Another World's Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 449 - Drawing Circles

Chapter 449 - Drawing Circles

Chapter 449: Drawing Circles

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

While Lin Li was the only person in Anril who could use the Levitation Spell like the Power of Flight, Stephen and Hutton were not to be trifled with as well. They were the disciples of mentors in the Legendary-realm and heirs groomed by the two large forces. The Levitation Spell they cast was not what a common mage could imagine.

When the group of Azteks had just discovered the mages in the sky, the three black figures had already sped off like lightning and covered a few hundred meters immediately. Their speed was faster than the time necessary to use a Live Bomb or cast spells like the Flaming Storm. The several hundred Azteks had to watch the three humans flying above their heads; apart from the 10 demon leaders with red wings, the Azteks were left helpless.

“Let’s hide somewhere in front!” Lin Li suggested nervously when he saw 10 Azteks flying menacingly after them. Although they wouldn’t be able to get to them within a short amount of time, Lin Li knew their mana would not suffice when they were exerting their mental strength to fly at a faster speed. It would not be worth it to drain all their mana when they were competing with the stamina of the Azteks.

We need to think of a way to shrug these demons on our tail off! josei

The Abyss World had 99 levels, and there was a complete world on every level. All of the Abyss World was also known as the Endless Abyss. Although the Abyss of Tharlen was just one of the 99 levels, it was very spacious. Apart from the black flames that could be seen everywhere, it had mountains, rivers, and forests. It was not very different from an actual world.

Despite flying for at least 10 minutes, the three young mages were still unable to break away from the Azteks. Lin Li also realized that the mana of Hutton and Stephen was starting to dwindle. It was not unusual for long-distance flights to be consuming a huge amount of mana. Lin Li was already surprised that the two of them could endure so long. After all, not all mages had the ability to cast 10 Pyroblast instantaneously...

However, that did not matter. They would be able to shrug that bunch of Azteks off very quickly.

Because... Lin Li saw a forest ahead of them with the Warlock’s Eyes.

The forest was two to three kilometers away. At their speed, they would be able to reach it in three minutes.

Although Azteks that were above level-18 were troublesome, the forest was still better than normal plains. Once they entered the forest that had complex topography and a huge bunch of trees and grasses, Lin Li was certain that not only would the Azteks not be able to transform into Live Bomb, it would also turn them into the hares that would submit to them1.

The three men reached the region above the forest very quickly. Lin Li slowed down, and asked, “Hey, should we go pick up a few dead hares from the land?”

“Dead hares?” Stephen and Hutton looked at Lin Li skeptically. How could he think of playing with hares when the flames of the Azteks were going to burn their butts?

“That’s right, stupid dead hares...” Lin Li plunged into the thick forest without giving further explanation.

Hutton followed in his wake right after Lin Li landed on the ground. Although Hutton was unsure what was going on with President Felic, consistent interactions with him gave Hutton confidence that President Felic had different brain structure from normal humans. His seemingly baffling actions would always have stunning results, causing the people who did not agree with him to feel regret.

Hutton did not dare to disagree with Lin Li. He did not want to regret it...

Hence, Hutton stood behind Lin Li obediently.

Unlike Hutton, Stephen was less agreeable. Unfortunately, there was no opportunity to protest when the two others had already entered the forest. What could he do other than follow behind them? He was not Geresco. He would not have the ability to fight with a group of Azteks above level-18...

“I shall let you guys off this time...” Stephen muttered under his breath as he glanced at that figure clad in a black robe a distance away. After some hesitation, he reduced his mana usage and made his way towards the ground slowly...

“Hey, President Felic, what are you doing...?” Hutton asked when he saw that mysterious President Felic pouring a bottle of star sand on the ground.

“I’ve brought too much star sand with me, and it hindered my flying speed. I want to pour some of it away for fun...” said Lin Li in a patronizing tone.

“Felic... President Felic really likes to crack jokes...” The only thing Hutton could do was to laugh awkwardly at the outright patronization.

He had no other choice. Lin Li was not a man he could trifle with...

