

She somewhat liked and admired Liu Cong.

However, in order to please Miss Cao, she would rather give up the person she likes.

“Don’t be kidding, there are many pursuers around Ms. Cao, all of whom are leaders in the industry, so what am I?” Liu Cong shook his head.

Although he was very moved, he was also somewhat self-aware.

The identity difference between him and Miss Cao is really huge.

“Brother, nothing is difficult in this world if you put your heart into it. No matter what, you have to give it a try. What if Miss Cao likes yours?” Liu Xiangsi began to encourage her.

“Really?” Liu Cong was a little unsure.

“Can I still lie to you?”

Liu Xiangsi continued to brainwash: “Look at yourself. You are handsome, tall, handsome, and elegant. The key is that you are proficient in medical skills, considerate, and have excellent character. Such a top-notch man is really rare in the world!”


Liu Cong brushed his hair and straightened his tie, instantly full of confidence.

So much so that the whole person felt a little elated.

Yes, I am so good, so perfect, and full of potential. It shouldn’t be too much to marry Chen Guogong’s granddaughter, right?

“Brother, believe in yourself, you are the best, as long as you show your charm, you will surely win Miss Cao’s heart!” Liu Xiangsi continued to cheer.

“Junior sister, you still understand me!”

After being praised so much, Liu Cong was so happy that he couldn’t close his mouth and was completely swollen: “Senior brother, I want to have a good figure, good looks, and talent. It is so perfect that it is more than enough to match Miss Cao, so I decided to give her A chance to get me!”

“That’s right.” Liu Xiangsi smiled.

As long as Liu Cong takes care of Miss Cao, she will also benefit from it.

“Hey…you two, are you dreaming?”

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded behind him.

The two were startled and looked back, only to see a familiar face.

“Lu Chen, why are you here?” Liu Cong was stunned for a moment.

“Why can’t I be here?” Chase Lu asked back.

“Hmph! This is a place for high-end gatherings and big shots. What is your status? How can you be qualified to enter this door?” Liu Xiangsi said with a cold face.

The scene where she was threatened and disfigured by Chase Lu had always made her hold a grudge.

“Your status seems to be no more noble than mine. If you can come in, so can I.” Lu Chen shrugged.


Liu Xiangsi was about to explode, but Liu Cong raised his hand to stop him: “Be careful of the occasion, don’t be seen as a joke.”

Chapter: 2465

Liu Xiangsi took a deep breath and finally endured it.

Let’s get down to business first today, and it won’t be too late to deal with this guy after I’ve pleased Miss Cao.

“Lu Chen, when did you arrive?” Liu Cong tried his best to smile.

“It started when you said that your uncle served in the imperial court.” Lu Chen said lightly.

“What? Didn’t you hear everything?” Liu Cong’s voice suddenly rose.

After seeing someone paying attention, he immediately coughed to relieve his embarrassment.

“I heard half of it.” Lu Chen admitted frankly.

“You…why are you like this?” Liu Cong was a little anxious: “It’s too wretched to hide behind and eavesdrop without saying a word!”

“I’m just passing by. Who knows that the more you talk, the more outrageous you will become, and you will have outrageous thoughts. I really can’t bear it.” Lu Chen shook his head.

“Hmph! What we say is none of your business!” Liu Xiangsi said angrily.

“Lu Chen, are you being too lenient? I am handsome and talented. Is there any problem in pursuing Miss Cao?” Liu Cong said with a serious face.

“You can chase others, but you can’t chase Miss Cao.” Lu Chen shook his head.

“Why?” Liu Cong frowned.

“Because, she is my woman.” Lu Chen spat out a few words lightly.

Strong and domineering.

“What? Your woman?”

Hearing this, Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi were both taken aback, looking at each other, a little suspicious that they had heard it wrong.

Who is Miss Cao?

The third most beautiful beauty on the rouge list, the granddaughter of Chen Guogong, the goddess that countless favored men dream of.

A poor dick dared to say that Miss Cao was his woman.

Is this guy going crazy?

“Lu Chen, are you…serious?” Liu Cong asked tentatively.

“Of course.” Lu Chen said confidently.


Hearing this, Liu Cong finally couldn’t help laughing, as if he had heard some big joke: “Lu Chen, Lu Chen, are you still awake? You said Miss Cao is your woman? Hahaha …”

By the end of the sentence, he was laughing with exaggerated expressions.

“Huh! How shameless!”

Liu Xiangsi crossed her arms and sneered: “You don’t follow your own virtues? Don’t think that just by changing your clothes, you can change your identity. Diaosi are still diaosi after all. People like you are not even worthy of carrying Miss Cao’s shoes!” ”

Ms. Cao has a noble status, background, appearance, figure, and ability.

Such an excellent woman has countless suitors.

Chapter: 2466

He’s just a stinky beggar, but he still wants to climb up to Miss Cao?

What a toad that wants to eat swan meat!

“Lu Chen, you must be self-aware. It’s good to have dreams, but you also have to see if you have the ability.”

Liu Cong couldn’t help laughing and said: “The gap between you and Miss Cao is as big as the world. She is the phoenix in the sky that attracts everyone’s attention, and you are just an ant in the abyss. Even if you try hard to climb, you will never reach that height. Wake up.” Wake up, stop dreaming!”

Even he, who was born into a famous family, dare not say that he can win over Miss Cao.

What is Lu Chen worth?

“Don’t look down on others. There are some things you will never understand.”

Lu Chen said calmly: “I still say what I said, Concubine Cao Xuan is my woman, you two had better not have any inappropriate thoughts.”

“Pretend! Keep pretending! I want to see how long you can pretend!” Liu Xiangsi curled her lips, her face full of disdain.

“Lu Chen, there is a price to be paid for nonsense. If Miss Cao hears such rebellious words of yours, I am afraid that there will be a catastrophe, so I advise you, it is best to be cautious.” Liu Cong laughed jokingly. with.

“I’ve said everything I need to say, believe it or not.” Lu Chen didn’t bother to explain.

Like this kind of frog in the bottom of the well, it is meaningless to say more.

What he just said was nothing more than a warning.


At this time, there was a sudden commotion at the door.

Several people followed the sound and their eyes lit up.

I saw a woman wearing a black evening dress and black high heels, like a black swan, walked in slowly under the attention of everyone.

The woman did not wear makeup, but she had a stunning face, a graceful figure, and was extremely proud.

Especially that cold temperament, noble yet majestic, the whole person stood there like a high-ranking queen.

As soon as it appeared, it became the focus of the audience, and people couldn’t take their eyes off it.

“What a nice view!”

Liu Cong stared blankly.

His eyes widened with surprise on his face.

“This should be the real beauty and fragrance of the country, right?”

Liu Xiangsi was also shocked.

Looking at the face and figure of the other party, and then looking at myself, I can’t help feeling a little ashamed.

She thought she was as beautiful as a flower, but in front of such a stunning beauty, she was so instantly crushed that there was not even a scum left.

A lot of famous ladies and daughters came tonight, all of them were dressed up in beautiful clothes, with outstanding demeanor, which can be called a hundred flowers blooming.

However, when Concubine Cao Xuan, the black rose, came into the arena, she directly overwhelmed the crowd and overwhelmed all the women.

“Hello, Director Cao!”

Chapter: 2467

“Hello, Miss Cao!”


After a brief silence, the entire banquet hall became lively.

Regardless of men or women, everyone came up to say hello.

Those who can appear here are either high-ranking officials or high-level officials of the group, and they all know somewhat about Concubine Cao Xuan’s identity.

Some people even come here specifically to curry favor.

“Everyone, don’t be restrained, please do your own thing.”

Facing the flattery of a group of people, Concubine Cao Xuan looked calm and did not react at all.

A pair of beautiful eyes glanced around, seeming to be looking for something.

“Brother, is that Miss Cao?”

Liu Xiangsi secretly pointed in the direction of Concubine Cao Xuan.

“That’s right. Apart from Miss Cao, I can’t think of anyone else with such a peerless appearance!”

Liu Cong’s eyes glowed, his face flushed, and his heart beat faster.

Although he has seen many beauties, this is the first time he has seen one as stunning as this.

At this moment, he finally understood what love at first sight meant.

If he could marry such a superb woman, he would rather live ten years less!

“She is indeed the third most beautiful woman on the rouge list, and she truly deserves her reputation!” Liu Xiangsi couldn’t take his eyes off her.

As a woman, she could no longer feel the slightest bit of jealousy, only amazement and envy.


At this time, Concubine Cao Xuan, who was admired by all the stars, seemed to see something, and suddenly she looked happy, and immediately accelerated to a certain place.

The joy between his brows could not be concealed no matter what.

“Senior brother! Look, look! Miss Cao is coming towards us! Is she coming for you?”

Seeing Concubine Cao Xuan approaching, Liu Xiangsi was both excited and nervous.

“Aiming at me? No way?”

Liu Cong was taken aback for a moment, a little at a loss.

He was full of confidence before, but after seeing Concubine Cao Xuan in person, he couldn’t help but feel a little timid and guilty.

Such a woman is so perfect, like a fairy in the sky, so perfect that she cannot be touched or touched.

“Why not? There are only a few of us here. If Miss Cao is not targeting you, who else can she be targeting?”

Liu Xiangsi began to think: “In my opinion, Miss Cao must have taken a liking to you, so she came here to make friends!”


Chapter: 2468

Hearing this, Liu Cong looked around and found that there was indeed no other big shot around him.

For a moment, I felt both pleasantly surprised and apprehensive.

Could it be that I am going to have good luck today?

“Brother! Have confidence!”

Liu Xiangsi whispered encouragement from the side: “You are handsome, knowledgeable, and charming. It is not surprising that you have attracted Miss Cao. As long as you seize the opportunity and capture Miss Cao’s heart, you will definitely be successful in the future!”

After being praised so much, Liu Cong smiled crookedly, and the confidence he had just lost was regained.

“Okay! Since Miss Cao is interested in losing her love, I can’t break the beauty’s heart. Let’s see, senior brother, how I can win the beauty back tonight!”

Liu Cong straightened his tie, touched his hair, and walked towards Concubine Cao Xuan with his head held high.

Like a gallant knight marrying a princess.

“Hello, Miss Cao, I am…”

Liu Cong walked up to him, smiled and stretched out his hand, just when he was about to introduce himself.

However, he found that Concubine Cao Xuan ignored him and passed him by.

Then under the spotlight, he threw himself into Lu Chen’s arms with joy on his face: “Husband! I miss you so much!”

“Husband! I miss you so much!”

In the astonished eyes of a group of people, Concubine Cao Xuan quickly threw herself into Lu Chen’s arms and hugged him tightly.

Like lovers reunited after a long separation, passionate and intimate.

It’s just this bold move, but everyone on the scene looked stupid.

