Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 456

Chapter 456

Chapter 456

When everything was ready, the giant stepped out of the steel leg and walked several miles to the north.

Every step is "boom" sound, even the earth is shaking with the vibration.

All the people in the gathering place watched the giant leave, with smiles on their faces. Only when the gathering place was strong, their hope of survival would be greater.

Just as everyone was talking about whose card that monster was, I don't know who said it was the mechanical card of YanXu leader who just came back.

Many people are very angry at what the decision-makers have done to YanXu. It's obvious that such a powerful awakened person would be plotted by outsiders to get rid of their strong one with the help of huazunyu's hand. It's a thorn in everyone's heart. It's a good thing for the awakened person to say that after all, they have certain strength and can protect themselves.

Ordinary people, in particular, adore YanXu, a strong man, and hate the decision-making of high-level officials. Seeing that YanXu just came back and took out such a powerful mechanical card, many people began to ridicule some high-level officials as stupid as pigs.

When the reinforcements on this side of Huaxia city were still on the way, a class a gathering place on the northern front of Huazun territory was under fierce attack. The battle was very fierce, and the ground outside the city had been dyed black with blood.

After these days of fighting, the defense wall of the gathering place has been crumbling. As a last resort, it can only let the awakened people and the awakened army out of the city to fight. In any case, it must persist until the arrival of reinforcements.

These foreign allied forces are too cunning. They feel from the edge of the moon god forest and are ready to attack the central area of Huazun from this direction, just like the last time a group of foreign allied forces sneaked into Huazun.

It was a little bit close to Huaxia City, but on the way there were people retreating to Huaxia city. This exposed the target and started a fight. Both sides were killed and wounded. Finally, the foreign allied forces were outnumbered and were annihilated by the awakening army of huazunyu.

This time, he wanted to cut the entrance from the northern battlefield and go straight into the belly of Huazun domain to completely destroy it.

Now, with the help of the ordinary soldiers, even if they find a weapon, they will wake up As long as the defense wall collapses and the city gate is broken, they will fight with those animals to death. Since they can't live, they will drag their backs even if they die!

There are two big leaders in the A-level gathering place. At the moment, they are all fighting on the battlefield. Card creatures can be seen everywhere, and magic is flying everywhere. Those strange looking members of the ancient hundred ethnic groups are more and more fierce one by one. To everyone's surprise, many blood awakeners from Huazun domain participated in this battle.

They seemed to have no sense of self-determination. They were completely under the command of the foreign allied forces and killed their former compatriots. All the people on the battlefield were filled with hatred!

They don't understand where Huazun domain is. I'm sorry for them. I want to turn my back on Huazun domain, but I'm with those animals!

For a moment, He Yi, the leader of the army, chose the traitors of huazunyu around him. Even if they were awakened by their blood, they were not immortal. If they could not be killed once, they would be killed ten times. They could always kill those sons of bitches!

He Yi has been fighting hard on the battlefield for two days. The foreign allied forces are coming fiercely. These are just the leading forces in front of him, and the backup will arrive soon.

They also sent out a call for help to Huaxia city. Now it depends on which side's reinforcements arrived faster.

If the rear units of the foreign allied forces arrive first, all of them will die here, and there is no hope of survival. Even if the reinforcements sent by Huaxia City arrive in time, He Yi doesn't hope to defeat these foreign allied forces. They are too strong. The foreign allied forces assigned here are all elites, and the members of the ancient hundred ethnic groups are better than other battlefields With so much more, we can see the determination of the foreign allied forces to the potential of the northern front.

The northern front is very close to the moon god forest. It is estimated that they have not given up on the moon god forest yet. In order to open a breakthrough from this side, apart from attacking the capital of Huazun, their biggest goal is to attack the moon god forest.

He Yi's three card creatures are firmly around him. He holds a mechanical gun in his hand and keeps inserting yuanneng cards. He bombards the enemy with one shot at a time, and occasionally helps the surrounded soldiers.

The guy flew out and was shot like this. At last, only a few pieces of bark fell off and he got up again. He was still quick and showed no sign of injury.

This is not the only case. Many alien races are not easy to kill. On the contrary, the awakened ones on their side have more casualties.

