Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

Now computers and other electrical equipment can still be used, but it is no longer electric energy. In this year, human beings have discovered a new energy - energy crystal.

This kind of energy crystal can directly make the extracted energy into an energy card. As long as the equipment is slightly modified and an energy card slot is added, it can be used. In a short time, petroleum energy will be completely replaced. Now most instruments use energy cards, which are pollution-free and easy to use.

It's a huge number to supply a gathering place with daily energy consumption. The awakening guild has been looking for energy crystals, which is a long-term task. However, until now, except for one person who has found an energy crystal vein, he has not found any more. The person who discovered the energy crystal vein is now a powerful person in Xianglong city.

After all three people's information was entered into the computer, Tang Shi asked, "if I want to check a person's information, how many contribution points do I need to have permission?"

The female clerk said, "if you want to open this authority, you need to reach level B, and you need to contribute at least 1 million points."

Qin lie is silly. He has just heard other awakened people talking clearly that killing a serrated tiger of level 8 can only get more than ten points of contribution. To reach one million points, it must be a matter of years and months?!

"Isn't there a faster way to get contribution points?" Qin lie didn't care about the gentlemen any more, so he cut in.

The woman clerk said, "you can choose to join the awakening team and take on some more difficult tasks. That way, you will get more rewards and contributions."

Qin lie: "can only the awakening team take on the more difficult tasks? I can't do it alone? "

The clerk explained, "strictly speaking, yes. The contribution points obtained by the awakened team will be evenly distributed to the members, which may not be too many, but you can choose to query by the team level. The contribution points have the same level, and it is relatively easy to complete the task. "

As soon as Qin lie heard that there was such a rule, he immediately said, "we can form a team ourselves without joining the awakening team. The name of the team is Just call... "

Qin lie suddenly remembered that they had all their uniforms. He had to form a team. "It's called 'silver moon Ranger'. It's just that we don't have to buy our uniforms."

Yan Xu is not clear about the team, asked to look at the Tang Dynasty, Tang Dynasty only feel brain pain.

Qin liexing rushed to the window and said, "we have three teams. The name of the team is" silver moon Ranger ". Let's register."

"I'm sorry, sir. The minimum number of awakeners is five." The woman clerk told the truth mercilessly.

Qin lie's blood was poured with a basin of ice water by his pocket, and his heart was cool.

Tang Shi knows that the smallest unit for building the awakening team is five people. Otherwise, he has chosen to build a team. Do you still need the female clerk to remind him?

With their strength in Tang Dynasty, it's easy for them to take over the task of the team. Tang Dynasty didn't worry about this problem. He was concerned about other things.

"Excuse me, how much does it cost to learn how to make a particle card?" Tang Shi knew very well that it was only a month since the research of micro particle card came out. If he wanted to learn, he could pay tuition. Because it was a new type of consumption card, the tuition would not be cheap. Tang Shi also knew that the 300 gold coins in his hand might not be enough for the three of them to pay tuition.

The woman clerk said, "one person's tuition is 150 gold coins, and one month's study."

Sure enough, the 300 gold coins in the hands of the Tang Dynasty have other uses. They can't all be spent on tuition fees. This can only wait.

In Tang Dynasty, he decided to take the task first, earn some gold coins and make some contribution.

There is a huge screen in the hall of the awakening guild, on which there are tasks issued every day, arranged according to different levels. As long as the task is taken away, the column will turn gray. If the task is completed, the word "completed" will appear behind the column.

In the Tang Dynasty, he took a glance and only selected the most contribution points and the most gold coins. He did not ask for the task of organizing a group.

Tang Dynasty chose a Class-A task. At present, there are not many people in the hall. Many awakened people have taken the task and left, but the Class-A task is always at the top of the list, and no one leads it. Tang Dynasty didn't even think about it, so he took it - kill the ape man!

The rank of this ape man is unknown. Several powerful awakening teams were attacked. They were not alive and all died. So the awakening guild issued this mission, and the reward was very considerable. Because of this expensive reward, Danone moved Tang Shi.

When Tang Shi handed the golden dragon head to the female clerk to brush, the female clerk asked: "are you really ready to take this task? You are a newcomer to Xianglong city. You may not know about this task. In fact, before... "

"Brush it, take the job." Tang Shi affirmed that he knew that the female clerk was kind-hearted, but now he was in a hurry. The female clerk had to assign the task to Tang Shi and wished him good luck.

After the three left, without delay, they went to pick up the car and went out to hunt. On the car, Qin liecai asked, "why don't you let the beauty finish? More information will help us hunt. ""No, I know that kind of thing." In Tang Dynasty.

YanXu motioned him to continue.

In the Tang Dynasty, he pointed out a way for YanXu to follow. "The ape man is a kind of humanoid creature with different space. He is big, intelligent, and very cunning. He is good at setting traps. He did appear near Xianglong city."

In the last Tang Dynasty, I heard that the ape man would appear near the twilight forest and ambush the awakened one there. He had never seen it. With his strength in the last Tang Dynasty, if he really saw it, he might not be able to come back. So if you want to find the ape man, you can go directly to the twilight forest.