Everyone was dumbfounded and shocked.

Especially Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi, they were stunned as if they were struck by lightning.

A look of disbelief.

what’s the situation?

The chairman of the dignified Chen Fei Group, the third most beautiful woman on the rouge list, and the granddaughter of the Duke, actually took the initiative to throw himself into the arms of a poor loser?

How is this possible? ! !


Liu Cong’s hand was still stretched out, but his head was unconsciously turned towards Lu Chen and Concubine Cao Xuan.

The smile on his face had completely froze, his heart was even more turbulent, and he was beyond shocked.

Could it be that everything Lu Chen said before was true?

Is the beautiful Miss Cao really Lu Chen’s woman?

But how is that possible?

Lu Chen was just a nobody, he could at most know a little bit about boxing and medical skills.

Chapter: 2469

There are countless such people in Yanjing, they are simply mediocre.


How can such a person be favored by Miss Cao?

But he is handsome, young, promising, and talented, but he is not even qualified to let Miss Cao take a second look.

Why? !

“No…impossible! How could this guy know Miss Cao? How could he be so virtuous as to be able to reach such a proud woman??”

Liu Xiangsi’s eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

In her opinion, Lu Chen is just a country bumpkin who came to Yanjing to fight hard.

One has no background, two has no ability, and three has no connections.

You can only linger on at the bottom, and it will be difficult to get ahead for a lifetime.

The other party is not even worthy of her, let alone the granddaughter of the current Duke of the country?

The combination of these two people is simply like a toad and a swan, which is incredible.

“Husband, how are you? Am I beautiful today? To meet you, she has dressed up carefully.”

Concubine Cao Xuan held Lu Chen’s waist with both hands and looked up at his handsome and resolute face, her beautiful eyes filled with joy.

Although we hadn’t seen each other for just a few days, it seemed like a century had passed.

“Beautiful, beautiful, of course beautiful!”

Lu Chen smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to pick up a strand of hair that had escaped from Concubine Cao Xuan’s cheek, and put it behind her ear.

All the previous worries and troubles were swept away when I saw the beautiful woman in front of me.

The whole person’s energy and energy have become different.

“I’m so beautiful, how about a kiss?”

Concubine Cao Xuan stretched out her slender jade fingers and tapped her moist red lips with a sexy and charming smile.


Lu Chen’s smile froze.

He looked up and saw hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at him all around.

It’s not appropriate to show affection in public like this, right?

“Giggle… teasing you.”

Concubine Cao Xuan smiled sweetly: “I’m so sorry in front of so many people, let’s go home and kiss again.”

Lu Chen couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

Sure enough, she is a grinding fairy, and she hasn’t changed at all.

“Come on, let me introduce you…”

Chapter: 2470

Concubine Cao Xuan took Lu Chen’s arm, faced the guests in the banquet hall, and said with a smile: “This is my fiance, Lu Chen, please take care of me in the future.”

“Lu Chen?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other and whispered.

“Who is Lu Chen? Why haven’t I heard of him? Do we have such a number one young talent in Yanjing?”

“It’s strange. I think I’m well-informed, but I’ve never heard of this person.”

“According to this, he is just an unknown person? Why would Miss Cao like this kind of person?”

“He looks pretty good, I guess he’s a pretty boy who can make people happy, right?”


A group of dignitaries whispered to each other with doubts on their faces.

As a person in the upper circle, the news is very well-informed.

As for the name Lu Chen, they had never heard of it at all. This shows that the other party is not a famous noble.

It’s just that they don’t understand why Concubine Cao Xuan, who used to be aloof, favors such a small role?

Is it true love? Or just a whim?

“It turns out to be Mr. Lu, I’ve heard of him for a long time!”

At this time, a fat middle-aged man came forward and said with a smile: “My name is Tian Shun, and I am the owner of Tianwaitian Hotel. I have always admired Mr. Lu’s style. I am really lucky to meet you today!” ”

“Hi Boss Tian.” Lu Chen responded with a smile.

Although it is a scene talk, at least it sounds comfortable.

It is obviously not easy for Tian Shun to be able to establish Tianwaitian and make it flourish.

“Mr. Lu, I am Yang De, the chairman of AutoNavi Group. Please take good care of me in the future.”

“Mr. Lu, I am the deputy general of the city guard, Huang Chao! If you encounter any troubles in the future, you can tell me at any time, and I promise to let you rest easy!”

“Mr. Lu…”

With Tian Shun’s leadership, more and more important people began to squeeze forward, asking each other and flattering them.

They didn’t care who Lu Chen was, nor did they care what the other party’s status was.

Even if it is a piece of shit, as long as Concubine Cao Xuan takes it seriously, they must greet her with a smile and be respectful.

This is human nature.

Because of Concubine Cao Xuan, Lu Chen, who had not been noticed before, now became the center of attention.

Highly sought after.

Lu Chen was neither humble nor arrogant, he greeted everyone with a smile and handled it just right.

“Why? Why him? Why not me?”

Looking at Lu Chen, who was so beautiful, Liu Cong clenched his fists and gritted his teeth with hatred.

Chapter: 2471

He was envious and jealous, but mostly dissatisfied.

Lu Chen is just a poor loser, far behind him.

Why would Miss Cao like such a person?

“Senior brother, don’t be discouraged. He’s just a pretty boy. He’s just a pretty guy but useless. Maybe Miss Cao will get tired of playing with her for a few days.”

With a gloomy face, Liu Xiangsi continued to brainwash Liu Cong.

As a woman, she would never believe that Concubine Cao Xuan would marry an unknown person because of her excellence.

If nothing else, Chen Guogong would not be able to pass the test.

So she concluded that the two of them would never be together for a long time and it was just for fun.

“Play? How can someone named Lu be worthy enough to let Miss Cao play?” Liu Cong was still unwilling.

The stunning beauty ranked third on the rouge list actually took advantage of Lu Chen, a loser.

It’s really a flower stuck in cow dung.

Why is it not him who is being played? Why? ?

“What are you doing?!”

At this time, a loud voice suddenly sounded at the door.

Its sound was like thunder, and everyone was shocked to turn their heads to wait and see.

A burly young man in military uniform walked in aggressively.

The man’s eyes are sharp, his aura is strong, and the golden epaulets on his shoulders clearly prove that he is a young general!


After seeing the man, Concubine Cao Xuan’s smile subsided, her brows were slightly frowned, and there was a little more disgust in her eyes.

The group of dignitaries who had just surrounded Lu Chen all changed their expressions at this moment and hurriedly dispersed, for fear of getting into trouble.

As soon as the man in military uniform appeared, the entire banquet hall fell silent.

Everyone gave way one after another, like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

You must know that the man in front of him has a bursting personality, is unreasonable, and is notoriously moody.

But he has a strong background and no one dares to mess with him.

When you encounter someone, you can only hide as far away as possible to avoid getting burned.

“Senior brother, who is coming in here? He looks so majestic.”

Liu Xiangsi was both surprised and curious.

It is obvious that one person suppressed the whole audience.

“If I admit it correctly, he should be Cui Xiong of the Cui family!” Liu Cong said with narrowed eyes.

“Cui Xiong? Could it be the one known as one of the four great demon kings?” Liu Xiangsi couldn’t help but widen her eyes.

Chapter: 2472

“That’s right, it’s him.” Liu Cong nodded.

He didn’t dare to look directly, so he could only peek out of the corner of his eye.

The Cui family is a royal family in the inner city, as famous as the Chen family, with great energy and power.

As for Cui Xiong, among the many young talents in the Cui family, they are among the best.

Not only is his background strong, but he also has outstanding abilities. He is already a fourth-rank strong military general at a young age, and he can be said to have a bright future.

The only problem is that Cui Xiong is too violent and often gets into trouble.

As a result, he has a bad reputation and is called the Demon King of Confusion.

“It’s strange, why is this kind of bully here? Judging from his fierce appearance, he can’t be causing trouble, right?” Liu Xiangsi shrank his neck, a little afraid.

There are four great demon kings in Yanjing, all of whom are notorious. Most people are frightened just by hearing their names.

Cui Xiong is one of them.

“It shouldn’t be a cause for trouble. I heard that Cui Xiong fell in love with Miss Cao at first sight. He probably came here today to support her.” Liu Cong said thoughtfully.


Liu Xiangsi seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: “If Cui Xiong likes Miss Cao, wouldn’t he and Lu Chen be love rivals?”

“Hey…it seems to be true!”

Liu Cong also reacted quickly, sweeping away the downturn: “With Cui Xiong’s character, he will definitely not tolerate someone robbing him of a woman. According to this, Lu Chen is going to be unlucky today!”

“Hmph! It deserves it!”

Liu Xiangsi folded her arms around her chest, with a gloating expression: “Who told him that a toad wants to eat swan meat? He has no skills at all, and he still wants to win Miss Cao. Is the retribution coming? Let’s see how he ends up!”

“Let me tell you, how can such a loser win a beautiful woman? Now a powerful enemy has appeared, let’s see how he ends up!”

Liu Cong had a smile on his face and a face full of joking, as if he was watching a show.

Chase Lu can’t even dream of getting the woman he can’t get!

“Concubine Xuan! Who is this kid?”

Cui Xiongda strode in, staring at Lu Chen with a very unkind expression.

He had just seen all the intimate behavior between Concubine Cao Xuan and Lu Chen.

Naturally, he was particularly unhappy with such a sudden love rival.

“Who he is is none of your business.”

Concubine Cao Xuan spoke coldly, and she didn’t have a good face.

“I have heard what you said. He is the pretty boy you raised, right?” Cao Xiong asked.

“I’ll say it again, it has nothing to do with you!” Concubine Cao Xuan’s eyes were filled with disgust.

She has had many suitors, but people like Cui Xiong are the ones she hates the most.

Domineering, self-righteous, always feel that all women in the world have to revolve around him, with a posture of being the only one who respects me.

Chapter: 2473

It’s really annoying.

“What do you mean it has nothing to do with me? You are the woman I like. You can only be with me. Other men are not worthy of you!” Cui Xiong said in a strong tone.

“You think you deserve it?”

Concubine Cao Xuan snorted coldly: “Looking at your well-developed limbs and simple mind, you look like a chimpanzee. Who would like someone like you?”


Cui Xiong raised his hand to hit him, he raised it in the air, but he forcibly endured it.

No woman had ever dared to talk to him like that.

If he hadn’t had some scruples, he would have been the overlord long ago.

“Boy! What’s your background? How dare you snatch a woman from me? Are you impatient?”

Cui Xiong turned his eyes and looked at Lu Chen fiercely.

He couldn’t touch Concubine Cao Xuan, but he could easily deal with a pretty boy.

As long as he is not a relative of the emperor or a member of the four major royal families, he can make whatever he wants.