He had no idea where this Felic came from, but was really stunned by what Felic did in the Blackstone Mountains. He was a butcher who got rid of a huge bunch of bandits. He could summon dozens of Death Knights any time he wished to. With his Humerus Wyrm, anybody who were to trigger his wrath would never be able to leave the Abyss of Tharlen alive.

Furthermore, the fella had a great relationship with Sendros...

Who was Sendros? He was a Legendary-realm mage of at least level-20. As one of the High Priests of the Darkness Shrine, which once had the same influence as the Brilliance Shrine or the Supreme Council. Even though a century had passed, the Darkness Shrine still had greater power than the Malfa Family. Hutton was one of the few who was aware of the true abilities of the Darkness Shrine. Wasn’t Darkness Shrine behind the Dark Blade, the force competing with the Malfa Family for the last several hundred years?

After a few interactions, Hutton was certain that the freakishly young President Felic was really not someone to challenge. Being a man with a lot of secrets, he might even be scarier than Sendros...

“It’s actually nothing much. I’m just setting a small trap...” Lin Li grew embarrassed when he saw how awkward Hutton was. While continuing to pour the star sand, Lin Li started to explain it to him.

“Hehe, I knew it. President Felic must have thought of how to deal with the Azteks...” said Hutton. The explanation given by Lin Li was a positive signal to Hutton that Lin Li had intentions to ease the relationship with him.

Although it was not a good relationship to start with, to Hutton, it was pleasurable enough if that fella did not treat him as an enemy. It meant that he did not have to worry when Felic was going to take revenge on him.

Just when Hutton wanted to take the chance to patch things up for his wrongs in instructing the Syer Bandits to sneak attack, he saw Stephen approaching them from the sky. The expression of that young mage from the Dark Blade became uneasy when he saw the star sand on the ground.

“Goddammit. So you lured us into this forest to watch you draw circles?”

“If you are not interested, I don’t mind if you leave this place any time... ” Lin Li said as he pursed his lips without looking at Stephen. He did not take Stephen’s attitude to heart, as he was sure that Stephen would not have the intelligence necessary to learn the Maze Mageweath and mageweath array...

Lin Li might be the only person who knew that the Maze Mageweath was what gave him the confidence to suggest they pick up dead hares. Of course, Lin Li did not have the time to explain it to Stephen. The Maze Mageweath was a high-level mageweath array that involved mental and spiritual strength. It was a challenging mageweath array that not all high-level Inscriptors had the confidence to establish. Furthermore, Lin Li intended to construct a mageweath array with three Maze Mageweaths. This increased the difficulty by many levels. Who would have the ability to multitask by giving Stephen an explanation? Whom could he put the blame on if he were to commit any mistakes?

However, the difficult mageweath array was the best solution to deal with the Azteks.

The Maze Mageweath was a special existence in the category of high-level mageweaths. Although it was not life-threatening, it could create illusions for the living beings within its boundaries. A mageweath array that was made of three Maze Mageweaths would increase the strength of the illusions. Lin Li presumed that three Maze Mageweaths were sufficient to affect the Azteks that had innate resistance to mental spells.

Since one could easily crash into trees with his eyes wide open, Lin Li felt that the many trees in the forest helped to construct an environment easy for them to deal with the Azteks. Yet, it was not exactly foolproof. He still had to add another Maze Mageweath and use the mageweath array to create different types of illusions.

“Alright. Mage Hutton, let’s find a place to rest...” Lin Li said as he patted the dust off his long robe. He had put a level-10 magical crystal on the source of mana carefully, and completed the last magic node.

“Oh, yes. Mage Stephen, do you want to take a rest too? You can also take the chance to have a look at how I draw circles...”

“Hmph!” Stephen snorted without looking at Lin Li.

“It seems that Mage Stephen has no interest in drawing circles. Mage Hutton, shall we go take a break there...?” Lin Li commented grinningly after glancing at Stephen. After that, Lin Li and Hutton found a seat at a dry spot. They took the chance to replenish their mana that had been drained from the long flight.

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