Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 162 - 162

Chapter 162 - 162: Laughable

Chapter 162: Laughable

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Looking at the interface that appeared, Wang Ye was stunned.

Had he triggered a new function?

Talent: Charm?

Why did it seem like a scumbag’s talent…

He was so upright and loyal. It was too unfitting for him.

The battle just now replayed in his mind. The Demon Princess had already fully displayed the usage of Charm.

Not only could it be used by oneself, but it could also be used to control life forms through Spirit Spell.

The level 6 red-eyed charm fox demon had done so, though its power was much weaker than when the Demon Princess used it.

“This talent’s combat performance is average.” Wang Ye quickly made a judgment.

It could only confuse the opponent for a moment, and to a certain extent, it was very similar to the Soul Tremble Spell.

Of course, perverts would most certainly like this talent.


Wang Ye chose to refuse.

If he were to choose a combat talent now, it might replace the talent that he had yet to activate.

There were all kinds of talents, after all, and they might not necessarily be combat-related. For example, Lingling’s talent, mind-reading, was somewhat useless.

He was quite aware of the original owner of this body’s aptitude. The talent that he would unlock in the future might not be too poor, but it would surely not be too good either.

“In other words, I can copy any talent to replace my original talent?” Wang Ye pondered.

He had killed many demon-type super monsters, but the interface had not been triggered even once.

Yet, killing the Demon Princess had triggered it.

“The special abilities of demons aren’t considered talents, but more like bloodlines. Demons are very similar to humans. The cultivation of the demonic core is similar to that of the human star core.” Wang Ye thought to himself. “Since demons can trigger the interface, so can true demons and humans. The trigger condition should be touch, and then… A notification saying that a talent was detected appeared just now, so there’s a high chance that it can only be obtained from a dead body. It’s a little like a transplant.”

In his mind, the cosmic monsters appeared.

The cosmic monsters left now were either demons or behemoths, so he had no way to replicate their talents.

He widened his options to humans and true demons.

Fire Phoenix.


True Demon Gospel.

There seemed to be only three targets.

The true demons had special abilities, but humans might not.

In the battle of the White Eagle Federation, Barbara did not display any particularly strong combat talent. As for Fire Phoenix…

The battle that day was just a shallow probing, so he couldn’t tell. He would know when he had the chance to send her on her way.

“True Demon Gospel.” Wang Ye locked onto his first target.

The leader of the Salvation Group who was in cahoots with Demonic Awakening.

He would eliminate the evil for the people!

Wang Ye absorbed the energy of the demonic core.

The amount of energy it contained was not much. Moreover, absorbing and converting the energy consumed a large portion of it too.

“It’s far from being comparable to the Demon Baby.” Wang Ye sighed as he absorbed it.

The energy of the Demon Baby’s demon core had been enough to allow Xueling, a level 9 New Star ability user, to make a breakthrough even after the energy lost from conversion.

Its talent was simply explosive!

If he had transmigrated a few months earlier and advanced to a perfection Evolver before the Demon Baby died, he would have made a great profit.

The Demon Baby was truly talented. The Demon Princess could only be called a heavenly woman.

A large amount of demonic core energy surged into his psyche, and it quickly caused a huge commotion, opening up the boundary.

Breakthrough, level 3 New Star ability user!

1%, 2%, 3%…

It continued to rise.

Hmm, the Demon Princess was not bad either.

Moreover, there were many rich scenes in its memories. So this was how lesbian tops played…

“It’s pretty clear now that the Great Devil, Demon Princess, and Demon Baby were all captured on the cosmic battlefield and sent over via a starship. The origins of the demons and behemoths are probably about the same.” Wang Ye smiled.

The cosmic monsters that terrified the Evolvers on the Blue Planet were just useless captives on the cosmic battlefield.

How laughable.

Cosmic monster No.6 had disappeared!

There were only six radar spots left.

After the first Evolver discovered it, the news instantly spread throughout the three major forums.

No one had any idea how it disappeared. It was too bizarre!

“Which hero did it? Don’t you want to leave your name behind?”

“It shouldn’t have been a perfection Evolver. There aren’t any names missing from the combat area.”

“Then how did it die? It can’t be that it committed suicide to avoid punishment, right?”

“I suspect Demonic Awakening did it.”

“Huh? That can’t be. Why would Demonic Awakening do such a thing that harms others and doesn’t benefit themselves?”

“It would be for their own benefit. The first time, they wanted to obtain the Demon Baby’s corpse, but they failed. The second time, they wanted to obtain the Great Devil’s corpse, but they failed again. With the Demon Princess this time, haven’t you guys noticed the similarities? The dead cosmic monsters were all demons! The demon corpse must be very important to true demons!”

Demonic Awakening, encampment.

The demon corpse was important, very important!

But it was gone.

Aice frowned, displeased that such a crucial plan had been disrupted.

The Demon Princess had always been their next target. However, True Demon Owl and True Demon Gospel were both absorbing the flesh and blood of the Great Devil and had gone into seclusion, so they had no choice but to put the plan on hold for now.

She did not expect the humans to act so quickly.

In just a short period, they had blocked their way.

That was the last demon, and it was a true demon with a demonic core!

Aice had her eyes on it for a long time.

If she could absorb the Demon Princess’s demon core, her strength would increase greatly!

If they also got the Demon Princess’s flesh and blood, it could greatly increase Demonic Awakening’s strength.

