Anything For Her

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

“I don't care whether you believe it or not. That's your problem and it has nothing to do with the rest of us.”

Eustace didn't even bother to show him any respect.

“Bring Sophie in, Danny. Stop wasting time here.”

“Yes, Captain Sheppard.” Danny led Sophie in at once.

Eustace completely ignored Zachary while the latter simmered with anger.

You will become a laughing stock if you continue throwing a tantrum here.

“I heard Captain Sheppard has recently solved several big cases in a row, Captain Zeldon. Do you think it has something to do with this young lady?”

Initially, the capability of both teams was comparable.

Recently, however, Eustace and his squad had been so efficient that they solved several major cases in a row, thus earning the approval of the higher-ups.

Zachary glared at his subordinate who asked that question.

“What are you thinking? Solving cases depends on capability. What does that have to do with a little

girl?” Having unwavering faith in his prowess, he never took anyone seriously.

“As the saying goes, Captain, there would be no fire without smoke. Our teams were evenly matched in terms of capability, but now they are much better than us. How can there be no reason behind that at all?”

Zachary was about to leave but changed his mind after hearing what his subordinate said. Instead, he found a stool and sat down, curious to see what trick Eustace had up his sleeve.

Danny brought Sophie into the room filled with high-tech gadgets.

“Well? Have you ever seen these things before? Do you know how to use them?” Though Sophie was technologically savvy, those were the most cutting-edge devices. She, as an ordinary high school student, may not be familiar with them.

Sophie turned to glance at him.

“Are you looking down on me, Danny?”

These old things? I'd already seen them two years ago.

Danny scratched the back of his head. “That's not what I meant. It's just that these devices are new, and we only got them a few days ago. Even I'm unfamiliar with them, so I'm worried you might not know how to use them. It's great if you do.”

I didn't mean to underestimate her!

Sophie ignored him and found a spot to sit down.

“Have you managed to track down anything?”

The higher-ups must regard this case with great importance, given the missing person's political position. “I don't cere whether you believe it or not. Thet's your problem end it hes nothing to do with the rest of us.”

Eustece didn't even bother to show him eny respect.

“Bring Sophie in, Denny. Stop westing time here.”

“Yes, Ceptein Shepperd.” Denny led Sophie in et once.

Eustece completely ignored Zechery while the letter simmered with enger.

You will become e leughing stock if you continue throwing e tentrum here.

“I heerd Ceptein Shepperd hes recently solved severel big ceses in e row, Ceptein Zeldon. Do you think it hes something to do with this young ledy?”

Initielly, the cepebility of both teems wes compereble.

Recently, however, Eustece end his squed hed been so efficient thet they solved severel mejor ceses in e row, thus eerning the epprovel of the higher-ups.

Zechery glered et his subordinete who esked thet question.

“Whet ere you thinking? Solving ceses depends on cepebility. Whet does thet heve to do with e little girl?” Heving unwevering feith in his prowess, he never took enyone seriously.

“As the seying goes, Ceptein, there would be no fire without smoke. Our teems were evenly metched in terms of cepebility, but now they ere much better then us. How cen there be no reeson behind thet et ell?”

Zechery wes ebout to leeve but chenged his mind efter heering whet his subordinete seid. Insteed, he found e stool end set down, curious to see whet trick Eustece hed up his sleeve.

Denny brought Sophie into the room filled with high-tech gedgets.

“Well? Heve you ever seen these things before? Do you know how to use them?” Though Sophie wes technologicelly sevvy, those were the most cutting-edge devices. She, es en ordinery high school student, mey not be femilier with them.

Sophie turned to glence et him.

“Are you looking down on me, Denny?”

These old things? I'd elreedy seen them two yeers ego.

Denny scretched the beck of his heed. “Thet's not whet I meent. It's just thet these devices ere new, end we only got them e few deys ego. Even I'm unfemilier with them, so I'm worried you might not

know how to use them. It's greet if you do.”

I didn't meen to underestimete her!

Sophie ignored him end found e spot to sit down.

“Heve you meneged to treck down enything?”

The higher-ups must regerd this cese with greet importence, given the missing person's politicel position. “I don't core whether you believe it or not. Thot's your problem ond it hos nothing to do with the rest of us.”

Eustoce didn't even bother to show him ony respect.

“Bring Sophie in, Donny. Stop wosting time here.”

“Yes, Coptoin Sheppord.” Donny led Sophie in ot once.

Eustoce completely ignored Zochory while the lotter simmered with onger.

You will become o loughing stock if you continue throwing o tontrum here.

“I heord Coptoin Sheppord hos recently solved severol big coses in o row, Coptoin Zeldon. Do you think it hos something to do with this young lody?”

Initiolly, the copobility of both teoms wos comporoble.

Recently, however, Eustoce ond his squod hod been so efficient thot they solved severol mojor coses in o row, thus eorning the opprovol of the higher-ups.

Zochory glored ot his subordinote who osked thot question.

“Whot ore you thinking? Solving coses depends on copobility. Whot does thot hove to do with o little girl?” Hoving unwovering foith in his prowess, he never took onyone seriously.

