Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Zhu Peng's cold sweat immediately flowed down like water, and his clothes were soaked through in an instant.

He didn't expect that the young man would have such terrible strength before. It's as easy to cut Jianghuai as to cut melons. Jianghuai is a level 2 awakener, and he doesn't even have the strength to fight back. If he had known that man's strength, he would not have offended him in words in order to curry favor with Jianghuai.

It's hard to buy money. I knew earlier that he remembered the young man's eyes when he looked at him. Obviously, he remembered him.

Zhu Peng felt cold from head to foot.

Hu Hai saw the captain's white face and cold sweat, stammered: "chief, chief, I think, even if major Yan comes back, he won't come to fight for this position with you. You are the chief now, and he's late now. Don't worry..."

"You know shit!" Zhu Peng scolded irritably.

Hu Hai was so scared that he quickly stopped talking and did not dare to say any more.

Zhu Peng walked around the office twice and gradually calmed down.

Now that he has been offended, he should simply kill him instead of doing it twice. In this way, he will not only prevent his revenge, but also prevent the military from discovering him. He can still stay in this position, killing birds with one stone, which is very cost-effective.

However, he had to make a good plan about how to do it.

That person is a master, his action can be so fast, the level absolutely reached level 3, or exaggerate a little bit, level 4 on the top of the sky. It's less than three months since the end of the world. Even if he knows about yuannengjing, the amount he gets is limited, and his level can't be higher.

If he wants to do it, he must hit it with one blow, or he will have endless trouble. josei

"Come here." Zhu Peng's expression was grim, and he said in a low voice, "go out and hire some strong free awakeners for me to do something for me."

Hu Hai nodded repeatedly, "what do you take as reward?"

Zhu Peng clenched his teeth, "for 30 zero grade yuan Neng crystals, pay 10 in advance, and then pay the full amount after it is completed."

Hu Hai was surprised that 30 zero order Yuan energy crystals are definitely not a small number, enough for an ordinary person to wake up.

Hu Hai began to calculate in his heart, nodded his head and said: "don't worry, I will do it well. Who do you want to deal with? Where is it? "

"It's the young man beside YanXu. Where exactly is it? Let them check it by themselves. Do I have to teach them?"

"Yes, I'll do it now." Hu Hai nodded back.

"Don't belittle the enemy. That boy has some abilities. He must solve them all at once. I'll pay by the head."

"I see. Don't worry. I'll take care of it and make sure it's done."

The story of YanXu's return also spread to the high-level military.

Wu Weiguo is worrying about the transfer of the people. After receiving a report from the soldiers, major Yan came back alive. He immediately made time and asked to see YanXu in person.

After eating, YanXu went to the military to report. He left Tang Shi and longmian at home. Longmian came the latest and only got the smallest room.

After dinner, he went to his room to take a bath.

All the way, even if his mind is not a child, but he has not yet developed a good body, but he is a real 7-year-old child. He has long been tired.

Tang Shi didn't waste his time sleeping. His whole energy was on how to make himself stronger. After YanXu went to the military to report, he also went out.

He will go out to continue hunting and collect more yuan Neng crystals.

The rudiment of the card age has come out. There will be more and more awakened people, and advanced creatures will emerge in endlessly. In order to survive well, we must have the strength beyond ordinary people. In Tang Dynasty, we were not interested in poisonous corpse people. His purpose was to collect yuan Neng crystals. For him now, the zero level yuan Neng crystals contain too little yuan Neng.

If you want to be promoted, you need 168 units of energy, which is very large. Tang Dynasty must seize the time to promote.

Since even the awakened did not dare to go to the enemy occupied areas, Tang Shi would not be the first bird to climb out of the vent of his flour mill.

This time he went to another direction, not the area he used to go to.

Hunting those zero level creatures not only consumed physical strength, but also got less Yuan energy, and could not improve the melee ability of Tang Dynasty.

It's better to go directly to the middle level creatures and kill one. Fighting between life and death can stimulate human potential and greatly improve fighting skills.

The figure of Tang Dynasty shuttles between the abandoned buildings. The speed is very fast. If someone sees it, he will be startled. This is not the speed of human beings at all. Compared with the orcs who specialize in speed, it is no worse.

After running for half an hour, Tang Shi stopped to have a rest.

In Tang Dynasty, he was totally unfamiliar with this area. He had never been here in his last life or this life. I don't know what terrible alien race there would be.

At his current level, if he encounters a high-level enemy, it is still possible for him to escape successfully, so he dares to try here.

Tang Shi stood at the top of a damaged building, took out a bottle of water from the small lattice, unscrewed it and drank it slowly.Looking at the ruins in front of us, it's hard to imagine that it was a prosperous big city more than two months ago, and now it has become a dead city.

Just as Tang Shi was preparing to continue on his way, a voice suddenly rang out in his mind.

In Tang Dynasty, he almost fell from the roof of the building.

"Elemental mission: kill the giant frog and get the particles of soil in the giant frog. Time limit: one month. Mission reward: cards. "

Tang was a little speechless, depressed way: "and you make a discussion, can not suddenly make a sound, very frightening."

The particle of earth was not only wanted by the system, but also wanted by the Tang Dynasty. It was a necessary material for making the particle card of earth element. Although Tangshi can't make particle cards yet, it's always right to prepare materials first. The material of the micro particle card is not available everywhere. You must find the right target to get it. Therefore, the value of the micro particle card is much higher than that of the yuanneng card.