“Damn it! Who did it?” True Demon Vajra was furious like a furious Vajra.

“Wang Ye.” Aice did not hesitate.

“How do you know?” True Demon Vajra was puzzled.

“There are only two people who have the ability to kill the Demon Princess, Death God Nante and Wang Ye. Fire Phoenix and Andre are not qualified,” Aice said. “The White Eagle Federation is in a precarious situation now while Death God Nante has no time to spare to kill the Demon Princess. Besides… He wouldn’t have thought that far.”

“Wang Ye again!” True Demon Vajra was furious. “He’s ruined our plans time and time again. If it weren’t for him, the White Eagle Federation would have long been gone!”

“Yeah, he pisses me off.” Aice smiled, but her eyes were filled with killing intent. “Our integration of the Evil Demon Cult is almost done. We’ll just wait for the leader to come out of seclusion and immediately carry out the next step of the plan. We can’t let Wang Ye continue to be so arrogant.”



Capital Base City, gene park.

When Wang Ye threw the corpses of the Demon Princess and the red-eyed charm fox demon in front of Professor Cao, the latter’s black-rimmed glasses were glowing. josei

What was he seeing?

Another cosmic monster’s corpse!

The tough bones, strange skin, fat pile… It had too much research value!

Professor Cao couldn’t tear his hands away from the corpse.

Wang Ye was at a loss for words as he looked at Professor Cao, who was acting weird.

Umm… Wasn’t it better if he refrained from touching it so much in front of so many people?

Those who didn’t know better would think that he had some special fetish.

“Different from the Demon Baby, this is an adult demon’s corpse.” Professor Cao could not hide his joy. “It’s a completely different type from the Great Devil. It’s… too artistic.”


Wang Ye almost spat.

Was he 2500 degrees nearsighted? How was this artistic?!

“The Great Devil’s blood has too much Yang energy. In addition, its cells are stronger than the absorber’s cells, which is why there are side effects…” Professor Cao muttered to himself, “I don’t know what will happen after the Demon Princess’s blood is purified, but 1 don’t think he’ll be willing to try again.”

Wang Ye grunted.

Hearing Professor Cao’s words, it seemed that… He had found a lab rat?

Lin Hao couldn’t be that stupid, right?

“Why are you looking at me?” Wang Ye chuckled. “No, no, and no.”

Professor Cao’s mouth twitched, and the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat.

“But… I can help you talk to the white mouse.” Wang Ye was very understanding.

Professor Cao shook his head. “He most surely won’t be willing again.”

“That might not be the case.”

In the underground training grounds.

“Wang Ye, I’m going to kill you!” Lin Hao roared and charged out like a fierce tiger.

He was wearing a mask that covered half of his face and a yellow jumpsuit, looking aggressive.

Combat energy burst forth, and his agile attacks highlighted his physical advantage. He was like a tiger, invincible!


He was quickly subdued.

Wang Ye tore off his mask and gasped.

So dark!

It was as if only half of Lin Hao’s face had been basked in the sun. The most shocking thing was that it was covered in a layer of scales which was exactly the same as the demons.

Professor Cao was indeed unreliable.

What a “little” side effect!

“What does your absorbing the Devil Potion have to do with me?” Wang Ye tore off Lin Hao’s clothes and took a deep breath.

He could feel it when he attacked just now. The other party was much more solid than before.

There was only a thin layer of scales on his face, but his body had already begun to take shape!

“Professor Cao said that you asked him to come to me!” Lin Hao gritted his teeth.

“But he didn’t force you to take it, right?” Wang Ye asked.

Lin Hao nodded hesitantly.

“And he told you there were side effects, didn’t he?” Wang Ye said again.

Lin Hao nodded again.

“So, you can only blame yourself.” Wang Ye paused for a moment and comforted him. “It’s actually not a big deal. These are just temporary side effects. When the effects of the potion wear off, they will slowly subside.”

“Really? Professor Cao didn’t tell me that.” Lin Hao was pleasantly surprised.

Wang Ye was only guessing.

That being said, since Lin Hao was getting stronger, his cells could eventually suppress the demon blood. When the effects of the potion gradually weakened, the side effects would also be reduced.

It was only a matter of time.

“From another perspective, has your body been strengthened? Has your absorption of cosmic energy increased?” Wang Ye looked at Lin Hao.

“Yeah, a lot!” Lin Hao finally smiled, but he looked quite silly with his black-and-white face.

“That’s good then. With gains comes losses.” Wang Ye patted Lin Hao’s shoulder. “Professor Cao is currently developing a new Devil Potion. You have another chance!”

“There won’t be any side effects, right?” Lin Hao was suffering from some sort of PTSD.

“You’re already like this, what are you afraid of?” Wang Ye glanced at him. “Improving your strength is the crux.”

“That’s true.” Lin Hao pondered, and his eyes lit up. “I’ll go find him now!”

After saying that, he turned into a yellow whirlwind and immediately ran away.

Not long after, he returned. Lin Hao picked up the mask on the ground, put it on, and dashed away again.

“Do increase your strength a little more.” Wang Ye looked at Lin Hao’s back.

Soon, the final battle with Demonic Awakening would begin.

The stronger one was, the better!

As for himself…

He had already advanced to become a level 3 New Star ability user and harvested enough potential points.

It was time for him to enter secluded cultivation and charge toward becoming an intermediate New Star Life!

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