Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 438

Chapter 438

Chapter 438

In other words, if the Tang Dynasty decided to release the king of the dead, it would be equivalent to completely destroying Mei Qianyan's dead. If all the dead disappeared, then Mei Qianyan would never exist in this world.

The Tang Dynasty sighed: "let's talk about this later. I don't have self-confidence either. I must suppress the consciousness of the king of the dead."

Hearing the decision of Tang Dynasty, both longmian and qinlie are relieved. YanXu has just recovered. They don't want to see YanXu follow in Tang Dynasty.

Yan Xu also nodded and agreed with Tang Shi's decision.

Next, they plan to contact the contact person of the orcs first. When they separated at that time, they had decided the meeting place, and they would meet in a small gathering place around Huazun area. There will be orcs waiting for them to return every day.

If they can avoid the warlords and the light elves, they will certainly work hard. They can't let Qin lie and Zhan Rong attack their own people. Even if they don't say it, he YanXu of Tang Dynasty can't do it. So the best way is to keep them away from the battlefield.

After the rest, they flew straight to the meeting place. This flight lasted another half a month. The time was too urgent.

When they were far away from the small gathering place, they stopped and put away the "beetle". Several people changed their clothes and put on a set of relatively soft armor. Their heads and faces were covered so that people could not see their faces.

After entering the Terran realm, the yuanneng of Tang Dynasty and YanXu has returned to full. Qin lie, Zhan Rong, long Mian and Yasa have all given their original cards to Tang Dynasty, especially the space card. It's very inconvenient for Tang Dynasty to help activate what they need. But if they have powerful power in exchange, they will put up with it for a while.

All the way back from pandaliya, they all tried their own ability. Compared with before, their power has increased ten times? Even if it's 100 times more than that, and there's no time to get out of the card. It's very fast and convenient to use. Even if it's not convenient in some places, they can accept it. There are gains and losses, which is inevitable. They won't be too greedy.

There are six people in total. Tang Dynasty activated the mechanical Manlong card of longmian. The mechanical Manlong card has been repaired by Sihang and awin. Besides helping the battle, it is also a good walking tool. At least a few of them can sit on it. They don't need another activation mount card.

Qin lie's most precious mount card can't be used now. It's a bit lost.

Sitting on the mechanical dragon, Qin lie couldn't help asking: "brother Yan, how did you walk in ancient times? Do you have to walk everywhere? "

Yan Xu glanced at him. "Each race has different abilities and different methods. The animal spirits have their own animal companions, but they are all large animals and can't fly. They are the mounts and war favorites of the animal spirits."

Qin lie's eyes suddenly brightened. It turned out that there was a mount, but he couldn't fly. Even if he could walk on the ground, it was good. josei

"Now, compared with the ancient times, the war favourites of the beast spirit clan should have disappeared." Zhan Rong added.

Qin lie said excitedly, "what about the elves? How does the light elves travel? "

The flight time was boring, and YanXu did not mean to answer Qin lie's questions, so that they could understand the situation of ancient times. These memories were all obtained by YanXu from Hogarth.

"The light elves are gentle and kind-hearted, far away from disputes. They live in the vast forest and almost never leave the forest. They can walk in the forest and call a small animal as a substitute. The light elves are naturally close to nature and make friends with the Forest Elves. Their life is harmonious and peaceful, and there is no race to disturb them They are

The light elves can have such a comfortable life without being bullied and attacked by other races. Naturally, it's not because of their gentle temperament, but because of their strong strength hidden behind the gentle!

They love peace, but they are not afraid of fighting. The elves rank fourth among the ten tribes in ancient times, next only to the protoss, the dragon and the giant. We can see how strong they are.

In ancient times, the fifth of the ten ethnic groups is the "Haizu", which is a real sea overlord. Many of the Haizu are amphibians.

In the sixth place of the ancient ten tribes, the "trolls" are tall and powerful. Although there is only one word difference between the trolls and the demons, there is a big difference in appearance. The demons are famous for their beauty, while the trolls are notoriously ugly and evil. But their combat effectiveness is the sixth place of the ancient ten tribes.

In ancient times, the seventh of the ten ethnic groups was a "winged group" born with flying ability. They had a pair of beautiful big wings. In ancient times, they used to command airspace on one side. They had high intelligence and strong combat effectiveness, so they ranked seventh.

In the eighth place is the "undead". There are many kinds of undead. They live in a dark and humid place for a long time. They are visible and invisible, and they are hard to kill unless they use special weapons.

The ninth place is the "beast spirit clan". If you fight alone, the beast spirit clan and the troll clan may be able to draw, but from other aspects, you can only fall in the ninth place. The race that can be included in the ancient ten ethnic groups is not only a matter of combat effectiveness, but also involves all aspects. Otherwise, the "human race" will never be included in the ancient ten ethnic groups.Apart from the ancient ten ethnic groups, there are various ethnic groups. They are either rare in number, evil, dirty, and low in intelligence. They are not as loud as the ancient ten ethnic groups. What they have to deal with is mainly the people of the ancient ten ethnic groups. Other ethnic groups are just clowns.