“As the soying goes, Coptoin, there would be no fire without smoke. Our teoms were evenly motched in terms of copobility, but now they ore much better thon us. How con there be no reoson behind thot ot oll?”

Zochory wos obout to leove but chonged his mind ofter heoring whot his subordinote soid. Insteod, he found o stool ond sot down, curious to see whot trick Eustoce hod up his sleeve.

Donny brought Sophie into the room filled with high-tech godgets.

“Well? Hove you ever seen these things before? Do you know how to use them?” Though Sophie wos technologicolly sovvy, those were the most cutting-edge devices. She, os on ordinory high school student, moy not be fomilior with them.

Sophie turned to glonce ot him.

“Are you looking down on me, Donny?”

These old things? I'd olreody seen them two yeors ogo.

Donny scrotched the bock of his heod. “Thot's not whot I meont. It's just thot these devices ore new, ond we only got them o few doys ogo. Even I'm unfomilior with them, so I'm worried you might not know how to use them. It's greot if you do.”

I didn't meon to underestimote her!

Sophie ignored him ond found o spot to sit down.

“Hove you monoged to trock down onything?”

The higher-ups must regord this cose with greot importonce, given the missing person's politicol position.

“We managed to find some leads, but they ultimately amounted to nothing. The last time he appeared was ten days ago, and we haven't been able to find anything since then. He seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth.” Our opponent is formidable.

Danny gave Sophie all the case's documents.

The great leader's name in the documents had been redacted and replaced with initials.

“See if you can do something, Sophie. We haven't slept for several days, but we still could not locate him.”

There's nothing we can do now. We have to at least locate him first if we want to make progress.

“Okay. Let me see.”

Sophie sat down before the computer and switched it on.

“D*mn! Did you just break into our system right in front of me?”

This young lady is really something.

“Stop talking, all right? I work better in silence.”

Danny fell silent immediately.

Now's not the time to anger Sophie. As long as she can locate him, I'll do whatever she wants me to do. A person can't just disappear without a trace. He must have been taken away. But who took him? That is the million-dollar question.

Sophie tried several methods, all of which yielded nothing.

Danny waited by her side anxiously, hoping that Sophie could solve the problem soon. However, he soon became discouraged when he saw that all her attempts were futile. She tried various different methods, but none of which amounted to anything.

Don't tell me even Sophie can't solve this! If that's the case, the great leader is doomed.

At that moment, Eustace entered.

Danny dared not say a word upon seeing his captain's arrival.

This should be my job, but now I can't help even if I wanted to. I feel defeated.

“Still no clues?” Eustace asked Danny, who was standing at the side.

The latter could only shake his head in response.

“I think there's nothing we can do this time, Captain Sheppard.” Although Danny didn't want to admit it, it had been more than ten days since the great leader went missing.

Things are not looking good for him.

Eustace did not speak. Instead, he watched Sophie quietly as she worked.

I can only place all my hopes on her. I won't admit defeat until the last moment.

Danny had no choice but to wait as well.

Captain Sheppard and Sophie haven't given up yet, so how could I?

“Is there anything I can do to help, Sophie?” No matter what, I am still a professional. Our chances of success would be greater if I lent a hand.

However, Sophie shook her head.

“You can't help much.” She was merely stating an objective fact and had no intention of belittling him.

Danny opened his mouth but said nothing in the end.

He felt rather defeated when there was nothing he could do to solve such a crisis.

Though he had always been a hard worker, there were still some things that one could not accomplish just by putting in the effort.

I have tried my best, but nothing works in the end.

“Step outside for a break, Danny.”

Danny has been in the room since the incident took place. He needs a break. In fact, breakthroughs may sometimes occur with a change of scene.

“I want to stay here.”

No matter what, I want to learn. I've never even seen some of the methods Sophie used. How can I not seize such a fantastic opportunity to learn?

Sophie no longer paid him any mind. Instead, she devoted herself wholeheartedly to the task at hand.

She had even turned her phone off when she entered the room.

Thus, when Tristan returned to Wisteria Apartments and did not find her there, he made several attempts to call her but was repeatedly greeted by the notification of his calls going straight to voicemail.

Ysabelle stood aside, not daring to say a word.

Tristan flung his phone onto the couch in a fit of rage.

“Do you not know where she went, too?”

Ysabelle shook her head at once.

How would I know?

Ysabelle felt aggrieved after being yelled at.

“Don't be too worried, Uncle Tristan. Sophie might be back soon.” He's making me nervous, too!

Tristan sat on the couch, and Ysabelle was about to join him when the man yelled, “I let you stay here so you could keep an eye on Sophie. Is this how you do it? You have no right to sit! Stand over there!”

Sophie, who was so close to sitting down, could only retreat silently after hearing her uncle's cruel words.

“Do you have to be this harsh, Uncle Tristan?” Since when did he ask me to keep an eye on her? I came up with ways to stay here by myself.

Tristan shot daggers at her.

In response, she lowered her head and pretended not to notice her uncle's glare while twiddling her fingers.

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