“Before asking other people’s names, you must first state your own. This is the most basic quality.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Hmph! Do you want to know my name? Yes! I will help you!”

Cui Xiong glared and said fiercely: “Now, prick up your ears and listen carefully. I am Cui Xiong of the royal Cui family, a fourth-grade strong general, nicknamed Black Whirlwind!”

“Oh, so what?” Lu Chen was expressionless.

“How about it?”

Cui Xiong was slightly startled, not expecting Lu Chen to answer like this.

You know, if ordinary people hear his name, their legs will probably go limp from fright.

But the kid in front of him didn’t react at all.

He couldn’t help wondering if he didn’t make it clear?

“Boy! Don’t you know the royal family, the Cui family?” Cui Xiong narrowed his eyes.

“I know.” Lu Chen nodded.

“Then you don’t understand the power of a fourth-rank strong military general?” Cui Xiong asked again.

“Understood.” Lu Chen nodded again.

“Since you know my identity and how powerful I am, why are you not afraid at all?” Cui Xiong said solemnly.

“Why should I be afraid?”

Lu Chen said indifferently: “It’s just a bullying, ignorant dude, what should I be afraid of?”

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

“Fuck! Is this guy crazy? How dare he provoke Cui Xiong in public? Don’t you want to die?”

Chapter: 2474

“I don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth at such a young age, and even dare to offend the devil king of the world, it is really self-defeating!”

“When Cui Xiong got angry, blood spattered five steps. This kid is dead today!”


The sudden change shocked everyone.

No one expected that Chase Lu would be so bold that he uttered wild words in public, completely ignoring Cui Xiong.

Who is Cui Xiong?

That is the frightening demon king of the world, a man with a vicious reputation!

Anyone who offended Cui Xiong would end up dead and disabled, and no one would end well.

If you see it on weekdays, you won’t be able to hide in time.

The guy in front of him is fine, but he actually put himself on the gun.

Isn’t this asking for death?

“Hmph! You’re a fool! If you dare to challenge Cui Xiong, it’s up to you to die!”

Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi sneered again and again, looking gloating.

Once Cui Xiong gets angry, even Miss Cao may not be able to stop him.

“Boy! What did you just say? I didn’t catch it clearly. If you have the guts, say it again!”

Cui Xiong’s face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth, his eyes were almost spitting fire.

“I said, you are uneducated and incompetent. You are just a playboy who relies on your family name to gain power here. Now, do you hear me clearly enough? Do you understand me enough?” Lu Chen spoke again.

As soon as these words came out, a thought came to everyone’s mind.

“It’s over! This guy is completely hopeless!”


Cui Xiong suddenly laughed, his laughter rising from low to high, becoming more and more unrestrained.

Everyone felt their scalps go numb, and subconsciously distanced themselves.

Everyone knows that Cui Xiong is famous for his perverse personality and moodiness, especially his signature sneer. Every time he appears, it means he is about to see blood.

“Boy! You really have the guts!”

After Cui Xiong smiled, his face suddenly darkened: “How many years have passed, and no one has dared to talk to me like this? Unlearned and incompetent? Good… very good! I just say these two words to you. If so, today, you will surely die!”

As he spoke, his fingers moved towards the gun at his waist.

“Cui Xiong! I warn you not to mess around!”

Concubine Cao Xuan stood in front of her, and said coldly: “Lu Chen is my man, if you dare to hurt him, I will never let you go!”


Cui Xiong frowned and looked a little ugly: “Concubine Cao Xuan, do you know what you are talking about? Do you still want to go against me for such a pretty boy?!”

Chapter: 2475

“So what if you are against me? Do you really think you can be lawless?” Concubine Cao Xuan was not afraid at all.

With Cui Xiong’s notoriety, it’s okay to frighten the children of some small families.

But it was far from enough to scare her.

“Hmph! You are a woman, I don’t care about you.”

Cui Xiong gritted his teeth and glanced at Chase Lu with fierce eyes: “Boy, aren’t you crazy? What’s the point of hiding behind a woman? You have the guts to challenge me, let’s have a duel between men!”

“You are not worthy to fight me.” Lu Chen said lightly.

“Fuck! You have such a loud voice!”

Cui Xiong’s face darkened: “I am a dignified fourth-grade general with both civil and military skills. Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you look down on me?!”

“So what about a fourth-grade general? You are here today because the Cui family paved the way for you? Otherwise, do you really think you can be so prosperous?” Lu Chen sneered.

He has seen many playboys like Cui Xiong.

Relying on the family’s power, he worked as an official and a half-job, thinking he was great, but in fact he was just a loser.

“Dog! I’ll ask you if you dare to fight me!”

Cui Xiong roared angrily: “If you don’t dare, then immediately kneel down and kowtow to Lao Tzu, and admit that you are a coward in public, so I can spare your dog’s life!”

“Since you like to be beaten so much, I will help you and let you understand that you should not be too arrogant.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Okay! I want to see what you are capable of today!”

Cui Xiong snorted coldly, took off his coat, threw it to his subordinates, and walked straight onto the stage.

The singers and dancers on the stage were scared to death.

“Husband, do you really want to fight him?” Concubine Cao Xuan asked.

“Such a reckless man can only be intimidated by force. No matter how much he talks, it is useless. Only by subduing him can we have a good conversation.” Lu Chen said.

“It makes sense.” Concubine Cao Xuan nodded slightly: “However, you have to be careful.”

“What? Afraid I lose?” Lu Chen asked with a smile.

“Of course not.” Concubine Cao Xuan rolled her eyes: “I just want you to be gentle and don’t knock him down, otherwise it will be very troublesome.”

She naturally knows Lu Chen’s strength.

It must be more than enough to deal with a Cui Xiong.

But the problem is, behind Cui Xiong is the Cui family of the royal family, if it goes too far, it will be difficult to end.

“Don’t worry, I’m just teaching him a lesson. If he retreats despite difficulties, nothing will happen.” Lu Chen smiled lightly.

Of course, if he is stubborn, don’t blame him for being cruel.

“Hey! Boy! Why are you dawdling down there? Come on stage!”

On the stage, Cui Xiong stood majestically, and his whole person was menacing.

He is 1.9 meters tall, with a burly physique and full of muscles. Coupled with that fierce look, he looks very oppressive.

Chapter: 2476

“What’s the rush? Are you rushing to reincarnate?”

Chase Lu glanced coldly, then slowly walked onto the stage.

This move caused many people to whisper.

“Isn’t this guy too courageous? How dare he actually take the stage to fight? You know, Cui Xiong is a real general. A duel with this kind of person is like a moth to the flame?”

“Though it is commendable to be brave, you are asking for trouble after all.”

“To be a person, one must be self-aware. It’s good to be a good boy honestly. You have to show your strength in public. If you get kicked out in a while, it’s too late to regret it.”


The guests in the audience sighed and shook their heads.

In their view, Lu Chen’s behavior is undoubtedly self-destruction.

Originally, Ms. Cao was protecting her, so as long as she was a little cowardly, nothing would happen.

Just for the sake of face, he had to confront Cui Xiong head-on.

It’s all right now, it’s hard to get off a tiger, and maybe it will cost your life.

“Hmph! You’re so stupid. Wouldn’t it be nice to hide behind Ms. Cao? You have to put on a show, and let’s see how you end up!” Liu Cong sneered.

“You are not overestimating your own abilities! Do you really think that you can compete head-on with a fourth-grade general just because you know how to punch and kick? You are simply asking for your own death!” Liu Xiangsi gloated.

The two stood side by side, looking at Lu Chen on the stage, as if they were looking at a dead person.

When they learned that Miss Cao liked Lu Chen, they were both envious and jealous.

But there is no need for it now, because the other party’s life is not long.

“Boy! I will give you one last chance. Kneel down in front of me, kowtow and beg for mercy, and then leave Concubine Cao Xuan. In this way, I will spare your life!”

On the stage, Cui Xiong stood with his hands behind his hands, his face cold and his eyes sharp.

It seems that victory is already certain.

“The same thing, I’ll give it back to you, don’t harass my woman anymore, or I’ll beat you until even your mother doesn’t know you.” Lu Chen said lightly.

“Dog! I think you won’t cry until you see the coffin! Go to hell!”

Cui Xiong finally couldn’t bear it anymore and went into a rage.

As soon as he stepped forward, his whole body shot out like an arrow from a string. After getting close to him, he raised his hand and punched Lu Chen hard in the face.

This punch is so powerful that it can crack open monuments and rocks.

Every time he performed martial arts in the army, he was victorious in every battle. Now it is easy to deal with a little boy.

Seeing the roaring attack, Lu Chen didn’t dodge or evade, just raised his hand lightly, and grabbed Cui Xiong’s iron fist.


Fist and palm collided with a muffled sound.

Chase Lu remained motionless and unresponsive.

Chapter: 2477

Cui Xiong, on the other hand, looked shocked and a little unbelievable.

Because he found that when his fist touched Lu Chen’s palm, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any fluctuations.

The power he was so proud of also lost its effect at this moment.

how so?

“If you only have this strength, then just admit defeat.” Lu Chen said lightly.

“you wanna die!”

Cui Xiong became angry from embarrassment, and directly mobilized his whole body’s internal strength, and suddenly blasted out another punch, hitting Lu Chen directly on the chin.

His punches are astonishing and powerful, like a tiger coming out of its cage.


Lu Chen shook his head, sideways dodged Cui Xiong’s punch, grabbed his wrist, and gently pulled it forward.

Due to inertia, Cui Xiong’s center of gravity was unstable, he stumbled and threw himself forward.

Lu Chen stretched out his foot at the same time and stumbled.

Then, Cui Xiong made a “dong” sound and fell to pieces on the spot.

No image.


Looking at Cui Xiong who fell on his face and fell to the ground.

Everyone in the audience couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, with faces full of astonishment.

No one expected that Cui Xiong, who had been so majestic and arrogant just now, would suddenly fall into a big mess.

Although Cui Xiong is notorious, no one doubts his strength.

To be able to become a fourth-grade powerful general and to be called the Demon King is obviously not just for anyone.

With Cui Xiong’s ability, it is not a problem to fight one against ten or one against a hundred.

However, such a sturdy general, a man with a great reputation, would actually fall like a dog eating shit.

It’s really embarrassing.

The mighty image created in the past was completely destroyed.

“What happened? Cui Xiong was so good, why did he fall?”

Liu Cong’s eyes widened and he was a little confused.

Because the two sides moved so fast, he didn’t see clearly for a while.

“Accident…it must be an accident!”

Liu Xiangsi took a deep breath and began to comfort herself.

How could Lu Chen be the opponent of General Zhuangwu?

Chapter: 2478

Just purely coincidental.

on the stage.

