Another World's Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 264 - Three Man Round Robin

Chapter 264 - Three Man Round Robin

Chapter 264: Three Man Round Robin

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Just as Mason’s voice had fell, the two wind blades in Gryffindor’s hands shot out at the same time. In an instant, a screeching sound could be heard. At that moment, most of the spectators could not help but close their eyes. Even the lowest-level mage apprentice knew that the Air Bomb and Wind Blade were the same in terms of innate character and theory. They both used wind attribute magic to channel it, but in reality, it dealt physical damage. This also meant that the four master level mageweaths that Aldwin had inscribed had no way of protecting the trial apprentice called Mason. With the release of these two Wind Blades based on Gryffindor’s Archmage powers, this trial apprentice called Mason would most likely be spilling blood...


They heard a crisp sound—it was as if something had scratched glass. It was sharp and ear-piercing, giving everyone goosebumps. Immediately after, there were cries of alarm from the spectator seats. The group of mages that had closed their eyes started to slowly open them. After that, they saw that the trial apprentice called Mason had already escaped from the Aurora Square at an unknown time. He was now standing outside of the battling zone and directing a crude hand gesture at Gryffindor. “F*ck your mom, come over and kill me if you have the guts!”


“Shut up...” Macklin smacked Mason’s head. “There’re so many people looking, don’t be an embarrassment. Hurry up and go to the guild medical center to treat your wounds.”

“Oh...” Although the old man’s tone was hostile, the concern he had could not be concealed. As for Mason, he had pulled off a miraculously obedient attitude today. He did not glare furiously after being smacked by the old man on the head, but just obediently nodded his head. He hobbled back to the guild’s medical center with the support of two mage apprentices.

It was just that before he left, he waved his fist at Lin Li. “Felic, destroy him!”

“Relax.” Lin Li gently nodded his head. This sentence was not only directed to Mason, it was also directed to himself. Gryffindor was really going overboard. Within a few days, he had injured both of Lin Li’s teammates. Orin could only watch the tournament, and Mason had now been sent to the guild’s medical center, not knowing when he’d fully recover.

This was absolutely intolerable for Lin Li.

Frankly speaking, Lin Li’s character was nothing much. Even Herza could tell that this guy was naturally hypocritical. People like this hardly treated anyone as friend. Sometimes, he might seem to be a loyal friend, but actually it was just superficial. Very few people would be treated as true friends by him. For example, Mason, Orrin and that particular fatty at Jarrosus. Lin Li would never be stingy towards them or reject them. He could not tolerate seeing them getting hurt. Gryffindor had consecutively injured Mason and Orrin. It had completely ignited Lin Li’s killing intent...

Yet at this time, Gryffindor was regretting the opportunity that he had missed. His face was purple with rage while standing in the middle of the Aurora Square. Even when the judges announced his victory, he did not display a single hint of smile on his face.

Gryffindor could not understand even after wrecking his brains. They were obviously two decisive Wind Blades—how could they miss for no rhyme or reason? Gryffindor clearly saw that those two razor-sharp wind blades had struck Mason’s throat. Why was it that they seemed to have landed on a piece of metal and bounced far away with “dang”? They did not even leave a mark, not to mention slitting Mason’s neck...

How was this possible? Gryffindor stood there, totally clueless...

But it was alright, for he still had another chance.

That country bumpkin from Jarrosus called Felic... wasn’t he in the final three already?

The finals for the top three was a round-robin tournament. Willing or not, I will still have to fight with the other two. By that time, I, Gryffindor, will definitely let this country bumpkin from Jarrosus know what it is to be a genuine Archmage. Don’t think that you are amazing just because you are acquainted with Hoffman. Even Hoffman himself would have to address my master respectfully as “Leader Rosen”, not to mention that you are only acquainted with Hoffman. What kind of a big deal are you, a trial apprentice from the countryside, going to be?

When Gryffindor walked out of the Aurora Square with a sullen look, the tournament was about to come to an end. The final three were Gryffindor from Alanna, Matthias from Sunrise City, and Felic from Jarrosus City. The person who’d control the new Guild of Magic would be decided by the round-robin tournament at the end.

To be fair, all three of them were given an hour to rest.

After one hour, the first fight would commence. It would be Gryffindor from Alanna versus Felic from Jarrosus...

Lin Li had been standing at the side of the Aurora Square and staring at the Gryffindor far away all the time.