Yuanneng card can be made with its own yuanneng as long as it knows the method of compressing yuanneng, but in order to make particle card, it must have particle material.

The risk of killing the giant frog to get the particles of earth is absolutely high enough.

The lowest level of giant frogs with long tongue is level 3. Their attack and defense are very high. Even in Tang Dynasty, they should be very careful.

Today, the Tang Dynasty is at level 5 of the awakening period. It's just right to deal with the giant frog with long tongue. It's just that in the last Tang Dynasty, I haven't heard of the giant frog with long tongue in Lincheng. Where is he going to find it?

There is no doubt that the system reward card is absolutely a good thing, which can be seen from the orange legend card we got last time. Therefore, even if Lincheng can't find the giant frog with long tongue and needs to go outside to find it, Tang Shi must also get the system reward card. It's not easy to get a card. Tang Shi can only get a life card when he wakes up When there is level 2, he gets a weapon life card. He gets all the other cards through other channels. He can't miss the card awarded by the system.

In Tang Dynasty, he ran again. He didn't run far before he heard the fighting. He stopped, followed the sound, passed two damaged buildings, and saw five people fighting in a street below. They were awakeners, and they were not weak.

What surprised Tang Shi was that the alien they were dealing with was the giant frog he was looking for!

In Tang Dynasty, he was very happy. It seems that the system had known that Lincheng had a giant frog with a long tongue, so it would give him such a task.

Tang Dynasty did not rush out immediately. According to the rules of the card age, whoever finds the prey belongs to whom, who hunts the prey belongs to whom, he will not rob other people's prey. Of course, if these people escape, then this giant frog with long tongue is his.

The shape of the giant frog with long tongue is similar to that of the common frog, but its size has increased countless times, becoming such a giant now.

Long tongue giant frog is also a card creature. Although it looks like a frog, its skin is rough and dark brown, just like an old bark made of steel, with high defense. The most dangerous part of a giant frog with long tongue is its tongue. Although it has a frog's mouth, as long as it has one mouth, six tongues are ejected like arrows, so it is difficult for the target to escape.

Tang Dynasty is standing in the ruins of a collapsed building, which is about two stories high. From his point of view, compared with the height of those awakeners, the height of the giant frog with long tongue squatting on the ground is higher than that of the tallest one, squatting in the middle of the road like a tank.

This giant long tongue frog is definitely four.

The giant frog squatted in the middle of the road and did not move. Only the six tongues, like the tentacles of an octopus, ejected quickly and accurately, with black barbs on their tongues, Every time it comes out, it can always hook a piece of meat on the awakened one. There are many screams on the scene. On the road, there are still two bodies of biological slaves, one is the human biological slave of small town infantry, the other is the biological slave of wild boar and beast, all of them died under the long tongue of the giant frog.

No matter how to improve the physical fitness of the awakened person, he will not have any advantage in the face of alien creatures with higher level than himself. They yell and drag the wounded to run back. When they leave the attack area of their tongue, the giant frog will jump forward. No matter how far they escape, the frog will always jump in front of them and continue to attack.

When they got close to this side, Tang Shi could see their faces clearly. Among the five people, two of them were familiar faces. They were two of those awakened people who met at the checkpoint in the morning. One was tall and thin, the other was tall and strong, with developed muscles. They were Xu Lin and Zhang Jian.

The other three are new faces. One is a well-balanced young man, the other is a small man as thin as a monkey, and the other is a middle-aged man with Chinese characters.

Presumably, they should not be the awakening team of the military. Otherwise, they would not mix with each other and would not run to the enemy occupied areas so far to "carry out tasks.". And I heard Cheng Yuan say before that even the awakened people didn't dare to come out of the enemy occupied area because they were not allowed to go out. In Tang Dynasty, I don't need to know that these people were here again in order to obtain yuan Neng Jing. They didn't have the strength to deal with the giant frog with long tongue. All five of them were injured.

The most calm middle-aged people should be the leaders of these people. In the face of such a powerful creature, even if there is a hole in the thigh, they can command calmly."Huo Hai! Let your Druids attack from the front and buy us time The middle-aged man yelled.

The young man named Huo Hai is a member of the former third awakening team. He is also one of the survivors of the food snatching mission. His card is servant card, Druid hound. If this kind of card is used for investigation, it will have an advantage, but as an attack, it is definitely a dish delivery.

Obviously, Huo Hai also knows this. He hesitates about this order. Whose cards are all precious. Why should he let his servant card die?


Huo Hai was hiding around. A flash God, a giant frog with a barb tongue, shot at him and made a hole in his side abdomen. Huo Hai screamed, and his hair almost stood up in pain, which made him gasp for a long time.

The tongue of the giant frog with this piece of meat retracts into its black mouth, and its mouth moves, as if chewing. It looks very enjoyable and seems to be tasting delicious.

Without waiting for Huo hai to dodge, his tongue, like an octopus tentacle, shot again. Huo Hai cried out in fear, "druid hound!"


A black figure suddenly came from the side, hit the tongue straightly, and was pierced by the long tongue from the stomach. The Druid was still struggling, so the long tongue was involved in the mouth of the giant frog, and the howling stopped suddenly.

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