Cui Xiong seemed a little dazed after falling. After a few seconds, he quickly got up.

At this moment, he had a gray face, a collapsed nose, and two lines of nosebleeds flowing down, staining his white shirt red.

It looks a little funny.


Offstage, Concubine Cao Xuan couldn’t help laughing.

This sound immediately triggered a chain reaction, so that inappropriate laughter appeared everywhere.

Although he tried his best to restrain himself, the ups and downs caused quite a stir.

“Shut up! Don’t laugh! Shut up all of them!”

Cui Xiong was immediately irritated, and shouted angrily, “If anyone dares to laugh again, I will kill his whole family!”

As soon as these words came out, the voice stopped abruptly.

The whole place immediately fell silent, and those who had laughed before lowered their heads with panic on their faces.

I almost forgot, Cui Xiong is unyielding and ruthless. Anyone who dares to offend will be asking for trouble.


Cui Xiong wiped his nosebleed, glanced at Lu Chen again with ferocious eyes, and shouted: “You bastard! How dare you tease me? I want you to die without a burial!”

After the words fell, his footsteps kicked, and he rushed forward like a mad beast.

Those bloodshot eyes seemed to want to eat people.

“Die to me!!”

Cui Xiong roared angrily, no longer holding back his hands, and directly used the ultimate move.

I saw his fists hitting repeatedly, turning into fist shadows all over the sky, and smashing towards Lu Chen fiercely.

The ferocity of his fists is like a violent storm, overwhelming and unstoppable.

Wherever they passed, there was a constant whistling sound, like ghosts crying and wolves howling, which made people’s scalp go numb.

“What a terrifying pressure. Could this be the Cui family’s Fiery Wind and Fire Fist?”

“That’s right! The Wind and Fire Fist is one of the Cui family’s unique skills. After practice, it can break metal and crack rocks. It is so powerful that no one can stop it!”

“It seems that Cui Xiong was really angered and directly used his family secrets. Lu Chen is in danger!”


Seeing Cui Xiong who was possessed like a god of war, many people in the audience were shocked.

Being able to become the outstanding member of the Cui family, becoming a fourth-rank general, is indeed not someone who has a reputation for nothing.

“You must be hopeless now, right?”

Chapter: 2479

Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi stared at each other with anticipation.

Cui Xiong was forced to use his family’s secret skills. It would be outrageous if Lu Chen didn’t die.


Lu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, a little impatiently.

He was already polite enough and never hurt anyone, just to make Cui Xiong retreat.

I didn’t expect that the other party was so disrespectful and looked like he was chasing after him fiercely.

It seems that if you don’t give some color, you really don’t know the gap between the two sides.

At this thought, Lu Chen no longer tolerated it and punched directly.

Simple and rude.


Only one pop was heard.

The fist shadows that filled the sky with overwhelming force just now were directly shattered by Lu Chen’s punch.

The surge of energy lifted Cui Xiong several meters away on the spot, and then he fell heavily to the ground, unable to get up.


As soon as he landed, Cui Xiong spat out a mouthful of blood, and his complexion instantly turned pale.

All the bones in his body seemed to be falling apart, and he was in constant pain. He couldn’t lift any strength, and it was difficult to even turn over.


Seeing this scene, the audience was in an uproar.

Everyone’s eyes widened, their faces full of disbelief.

When Cui Xiong used his trick, they all thought that Lu Chen would surely die.

However, no one expected that Lu Chen would be so powerful. With just one punch, he easily broke through the Cui family’s secret skills and even knocked Cui Xiong away from the air.

It’s a crushing victory.

This strength is really scary!

“Did I read that correctly? Cui Xiong actually lost? And he lost so miserably?”

“A powerful fourth-grade general can’t beat a pretty boy? No one believes him even if he says it.”

“Oh my god! Are all the pretty girls today so strong? Are they too curly?”

Seeing the embarrassed Cui Xiong, everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

They initially thought that Lu Chen was just a jobber with no real abilities.

Unexpectedly, the opponent’s force was so strong, and he defeated the general Cui Xiong with one move.

Completely amazed everyone.

Chapter: 2480

“How… how is it possible? Why can this guy defeat Cui Xiong?”

Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi looked dull and horrified.

The sudden reversal, like a heavy hammer, hit the hearts of the two of them hard.

They just want to see Lu Chen lose, see Lu Chen lose face, and even die.

However, things backfired, the other party was not only fine, but even showed a big… big prestige.

This feeling is simply worse than eating shit.

“The victory has been decided. Remember, stay away from my woman in the future.”

Lu Chen dropped a word lightly, and then walked off the stage without looking back.

At this moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Lu Chen became a little different.

It seems that this pretty boy is not a simple person.

“Bastard! You are going to die for me!!”

Looking at Lu Chen’s back, Cui Xiong bared his eyes, his face full of ferociousness.

He ignored it, pulled out the gun from his waist, and pulled the trigger hard.

“Watch your back!”

Concubine Cao Xuan’s complexion changed, and she quickly reminded her.

But when she spoke, gunfire rang out.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

Only a few gunshots were heard, and a few screams came from the crowd.

Several unfortunate guests were injured by stray bullets and lay on the ground wailing.

On the other hand, Chase Lu, who was targeted, disappeared at some point.

When he reappeared, he was already standing in front of Cui Xiong.

The two sides faced each other, with the distance less than half a meter.

At this moment, Lu Chen’s face was indifferent, and his eyes were filled with murderous aura.

“You… are looking for death!”


Cui Xiong, who even fired several shots, only felt a flash in front of his eyes.

Lu Chen, who was ten meters away, suddenly appeared in front of him at an incredible speed.

“You… are looking for death!”

A cold and stern voice sounded in my ears.

Cui Xiong’s expression changed and he raised his gun to shoot again. However, before he could pull the trigger, Lu Chen grabbed his wrist and squeezed it hard.

Chapter: 2481


With a crisp sound, Cui Xiong’s wrist was broken on the spot, and the fingers holding the gun hang down weakly.


After being slightly startled, Cui Xiong immediately let out a shrill scream.

As a result, during the shouting, Lu Chen punched him in the abdomen.


Blood spurted out, and Cui Xiong’s whole body was like a cannonball, which instantly bounced more than ten meters away, and then hit the wall heavily with a “dong” sound, causing several cracks.

After his body stagnated on the wall for a second, he slowly slid down like mud.

His head was hanging up, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he didn’t know how many bones were broken in his body.

With just one punch, Cui Xiong was directly beaten to a disability.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and speechless.

From Cui Xiong drawing a gun for a sneak attack, to Lu Chen’s counterattack, and finally Cui Xiong being defeated.

The whole process happened very quickly, and it was over in just two or three seconds, so that the guests present were a little unresponsive.

“You don’t have martial ethics? Do you want to carry out a sneak attack? That’s all you have.”

Lu Chen walked forward with a cold face and stepped on Cui Xiong’s chest.


Just as Cui Xiong was about to say something, he spurted out another mouthful of blood, feeling as if his chest was about to burst.

The heart was even under tremendous pressure, as if as long as Lu Chen exerted a little more force, it would explode directly.


At this time, Liu Cong jumped out suddenly and shouted: “Hey! Lu Chen! You are so brave! Hurry up and let go!”

“What? You want to meddle in your own business?”

Lu Chen slowly turned around, his sharp eyes frightening Liu Cong to shrink his neck and feel inexplicably flustered.

But thinking of his own glory and wealth, and the opportunity to lean on the big tree of the Cui family, he gritted his teeth and took a few steps forward with courage.

“Lu Chen! You are so presumptuous!”

“Cui Shao has a noble status, if you hurt him, the consequences will be serious!”

“If you are sensible, quickly let go of the reminder, and then take the initiative to apologize, so that you may still have a way to survive!”

Liu Cong held his head high and held his chest high, pretending to be a tiger.

If he protects Cui Xiong today, it will definitely be a great achievement, and maybe the entire Liu family will be raised to heaven.

“That’s right! I order you to release him immediately, otherwise you will face disaster!” Liu Xiangsi yelled.

Although Cui Xiong is a bit embarrassed now, it does not hinder the other party’s noble status. If she can be favored by Cui Xiong, even if she is a plaything, it will be a great honor.

Chapter: 2482

“What if I don’t let go?” Lu Chen sneered.

“How dare you!” Liu Xiangsi glared.

“Lu Chen! Those who understand current affairs are heroes. I advise you not to set yourself on fire!” Liu Cong shouted sternly.

Although the rest of the people didn’t speak, most of them had the same idea.

Although Lu Chen has some strength, he has no background after all. Even with Concubine Cao Xuan protecting him, it is impossible to challenge the Cui family.

It is the wisest choice to accept as soon as you see it.


Lu Chen’s soles of his feet were slowly exerting force, causing Cui Xiong’s eyes to roll, his face flushed, and his chest seemed to be pressed against a mountain.

He could no longer breathe, and his heart seemed to be about to jump out.

A fear of death instantly filled his body.

“Don’t… don’t kill me… What happened today was a misunderstanding.” Cui Xiong squeezed out a few words hoarsely.

At this moment, he was really scared.

When death comes, the identity, status, and dignity are all unimportant.

As long as you can live, these can be discarded.

He still has a beautiful life, and enjoys endless glory and wealth, so he doesn’t need to work hard with others.

“Young Master! Don’t be afraid. This guy doesn’t dare to mess around. He’s just scaring you!” Liu Xiangsi comforted him.


The corner of Cui Xiong’s mouth twitched, almost yelling.

My chest is about to be crushed, what the hell is this called scaring?

“Young Master! Just hold on, I’ve already called for help. When reinforcements arrive, Lu Chen will have no chance of escaping!” Liu Xiangsi continued to cheer.

Damn it! You can shut up!

Cui Xiong roared in his heart, his life was in Lu Chen’s hands, wouldn’t it be self-defeating to provoke the other party at this time?

If he hadn’t been suppressed so that his whole body was weak, he would have wanted to blow Liu Xiangsi’s head off with two “Bang Bang” punches.

I’m asking you to persuade people so much. Are you just threatening me because you think I won’t die soon enough?

“Brother, we don’t know each other until we fight. As long as you let me go, I’ll pretend what happened today never happened. How about that?” Cui Xiong said in a weak voice.

“If I let you go, I’m afraid I won’t survive tonight?” Lu Chen said coldly.

“No…not…” Cui Xiong shook his head again and again: “I can swear that I will never hold you accountable.”

“You don’t hold me accountable, but I will hold you accountable.” Lu Chen didn’t give up: “The woman who provoked me was so arrogant and domineering. How can it be so easy to get away now?”

“Then what do you want?” Cui Xiong was inexplicably nervous.

“First, apologize publicly; second, stop harassing my woman; third, compensate for my mental damages. If you do these, I will let you go.” Chase Lu set out the conditions.