The forest of Twilight didn't exist on the earth. It suddenly appeared in this area after the end of the world, but it's not unusual. Now the whole landscape has undergone earth shaking changes. It's no surprise that a forest of Twilight suddenly appeared.

Close to the twilight forest, YanXu drives his car to a hidden place and hides it. The three get off the car and activate the black moon hunter's leather armor to wear on them. None of them wear armor. They only wear it when hunting. After all, armor is very different from ordinary clothes. They don't need to wear armor at all in the gathering place. Those who wear armor are proud Wake up, just to show off.

In the Tang Dynasty, the three of them all had the same armor, which was very conspicuous and of good quality. Although there have been human armor casters now, the quality of armor made by human beings can not be compared with that made by card creatures who specialize in this area. In particular, Kim, the legendary master of orange card casting in the hands of Tang Dynasty, tried not to expose himself too much It's also a way to save your life.

The three of them walked to the direction of the twilight forest. It was overgrown with weeds. There was a dense and deep Twilight forest not far away. There was no doubt that it was more dangerous inside than outside. In Tang Dynasty, they were not ready to go in. The oxhorn ape people were all around here, and they would always appear by themselves when they saw them.

In the Tang Dynasty, the three found a winding path. As soon as they stepped on the path, they heard a scream in front of them.

"Someone's under attack! Go YanXu immediately made a response and ran quickly along the sound, followed by Tang and Qin lie.

In the process of running, YanXu kept observing the surrounding environment and the road under his feet. Before the Tang Dynasty, he said that the ape man was good at setting traps, so although he was fast, he was also very careful. The closer you get, the more you can hear the fighting sound coming from the front and the roar of human beings.

Suddenly, Yan Xu's eyes narrowed, and a stone appeared in the middle of the path. The stone was not big, only the size of an adult man's fist. The stone was very abrupt. It was surrounded by weeds and trees, and there was no mountain. Suddenly, an irregular stone appeared, which easily made people think that it was put there.

YanXu stops, and the two people behind him also stop. YanXu signals Tang Shi to see it. Tang Shi nods to show that he has seen it.

Before the fight in front of the sound has not stopped, the wind has been able to smell the smell of blood, whether this stone is a trap or not, their choice is to go around.

They walked around the edge of the road, away from the stone, and continued to run towards the fighting place.

When they arrived, they saw a monster at least two meters in size, walking upright, the body like an ape man, with a brown hair, head like an ox head, but with human like features, long ears, short neck on both sides of the growth of two thick giant horn, sharp Brown horn arrogantly forward, there will be strange horn The strong ape man violently tore up an awakened man and spilled his blood on the ground!

Such a bloody scene, Tang Dynasty and YanXu have resistance, but Qin lie frowned, very disgusted.

Instead of rushing out directly, they hid in the grass nearby and looked at the battlefield in front of them. The awakened group was almost dead. There were four incomplete corpses lying on the ground. Only one of them was still alive and was not far away from death. He was stabbed in the chest by a long pointed spear, one end of the spear was stabbed on the ground, so the man was held in mid air.

The ape man walked over and grabbed the man on the spear with his big black hand, and pulled his hair from the spear savagely. The man was already angry and struggled reflexively for two times, but he didn't move. The ape man just dragged the man's hair and didn't know where to go.

It's hard to meet them. They won't let the monster go.

When Tang Dynasty saw Qin lie one eye, Qin lie indicated that understood, immediately hit one fist in the ground, "angry tentacle!"

Countless green tentacles of his arms came out of the ground and quickly wound around the legs of the ape man. Qin lie's talent was strengthened on the edge of the twilight forest. There were plants everywhere, which made Qin lie more powerful.

Seeing that the ape man was entangled, the Tang Dynasty immediately released two wolf spirits. The wolf spirits roared and rushed up to the target, which was a bite.

The soul of the ape man was attacked and roared angrily, "moo -!"

In a rage, the man in his hand smashed at the wolf ghost beast, and bent down to grasp the green tentacles wrapped around his legs, and used brute force to pull it off. When the wolf ghost beast rushed up again, the ape man half bent, clenched his fists, and made a strange cry. Suddenly, one of the strange pictures on the horn disappeared. The wolf ghost beast was not close to him, just like hitting a copper wall At the moment of impact, a large golden Rune appeared in the void in front of the ape man. The golden Rune disappeared in a flash.In the Tang Dynasty, he was shocked and blurted out, "soul Rune! It's really a monster. The Rune of soul can block all soul attacks! " josei

Then he looked at the monster's two stout horns like giant bamboo shoots with bright eyes. They are good things. Those strange patterns on them should be the unique runes of the ape man!

At this time, YanXu's new skill is ready, "frost - ice chain!"

YanXu's whole body is suddenly flashing golden light. The temperature around suddenly drops to below zero, and the temperature keeps dropping. Suddenly, the ground trembles, and even cracks a few holes. From the cracks, two thick chains of ice fly out, and lock them toward the center of the ox horn ape man!

The ape man had just resisted the attack of the wolf soul beast. Before he could catch his breath, he immediately welcomed the attack of the ice chain. He was firmly entangled by one chain, and the other one was also entangled in the past. He wound the big monster into the ice chain.

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