Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 479

Chapter 479

Chapter 479

He stooped to pick it up and looked over and over. "Come here and have a look at this."

All the busy people gathered around and saw the things in Tang Shi's hands. They all frowned.

"The badge of the awakening army of the gruer domain." ASA spoke out to prove it.

Even if ASA didn't say it, they recognized it.

As long as the regular human awakening army is in the attack gathering place of the three regions allied forces, they will wear the military uniform of different regions. Different regions have different military uniform, different styles, and different positions of the badge. This badge is obviously a collar flower, and it is also the collar flower of the awakening army of the gruer region!

Tang pointed to the corpse behind him, "I took it down from that corpse."

It's too dark at night, and they may not notice it. It's easy to find clues during the day. Look for it a little. It's not only the badge of gruer domain, but also tahama domain and tirisfa domain. Don't think about it. They also know where the lost awakening army is, but they never thought that it would become such a thing.

"Judging from the degree of decay of these rotten corpses, we should not achieve such an effect in a short time. If not counting the time, there are special means to make them like this. Audafar may want to follow the example of the king of the dead in ancient times and have his own legion of the dead. These decaying corpses have achieved this effect very well. They are more flexible than walking corpses, but they are far worse than the real army of the dead. If it wasn't for this time, he would be able to succeed in time. "

I just don't know how he made the living dead, whether he made them from the dead or directly from the living.

Tang's words made them all feel creepy. What kind of heart can be so vicious?!

"That beast, he must not be allowed to live!" Qin lie's resentful teeth cackled. Such a person is too terrible to let him live!

Knowing this truth, they will not waste their time, continue to burn the bodies and let them rest in peace.

Several people tried their best to burn all the corpses. Originally, they only intended to burn them, because they were in a hurry. Now that they knew the truth, no matter how odafar did it with living or dead people, they could not give him another chance to take advantage of these decaying corpses. They had to burn them all. I don't believe odafar can make their ashes Become an army of the dead!

It took several days to burn so many bodies, leaving a thick layer of ashes on the wilderness. Looking down from the top of "beetle"

it's just like a gray carpet. Only a few of them know what it is.

How much remains of the Terran after this war is a matter of great concern.

It is needless to say that the tiris legal domain is followed by the gruer domain, then the tahama domain, and finally the Huazun domain. Among the five gathering places of the Huazun domain, three are close to the East, far from the junction of the gruer domain and the tahama domain. If there is time, it should not be a problem to save the people in the three gathering places. This number is also a guess in the Tang Dynasty.

It's a pity that Tang was more cruel than he thought.

When they are only half way away, YanXu receives a contact from the second uncle.

The second uncle in the field of vision was very tired, and his face was covered with stubble. It seemed that he hadn't had time to shave for several days, and his eyes were red. Several people were startled. They didn't know what terrible thing had happened, so they made the second uncle suffer like this.

The second uncle didn't have time to say more. He just asked, "where have you been? How long will it take to get back? "

YanXu knows that the event is not good, "has been in the territory of Huazun, is going to Huaxia city."

On hearing this, the second uncle's eyes brightened up. "It's just right to come back. We don't need to go back to Huaxia city. We have to turn to Taijia city. Huaxia city and Qingzhu city have sent some awakening troops to Yunfeng city to support. Taijia city is far away from our three cities. It must be too late to dispatch troops. Besides reinforcing Yunfeng City, we have to guard against sneak attacks. We can't dispatch more troops."

Yan Xu's brow deeply wrinkled, "two big gathering places are attacked at the same time?"

The second uncle's face was dim. He pinched his eyebrows. The two gathering places were attacked at the same time. The gathering place of Wanli City, which is near the west of Huazun area, has been destroyed, and less than 10000 people escaped from it.

The SSSS level gathering place is protected by guard card, so it is not so easy to break down. Unfortunately, the open gun is easy to hide, and the hidden arrow is hard to defend. It is not placed in the hands of the enemy, but destroyed in the hands of the thieves. A guard card holder in Wanli city is killed, and the yuanneng on the guard card is wiped away. The door is completely opened in one direction, and the enemy is welcomed into the gathering place.

When Huaxia city received the call for help, there was no time to send troops to support it, so it had to dispatch troops from Taijia city nearby, hoping to catch up. What they didn't expect was that the enemy seemed to have expected that Taijia city would send troops to support them. They laid an ambush early and waited for them to pass. As a result, the reinforcements were dead and wounded on the way. Not only did they fail to support Wanli City, but also the strength of Taijia city was weakened.

After Wanli City, the next target is Taijia city. Originally Huaxia city had decided to spare no effort to preserve Taijia city and was ready to deploy troops. However, the accident still happened. At the same time, not only Taijia city was attacked, but also Yunfeng city was seriously damaged. If there was no support, it was very likely that two SSSS level gathering places would be lost at the same time Once the land is lost, how many people will die, they dare not imagine.On the principle of proximity, they choose to support Yunfeng city. Yunfeng city is close to the east of Huazun region. If Yunfeng city fails, the next target is likely to be Qingzhu city and Huaxia city. They can't take risks, they can only give up Taijia city.

There are so many lives, even if they can't give up intellectually, but they are lack of skills and afraid of long-distance rescue. Huaxia city has decided to reinforce Yunfeng city and Taijia city. No one mentioned it at the meeting. We all know that it's a waste of time to mention it, and there's no way to reinforce two groups at the same time The key is that if they don't have any other way to ambush, they will not be able to do so.

The Yan family can't bear to see a SSSS level gathering place destroyed, so the second uncle will contact YanXu to see if he can come back to help. Huazunyu's situation is very bad, and they can't hold on any longer.

After receiving this news, Tang Shi immediately went to the operation room to change direction, and then found the location of Taijia city according to the ancient map of Jiuhuang world, and flew in that direction.

