Apocalypse Chaos - I am the villain

Chapter 175 Real purpose

Chapter 175 Real purpose

Chapter 175 Real purpose

(My editor is editing this chapter. I will update this A.S.A.P)

Hearing that, Hikaru frowned, his eyes gradually filled with murderous intent and anger.

"Don't you dare?"

He took a deep breath, thinking about many different factors.

Convincing a person when that person clearly knows his or her purpose is impossible.

Like a salesperson trying to convince a customer to buy his product.

However, that customer has no need to buy, so no matter how hard the salesperson tries to persuade, it is useless.

Hikaru's current situation is the same. He couldn't convince this god to let him use the system because he didn't need him.

But… Hikaru thought he could try.

Right now, he needs to know what this god's needs are, why he created the system and gave that system to Rakan.

What does he need Rakan for?

What does he want in the future?

Hikaru needs to know this god's needs and goals, then he can convince him.

He thought for a long time, then asked: "May I know the purpose for which you created this system?"

"Hahaha… I know what you're thinking, kid…" That God spoke, his laughter filled with contempt: "You want to know my purpose? Hahaha… you can try to guess…"

Hikaru frowned, at this moment, he felt he needed Laylah's wisdom. That's right, Laylah's intelligence is what he needs the most right now, her ability to speculate and persuade is also terrible.

As long as she can help him, his success rate will increase greatly.

However, only he can enter this space, and no one else can enter.

Hikaru took a deep breath, thinking through countless cases and reasons for this god to create the system.

'Why did he create the system? Is it... just to make his life less boring?'

'No, if that's the case then it doesn't matter to him who gets the system. He doesn't need to appear like this.'

'If the system creator appears, it means that the system plays a very important role for him.'

'So… that means the system must have some role to play. Rescue? Support? What role does the system ultimately play for its creator?'

Hikaru frowned, he kept thinking but didn't know which goal he should finally decide on to convince the system creator.

"Hahaha… looks like you're wondering, right?"

"That's right." Hikaru nodded. He said without concealment: "The information you gave me is too little, I don't have enough information necessary to convince you."

"Hm…" The system creator pondered, then smiled and said: "Then… I will give you more suggestions. However, every suggestion we make means a function of the system will be cut."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand!" Hikaru nodded: "And I accept…"

"Good… Hahaha… suggestion number 1, I created the system for a purpose." As soon as that god finished speaking, a cube appeared in front of Hikaru.

Yes, that is Rakan's system. That cube has 7 red LED-like lights shining.

Right after that, one light suddenly turned off, leaving only 6 LED lights on.

Hikaru knew, that meant that a system function had disappeared.

He frowned and began to rule out the possibilities.

'So, I can rule out the possibility that he created the system just for fun. So that means… he must have some great purpose…'

'That is most likely related to the survival of the system's creator.'

'Could it be… when I disguised myself as Gody, the reason I gave was most likely the reason this god created the system.'

'He is in danger, imprisoned somewhere, or pursued by enemies. He wants to train someone who can save him...'

Hikaru thought a lot. Even though the system creator had given him a suggestion, there were still too many possibilities.

He frowned and said: "One more suggestion..."

"I am not pursued by enemies…"

Hearing that, Hikaru could rule out one more possibility. However, there are still too many possibilities.

'Damn… I need a clearer hint. One suggestion can help me rule out most other possibilities...'

"Another suggestion." Hikaru said.

"I put a lot of effort into creating the system. To be more precise, this is the greatest masterpiece of my life."

As soon as the system creator finished speaking, another light went off.

Currently, there are only 4 lights left on the cube, which proves that it only has 4 functions left.

"One more suggestion."

"Hahaha… are you sure? If there's only one light left on, this system is almost useless, meaning you only have two more chances."

"I'm sure."

"Hm… I didn't create the system for any noble purposes, I created it for myself."

Hearing that, Hikaru felt that he was only an extremely small distance from the truth. Just reach out and you can touch the truth, touch the ultimate goal. josei

Hikaru thought for a long time, not knowing how much time had passed, he smiled and said.

"I have the answer."