Chapter: 2483


Cui Xiong opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Liu Xiangsi interrupted: “You’re dreaming! What are you? How dare you ask me to apologize? It’s wishful thinking!”

“Lu Chen! I warn you not to push yourself too hard! If you let go of the reminder, you will be caught without a fight. There is still a chance of life. If you persist in your obsession, you will only have a dead end!” Liu Cong yelled.

The two sang and harmonized, and they cooperated very well.


In a panic, Cui Xiong spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

These two evil spirits really pushed him into the fire pit!

“Don’t get too excited, young master. Reinforcements will arrive soon. Hold on!” Liu Cong said to comfort him.

“Lu Chen! Release Young Master quickly, or I will fight you tooth and nail!” Liu Xiangsi threatened sternly.

While speaking, he secretly glanced at Cui Xiong.

Hehe, with her current professional performance, she should be appreciated by Cui Xiong, right?


Cui Xiong gritted his teeth, his eyes seemed to be cannibalistic.

At this moment, his resentment towards Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi was even greater than that of Lu Chen.

These two villains, if I can get out alive, I will definitely break your dog legs!

“Cui Xiong, do you agree to my conditions, or stick to my guns? Choose one, right?” Lu Chen said indifferently.

“I agree…I agree to your conditions.” Cui Xiong finally compromised.

Damn it, if this continues, I will die just from vomiting blood.

“Very well, I hope you will do what you say.”

Lu Chen nodded and finally let go of his feet.

Cui Xiong felt his whole body light up, and the sense of crisis of death gradually disappeared. His whole body felt like he had been amnesty, and he breathed the surrounding air crazily.

The sense of oppression Lu Chen gave him just now was too great.

He can be sure that if he has the slightest bit of harsh words or any tendency to retaliate, he will probably be killed on the spot!

This guy is simply a lunatic!


Cui Xiong was breathing heavily, sweating all over his body, and he felt like he was surviving a disaster.

He never dreamed that the pretty boy next to Concubine Cao Xuan would be so strong, and act boldly and without scruples, completely ignoring the Cui family.

Is it arrogance or ignorance?

Or are you confident?

“Cui Shao, are you okay?”

Chapter: 2484

At this time, Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi boldly stepped forward, and began to express their loyalty with greetings.

Isn’t it just to please Cui Xiong by making all kinds of noises to Lu Chen?

If you can take this opportunity and become the other party’s confidant, you can squeeze into the upper class circle.

Success is just around the corner!

“Young Master Cui, you didn’t have to be afraid of him at all just now, just go straight to the end, even if I judge him, I wouldn’t dare to do anything to you!”

Liu Xiangsi pointed at Lu Chen with her chin, her face full of arrogance and disdain.

In her opinion, the other party is purely pretending to be a tiger.

After all, as long as the mind is a little normal, they dare not challenge the majesty of the Cui family.

“Cui Xiong, if you are not convinced, you can try again.” Lu Chen said expressionlessly.

“Try and die!”

Liu Xiangsi glared: “Master Cui! Reinforcements will arrive soon. As long as you say a word, I promise to make him pay a heavy price!”

“Shut the hell up!”

Cui Xiong bared his eyes, and punched Liu Xiangsi hard on the face.


There was a muffled sound.

Liu Xiangsi was hit so hard that she took a few steps back and collapsed on the ground.

Her nose was collapsed, her front teeth were broken, blood was coming from her mouth and nose, she was dizzy, and she was completely stunned.

There was no reaction for a moment.

In fact, if Cui Xiong hadn’t been completely weak, this punch would have been enough to kill her half.

“Cui, Master Cui…why did you hit me?”

Liu Xiangsi covered her mouth and nose, her face full of grievances.

She didn’t understand what she had done wrong?

You were obviously trying to help, so why did you get punched for no reason?

Not only her, but also Liu Cong next to her with a look of astonishment.

what’s the situation?

Could it be that Cui Xiong was beaten stupid? Can’t tell the difference between friend and foe?

“Hit you? I really want to kill you!”

Cui Xiong gritted his teeth and wanted to continue, but his feet were weak and he almost fell to the ground.

“Young Master, this is my junior sister. I don’t know how she offended you, but please show me face…”

Liu Cong tried to speak up, but before he could finish his words, Cui Xiong slapped him in the face with his backhand and cursed: “F*ck n****! Who the hell are you? Do you want me to give you face? You are such a bitch. Is it worthy? Get out of my way!”

Chapter: 2485


Liu Cong staggered from the beating and nearly fell down.

Covering his burning face, he felt a little at a loss.

Damn it, this guy couldn’t really be beaten stupid, right?

Is there any reason to let the enemy Lu Chen ignore it and vent his anger on them?

“You two bitches, if you say one more nonsense, I will tear your mouths apart!” Cui Xiong was angry and fierce.

Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi were so scared that they didn’t dare to say anything anymore.

This is so, so moody!

“Cui Xiong, it’s time to fulfill your promise.” Lu Chen reminded him at the right time.

Cui Xiong took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down before finally turning his head and saying with an ugly face: “I’m sorry, I was too impulsive and did something wrong just now. I apologize to you; and I promise that I will never do it again.” Is it okay to harass Concubine Cao Xuan?”

Although it was very frustrating and humiliating, I had to bow my head when I was under the eaves.

“What? Master Cui actually apologized?”

Listening to Cui Xiong’s words, the whole audience was in an uproar.

You must know that the name of the Confused Demon King is not for nothing, even if he hits someone, the person who was beaten will apologize.

They have never seen Cui Xiong say sorry to others.

This is really the first time.


Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi looked at each other, as if they had eaten shit.

Unexpectedly, Cui Xiong, whom they tried so hard to please, would be so cowardly. He was so frightened that he apologized in public after just a few threats from a pretty boy.

What a price drop!

What kind of demon king seems to be nothing more than that.

Concubine Cao Xuan watched quietly, smiling without saying a word.

Sure enough, my man is domineering, and he will never spoil these dudes.

“How do you plan to compensate for my mental loss?” Lu Chen spoke again.

“Can you give me a price?” Cui Xiong said.

“I think your Cui family is not short of money, so why don’t you just give me three to five billion?” Lu Chen said calmly.

“What? Three to five billion? Why don’t you go grab it?!” Liu Xiangsi couldn’t help screaming.

“Lu Chen! You’re going too far!” Liu Cong said with a sullen face.

Is this guy crazy?

Not only did he beat Cui Xiong, but he also asked for compensation, and the price was three to five billion, without even damaging a single hair.

Chapter: 2486

It’s simply a sky-high asking price!

“What? Too little? Then add a few hundred million more.” Lu Chen sat down and raised the price.


Liu Xiangsi was about to yell at her, but Cui Xiong gave her a vicious look, her face turned pale with fright, she covered her mouth and nose, and dared not speak any more.

“Give me some time to raise money, and at this time tomorrow, I will pay you back every cent.” Cui Xiongwen said in a low voice.

“Refreshing.” Lu Chen smiled slightly: “Then we will make a deal.”

Cui Xiong didn’t speak, just nodded.

Damn, it’s so aggrieved, he’s never been so angry.

But in this situation, he had no choice.

“Quick! Surround this place for me!”

At this time, accompanied by a cry.

A group of heavily armed soldiers suddenly rushed in menacingly.

Once inside, all entrances and exits to the banquet hall were sealed.

The leader was a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties, wearing a military uniform, with a burly build and a majestic face.

Judging from the epaulettes on his shoulders, he has a higher official position than Cui Xiong.

“It’s Master Cui of the Cui family!”

After seeing the middle-aged man, there was a burst of exclamation in the venue.

The Cui family is prosperous, and Mr. Cui has ten children in total.

Among them, Cui Wuye of Cuicheng is the best among them, in his forties, he is already a second-rank General Longwei.

Holding a heavy army, the power is amazing. !

The most important thing is that Cui Cheng is famous for protecting shortcomings. Anyone who dares to harm the Cui family children will be suppressed by him crazily.

I didn’t expect Cui Xiong to be beaten this time, but it actually alarmed Cui Cheng, who has a violent personality.

It seems that things have become serious.

Anyone who dares to stand out today will be seeking death.

“Here we come! The reinforcements are finally here!”

Seeing this scene, Liu Xiangsi couldn’t help but look overjoyed.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, she finally looked forward to the arrival of Cui family reinforcements, so that her hard work would be in vain.

“Lu Chen, Lu Chen, your time of death has arrived!” Liu Cong smiled coldly.

Cui Wuye has always protected his weaknesses. Lu Chen beat Cui Xiong like this, which undoubtedly violated Cui Wuye’s rebellion.

Once Cui Wuye gets mad, even Ms. Cao can’t stop it.

Chapter: 2487

Lu Chen, it’s over!

“Uncle Five! Are you finally here?!”

Cui Xiong’s eyes lit up, as if seeing a savior, he hurriedly limped forward.


Cui Cheng sullenly, without further ado, directly slapped Cui Xiong on the face.


Cui Xiong was stunned by the sudden slap, and he couldn’t react for a moment.

The rest of the people were also stunned and confused about the situation.

Didn’t Master Cui Wu stand up for Cui Xiong? Why did he slap his nephew when they just met?

“Uncle Fifth, why did you hit me?”

Cui Xiong covered his hot face, looking aggrieved.

On the outside, he is the devil incarnation, but in front of Cui Cheng, he is undoubtedly a mouse who met a cat.

Because he is where he is today entirely because of his promotion by his fifth uncle.

“Hmph! Why should I hit you? Don’t you have any points?”

“How many times have I told you? Outside you can hit people, get into trouble, and be unscrupulous. No matter what you do, the Cui family will wipe your butt for you, but the only thing is, you can’t lose in a fight!”

“Our Cui family doesn’t raise cowards or the weak. You are a fourth-rank strong military general, and you can’t even beat a bad boy. You really embarrass our Cui family!”

“Tell me – should you hit me?”

At the end, Cui Cheng almost shouted.


Cui Xiong was momentarily at a loss for words, and lowered his head in shame.

The Cui family is a family of military and martial arts, with generations of famous generals, and the martial arts prevails in the family.

The children of the Cui family have had an unwritten rule since they were young that they can fall behind in any aspect, but not in fighting.

Once you lose a fight outside, you have to be beaten when you go home.

“Useless stuff! When I go back, I will get the 80 army sticks, and then go to the family ancestral hall to kneel for three days and three nights!” Cui Cheng shouted.

“Yes.” Cui Xiong lowered his head and did not dare to refute.

Seeing the furious Cui Cheng, everyone in the banquet hall looked at each other with strange eyes.

I have to say that the Cui family’s education method is really special.

Most families will restrain their young people from causing trouble outside.

The Cui family is doing the opposite.