He Yi hated to bite his gums and bleed. He looked at the commander-in-chief standing in the middle of the local battlefield from a distance. He was an alien with a height of several meters, blue skin, and tentacles on his face. He looked like an elephant trunk and an octopus. At first glance, he knew that he was definitely not a Terran. He was very powerful and his blood purity should not be low.He only stood in the middle of the battlefield and made few moves, so that the foreign allied forces could rush forward without death. josei

He Yi wants to shoot him away. Unfortunately, the distance he is in is completely out of range. Even if he really stands in front of him, with his weapons, he can't help the monster.

At present, the only thing he Yi can do is to stick to it. When the reinforcements come to Huaxia City, it's better to have a super strong leader. Otherwise, he can't deal with the powerful alien troops sent by the foreign allied forces, and each of them is very dangerous.

At the scene, He Yi felt that there were no less than dozens of members of the ancient hundred ethnic groups who were in danger. They were just the vanguard troops. What kind of strong men were needed to block such a powerful enemy's invasion?

He Yi dare not think that now he can only kill the enemy as much as possible to reduce the burden of the reinforcements coming later.

This battle has been fighting until the evening, and it has not stopped. The enemy forces charge again and again, as if they want to win the gathering place behind them. However, how can they make them do what they want? Even if they bite their teeth, they should insist on guarding the gathering place behind them!

If they are allowed to break through the defense line, the ordinary people who have no resistance in the gathering place will surely die miserably.

The ferocious nature of the foreign allied forces will never leave them alive.

He Yi's mouth is full of fire. In such a hand-to-hand battle, his own side is losing the most. What should we do in order to hold on to the arrival of reinforcements?

On the battlefield, everyone's eyes were gathered in front, but no one found that several tall shadows appeared on the left and right sides of the gathering place, and they were approaching the gathering place step by step.

The monster alien to see those tall shadows, and then look at the battlefield fighting awakening army, look ironic.

When "boom" a loud noise, the earth was shaking, he Yicai suddenly turned around, see is the defense wall has been destroyed!

Outside the defensive wall stood several humanoid giants, who were waving huge hammers and pounding on the crumbling defensive wall. He Yi was full of horror and roared wildly, "left and right! Follow me, support

He Yi takes hundreds of awakened soldiers around him, retreats to the rear under the protection of card creatures, and must kill those giant clansmen who suddenly appear as soon as possible!

The awakened soldiers on the defensive wall have been in chaos, and all of them are rushing to the giant clansmen, and they will do their best to prevent them from entering the gathering place.

On the way back, a tattered mechanical bird in the air came crashing like a fallen leaf.

He Yi saw clearly that it was a messenger, drove his own mount to meet him, brought the bloody messenger over, and roared, "what's the matter?"?! How can those giants show up behind us? "

The messenger's face was full of blood, and his voice was hoarse. "There are traitors in the awakening army! Qian Kun, the deputy leader, betrayed Li Wei, the leader of the defense wall. With his own hands, he besieged Li Wei, the leader of the defense wall. He fought hard but failed. Li was killed! "

"What?" He Yi is full of thunder. It never occurred to him that they were fighting in the front, but there was something wrong behind them!

He and Li Wei are the pillars of this gathering place. They go to the battlefield in exchange, and one of them will always stay on the defensive wall and give orders. I thought that this way, we can always hold on to the arrival of reinforcements, but I didn't expect that I didn't expect

He Yi is ferocious and resentful, just like a wild animal, "where's the traitor?"?! I will cut him to pieces! "

The messenger was still shouting, "he's fighting with the guard awakening army, with his men, with the intention of letting the giants into the city!"

"Lead the way! I'm going to kill that beast myself He Yi's eyes are congested and he has lost his mind.

Although Huaxia city is relatively close to the northern battlefield, it is estimated that it will take about ten days on the road if all the reinforcements are equipped with Mount cards at the past speed. The battlefield is treacherous and unpredictable. Let alone ten days, just one hour will bring about earth shaking changes in the war.

At that time, when Huaxia city received the help, it was very urgent. At present, YanXu was not afraid of wasting energy. He only let the soldiers run faster, and the sooner they arrived, the better!

The speed of the robot walking colossus begins to walk slowly, then runs slowly, and finally flies with four legs, just like a galloping cheetah. All the forests and rivers on the ground are left behind by the robot walking colossus. Such a huge mechanical colossus can really run at an amazing speed.

Even so, it took them more than two days to get to the northern battlefield.

See the scene, let everyone like falling into the ice!

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