And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Chapter 207: Confessions of Silas


What the hell was I thinking?!

The moment I entered the small cottage and saw Finn pleasing Cassie, I was overcome with the urge to watch her passion unfold. I didn't want to turn away and even mustered the courage to be able to help participate.

The way her body gave in to him, and the way she so willingly pleased him while I guided her head allowing her to only have what I wanted her to have… it made my c**k harder than it had ever been before.

Of course, I was a dragon and it was typical for creatures like me to end up taking multiple mates but there was no way in hell that Cassie was my mate. There was no way in hell that any of this was f*****g possible. Yet, when she came and he filled her, it took everything in me not to claim her myself and mix my seed with his to ensure she carried a child.

It took everything in me to also make sure he knew she was mine, and only got her when I said he could have her. Dragons were possessive creatures, and it was only because of her I let him taste her to begin with.

Anger boiled through me as I stormed out of the cottage and out into the evening air. My hand ran through my hair as I tried to calm the raging inferno inside me. Never had I been denied anything, and yet I denied myself the pleasure of Cassie.

I let another man take what was rightfully mine.

Thrashing out, my fist connected with a nearby tree and the splintering of wood echoed through the forest near the cottage. I promised Pollux I was going to control my anger, and that I wouldn't shift here because of the humans that lived nearby, but at this moment I was finding it difficult for me to keep the promise I made.

“Silas!" The sound of Finn's voice was the last thing that I wanted to hear. However, I expected it after everything that just happened.

“Leave me alone," I snapped, refusing to look at him. “Go back to Cassie's side where you belong."

Laughter escaped Finn, causing me to spin around in anger as I spotted him standing outside the closed door of the cottage with his arms crossed over his chest and a smug expression on his face as if what had happened was everything he had ever wanted. “Why are you acting like this, Silas? We talked about her before."

He wasn't wrong on that front. Not long after we had arrived here and she was spending time with her mother, Finn pulled me aside and explained to me why he had wanted to bring her here. That he was looking to get close to her because she was the one he was fated to, and he needed her to realize that.

That she needed to realize she was his queen.

The thought now irritated me. I didn't want them to be together, but then at the same time, part of me did. The conflict weighed heavily on my soul and thought I was trying my hardest to be supportive. It was a challenge. “I'm not acting like anything."

“Oh come on, anyone around can see that you're pissed. So, why don't you just tell me what is wrong so that we can move past this, and I can go back in there to my woman."

“Your woman?" Clenching my fists at my side, I narrowed my gaze further and sneered, “You think sleeping with her like you just did makes her yours? That is an amusing assumption."

“Jealousy isn't becoming of you, Silas, Prince of Draconia."

Shock filled me hearing him call me by a title no one should have known. Draconia was a name I hadn't heard in hundreds of years and the fact that Finn knew that bit of information put me on alert. I had been through a lot of things in my time, and hiding away from the title I once held was something I didn't want to go through again.

“How do you know that name?" I snapped, taking a step towards him, “no one knows that name."

Finn didn't even flinch nor did he seem surprised by the fact I was irate he had known my true title. Instead, he stood there staring at me as he was before but with a brow raised and amusement lingering in his eyes. “It's my job to know things, Silas. Did you really think when you came to my kingdom I wouldn't find out who you really were? Odin may have thought he was smart sending you as an ambassador, but it wasn't."

“What do you mean?"

He scoffed, letting out a heavy breath as he shook his head. “Fae know everything. Plus, I have contacts that do their job very well at keeping me informed."

Again, the irritation in me grew. He had purposely sought out to know who I was, but I wasn't sure why he would go to such lengths. “What reason would you have to know who I was?"

“The scent and aura of my fate lingered over you and intertwined with your soul. I guess in simpler terms, I was checking out my competition. Though that is irrelevant now that I am quite aware of how this situation will play out."

Standing there absolutely dumbfounded by what he was saying, I tried to understand how he would even know something like that. He was Fae yes, and I knew that their people had powers that the

majority of realms couldn't even begin to comprehend, but for him to know about my interactions with Cassie shouldn't have been possible.

“You seem speechless," Finn replied after the silence that filled the space between us. “Look, I know that you're not pleased by everything going on, but it isn't about you. We all care for her. Even Lucas, no matter how he tries to act like he isn't deserving."

“Yeah, because he f*****g killed her once," I scoffed in a bitter tone that made Finn's lips turn into a smirk once more as he raised a brow in my direction.

“Bitterness isn't a quality a dragon such as yourself should have. Everyone makes mistakes, Silas. At the end of the day, it's not about what we do or who we were. It's about what we are willing to do now to correct ourselves and be who we are meant to be."