Not only is he not restrained, but he even encourages troubles, but there is only one requirement, not to lose in fights outside, and not to weaken the name of the Cui family.

Chapter: 2488

No wonder Cui Xiong is called the Demon King. Who can a normal person stand this kind of educational concept?

“Who just bullied my nephew? Come forward and let me see!”

After teaching Cui Xiong a lesson, Cui Cheng strode to the center, his sharp eyes glaring around.

“Fifth Lord! It’s him! He’s the one who beat Young Master!”

Liu Xiangsi reacted quickly and immediately pointed at Lu Chen, trying to show off.


Cui Cheng squinted his eyes and looked over.

However, when his eyes rested on Lu Chen’s face, he couldn’t help but be slightly startled.

Why does this kid look familiar?

“Cui Wuye, this matter happened because of me, if you have any dissatisfaction, just point it at me.”

Concubine Cao Xuan took a few steps forward and stood in front of Lu Chen.

Cui Cheng is a solid general on the battlefield, a second-rank official, with astonishing force value.

He is more than a hundred times stronger than a dude like Cui Xiong.

“Women don’t meddle in men’s affairs.”

Cui Cheng looked Lu Chen up and down, feeling more and more familiar, and asked tentatively, “Boy, what’s your name? Which family do you come from?”

“His name is Lu Chen, and he is just an unknown person.” Liu Xiangsi quickly explained.

Naturally, she would not miss this opportunity to add insult to injury.

“Surname Lu?”

Cui Cheng’s eyelids twitched, suddenly feeling uneasy.

There is no big family named Lu in Yanjing, but this does not mean that the surname “Lu” does not carry much weight.

On the contrary, the “Lu” surname exists above the four royal families, and even keeps pace with the royal family’s Li surname.

Because the King of Wei in Xiliang, who had great power over the government and the public and was invincible to the country, was named Lu!

If it had been in the past, it wouldn’t be a big deal. The key point is that this kid looks too familiar, and his surname is Lu. Don’t blame him for his random thoughts.

“Boy, have we met somewhere?” Cui Cheng rubbed his chin.

“Really? I don’t remember.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Let me ask you, do you know who I am?” Cui Cheng asked again.

“I just found out, the Cui family, Cui Wuye, the second-rank General Longwei.” Lu Chen replied.

“Since you know my name, why are you not afraid at all?” Cui Cheng was a little surprised.

An ordinary person, seeing his legs go limp, but the kid in front of him is calm and relaxed, as if he doesn’t pay attention at all.

Are you a tough guy? Or are you confident?

hapter: 2489

“Why should I be afraid?”

Lu Chen said calmly: “Yanjing is a place where rules are followed. Your nephew Cui Xiong took the initiative to challenge and lost in the end. Everyone present can prove that your Cui family is the royal family of Yanjing. You should not bully others, right?”

“Hmph… sharp teeth and sharp mouth.”

Cui Cheng narrowed his eyes and said: “But you are right. Cui Xiong lost because he was incompetent. Our Cui family will not bully the small with the big. Of course, you can’t beat my Cui family’s children.” That’s all.

“I don’t know what Cui Wuye plans to do?” Lu Chen asked back.

“Where you fall, you must get up.”

Cui Cheng said calmly: “In three days, you will have another fight with our Cui family children. Life and death will be determined by fate. Do you dare?”

The younger generation lost face, so naturally the younger generation must get it back.

The Cui family has always been serious about fighting.

“Since Master Cui is so interested, I will naturally accompany him to the end. However, I have to add some more stakes.” Lu Chen spoke again.

“Oh? What kind of bet? Tell me about it?” Cui Cheng touched his chin.

“It’s very simple. If I win, your Cui family will have to do something for me.” Lu Chen said.

“Win? Hehehe…”

Cui Cheng smiled: “Boy, do you know what you’re talking about? Do you treat me as a child of the Cui family, are you all rich and poor?”

Cui Xiong’s force value ranks only tenth among the young members of the Cui family.

The truly powerful geniuses are all cultivated by the Cui family, and they never show their faces in public.

How can a kid of unknown origin compete with the genius cultivated by the Cui family?

“Master Cui Wu, let me ask you, do you want to bet or not?” Lu Chen looked calm.

“You want to bet, right? Okay! I’ll stay with you until the end!” Cui Cheng agreed and then changed the subject: “But, what if you lose?”

“I lost, I’ll let you do whatever you want.” Lu Chen said.

“Okay! I have the guts! Let’s see you in three days!” Cui Cheng smiled coldly.

There are so many martial arts geniuses in the Cui family. If they can’t defeat even a nobody, they might as well hang themselves.

“It’s a deal.” Lu Chen smiled.

“Close the team!”

Cui Cheng didn’t say much, waved his hand and led the people away.


Seeing this scene, Liu Xiangsi suddenly became anxious, and quickly ran forward to persuade him, “Fifth Cui! Don’t be fooled, this guy is lying to you. If you let him go today, he will run away tomorrow!”

“Are you teaching me how to do things?” Cui Cheng’s face darkened.

“You are in a high position and don’t know how dangerous people’s hearts are. I know Lu Chen very well. This guy is cunning, despicable and shameless. You can’t believe it!” Liu Xiangsi persuaded him earnestly.

“The person my Cui family is looking for is useless to the ends of the earth.” Cui Cheng said coldly.

Chapter: 2490


Liu Xiangsi was about to say something, but Cui Cheng slapped her hard on the face with a “slap”, and cursed: “Are you so busy? How dare you point fingers in front of me? Tired of work, aren’t you? I, get away!”

This slap was so hard that Liu Xiangsi staggered and fell to the ground, staring at her.

A face became red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye, the mouth was crooked, and blood was flowing.

“Fifth Master! Fifth Master, calm down!”

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Liu Cong immediately ran forward and said with a smile: “I am a descendant of the Liu family, and this is my junior sister. Please give me some face, Master Wu, and don’t embarrass her.”


Cui Cheng stared, and slapped Liu Cong on the face suddenly: “What the hell are you? How dare you ask me for face? Are you worthy?”

“No…don’t…” Liu Cong covered his face in panic.

“It’s too late!”

Cui Cheng waved his hand and ordered: “Come here! Arrest these two troublemakers and beat them eighty times until they are useless!”

As soon as these words came out, Liu Cong’s legs went weak and he collapsed directly on the ground, his face ashen.

Amidst the wailing, Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi were taken away.

No matter how they explained or begged for mercy, it was of no avail.

Originally, Cui Cheng was a little angry, but now that two clowns jumped out, he naturally had to vent his anger.

The only one to blame is Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi, who happened to bump into the muzzle of the gun.

Obviously there is nothing wrong, but it is undoubtedly self-inflicted to have to sow discord and be the first bird.

The 80 boards in the army are no joke.

Even a strong warrior would have to lie down for ten days and half a month after a meal.

Not to mention ordinary people who haven’t practiced before, it’s nothing new to be beaten to death or maimed.

“Husband, those two people who were taken away just now seem to hate you very much. Have you offended them?”

Seeing the two being forcibly dragged away, Concubine Cao Xuan couldn’t help asking curiously.

“It’s just two mad dogs, don’t worry about it.” Lu Chen shook his head.

Liu Xiangsi and Liu Cong are typical bullying and fearing the hard, stepping on the low and praising the high.

On the one hand, he is flattering and humble, fawning over big people in various ways; on the other hand, he is arrogant, looking down on this and that.

Perhaps in the eyes of the two of them, he was just a poor guy from the countryside who deserved to be trampled under his feet and unable to stand up for the rest of his life.

As long as he is more popular, the two of them will feel unbalanced, and they will make all kinds of stumbling blocks, play tricks, and sarcasm openly and secretly.

To put it bluntly, I just can’t see him well.

This kind of person’s heart is too dark, too contradictory, and too despicable.

To end up like this is purely due to one’s own fault.

Chapter: 2491

“Husband, the Cui family is a family of military and martial arts. The children of the family have been practicing martial arts since childhood, and there are many masters among them. It is really risky for you to compete with them.” Concubine Cao Xuan was a little worried.

She knew that Lu Chen was very powerful, but Yanjing was no better than Nan Province. There were hidden dragons and crouching tigers here, and there were so many strong people.

A careless, it is easy to suffer.

“Don’t worry. If I dare to challenge, I will be sure that the Cui family can’t do anything to me.” Lu Chen smiled confidently.

“It’s okay to have an honest duel, but I’m afraid the Cui family will cheat.”

Concubine Cao Xuan raised her eyebrows lightly: “Well, on the day of the decisive battle, I called my grandfather to the town hall. With his old man here, the Cui family dare not mess around.”

“No need, right? Why should the Duke take action for such a trivial matter?” Lu Chen declined politely.

“It’s about your safety, how can it be called a trivial matter?”

Concubine Cao Xuan put on a pretty face, and said seriously: “Listen to me, it’s settled. If my grandfather disagrees, I will tie him up too!”


Lu Chen was a little dumbfounded.

With Concubine Cao Xuan’s character, she definitely does what she says.

It’s just that this method is a bit too rough.

“Oh, by the way, there’s something I don’t know if I should tell you.” Concubine Cao Xuan changed the subject.

“What’s the matter? It’s okay to just say it.” Lu Chen smiled.

“Two days ago, I saw Li Qingyao in Yanjing.” Concubine Cao Xuan said suddenly.

“Li Qingyao?” Lu Chen’s smile faded: “What is she doing in Yanjing?”

“I don’t know.” Concubine Cao Xuan shook her head: “However, I think she seems to be doing well, surrounded by a group of dignitaries, all kinds of flattery, and her status has become different.”

“Maybe there is another adventure, it has nothing to do with me anyway.” Lu Chen shrugged.

“What, you don’t want to see her?” Concubine Cao Xuan smiled half-heartedly.

“What are you doing seeing her? It’s just too much trouble. Now, she walks her way and I cross my single-plank bridge. Everyone is strangers. That’s the best result.” Lu Chen said lightly.

“That’s true. She has lost her memory anyway, so she probably won’t bother you again in the future.”

Concubine Cao Xuan smiled, and took advantage of the opportunity to take Lu Chen’s arm: “Let’s go, I will show you around, and take a look at our Concubine Chen Group by the way.”

In the Song family in Nancheng, in a spacious and bright room.

Song Yingming and Wang Zixuan sat face to face, chatting and eating snacks.

“Brother Yingming, why hasn’t Master Jiang arrived yet? He won’t let our pigeons go, right?” Wang Zixuan looked at the time and looked quite dissatisfied.

She had been waiting for nearly an hour, but no one showed up.

“Zixuan, please be patient. Master Jiang is busy with things. Let’s wait a little longer. I believe we will arrive soon.” Song Yingming smiled ingratiatingly.

His voice just fell.

