An Understated Dominance

Chapter 2123

Chapter 2123

Chapter 2123

Fear often comes from the unknown.

Although the warriors of the Golden Crow Kingdom are well-trained and fearless of death, that is only

when facing normal humans.

And Blood Demon William no longer belongs to the category of human beings.

Not only does he have immortality, but he can also transform into a bat with extremely weird methods.

Many people are often frightened when they hear his name.

“Blood Demon?”

Hearing this, William shook his head: “I don’t like this title very much.

I am of royal blood from the Empire on which the sun never sets.

I hold the title of earl and am a pure noble. You can call me William, or your lord the earl.”

As he spoke, William grinned, revealing two sharp fangs.

“Okay William, no one cares about your status as a noble. Blood Demon is your true face.”

Bailey interrupted his words unceremoniously, and then guided Kusama Taro with one hand:

“Let me introduce you, this is Kusama-kun, one of the top ten swordsmen of the Golden Crow


“It’s an honor to meet you, Kusama-kun.”

William took the initiative to reach out his hand, showing a harmless look.

“Mr. William, please sit down.”

Taro Kusama nodded slightly and invited William into the living room very politely.

Although the Blood Demon has a great reputation and is difficult to get along with, there is no doubt

about his strength.

Being able to hire such a helper is enough to prove that Bailey’s ambition is not small.

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