The system creator was a little surprised and said: "Heh?! Don't you want to think more? You should remember, if you decide to answer, if you answer incorrectly, you will fail."

"If you fail, you not only lose ownership of the system, but you also become the guardian of the system. You must become the assistant of the next owner of the system."

"Are you sure?"

Hikaru nodded, even though he was extremely worried right now. It seemed that his life was standing at the threshold of heaven and hell.

If he takes just one wrong step, waiting for him is endless hell.

However, he was only a little worried, he was not afraid.

[Master, are you sure? You…]

"Don't worry…" Hikaru heard Rika say, he smiled and replied: "I'm very confident. Do you know that when I was alive on Earth, I was just a coward and weak person?

"I don't even intend to resist those who intend to harm me."

"I always try to stay out of trouble as much as possible. However, now it is different."

"I don't want to live like that anymore. I have tried to go so far, if I turn back I will continue to live in fear and anxiety."

"Rika, if I fail, leave me and find a better master…"

[Don't worry, I said if you die, I will die too. Our lives are one.]

"Hah! Up until now, the only person accompanying me is you alone."

[Huh! I believe you can do it. If you can't do it, I will bite you to death.]

"Hahaha… rest assured…"

At this time, the system creator said: "Okay, what is your answer, little humanity."

Two eyes like two purple moons stared at Hikaru, the terrible pressure from those two eyes and from this death game was like a mountain pressing down on his shoulders.

Hikaru took a deep breath, tried to calm down, then said: "My answer is… you need someone to replace you. No, to be more precise, you are cultivating a backup body for yourself."

The atmosphere fell silent, those giant eyes did not seem to express any other emotions, they just stared at Hikaru.

A moment later, the system creator's voice rang out: "Oh! Why do you think like that?"

Hikaru smiled and said: "First, you said that you created the system for a purpose, I can rule out the possibility that you created the system just for entertainment."

"The second hint you gave me, you are not being chased by the enemy. In your hint I saw a detail that you have enemies and they do not continue to pursue you."

"Heh?! Why do you think I have no enemies?" The system creator asked, his voice filled with excitement.

'Great… I'm on the right track.' Hikaru thought to himself, his smile became even more confident.

He explained: "If you had no enemies, you would not have given this suggestion but a completely different suggestion."

"If you are not pursued by the enemy, there are only two reasons: First, the enemy already thinks you are dead, but I don't think so."

"A person like you who can create a system will definitely be very strong, very terrible, you cannot be easily killed by enemies or use death to escape."

"That is why we completely reject this reason. So… I lean more towards the second reason."

"You and the enemy are attacking each other in a different way. Meaning you and your enemy both possess equal strength, no one can defeat the other."

"That's why your enemies don't need to hunt you down."

"HM… your theory is very reasonable." The system creator said: "However, why don't you think that I have no enemies, or that my enemies are not capable of opposing me?"

Hikaru shook his head: "That would contradict the number 1 suggestion you gave. You created the system for a purpose, not simply for entertainment."

"Besides… I don't think you don't have enemies. Everyone who exists has enemies, including gods."

"And of course, what you just said also contradicts suggestions number three and number four that you gave."

"Suggestion number three, you said that this is the greatest masterpiece of your life, which means that you spent a lot of time and effort to create it."

"If so, it must play some very important role."

"Suggestion number four, you said that you created this system for yourself, not for any other noble purpose."

"So, I can rule out the possibility that you want to train a hero, a savior for humanity or something like that."

"From the above reasons… I can come to the final conclusion that… you are training someone who can become your second body."

"Hahahaha… I don't think it's convincing enough. There is no basis for you to make such a conclusion." The system creator smiled and said.

"Hahaha…" Suddenly, Hikaru also laughed loudly: "The basis for me to come to that conclusion is another thing, which is that you gave me the opportunity to own the system."

"If you want to create a hero to save the world, save this universe, then Rakan is the one who cannot be replaced, cannot die."

"However, until Rakan died, you never appeared. You also gave me the opportunity to take possession of the system after I killed Rakan. That means that Rakan is not important to you."

"No, to be more precise, it doesn't matter who owns the system, you just need someone who can make the best use of this system, right?"

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