Chapter: 2492

With a “click”, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, an old man wearing black clothes and a cold face stepped in.

The old man in black had his hands behind his back, his expression was cold, his eyes were haughty, and his whole body exuded an unfathomable aura.

“Master Jiang, you are finally here.”

Song Yingming’s eyes lit up and he quickly stood up to greet him.

“Are you ready for what I want?”

The old man in black, Shi Shiran, sat down and spoke in a low and mysterious voice.

“It’s all ready.”

Song Yingming nodded, then took out a piece of clothing, put it on the table, and replied: “This is the clothing worn by Lu Chen. I asked someone to steal it back.”

“Very good, with this thing here, that kid can’t escape.” The old man in black nodded in satisfaction.

In the Wang family before, Lu Chen’s behavior made him lose face.

This time Song Yingming offered money to invite him. It was like avenging a private vendetta, so why not do it?

“Master Jiang, it’s just a piece of clothing, what’s the use of it?” Wang Zixuan didn’t care.

“What, are you questioning my ability?” The old man in black was quite dissatisfied.

“Master Jiang, don’t misunderstand, Zixuan is purely curious, we have never seen anything like this before.” Song Yingming smoothed things over with a smile.

“To be honest, there will be a person’s smell on the clothes. We can’t smell it, but there are some things that can be clearly identified. Even if it is hundreds of miles away, we can still track this person

accurately.” The old man in black explained road.

“Oh? What is so powerful?” Wang Zixuan suddenly became interested.

“It’s about the secret technique in the door. I have no comment.” The old man in black said calmly.

Wang Zixuan frowned, a little upset, but finally held back.

“Master Jiang, let’s start.” Song Yingming changed the subject.


The old man in black nodded, and took out two sealed bamboo tubes from his bag.

The bamboo tube on the left is covered with green cloth, and the bamboo tube on the right is covered with red cloth.

“The green bamboo tube contains poison. The person bitten will be in agony and endure the pain of thousands of ants eating their bones. They will not be able to survive or die.”

“The red bamboo tube contains a vicious object. The person bitten will bleed to death within three minutes.”

“Now, it’s up to you to choose one. Should you make him miserable? Or kill him on the spot?”

The old man in black made introductions respectively, and at the same time handed over the choice to the two people in front of him.

“Zixuan, what do you think we should choose?” Song Yingming asked sideways.

“Killing him like this would be too easy for him.”

Wang Zixuan’s face was cold, and her eyes flickered fiercely: “If you dare to fight against me, I will make him die of pain; I will make him regret his choice; I will make him kneel in front of me and beg for mercy, admitting his mistake!”

Chapter: 2493

Hearing this, Song Yingming’s eyelids twitched.

Damn, she really has the most poisonous heart in a woman!

Song Yingming was secretly startled by Wang Zixuan’s ferocious appearance.

He thought she would hesitate, but he didn’t expect Lu Chen to die as soon as she opened her mouth.

After all, he was the one who helped her. Isn’t that too cruel?

Thinking of what he had done before, he couldn’t help but feel a little weak.

Fortunately, he had the Song family as his backer, otherwise he would have ended up in the hands of this crazy woman.

“Brother Yingming, is there any problem?”

Wang Zixuan smiled again, and put on a harmless appearance.

Compared with the viciousness before, it is completely two extremes.

“No, no problem!”

Song Yingming laughed: “This kid deserves to die. If you offend my baby, you have to pay the price!”

“Sure enough, Brother Yingming still loves me.”

Wang Zixuan smiled sweetly, pointed at the green bamboo tube, and said: “Master Jiang, use the poison in this to teach that ignorant thing a lesson!”

“Take people’s money and eliminate disasters with others, you have the final say.”

The old man in black nodded and said nothing

I saw that he cut off a piece of clothes, dripped some blood on it, and finally threw it into the green bamboo tube.

After doing all this, the old man in black chanted a spell, pretending to be mysterious.

After putting on a show, he suddenly lifted the green cloth and said lightly, “Go!”


When the green cloth opened, a black poisonous insect jumped out and flew out of the door at an extremely fast speed.

“Okay, it’s done. The results will be available within an hour.”

The old man in black shook his sleeves, sat down again, and started drinking tea and snacks.

“Thank you, Master Jiang.”

Song Yingming smiled slightly, raised his hand and said: “Come here! Serve the wine!”

Following his shout, sumptuous food and wine were quickly served.

Accompanied by it, there is also a delicate wooden box.

When I opened it, it was filled with gold bars.

“Master Jiang, please accept your kindness.”

Song Yingming pushed the wooden box full of gold bars forward.

Chapter: 2494

“It’s easy to say, it’s my honor to serve Mr. Song.”

The old man in black showed a rare smile, and accepted the gold bar naturally.

Compared with banknotes, he likes these shiny things.

“Master Jiang, I would like to toast you and wish us happy cooperation in the future.”

Song Yingming poured three glasses of wine, one for each.

After touching each other lightly, each drank it down.

Soon, the three of them began to drink and chat, and their interest gradually increased.

Song Yingming is very interested in mysterious arts, so he asked for some knowledge in this area.

For the sake of the gold bars, the old man in black also knew everything and said everything.

After some research, Song Yingming found out that Master Jiang was originally from the witchcraft sect.

The so-called mysterious art is actually witchcraft, but it is just a little more pleasant to say.

Song Yingming chatted enthusiastically with the old man in black, but Wang Zixuan, who was sitting by the side, was unhappy.

Because the topic they talked about was completely uninteresting to her and she felt left out.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Wang Zixuan finally couldn’t help but said: “Master Jiang, didn’t you say you would see the results within an hour? Time has passed, why hasn’t there been any movement? What you put out, Isn’t it a failure?”


Hearing this, the old man in black smiled and said, “Why, Miss Wang doesn’t believe in my ability?”

“I just feel weird and I’m afraid there will be any accidents along the way.” Wang Zixuan frowned slightly.

“What could happen? My poison has been carefully cultivated. It has never made a mistake. As long as it is its prey, it will be useless even if it escapes to the ends of the earth!” The black-clothed old man was full of confidence.

“If this is the case, why is there no movement at all now? How can you be sure if it is successful?” Wang Zixuan asked again.

“The things I raise need to be fed with essence and blood to identify their owners. Over time, some kind of induction will occur. Once successful, I can sense it immediately.” The old man in black explained.

“So awesome?” Wang Zixuan raised an eyebrow.

“This is a mysterious art. A rich young lady like you will naturally not understand the mystery.” The old man in black pretended to be profound.

“There is a sense of success, what if it doesn’t work?” Wang Zixuan said again.


Hearing this, the old man in black couldn’t help but frown slightly.

This woman is deliberately finding fault, right?

“How can it be?”

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Song Yingming quickly smoothed things over with a smile: “Zixuan, don’t think so wildly. Master Jiang uses mystical skills to communicate with the gods. He has tried every method and has never made any mistakes. It is impossible for him to fail.”

“In case, I’m talking about just in case.” Wang Zixuan immediately added.

“Humph! Nothing unexpected happens!”

Chapter: 2495

The old man in black’s face darkened, and he said coldly: “As long as that kid is not copper-skinned and has no spirit to become a saint, he is doomed to die!”

“I don’t understand these things. I just want to know if you will feel anything if you fail?” Wang Zixuan was very stubborn.


The old man in black was a little annoyed.

What the hell is this? Can’t you understand people?

I have said that I will not fail, so I have to get to the bottom of it.

“Master Jiang, don’t be angry, Zixuan is just curious.” Song Yingming was also a little embarrassed.

As expected, she is a spoiled young lady who really has no eyesight at all.


The old man in black picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp. Then he put the wine glass heavily on the table and said coldly: “If I really fail, I can only blame my poor academic skills. Even if I suffer backlash, I deserve it!”

“Backlash? What backlash?” Wang Zixuan continued to inquire.

“It can range from dizziness in mild cases to weak for three days in severe cases.” The old man in black said in a loud voice.

“So that’s it.” Wang Zixuan nodded suddenly.

If it fails, there will be a reaction.

“Ms. Wang, are you satisfied now?” The old man in black looked a little ugly.

“Master Jiang, don’t get me wrong, I’ll just ask casually.” Wang Zixuan smiled.


Just when the old man in black was about to say something, his expression froze suddenly: “I can feel it, the poison is stirring, it should be close to the target.”


Hearing this, Wang Zixuan and Song Yingming immediately regained their spirits, staring intently, waiting for the next sentence.

“It’s almost there…it’s almost done!”

The old man in black closed his eyes, feeling carefully, and became a little agitated.

“Come on, come on…there’s still a little bit left.”

The old man in black murmured to himself.

Wang Zixuan and Song Yingming both had their hearts in their throats.

“Haha… it’s…”

The old man in black suddenly opened his eyes, and just when he was about to announce the good news, his body trembled suddenly, as if he had been struck by lightning!

The next second, the old man in black made a “pop” sound and spurted out a large mouthful of blood.

The whole person rolled his eyes and fell to the ground on the spot.


Chapter: 2496


Seeing this scene, Wang Zixuan and Song Yingming were stunned.

Big eyes stared at small eyes, looking at each other.

what’s the situation? Didn’t you say it was almost successful?

Why are you still vomiting blood?

“Master Jiang!”

After reacting, Song Yingming quickly helped him up.

He shouted and pinched again, but the old man in black not only did not wake up, but started to twitch all over.

Nosebleeds, looking very scary.

“What’s wrong with Master Jiang? Isn’t it because of the evil spirit?” Wang Zixuan’s eyes widened.

It was fine just now, but suddenly it collapsed, and it seemed like a goat’s madness, which was really inexplicable.

“Quick! Send him to the hospital!”

Song Yingming panicked, and quickly ordered his servants to carry the old man in black out of the house, and rushed him to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Master Jiang is not an ordinary person, but comes from the witchcraft sect.

If he died in the Song family, he would definitely be in big trouble.

The night is getting darker.

Nancheng Hospital, in a certain ward.

After some rescue, the old man in black finally calmed down.

Song Yingming paced back and forth in the room, looking a little apprehensive.

Wang Zixuan, on the other hand, was eating bananas leisurely, as if the matter had nothing to do with her.

She doesn’t care about Master Jiang’s life or death at all, she only cares about whether the other party has accomplished something?

“Brother Yingming, don’t be nervous. Master Jiang is an expert and nothing will happen to him.” Wang Zixuan said calmly.

“That’s what I said, but the situation just now was too scary. If Master Jiang has any shortcomings, we will all be in big trouble.” Song Yingming frowned.

“What trouble could there be? He’s just a mystic master. Why should we two giants be afraid of it?” Wang Zixuan didn’t care.

In the area of Nancheng, the Wang and Song families have the final say.