Huazunyu was so badly hit that Tang Dynasty didn't know whether to regret the original decision. Now that odafar didn't kill him, huazunyu is in such a crisis. Wanli city At the beginning, all the people they worked hard to transport by mechanical walking colossus died in Wanli City, the absolutely safe SSSS gathering place. How can this not make people cold?

YanXu saw Tang Shi's idea, hugged him, patted him on the back, and said: "after all, we are not the saviors. The harvest of this trip to gruer is no less than killing odafar. It is because we know the real situation there that we are ready to deal with the disaster before the peak upgrade card comes."

If they didn't know the situation there in advance, they might still be planning how to deal with the disaster of the collapse of space law when the peak upgrade card comes. However, now, they may not be able to wait until the peak upgrade card comes, and the disaster is coming.

The laws of space over the tiris domain are collapsing. The laws of space over the whole Huazun domain, just like dominoes, will soon collapse to this side. Moreover, there are other creatures who have been expelled by the collapse of the laws of space. YanXu believes that in a short time, such disasters will sweep the whole Huazun domain.

They have to prepare for it as soon as possible!

When they arrived at Taijia city as soon as possible, they were shocked by the scene.

The gathering place is full of black pillars of light, and the rotten bones known as the "army of the dead" reappear. With the foreign allied forces entering the city, there are all kinds of strange creatures that have never been seen before. They should also come out of those black pillars of light. The black pillars of light are the work of the demon servants - the dark magic array!

Today's scene of Taijia city is a complete replica of Xianglong city! It's just that the scene in front of us is a hundred times more tragic than Xianglong city. The strange creatures who are running around the gathering place and eating people everywhere are all full of darkness, no doubt they all come out of the dark magic array.

When I think of the huge hellish creature like a skyscraper that appeared in Xianglong City, I feel chilly. At the beginning, the whole Huazun area couldn't find a person who could fight against it. Now, if it appears again, few people can fight against it. Let's not talk about dealing with it first, but join it. A SSSS level gathering place is not enough to destroy it.

The guardian array of Taijia city has completely failed. He doesn't know whether it was destroyed from the outside or opened from the inside. The reality can't tolerate him to think much. The whole gathering place is in chaos. There are dark magic arrays everywhere. Rotten bones and hell creatures are constantly gushing out of the dark magic array.

Such a hellish scene, not a few of them can stop, now the only thing they can do is to save as many people as possible, Taijia city has been irreparable, completely occupied, they can only save people!

"Beetle" in the black smoke over the gathering place flying at low altitude, loudspeakers over and over again to play the voice of inflammatory mood.

"All the residents of Taijia City, try to gather and wait for the rescue. I am the leader sent by Huaxia city to rescue you. I will pick you up to the safe gathering place with the mechanical walking colossus. As long as you go up to the inside of the mechanical walking Colossus, you will be safe. No matter what method you use, try to gather together. It's too scattered to rescue one by one. Please hurry up."

For some reason, YanXu deliberately didn't report his name. You know that he advertised in such a high altitude that he heard not only the people in Taijia City, but also the enemy. His name is too loud, so it's better to hide it. Maybe there are odafar's relatives waiting for him here. It's important to save people now, and other things are aside.

"Beetle" carries the voice of Yan Xu hovering over the gathering place. Yan Xu finds a building group far away from the dark magic array in the gathering place, where the firepower is the strongest. Many awakening troops gather to protect the building group firmly. josei

On the street outside the building, they fought with the undead army, hell creatures, exotic animals, foreign allied forces and ancient alien groups. The ground was covered with a thick layer of corpses. They didn't know how many people died and how many were seriously injured. They were almost numb and used weapons to shoot. Their Yuan energy had been exhausted, so they could only use Yuan energy card weapons to shoot the encircled enemies.From this situation, we can see that there must be residents gathered in the building, and the awaking army is fighting to protect these people, waiting for the arrival of the rescue team.

I heard the sound of rescue coming from the sky. The awakening army, who was numb and struggling, was stunned. Then I remembered to look up. But the "beetle" had already passed by and was blocked by the building. I couldn't see it at all. I could only hear the sound and played it over and over again.

The awakened soldiers pricked up their ears to listen. When they heard the contents clearly, their dark and numb expressions suddenly brightened up.

The leader on the street yelled hoarsely, "brothers, hold on! Reinforcements are coming! We're finally waiting for reinforcements! Huaxia city didn't give up on us! We can't give up on ourselves! Kill all these dogs! Kill --! "

With the leader's roar, the artillery fire became more fierce. Some of them ran out of yuanneng cards and directly took out a long knife to kill.

The yuanneng weapon they are using now is the dual tube yuanneng machine gun developed in the Tang Dynasty, but it is not a prototype, but a lightweight product improved by yuanneng weapon experts. It has only a single tube, which is light to use and easy to carry. The most important thing is that it retains the characteristics of consuming yuanneng cards, which allows the awakening army to fight even without yuanneng, yuanneng Energy cards are like bullets. As long as there are Yuan energy cards, they can fight all the time.

The name has also been changed from the original dual barrel yuanneng machine gun to "yuanneng machine gun". Almost every gathering place has been popularized and manufactured, and it is widely used. Of course, there are also dual barrel yuanneng machine guns in every gathering place, because they are powerful and good means to crush the enemy. The only disadvantage is that the consumption of yuanneng is too large, and the smaller gathering place can't afford to use them.

Now it's the time of life and death. All the yuanneng cards in Taijia city are used for fighting. Regardless of waste, the dual barrel yuanneng machine guns have been bombarding wildly. As long as people live, there will be everything. If people die, what's the use of keeping these Yuan energy cards?

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