Wait for Yan Xu to finish these situations simply, the gathering place that they want to go also arrived.

The scene that appeared in front of their eyes shocked them for a long time and they couldn't speak - where is this or the gathering place? The whole place is in ruins!

It's hard to see the intact buildings in the whole gathering place. All of them have been destroyed. The defensive wall is even more collapsed. There are no standing ones. The ground is covered with dark black blood stains. There are rotten or gnawed corpses everywhere. There are still living creatures running in the city. Only those scavengers who don't know where they came from

The whole gathering place was quiet, and the air was filled with a strong stench.

This gathering place must not have been destroyed in the near future. They only left the Terran realm for more than a month. What happened to this place?

Several people are still sitting on the back of the mechanical dragon, looking at the tragedy in front of them, with a heavy heart.

The mechanical dragon circled around the gathering place. There were only bones left after being eaten everywhere. There were many battle marks on the ground. It was scorched black everywhere. They guessed that this might not be done by other animals, but by war!

It's very possible that the hundred ethnic groups war has begun!

They didn't stay here more, but they continued to move forward. There was no living person in the whole gathering place, and there would be no harvest if they continued to waste time here. If the war really started, the current situation in huazunyu should be very pessimistic.

These days later, their conjecture was confirmed.

Along the way, I saw a scorched and dilapidated gathering place. These days, I haven't even seen a living person, and exotic animals are running around. The eschatological social system, which was hard to establish, no longer exists.

So they sat on the back of the mechanical dragon, let the wind and the sun shine, flying forward all the way, looking at the past all the way, the more frightened they were, the colder they were. If it wasn't for the hatred of the ancient tribes, I can't imagine that anyone could have such hatred for the Terrans.

The farther forward, the fresher the corpses in the destroyed gathering place, and gradually they can identify themselves. They saw not only the people of Huazun, but also the corpses of many foreigners, as well as many broken white masks

After flying for a few days, they finally saw the human TRAIL and the scene of the war.

The gathering place in front of them has been completely surrounded by outlanders, alien races, exotic animals and even demon attendants. They are launching a fierce attack on the gathering place. There are loud noises everywhere. They are several meters tall, with ferocious faces, long tusks curving upward, pointed ears standing on both sides of their heads, and their heads are bare. Only one is left in the back of their heads With uneven hair, their muscles are very strong. They fight with the awakened soldiers of huazunyu by waving their fists. Often, one blow can blow the head of a awakened soldier of huazunyu. They are very cruel. Watching their brains splash will only make them more excited and cruel!

Such a strange combination was not beyond the expectation of Tang Dynasty and YanXu. In ancient times, if hundreds of ethnic groups wanted to launch a war to destroy the Terran, it was absolutely impossible for them to do so with their current number. Moreover, when the Terran also mastered the combat effectiveness, the only way they could go was to encourage several major areas to kill each other. When their strength was seriously damaged, they would be killed When they're all out.

It doesn't mean that the ancient tribes would not come out if they hid in the dark. If they joined a battlefield, their strength would be greatly improved, so they would certainly show up. The purpose of their appearance might not be to help either side. They just enjoyed killing and the pleasure of killing people. However, knowing this, they still cooperated with these ancient tribes This is the scene now.

What he YanXu in the Tang Dynasty expected was why the demon servants would mix with these people to deal with the compatriots of Huazun realm. The spirit of the ancient demon gods died out. The evil spirit that was hard to be summoned to this space by the Dharma array should have disappeared. Now the demon servants are the homeless dogs. They thought they would hide their tracks to prevent being chased by Huazun realm, but they didn't expect him But they took the initiative to attack, united with foreigners, foreign animals and foreign races, and at the same time, attacked China.

I don't know which gathering place was attacked. In the Tang Dynasty, I quickly searched the map of ancient Jiuhuang world, and soon found the name and level of this gathering place.

This is a B-level gathering place, called "wanyang city". It's not like those small gathering places that we met before. Judging from the scale of those gathering places, they are probably below the C-level gathering places. However, there are millions of residents here. Once they are lost, they will not let go of a human race because of the ferocity of other races.

Nie Shao, the leader of Wanyang City, who is standing on the top of the defensive wall, is sweating with anxiety. He turns around on the defensive wall and sees more and more cracks on the defensive wall. If he continues to attack like this, he will not be able to survive tomorrow.Nie Shao roared to his adjutant, "haven't reinforcements arrived yet? When will it arrive? Give me the right time

The adjutant was also sweating. The big leader yelled at him, but he couldn't help it. The reinforcements said that they were on the way, or they were transferred from a distant A-level gathering place. The nearby small gathering place was hard to protect itself. How could they be transferred to wanyang city?

"They, they are already on their way here, and it is estimated that it will take a few days..."

"How many days?" Nie Shao continues to roar.

The adjutant wiped the sweat on his forehead. "It's estimated that they won't be able to make it in five days."

"Five days..." Let's collect the corpse on the wall for five days

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