Although mystic masters are rare, with the energy of the two major families, it is easy to spend a lot of money to find a few mystic masters.

“Zixuan, things are not as simple as you think…”

When Song Yingming was about to explain, the old man in black lying on the hospital bed suddenly coughed twice, and then slowly opened his eyes.

“Master Jiang, are you finally awake?”

Chapter: 2497

Song Yingming’s eyes lit up, and he quickly stepped forward and asked, “How are you doing? Are you okay?”

“Where is this? Why am I here?”

The old man in black rubbed his temples, his head still a little foggy.

“Master Jiang, you vomited blood and fainted earlier, don’t you remember?” Song Yingming was a little surprised.

“Vomiting blood? Fainting?”

The old man in black frowned and began to recall carefully.

Then, he seemed to have thought of something, his expression suddenly changed, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.


The old man in black exclaimed, lifted the quilt, and ran out, stumbling all the way.

The panicked look was as if he had seen a ghost.


Seeing the strange behavior of the old man in black, Song Yingming couldn’t help being stunned for a moment, then hurriedly chased him out, stood in front of him and asked, “Master Jiang, what’s going on? Why are you running so well?”

“If you don’t run, are you waiting to die?”

The old man in black turned around and shouted: “Song Yingming, Song Yingming, you have done me a terrible job this time! Do you know who you are dealing with? That is a powerful being that I cannot afford to offend! He can’t move his fingers. can crush us to death!”


As soon as these words came out, Song Yingming stood on the spot in a daze, and said in astonishment: “Master Jiang, are you kidding me?”

“Look at me, does it look like I’m joking with you?!” The old man in black panicked.

He remembered.

When he commanded the poisonous insects to attack the target, he suddenly suffered an extremely strong backlash.

So much so that he vomited blood and fell into coma, almost burping.

He had never encountered this situation before.

Normally, the general backlash is just dizziness, and even if it is severe, it will only cause weakness for a few days at most.

And the backlash just now killed half of his life on the spot.

This is enough to prove that the person he wants to deal with is an extremely terrifying existence!

If this expert came to seek revenge, he would definitely die without a place to bury him!

“Master Jiang, did you hit your head just now? Otherwise, why would you be talking nonsense here?”

At this time, Wang Zixuan suddenly said: “Lu Chen is just a doctor, what can he do? It scares you so much that your face turns pale. What’s the matter?”

“Yes, Master Jiang, are you mistaken?” Song Yingming was also a little surprised.

He had investigated Lu Chen’s background, a minor character from the countryside.

Even if he knows how to punch and kick, know how to heal, or know how to pretend to be a ghost, he still won’t be so afraid.

Chapter: 2498

“You two really don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth!”

The old man in black said angrily: “The person who can make me vomit blood, how can I be an ordinary person? The strength of that expert is far beyond your imagination! If I were you, I would stop immediately, and then tell that person Master, please apologize, otherwise once Master gets angry, it will be too late for you to regret!”

He was born in the Witch Gu sect, so he naturally understood what such a strong backlash meant.

It is no exaggeration to say that the other party is at least a powerful person at the level of a mysterious master.

Even, even more powerful!

“Master Jiang, don’t scare me here.”

“I know exactly who Lu Chen is. He is not as powerful as you say.”

“An unknown junior can scare you like this. Now I have to wonder, do you have any real skills?”

Wang Zixuan crossed her arms and looked coldly, not believing it at all.

In the Wang family before, Master Jiang had already made a mistake this time and had his ear bitten off by his grandfather.

She had always been suspicious of such people, but because of Song Yingming’s face, her attitude was still polite.

Now Master Jiang failed again, causing her to completely lose trust and patience.

In her opinion, the other party is just a charlatan who pretends to be a charlatan.

“You…you actually doubt me?” The old man in black was furious.

He risked his life to persuade him with good words, but what he got in return was doubts.

This woman is so ungrateful!

“Master Jiang, calm down, there may be some misunderstanding.”

Song Yingming hurriedly made amends with a smile to smooth things over: “I believe Lu Chen must not have this ability. Could it be that you made a mistake in some link, which caused yourself to be injured?”


The old man in black flatly vetoed it: “My methods have been tried and tested, and I have never made a mistake. This time I really met an expert!”

“Hmph! Never made a mistake? How ridiculous.”

Wang Zixuan snorted: “In just a few days, you have already made two mistakes. What face do you have to say such a thing? In my opinion, you just have no skills!”

“You…you deceive people too much!”

The old man in black was about to get angry, but he became so excited that his internal injuries recurred. He spat out a mouthful of blood and almost fell to the ground.

“Master Jiang!”

Song Yingming hurriedly reached out to help, but was pushed away by the old man in black, and said coldly: “This is all I say, if you don’t believe it, you will be at your own risk!”

After finishing speaking, he staggered out of the ward without looking back.

It’s hard to persuade the damn ghost, he has already reminded that these two people are going to kill themselves, so he can’t be blamed.

“Hmph! What master shit? You’re just a liar!” Wang Zixuan curled her lips, her face full of disdain.

“Zixuan, I think this matter is a bit weird, why don’t you check it first?” Song Yingming suggested.

Chapter: 2499

“What’s there to investigate? A countryman, what big waves can he make?”

Wang Zixuan said flatly: “If you don’t want to make a move, then I will find someone myself, and I won’t bother you.”

“Look at what you said, it’s my honor to be able to serve my baby.”

Song Yingming wrapped his arms around the waist of the people around him, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, tomorrow I will spend a lot of money to hire another expert, and I must make Lu Chen pay the price!”

“That’s pretty much it.” Wang Zixuan smiled.

Any man who rejects her will not end well.

At midnight, Lu Chen bid farewell to Concubine Cao Xuan and returned to his villa in Nancheng District.

Although they are a little reluctant to leave, the two of them can’t be too blatant now.

Because what he was about to do was too dangerous, he didn’t want Concubine Cao Xuan to get involved.

Therefore, in the future, the two of them will either meet in private or as rarely as possible.

As the granddaughter of Chen Guogong, Concubine Cao Xuan is too dazzling. If she stays with her for a long time, her identity will be exposed easily.

The night passed quickly.

The next day, early morning.

Lu Chen got up early and went to the Emperor Tower to meet Yin Tao.

At the same time, in the same place, in the same private room, the two of them sat face to face, drinking tea and chatting.

“Little handsome boy, regarding cooperation, I have obtained the support of my family. In the coming time, the Yin family will devote all their efforts to jointly develop and promote Jade Dew Cream.”

Yin Tao skillfully brewed tea, and then each of them had a cup, and the fragrance of the tea was overflowing.

“Wise choice.”

Lu Chen smiled slightly, not surprised.

Such a good opportunity, but any ambitious family will not give up easily.

“In addition, I have already made arrangements for the pharmaceutical factory, medicinal materials, pharmacists, etc., and they can be officially put into production today. But now, we still have two problems to solve.” Yin Tao changed the subject.

“Oh? What’s the problem?” Lu Chen asked.

“First, the prescription you gave is too difficult for ordinary pharmacists, the yield rate is very low, and the quality is difficult to guarantee.” Yin Tao raised a question.

“It’s simple. You select a group of pharmacists who have good understanding and are trustworthy. I will personally teach them. In just three days, I can make them stand alone.” Lu Chen said with a smile.

“That’s the best way to go.”

Yin Tao nodded, and continued: “Now let’s talk about the second problem. The medicine business in Nancheng District is dominated by the Song family. Whether it is reputation, connections, influence, or background, we are far weaker than Song family.

Especially after cooperating with the Wang family, the Song family is even more unstoppable.

With the power of our Yin family, it will undoubtedly be difficult to seize the market under the nose of the Song family.

Even if our Jade Dew Cream is more effective and cheaper, it is still useless. With the connections of the Song and Wang families, as long as we let the word out, those dealers will not buy our products at all. ”

Shopping malls value interests, but more importantly, personal connections.

Chapter: 2500

The Song family is deeply rooted in the pharmaceutical market, and coupled with the influence of the Wang family, it is simply unrealistic for them to seize food from the tiger’s mouth.

Now we can only find another way.

“So, do you have any good suggestions?”

Lu Chen did not answer directly, but asked a question.

“My suggestion is to start from the other three major urban areas and cooperate with other wealthy families. This way not only will multiple allies share the pressure, but future development will also be smoother,” Yin Tao said.

She knew very well that Jade Dew Cream, the ultimate trauma medicine, was a huge cake that could not be swallowed by the appetite of the Yin family.

So allocating some is the wisest choice.

“Yes, I also have this consideration. Start with other urban areas and find a strong ally to cooperate with. After opening up the market, I will encircle and suppress the Wang and Song families.” Lu Chen nodded in agreement.

“Haha… It seems that the two of us cherish each other!” Yin Tao blinked ambiguously.

“Do you have any suitable candidates?” Lu Chen pretended not to see it.

“Among the eight wealthy families, the only family that can surpass the Song family in medicine and is relatively reliable is the Tang family in Dongcheng District.” Yin Tao gave the answer.

“The Tang family? One of the upper four?” Lu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.


Yin Tao smiled: “Among the eight giants, Long, Tang, Jiang, and Xu are neck and neck, and Wang, Song, Zhang, and Feng are slightly inferior. As long as we can form an alliance with the Tang family, it will be much easier to deal with the Wang and Song families. .”

“Very well, then choose the Tang family.”

Lu Chen nodded and said appreciatively: “Looking at you, you must have done enough homework. Have you contacted anyone in the Tang family?”

“Young handsome boy, you are really smart.”

Yin Tao smiled charmingly: “You are right, I have found a target in the Tang family. As long as I convince him, cooperation will definitely not be a problem.”

“Oh? Who is this person?” Lu Chen was a little curious.

“He is the youngest son of the head of the Tang family, Tang Xiaobao!” Yin Tao said.

“Tang Xiaobao?” Lu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly: “The name is a bit special.”

“Little handsome guy, don’t underestimate this master. He is the jewel in the palm of the Tang family. Everyone in the Tang family treats him like an ancestor.” Yin Tao smiled.

“So powerful? Is there anything special about Tang Xiaobao?” Lu Chen became even more curious.


Yin Tao smiled and said: “The great thing about Tang Xiaobao is that he was reincarnated well.

The Patriarch of the Tang family gave birth to more than a dozen daughters one after another, and it was not until the age of knowing the destiny that he had a son like Tang Xiaobao.

As the only seedling of the Tang family, from the day Tang Xiaobao was born, he has been loved by thousands of people.

I’m really afraid of dropping it when I hold it in my hands, and I’m afraid it will melt when I hold it in my mouth.

Grandparents, parents and uncles, and more than a dozen older sisters, all dote on them.

Think about it yourself, how important is such a person in the Tang family? ”


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