An Understated Dominance

Chapter 2223

Chapter 2223

Chapter 2223

The female disciple in white is very smart and her choice is very correct.

If you perform a dissection and remove the head first, you may wake up the unconscious lion and put

yourself in danger.

On the other hand, if it were fatally struck, there would be no life-threatening danger.

Although the idea was good, she overlooked one point.

That is the strength gap between the two sides.

A master-level strongman, especially one with very strong physical strength, is not easy to kill even if

he is in a coma.


Just hear a soft sound.

The sword of the female disciple in white stabbed the lion’s chest accurately.

However, the tip of the sword only penetrated half an inch, and the lion’s body’s self-defense

mechanism activated, and the muscles tensed instantly.

He forcefully used his strong muscles to clamp the sword of the female disciple in white.


The female disciple in white frowned and continued to thrust forward with greater strength.

But no matter how hard she tried, the tip of the sword just couldn’t penetrate.

The most astonishing thing was that even if she sheathed her sword and drew it back, she couldn’t do


The lion’s muscles were like a pair of large iron pliers, clamping tightly on her sword, preventing her

from moving.

“how so?”

The female disciple in white looked a little ugly.

With so many people watching, if she couldn’t even deal with an unconscious person, how could she

have the dignity to claim to be a disciple of Tianxiahui in the future?

“What? Are you soft? Do you need my help?” Dustin sneered.

“Hmph! Don’t talk sarcastically here. We, the Tianxiahui disciples, will avenge Elder Zhao on our own!”

The female disciple in white was still stubborn.

As she spoke, she grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands, then used all her strength to press


The sharp sword blade finally slowly penetrated into the lion’s muscle.

A trace of blood overflowed from the wound.

At this time, the unconscious lion seemed to feel the danger, and his eyelids suddenly jumped.

But the female disciple in white didn’t notice it. She pressed the sword with her body and continued to

stab it in.

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The sudden change frightened the female disciple in white.

Before he could react, the lion suddenly roared, raised his hand and slapped the blade of the sword.


The blade of the sword broke directly.

However, the wind from the lion’s palm continued to hit the chest of the female disciple in white.


There was a muffled sound.

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I couldn’t stand up for a while.

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After all, even a lion that has not transformed into a beast is at the late stage of a grandmaster, and

cannot be resisted by an innate warrior.

If it weren’t for the male lion’s physical weakness and exhaustion of Gang Qi, he would have reached

his limit.

The palm just struck was enough to turn the female disciple in white into a meat pie.


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