I should have known that Finn would end up coming at me with this kind of conversation. The Fae were known to be wise as they were known to be mischievous. Their whole lives revolved around knowledge, which made sense as to how he knew about me.

“It's not easy to trust someone who committed a crime like he did," I finally replied, watching Finn step forward. His look of amusement shifted into one that reminded me of a scornful parent.

“Yet, Anna forgave you in the end, didn't she? After all, you were the main reason her mate had been killed—"

“That was not the same!" I bellowed as rage filled me and the fires of my anger bubbled to the surface. “How dare you speak on something you know nothing about!"

I had expected Finn to back down. To take back what he said. Instead, a dark force seemed to cloud his eyes as black lines slowly crept over his face and the celestial blue of his eyes burned like a blue flame.

The evil side of Fae, full of rage and yet still composed, ready to strike.

I feared this side of him. Though I would never admit it.

“Do not deny it, Silas. I know the truth about what happened, and I agree with the choices you made. Bjorn was out of control and would have condemned the human realm to chaos had he not been stopped. If Odin was able to forgive you as Anna did, then you need to be able to forgive Lucas. You are mated to Cassie, and though you deny it now, you can't for long."

Gritting my teeth, I continued to sneer as I shook my head. “I am not the man she needs to be with. I can do nothing to make her happy. All I will do in the end is bring her pain."

“Fate!" Finn snapped, “has made up its mind already, Silas. You must fulfill the destiny and stand at her side as Lucas and I must do. This is the reason that Anna has come back. She and Cassie are one, and in order for Cassie to fulfill her destiny, this is what must happen."

“Don't say that," I replied breathlessly. The thought that what he was saying about Anna and Cassie being true was too much for me to handle. Granted, I had considered it so many times before, I just didn't want to accept it.

I had loved Anna with a passion so fierce it broke me when she was gone. I had wanted her to be mine, and though rejection was the only fate I had obtained in regards to Anna, it didn't stop me from loving her.

Cassie reminded me so much of Anna. The same fierce determination flowed through Cassie that I had seen so many times in Anna's eyes and with it, it constantly brought me back to memories I had tried to bury away for a hundred years.

“It's time to stop playing games, Silas. She needs you and with us working together, she will finally be able to be the person that she is meant to be."

Lashing out at him was pointless when I knew that he was right.

Letting out a heavy breath, I ran my hand through my hair and over my face trying to collect my thoughts as to what I was going to do. I couldn't deny helping Cassie, when not only was she my charge, but the woman I felt bonded to. The place we were in, her home, was full of negative energy and perhaps that was why fate had ensured we came back.

Not just because Finn had wanted to, but because we weren't meant to.

“Fine," I replied firmly. “I'm not going to say that I believe in fate or anything else because I don't. Fate has done nothing but bring me pain over the years."

“Hey… you're making a step in the right direction," Finn replied cheerfully, making me scrunch my nose in disgust at how quickly he went from irritated to bright and chipper in no time.

“Don't start that s**t. I'm not agreeing to the mate s**t with Cassie and don't you dare tell her who I am."

Holding his hands up, Finn laughed nodding his head. “Okay, okay. I won't tell her, but we do need to help her. This place is all wrong, and I trust in the visions she is having…"

Rolling my eyes I groaned. “Don't call them that."

“Don't call them what?"

“Visions, Finn. Don't—you know what, never mind." I sighed as I slowly began to walk back and forth. “Look, I went out and looked around the area. There is definitely a negative force, but it isn't celestial. There is a witch in the area, and I have a feeling she is what is messing with Pollux."

Quiet for a moment Finn seemed to contemplate what I was saying as he looked off towards the main house and then back towards the cottage. “We need to tell Cassie. Perhaps this girl that she mentioned before has something to do with it. I mean it would make sense. Bitter ex-girlfriend happens to be part witch looking to take revenge. It's kind of cliché but women tend to be complicated creatures."

“Fine, let's talk to her," I muttered as I made my way past him only to have him stop me before I reached the door with an arm slung over my shoulder.

“Whoa, let's not do it right now. It can wait till morning, Silas. No point in ruining an amazing evening." Finn chuckled, causing me to shrug off his arm and turn to him with a glare.

“Touch me again, and I'll break your arm."

Laughter echoed from behind me as I made my way back into the cottage. Finn found this all amusing, and though I wanted to burn him alive because he annoyed me more than anything, it wasn't an option. Cassie liked Finn, and there was no way I'd be able to do anything to make her unhappy. Even if I wanted to… my heart wouldn't allow it.

Cassie had me wrapped around her finger, and she didn't even know it.


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