An hour of rest time went by quickly. After Aldwin said “Let’s Begin”, Lin Li and Gryffindor almost stood simultaneously and walked into the Aurora Square together. At this time, the atmosphere in the whole arena had changed. Be it the VIP seats, the spectator’s seats, the big shots from the whole of the Felan Kingdom, or the mage apprentices that could only steal a few glances from the side of the square, they had all roused up their spirits and fixed their eyes on these two men that had just walked into the square.

If the previous match was an appetizer, then the current one in progress would be the real main course. These three man represented the highest standard among all of the young mages in the Felan Kingdom. Be it Matthias, who had a sudden surge in power, the long appointed number one genius, Gryffindor, or Felic, whose way of fighting was more interesting than a magic show, their strength had already been proven in this tournament. However, everyone wanted to know who was the strongest out of these three young mages.

Herza, who sat at the VIP stand, asked in a mean manner, “Hoffman, you seem rather anxious...” josei

“Of course...” Hoffman’s pea-like eyes stared straight at the Aurora Square. He was so anxious that he did not dare to blink; it was as if he was afraid that he might die just from blinking. After hearing Herza’s mocking remark, he only pouted his lips, and complained, “This match involves tens of millions of gold coins. If it was you, you would be as anxious as me...”

“...” When this astronomical number of gold coins was brought up, Herza almost choked on his saliva. He stared at Hoffman with deep hatred and quietly cursed to himself. “No wonder these bastards from the Glittergold Trade Union are so rich as if they are leaking oil. F*ck, a match like this, and they could even bet tens of millions of gold coins. How could they not be rich?”

After being shocked, Herza could not help but feel doubtful. “Hoffman, do you happen to know any inside story? If not, why are you so confident about Felic that you actually dared to bet tens of millions of gold coins...”

“Don’t be noisy, let me finish watching the match, and we’ll talk...”


When those two men were mumbling to each other, the two trial apprentices had already completed their final preparations.


Once the judge’s voice was heard, Lin Li and Gryffindor simultaneously started reciting incantations. Maybe it was because these two men’s mentors were members of the Supreme Council, but both of their execution methods were abnormally similar. When the battle started, both of them used the highest level spell to pressure their opponents.

Lin Li recited the Fire Storm incantation, whereas Gryffindor recited the Ashen Tornado incantation. Both were level-fourteen fire attribute spells, and both also had a five-second recitation time.

“F*ck, what is wrong with the youngsters these days. Why are they so brutal, making things so exciting from the start?” Hoffman was dumbfounded as he watched. He had not imagined that these two fellas would actually choose to use high-level magic to fight from the start. Once these two spells were released, the only fear was that everything would be destroyed. Even if their Elemental Shields were not broken, they would definitely not able to stop the magical attack that came afterward. Didn’t this mean that this battle would be over in just ten seconds?

Just as Hoffman was dumbfounded, the magical wave in the Aurora Square had been suddenly stifled. The searing fire magical elements seemed to be doused by a bucket of cold water and dissipated in an instant.

It was as if it had been agreed on. Both of them started reciting incantations, and then suddenly cut off the mana output.

With their strength as Archmages, they had no need to worry about the issue of the Bite of Mana when canceling a level-fourteen spell. They only thing that they had to be careful about was just the release and gathering of mana. As long as they were not too anxious or too quick, it would not result in any mistakes.

After that, Gryffindor smiled.

The power of this country bumpkin from Jarrosus was weaker than his by quite a bit. To cancel a level-fourteen spell, Lin Li required one more second than Gryffindor. Usually, this did not amount to much, but now, it allowed Gryffindor to do a lot more things.

After coming in first in canceling the spell, Gryffindor did not hesitate, and released a Mana Retroaction...

“I want to see how long can an Elemental Shield help you...” When the Mental Control had been released, Gryffindor already knew he had won because he clearly felt that his opponent’s mana was instantly cut off. The thing he had to do next was to constantly barrage him with spells, breaking down his opponent’s Elemental Shield like cracking open a turtle’s shell. After that, he could do the same thing as he had with Mason, starting off with a Mental Control to deplete his mana and then using all sorts of spells to destroy him!

On the other side, Lin Li did not lose his composure after being struck by a Mana Retroaction. He allowed Gryffindor’s Fireballs to strike the Elemental Shield, letting the layer of rainbow brilliance to dim slowly. Lin Li slowly raised the Aether Staff in his hands, and the Dragon’s Eye socketed to the top of the staff started to radiate a gentle orange light...

After that, Gryffindor was in a daze...

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